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I'm curious if anybody has had 'no reason' anxiety at some point over the past multiple weeks, in which one day you'll be rather ill feeling while the previous day (and the following day) things were fine. This being separate from general depression with specific causes, which would hit you for weeks at a time or whatever.

Also, I wanted to share this AI related image that I just found so funny, for some reason.
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Conclusion can be found here >>1179385
It's probably milk that was doing me in, but the lack of communication I had with my body was also an issue.

I know I don't drink enough water, I simply drink when I'm thirsty.
I didn't regard it a need of urgent care. But aspergers syndrome probably counts as an anxiety disorder, given it doesn't take much to trigger me. I simply never regarded it an anxiety problem, given I rarely get in such a state. Maybe once or twice every two years or so, depending on what drama triggers me.

Eitherway I feel recovered now.


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Yes. It happens. I have "as needed" meds for it too. Useless things. As if I can predict when I'm going to have an attack and take the pills at least 30 minutes prior. Give me a break.

I once had a massive attack while I was driving down the highway. Fortunately my wife and I have a nonverbal code so I was able to communicate what was happening while I slowly pulled to the side of the road.

I don't know what causes it and it happens so seldom I can't reliably isolate a decent cure. But since I started meditation a few months ago I haven't had one attack. Jury's out on whether it affects the anxiety but my stress levels are way down overall.


The other day, i stumbled upon this video right here
>vid related

and it talks about the concept of "Ichigo-Ichie" or "Once in a lifetime" (there are other ways of translating it too) which talks about how every single moment in our lives are a Once in a Lifetime moment that will never be experienced again.

even if you meet the same people in the same place multiple times, none of those meetings will be the same as the other, and as such each moment is unique to that time and place

this gives us room to appreciate the present moment, and offers us the chance to make the most of the here and now, cause it really is a Once in a Lifetime opportunity!

So i invite everyone to enjoy this moment, to share your story, to express yourself, and to share in it's unique flavor <3
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I mean there ARE artists and creatives out there who say they feel more like they are channeling something else than it is themselves being brilliant.

Which I suppose is a way to try and stay humble, but that still means whatever was the creative force chose them as their chaneneler.



Just because something is unique doesn't mean its worth appreciation. Ichie sounds like toxic positivity and splitting hairs.


>It's soon going to be Monday and thus a new week

Are you ready for the week yet?


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Some weirdos believe that Sunday is the start of the new week.


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Linkin Park dropped their latest music video just a little bit ago:


What do you think?

And have you enjoyed any other things that've come out this year so far?
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I need only the most esoteric and underground music to listen to

Less than 1000 views is preferable


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I can't recommend this great artist and song enough! <3

<Album was released on February 23, 2024!>


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Captain's Log, Day 5. Increased focus and energy. Brain seems a bit clearer. Urges are noticeable but manageable. I seem to be directed away from unimportant tasks. I am beginning to remember that ponies are not for sexual - they are beautiful, independent immaculate creatures that have no sexual organs whatsoever. Never speak of plot again. The cake is a lie.
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Oh dear, it is perhaps a little risqué.



That's exactly how you get pregnant.


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Captain's Log, Day 30. I'm beginning to forget what life before nonut felt like. If I continue beyond Day 30, perhaps I will forget entirely, and nutting will become a thing of legend and myth. This would be ideal.

--Excessive energy but not necessarily anxious energy. I still need to be careful about what I do or watch, although as the memory of nutting begins to fade, so too does the desire to attain the phantom pleasure. I can only hope that this continues into Day 31, etc., and I heal completely from this destructive and pointless habit.


Don't mind me, I'm just gonna VJ some classic glam rock for everyone's enjoyment in this thread
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 No.1170679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's time for a new World thread. Let's start it off with a disappointing 5/6.

Wordle 1.102 5/6
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Wordle 1.248 4/6


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Wordle 1,248 4/6


Not so weak


Wordle 1,249 3/6


Just like this thread.


