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File: 1727640698648.png (Spoiler Image, 915.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Orange Ginger Green Cat Ey….png) ImgOps Google

Hey guys!

Wanna see my tits?
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The file name tho...


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Sure. You wanna see mine?


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I clicked.


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Fuck Jackie Chan
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I did!! Hehe, thanks~ Most of the pics I post I drew! One of the reasons I started drawing was because of image board reactions! Ah great, me too! And don’t worry about drawing anything! Though I do wanna see what you’ve drawn!!

Pokemon showdown seems fun! I never really got into it, but it seems fun! I mostly just draw ‘em nowadays! Who’s your favourite pokemon??

How was the navy? I’m thinking about joining the canadian coast guard!  

I wanna hear you talk about warhammer! :3  I’ve been so interested in the lore of 40k! RE4 is great! What else do you like? Do you have discord??
Nuuu not me! Predator? Nuuu
That’s super cool! It’s 420 somewhere!


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I'll talk your ear off there if you'd like. And if you're really feeling brave, I'll give you a voice call. I like you. You seem like a good person to be around


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That would be fun! Though I’m pretty shy! A voice call may be for later haha
Sorry, I’ve had a few too many already already

 No.1176332[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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hmm… that’s a good question! jelly is cute! also being called jelly dragon is nice! this character is called evelina geletina, so that could work! Or “ ‘leens” for short.


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I shall stick with Jelly/Jelly Dragon. It seems to suit you.


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sure! Call me whatever you like! :3


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Would you ideally like to have a car that you drive around all the time look as personalized as possible, showing off a lot of things to have fun?

How do personal hobbies and interests apply to cars in your life, anyways? Like what looks best to you? What looks surprising to you?

Personally, yeah, I'd find it incredible to witness a Blueymobile and see one eye-to-eye!
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If I had a vehicle that size, then I don't know if I could park it much anywhere!


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all three cars have their own home made stickers on em. that and long cb radio antennas. that´s all i nee don my cars.

might sell two of the cars tho so shall see. but can always find new projects.

would be fun to find a RWD winter beater, but since it IS the season those prices have sky rocketed


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is not a particularly large car, is just boxy.


>The PS2 never parodied Bladerunner-

Seriously though what are your favorite video game soundtracks?
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And the other fox





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i hope this trip code still works c:

i am on vacation! in italy! only, i got robbed the moment i stepped off the train in Milan :c

so, my phone is gone. which means, i cannot share any pictures with you.

instead though, of being upset... let us look on the bright side! This is a great opportunity to utilize my creative writing skills!

i am currently in a Villa, out in Lake Garda. it is beautiful here. the food is so good. the people are so nice.

the villa over looks a town, it has its own vineyard. it smells so lovely. you can see the lake beyond the town.

how are all of you? i hope, all is well c:
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Only a bit jealous of your globetrotting.


You too could travel the world if you had a degree in medicine or law.


That would require me being remotely intelligent. Also wanting to do that stuff.


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To those here who either are parents or plan on becoming parents, I wonder like: why is there so much hatred of people age 35 or under by those who're above age 35 these days? Why is the view of children by parents in current times so seething negative?

In particular, why do most modern parents detest children who're physically and/or mentally disabled so much? Why is there so much lamentation that those kids weren't aborted before their birth and the like? I don't get it: why does having children who're mentally and/or physically disabled make parents in these times feel like such self-hating failures?
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Nah mate I'm good.


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You're always so incredibly negative about these things. Like, sheesh, not all 35+ people are abusive to the younger generations and are so frequently abusive to people with disabilities.

As a millenial, I kind of still get the impression, we're pretty down with gen Z and perhaps even gen alpha.
We're the generation where attention for neuro diversion and other aspects has shown up.


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That being said, as a parent, you do hope your kids are going to grow up and be able to be their own person some time.
It's neat to see a kid grow up and get a life of their own eventually.

And yes, it can be pretty harrowing when they get into a situation where you realize they will never be able to stand on their own and are forever tied to you. It's a drain on resources and your energy.

This is relevant to me more than one might ever realize.

 No.1173364[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Well it's been a while since I've started making these threads. I've gone from job to job and lost ability to post as often but still attempted to keep up.
Since then we've had many a patron come and go and now it seems things have gotten more quiet on this thread. I've honestly been wondering if it's time to close up shop and just start thread hopping when I can.

But for now I wanted to bring another up and hear some thoughts about it, or maybe just diminish my coffee hours.

Anyway, the cafe is still open, and I hope you all come in for a cup and to talk about all on your minds.
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Help. Going to heavy metal concert and I don’t drink alcohol so I don’t know how to have the courage to be in public and leave the house.  I fucking hate being in public.


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ooh fun! who are you going to go see?

and don't worry, eveyrone is gonna be paying attention to the bands, not to you.


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I can say at 21 months on HRT on a day with highest temperatures in the low 80s that boob sweat is the most comforting discomfort.
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My fired?


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I need more pictures that work as 'reaction images.

I'll start with one that I find too damn funny for some reason.

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The accidental ' that I didn't want to have in the OP that's still in the OP is going to bug me for a long... long time... probably...


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What if God told you to worship the devil?
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This is getting too complicated!


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It's easy!


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But I don't understand how turning living human beings and other creatures into a pile of rocks even works in the first place!

Being rocks! How can you manage it?

What does it feel like if I'm a pile of rocks? Is it itchy? Would I be too cold a lot of the time? What about if excessive amounts of rain falls on you? Do you erode over time?


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Why is she so perfect?
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I don't need to ask why.


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Yes! <3


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Starting in the morning I'm back on the wagon. It's been a horrible week, and drinking doesn't help much. It just makes me feel sick, dwell on feelings in a negative (and not healthy for the moment) way, and I'm sick of it already again.

Any improvements you guys have been making in your lives?
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From what I've read of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, she started out her life as a social activist for marine animals, especially whales. And other things that had her kind of socially adrift. And now she's in charge of the whole country. Just saying.


We have military, I just don't wanna be in it and would be an ill fit anyway. But to answer your question, Denmark.

I am already on sertraline to manage my emotions and make my dips a little less pronounced. It's just that I had literally like, three things I had lined up for the fall that all fell apart at the same time, on top of having spent ten years since I left school with no actual employment - neither anything remotely related to anything I actually know how to do and enjoy (living in a location that has none of it and no money to move doesn't help), nor regular-ass bread-and-butter work that just straight up ignores me even when I attempt to apply, so while we have an overall quite good social security, I can't really afford to better things for myself or have much of a future ahead of me.

Add that I never have any success with creative endeavors, suffer from lack of motivation and just clearly generally aren't talented enough to make it in any alternative ways, and I am simultaneously too much of a shithead to be a cog in the machine and not good enough to not be one.

So yeah. Those are the thoughts always swirling around my head and making me out to be a goddamn loser.

I suppose.


I guess from my perspective as somebody's who's Finnish-American, looking to Denmark, I'm counting on Danes to keep their alliance with both the Americans and the Finns strong by protecting Eastern Europe from the forces of hatred and authoritarianism.

While there's not much that an average person on the street can do, I guess like anything that you try as an engaged citizen even in the slightest, even if it's literally just donating spare change to a charity or whatever, still helps. Each journey is made up of many individual steps. As they say.

We'll see what happens with this: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/

And these people likely do good work: https://www.aidukraine.dk/about/

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