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Ponies and General Posting
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Remember: Mo protects against creep.


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>Less than a month until Pancake Day

Are you ready yet?


I haven't had pancakes in years.
Wonder where's a good place for a pancake feast?


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Happy Valentine's Day!

Whether you're single or attached to somebody in some fashion (or a group of somebodies), we can all enjoy the related candies, musical releases, special artworks, and more!
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I'll post one more cute couple!


Glad to see Mordecai find someone new after things went south with Margaret and CJ.


They look quite content!


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This promotional selfie of the openly LGBT actor Alan Cumming is one of my favorite selfies that I've ever seen of anybody ever... what does /pony/ think?

And it's time for a general LGBT thread!
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if anyone plays ZZZ, then they know this is a MOOD


Anyone into guys at all may chuckle at this clip... I think...


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Post an anime girl you think is cute.

Kagami's been occupying my thoughts lately.
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I just love that lizard. Is all.


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Astolfo doesn't count as such!

I don't care much, though!

Somebody who's not a "girl" can be cute!


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What do you want your afterlife to be like?

Do you want to re-encarnate? Do you want a heaven or a hell or something of your own design? Or do you want to forever-retire and be gone?

Teach me about the afterlife you want to live in. Teach me about who even wants an afterlife.

I'll personally carry you home.
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"We know there's an afterlife because we payed for it" - Common saying in the Aryan Brotherhood

The definite knowable pattern is just a sign that creation was created with intention by sentience and so can be altered at any time by someone who can break the christening and transmute the creation of another consciousness into a creation of their own conscious design. We can all have the powers of God.

Strings of consciousness, and the attachments to our very core consciousness and composition are what decide the redistribution of self, not random. Where do the threads lead?

It can be read in the racial lines, the evidence of consciousness en motion. Is this another encarnation of someone i know? Or the inheritor of what comprised someone you once or currently know?

How is my great grandfather sometimes my son? Because that how time really works, emancipated from christan lies. Thicker lines make pffspring and thin lines make re-encarnation.

Race is a lie. Time is not linier. And binary reproduction is the biggest load of christan bullshit I've ever heard. There's millions of ways to spawn crack babies (crack'd like, made from a nonvaginal birth) and semi-sober them up to a three dimensional form. Or don't, life forms can exist without three dimensional solidity, technically a majority of life in the greater everything lacks three dimensional solidity. In fact, matterless life forms make great friends and fantastic soldiers. Ghost, is the traditional term for these beings.

It's TOO easy to ensure someone's racial line survives. Because honestly? Naturally occuring re-encarnation tends to produce half-assed and fractal-ized versions of the compromised source. But more often than not, a majority of life dies without ever having a chance at re-encarnation, for some it happens accidentally, but for the lucky; it's all by design and perfection.
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This individual is the American singer-songwriter and guitarist Jesse Welles, known for his folk rock music that incorporates political protest based themes. He has toured with multiple other artists across the U.S. such as the hard rock band Greta Van Fleet, with him being based out of Arkansas and using his rural, working-class background in his songwriting.

See both:

> https://arktimes.com/rock-candy/2025/02/13/arkansas-singer-songwriter-jesse-welles-gets-new-york-times-treatment

> https://www.youtube.com/@hellswelles


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His music be dank, yo.

war isn't murder


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What would you say are your favorite unsolved mysteries and strange phenomenon?
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Yet what would rabbits even need to pay taxes on?



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i've never even touched a lyre before! let alone does is one!
melange coated shai-hulud flakes! turns your milk blue!


This mystery, though...

This one still hits me...

What? Is? Love?


We've had music threads in the past that've been fantastic, and there's a great one up right now, but how about us opening ourselves up for one that's exclusively for songs that aren't in English?

I'll start by sharing a wonderful live performance by an iconic Mexican musician, singing in splendid Spanish!
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Portuguese is a gorgeous singing language. Utterly beautiful.



I want to highlight this as a total gem!

And I think it still counts!


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Superb owl
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Please bear with me... 🐻


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Bear be like

 No.1182841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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Enjoy. Drink for both of us.


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New thread:


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That is all.

Picture actually unrelated
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Haven´t seen circuits coffee streams in a while. Hope they are doing well...

Grab some coffee, tea, hot chocolate. Sit down enjoy the company with kind peeps n furrs, talk about good times, bad times. So, how are you doing?
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Chirping baby chicks?



chirpy chirpy cheep cheep


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Maybe war is a god
And we're just super superstitious
It's going to take a lot of blood
But, boy, are we religious


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What's the matter straight boy afraid you might like it?
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The poor irish

The irish cannot clean the world of this vermin problem called the British.


We need to help the poor táig irish

They have a vermin infestation of British  


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