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>Go to the Doctors for my yearly health check up
>They convince me into getting both blood taken for tests AND a flu jab

My arms hurt i'm tired I just want to sleep does anyone have any warm milk?


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Sorry to hear that, a flub jab can do that to you unfortunately.


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Can confirm I feel better today. Even had a first decent nights sleep in weeks. Hooray


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Hoorraah for flu jabs

 No.1177547[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's good you're feeling better now!


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Casein Allergy Symptoms

That's the fancy word. It's not lactose intolerance, but it might be related.

Milk has a protein called "casein" and it's what makes milk "milk", so there's no "casein free milk" as far as I'm aware, unless it's plant based.

It's a genetic disorder, but it can be carried, so if two carriers have a child the child is likely to have it.

The symptoms are the body wraps the casein in mucus as it goes into the stomach. For a person with resilience, I guess the casein is passed through the body somehow because I've had milk-products for years with no problem.

But my concern is that my resistance to casein has passed its tipping point. I haven't had any milk yesterday to see how well I can still handle it.

If the milk is still fresh, I'll have some cereal later. Worst case scenario I'll get queezy, which I can take peppermint water for that. But if that's the case, then my resilience to milk has broke.

Even if I can't have whole milk, I can always switch to milk substitutes and I can still enjoy chocolate or cheesecakes and such.


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Intersting, I've never heard of that allergy before.


Some things related to Christmastime get criticized a bit for being just too weird or maybe even so oddly unusual that it's uncomfortable.

Let's celebrate all that instead.
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It's wonderful!


Here's a somewhat weird one...


I'm posting this again...


>Croc with no tank controls

By the gods.. Is such a thing even possible?
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That's not what tank controls are...


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All I'm saying is that if Tweleve year old me beat tomb raider one and two on the ps1 all by myself nobody has a right to complain about tank controls


They are good controls... For something other than a platformer. I played them back then, too, and it was frustrating then as well.


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Actor extraordinaire Tony Todd just passed away at the age of 69. He was a huge figure in both the history of TV shows, movies, and video games, especially when it comes to anything based on horror. He played the baddie 'Candyman' a bunch of times. And Insomniac Games has shared some heartfelt things online, looking back at what he did in their 'Spider-Man' games.


Have any of the 'Spider-Man' games that've come out over the past few decades stuck out to you? Any happy memories? Any fun memories?


Turn was in a lot of movies, both action and horror. He was also in TV series and other video game establishing himself in their franchises.
He shall be missed.


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RIP to the chillest aliens


Indeed! R.I.P.


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Tell me Ponychan

What is your favorite race in the Elder Scrolls series and why?
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Always found it funny how most male wood elves were just made out to be jokes in Morrowind and Oblivion. You get Fargoth and Gaenor in Morrowind and the adoring fan and Glarthir in Oblivion.

They did make them a tad more serious in Skyrim, but to be fair Skyrim in general was darker and more serious than the previous games.

That and lore wise the Thalmor burnt down half of Valenwood just before the events of Skyrim and are occupying the Wood Elf so it probably would not be fair to keep picking on then


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Yes!  True argonian supremacy!


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Khajit for stealth archery and backstabbies.

Nord for heavy armor smashy-smashies!


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I'm wondering that as well!


I too am hoping that those sadistic monkeys that are one of the few animals capable and often engage in sadism are captured and put in their place.


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i imagine... for now perhaps, it is a more anxious time for many.

let us have then, a nice, relaxing thread, for sharing feelings. it will be good to have some place to rest, won't it?
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I'm clapping my ass as I'm typing this post out!

*Huff.. Huff* Is.. This.. Helping?


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...i am sorry, andrea. i know... it has been a very, very hard fifteen years. and that even harder times... maybe be upon you. i am very sorry, dear friend.... if there is something we can do, if i can do... you let me know.


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I miss you Moony
I have so much to tell you (especially on Discord)

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