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How much for one-day shipping?


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This fursona version of me (as a gopher) works as a kind of "exploitable" type image since all kinds of backgrounds can be pasted onto the file.

Where would you, personally, like to send me? Or what would you like me to witness? Or have you other ideas?

In general, as well, anybody here looking to draw or otherwise come up with something creative the rest of this week?
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He has particularly good health insurance coverage. I think.


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...might rent an airbnb in the middle of nowhere and stay for a while. anything i should bring?
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Yeah, you got fooled by an ad using a picture from when the house was less spooky and it was all a trap to feed you to the closet creature or something


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Better look out for a tiny science dude setting them up with a vacuum then





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What are your favorite emulsifiers?
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That is an option.


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Mayonnaise based condiments are pretty swell.
We have a lot of those here.


If mayo and eggs are both emulsifiers, maybe we should use entire deviled eggs in cooking!


Dagoth Ur is the ultimate dreamer. For he saw the wheel, the very Tower upon its side and saw that he was I and I was him, but rather than zero sum he knew that he was reality is his dream and reality should become him.

Voryn Dagoth, who would later become Dagoth Ur was of course killed at Red Mountain when he was mortal. And yet due to his proximity to the Heart of Lorkhan he, instead of dying, gained a unique factor. An error in reality as it were. For he was dead, and he soul drifted to the dreamsleeve as many do yet the Heart of Lorkhan also kept his soul alive, and so he was both dead yet alive and both inside and outside of reality at once. He was therefore immortal, as his new soul of I aka Dagoth Ur imposed itself into the dream and "reality" while also being outside of it.

For you see many who would CHIM would see the wheel and would cease to be, as they learn the truth that they are not real. Very few of incredable strong self will such as Vivec would notice the dream, notice that reality is false and thus become gods able to change reality at whim.

But Dagoth? Dagoth was unique. He saw the wheel, he saw the tower all upon it's side as an I. But rather than zero sum and cease to be, or simply notice that reality is false he instead came to a conclusion;

This reality is me, for I am it, and it is me all and all that exists is my own dream and I am the dreamer, and therefore I am the only thing that is real

And so he spread his divine blight. His disease, body and soul. His extension of his own dream, his own twisted reality to be imposed upon reality. All that exists within what he thought was his dream and his reality would become him. The blight would sweep the land, the living would dream of Dagoth their heads filled with mad chants and songs of how they are I and they are HE and their name is Dagoth.

Had Dagoth not been stopped there would after a while be no more reality that exists but that of Dagoth Ur. His own mind reaching throughout Tamriel, throughout all of Mundus and all the Oblivion realms. Everything that was would have become I and HE and DAGOTH would be all.

The reality of all of Elder Scrolls is a dream of the godhead, but Dagoth Ur decided to become the ultimate dreamer and attempt to usurp the sleeping dreaming godhead itself, his own twisted sense of I seeping into everything like a virus, infecting everything it touches.
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I won't post the whole thing. Anyways. This is how the harp was invented. I believe. Maybe.

^Aatelles ei mää aika hukkaa.^

Which I think is Finnish for:

>You don't waste time when deeply thinking.



Not too sure what most of it that means but I do like the poetry and I think I do think it's pretty neat

Which is probably what most people think when they read my sleep deprived ramblings about deep elder scrolls lore



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recently, i had a friend ask me about swamps! and upon thinking about it... you know, i don't think swamps are so bad! They are important for the world, just like any other kind of nature

this got me thinking... what sorts of nature do you like? i especially love the ocean, but really, any nature is beautiful to me!
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Come over here, I live on an island!

Just not a very interesting one



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The woods.


Do you have any favourite paranormal, Supernatural, strange alien cryptid stories or tales?

Are you more of a Bigfoot fan than some kind of Mothman enjoyer?
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ahh yes, i remember this from this classic field guide!


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Giant Sand shark? Never heard of that before, interesting creature


You'd think I did, what with how much research I do on them for X-Files Podcast purposes, but I can't actually think of a big time favorite, though.

But I do find them fascinating - both the silly ones, the obscure ones and the famous ones. I guess part of me just finds it cool that, no matter how much society progresses, we will always be seeing monsters and mysteries somewhere.


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I've never been and never will be a member of the British royal family, nor have I worked for their associates in any capacity.


I REALLY want to dress like this. Who else does? What about you? What other clothing related thoughts have been on your mind?

Source: Times Radio - U.K. YouTube Streaming
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And I probably will be for life. I wanna be half as cool as that 70-something year old lady I saw once proudly wearing a Golden Age Wonder Woman t-shirt.

Neat wolf


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more goth and punk aesthetic for sure


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🇺🇸 🍔
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Got some Red Bull today because fuck it. Now's the time to enjoy a guilty pleasure.


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i got some ice cream for the same reason!

plus i worked today, so i deserve a treat dammit


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My dudes
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Puppet Combo. I have played surprisingly few of their games, actually.

