>>1184109"We know there's an afterlife because we payed for it" - Common saying in the Aryan Brotherhood
The definite knowable pattern is just a sign that creation was created with intention by sentience and so can be altered at any time by someone who can break the christening and transmute the creation of another consciousness into a creation of their own conscious design. We can all have the powers of God.
Strings of consciousness, and the attachments to our very core consciousness and composition are what decide the redistribution of self, not random. Where do the threads lead?
It can be read in the racial lines, the evidence of consciousness en motion. Is this another encarnation of someone i know? Or the inheritor of what comprised someone you once or currently know?
How is my great grandfather sometimes my son? Because that how time really works, emancipated from christan lies. Thicker lines make pffspring and thin lines make re-encarnation.
Race is a lie. Time is not linier. And binary reproduction is the biggest load of christan bullshit I've ever heard. There's millions of ways to spawn crack babies (crack'd like, made from a nonvaginal birth) and semi-sober them up to a three dimensional form. Or don't, life forms can exist without three dimensional solidity, technically a majority of life in the greater everything lacks three dimensional solidity. In fact, matterless life forms make great friends and fantastic soldiers. Ghost, is the traditional term for these beings.
It's TOO easy to ensure someone's racial line survives. Because honestly? Naturally occuring re-encarnation tends to produce half-assed and fractal-ized versions of the compromised source. But more often than not, a majority of life dies without ever having a chance at re-encarnation, for some it happens accidentally, but for the lucky; it's all by design and perfection.
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