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Get your PAWS off of me!
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How many plushies do you have? Enough to cover a king sized bed?



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I'm going post pics of silly things I see at work today.

Here's a cybertruck inside a cybertruck
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The funniest thing I see at work is me too
Because the closest thing I have to work is my own almost-mediocre content


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Pringles branded Bluetooth headphones for 5 bucks


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I'm currently unemployed (unfortunately), but I can share something that I saw online today that makes me think of "silliness".


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Which pony is the most likely to enjoy [please see thread lock]?
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Steaming hot anal


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Total power bottom vibes


Hi everyone. After some discussion amongst the staff, we have elected to lock the thread.

Ponyville really isn't for this kind of more adult content, and we are generally restricted by the host from veering into this territory. The site has a rule against sexual content, for this purpose. i want everyone to have fun, and feel comfortable: generally, we take a very light touch when it comes to this sort of stuff. That said, please understand, a thread like this one might just be crossing the line such that it could get us into trouble.

i've elected to lock it, and issue this statement, just so that we're all aware. Thank you everyone!

 No.1175175[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1725138210231.jpg (349.3 KB, 1654x1281, 1654:1281, FGADi3hVcAAwMU3.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Immediately after posting this, i'll be leaving to go see Powerwolf and Unleash the Archers in concert! i'm so excited!

Which makes me wonder what kind of concerts and venues you've been to!  but because it's me, i gotta make a game out of it!

So let's do some chatroulette!

rules are simple!
Roll a 1d10, and do or answer the prompt given to you!

(to roll a 1d10, type <1d10> but replace <> with [] )

so lets begin!

1. Show me your favorite band shirt/accessory! if you don't have one, then show me something you'd really want!

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>6. What roll do you have in the mosh pit? Why?

You know I've never been in a moshpit, but I've always wanted to try!

I think I would start off okay but likely ended being one of the people that is picked up and carried because I'm smol

Or, maybe I would hold up better than I expect and actually be able to keep up with the crowd! ^_^


The 'Queen of Reagge' has recorded such amazing songs!

>"6. What role do you have in the mosh pit? Why?"

I suppose moshing isn't quite my thing, so I'll probably just be in a corner somewhere getting into the really dark and hardcore music!

I'm reminded of this band and track, if we're talking about alternative metal music with mosh pits:



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i'd be happy to mosh with you! and crowdsurfing is part of the experience! just make sure you land on your feet safely when you get to the front ><

and i bet you would do really well! it's all about the energy you bring to the pit!

that's alright! you don't have to mosh if you don't want to!

as long as you enjoy the show!


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Is anyone awake right now?
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Heartache. You?


Sorry, nevermind.

I've gone through summer right now, nothing too special.


You're fine man.

How was summer? I feel like I only got to go the beach like twice this year



The biggest and most stinkiest movie flop of the years trailer is out


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I'm still awaiting the moment that this gets greenlit:



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Please stop it!


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Love is in danger!
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Love is on sale!



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This reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on.


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Sometimes I envy the happiness you guys have. I am a really negative and spiteful person and, even at my best, I don't think that will change.

How are you so happy? Is it just me who is doomed to feel inadequate and angry?
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I'm not exactly the happiest person. The world has kinda been shitting on me for wuite a while now

But I do make an effort to mitigate it by embracing humility and striving for a healthy amount of self doubt and questioning myself about why I feel the way I do about things, other people and myself. Some things will always make me upset, but other things only make me upset because of how I interpret them. For instance, I bare no grudges for a wounded ego by accepting that I am not tgat important and that in the grand scheme of things, humanity isn't important, the universe is so much bigger than all of us combined, we're all utterly insignificant, so why concern myself with being superior to anyone?


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"You just enjoy being sad."


Probably because you spend too much time lingering on things you cannot change or address in the bounds of your current situation. There are no easy solutions but taking things step by step to address your situation will at the very least help your mood. Progress, albeit a slow one, is better than stagnation and resignation.


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Do you have any metal balls?  I just ordered:
Hard Wear-Resistant 52100 Alloy Steel Balls,
Hardened Bearing-Quality 440C Stainless Steel Balls,
Ultra-Hard C2 Tungsten Carbide Ball.                                                                                                                                                                  
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Disaster at the ben wa factory!


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Alright what's going on here? I got an anonymous tip that there's an unsafe work environment here.


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I am an expert on gay people. Only I can approve whether or not you are truly homo.
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until the gender of the person in the crowd of guys yelling 'do me! do me!' is observed, and the gayness superposition is collapsed, it is neither/both the gayest thing AND the most hetero thing (and everything in between). i call it 'Schrödinger's gay'

but!! as nonny, the arbiter of gay, has already declared: i am  gelatin


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Sometimes, I like to ask ChatGPT re-d questions.  Pic related.


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chainwall, please be kindly with your language, my friend.


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Is furry role play cheating?
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Different people have different boundaries and it's important to know and establish them with the ones you love.
Personally I would consider it that way, but I'm not into closed relationships anymore, as its too stressful.


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Thank you for your opinions.  I will be happy to relay them to interested parties.


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Preferably during furry roleplay


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What materials have you bought (or gotten for free) that you show off in public involve bi, gay, and/or trans themes? What have you thought about getting?

This is an example of something that I've considered getting (but haven't):


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It is! I think so!

That looks so amazingly great!


I have a small Aromantic pin in my Keychain and a handful of movies with LGBT themes on my shelf, does that count?


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What does your aromatic pin smell like?  I keep some aromatic cedar wood in my closet, both because I like that aroma and to repel moths.

 No.1173441[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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File: 1725256345227.png (1010.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, spike38.png) ImgOps Google

Looks pretty good. There's a spoopy man singing!

No real shenanigans, just a road trip really right now.

Gotta start my working day now, have a good one!


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that spoopy man is Attila Dorn, and he's been the front man for the band since it's creation! and he definitely sells the spoopiness!

and have a great day at work!


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Good morning.


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In your life, would you rather hear more "wan wan" or more "nyan"?

🐶 😺
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File: 1725142320885.jpg (79.65 KB, 800x656, 50:41, ideal-weight-chart-per-dog….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I kinda want to get a pet cat!  🐈

Many sizes of dogs!


Yah, the lst dog I got to pick up weighed as much as a pillow


My dog is fat and its hard to lift him. Not helped by dogs not having any good spot to hold them from, unlike cats.

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