And I mean sure I can, but I need to know slight bit more about what exactly you'd be into. There's a LOT of very diferent stuff out there.

Aah, gotta love some of thsoe analog games. Might look into it. I do get a laugh out of seeing well done re-creations of stuff I remember.

Well, the "Amamba" crew is largely my own creation, if spurred by some Twitter comments. And I guess I have a whole Danish superhero 'verse I just still haven't drawn anything for.


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ah yes yes, puppet combo!

hmm... i haven't played a lot of horror games, but i do like the slower ones! and i have fond memories of playing ao oni with friends of mine a while ago!

it might be up your alley! it's pretty old now, so it often goes on sale. if you like boomer shooters there's a spin-off called "Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer" which was quite a bit of fun! definitely better if you play hypnospace first thhough ;)

ah, see! you've already got some good ground if ever you're interested in something like art fight!


Eh, actually, screw it, I am just gonna write down some random favorites I played over the last few months.

If you're at all into "Mascot Horror" (that is, innocent characters corrupted into monsters), there is a free first chapter to a game called Indigo Park making the sweeps right now. It doesn't reinvent the wheel by any means, but it is made by a streamer who enjoys the genre a lot and really does his damndest to ensure his world's aesthetics are great.

There was also My Friendly Neighborhood, where you play as a TV repair man who gets sent to an old TV studio that broadcasts a Sesame-Street esque puppet show, when it mysteriously starts airing again on its own after decades of inactivity. It plays kind of like modern Resident Evil (VII and VIII), and is somewhat "horror lite" in that it is not really trying to be the scariest thing ever, but it is a LOT of fun and does tell a slightyl different story than most games like it.

Similarly, the game Hollow Cocoon where you play a young Japanese Man who has to spend the night at his estranged grandmother's manor - a former silkworm farm - who soon gets chased by a strange monster. It's a 3-ish hour romp, and does have some of that "run and hide" I mentioned not liking earlier, but it's a great "solve puzzles in the creepy location" kind of game and tells a very dark, unique story.

And while we're still speaking of Resident Evil, Crow Country is a recent Classic Resident Evil-like  (though more top-down isometric) that is really, really damn great. I highly recommend this one, it's just a super well thought out location.

For a different vibe, try [b]Killer Frequency[/?]. You play an 80ies radio host who gets tasked with taking 911 calls on a night a serial killer is loose, and you have to use things like maps, info and the like to help people survive their encounters with the killer over the phone. Kind of has the vibe of Scream-era slasher films.

If you want something that's a little slower and more narratively driven, Midnight Scenes: A Safe Place is fantastic. It's a pixel art point and click where you play as a young man who hasn't left his room in over a month and seems irrationally deathly afraid of stepping outsiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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D'aww, thanks.


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Double Pride!


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 No.1168582[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Hey, does snowbell still lurk/post here?
I have a story for him.
Not like, a great one but a story none the less.

Also i always hated when people made threads like this on ponychan and then like, vanished.
So ill at least be around today to participate haha.

But i figure anyone that wanted to talk to me from these parts could easily figure out how anyway.
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Me enjoying my one borgar:

Also it only took 8 or 9 small briquettes to cook said borgar so the 8 pound bag I got is going to last a long-ass time.


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Also also, that seems like it's gonna be the extent of my 4th of July doings as it is now raining and looks like it going to continue most of the night.


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Happy hotdogs, fireworks and screeching eagles day to all my American friends!
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People can celebrate it for one last time.


>that haircut makes Lincoln look like the male lead in a 2000s rom com

That's basically this show


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This makes me feel patriotic:



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I got a MyPoints related link sent to me to explore this morning that involved this magazine, which is aptly titled Food & Wine.

I can't pretend to understand the appeal of the main course offered on the online and print magazine's title... like... wait... what is this? What am I looking at? Should I want to eat this? Do all of you want to eat this, /pony/?
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Kind of the point of all stunt food or that done in the similar


They did this in 10th grade, when I was at boarding school.

Our daily hot meal was lunchtime, and one day, kind of randomly, the cantina made mashed potatoes and sausages... and had colored the sausages blue and the mashed potatoes a bright mailbox-red.

It was... WEIRD eating it, despite knowing that it tasted exactly as it should.




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When I was in my teen years and twenties, I thought that climate change was just a broad social problem to deal with, like ending littering or building more libraries.

That it's a horrific force of mass death with little ability to stop such that America as a country may or may not collapse within my lifetime really wasn't what I was expecting at all.

I don't know. Like. It's one of those things about cynicism and growing up that hits you so hard that you don't want to even talk about it.

Very similar I guess to how when I was younger I think I also believed that most people with brain cancer survive that. Eh. Ugh.


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Hey guys, /townhall/ is that way ->


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Don't tell me, I'm not making it political.

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