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>Society has fallen apart so much that zoomers are pretending it's 2009

You know what I take it back maybe the Zoomers are not that bad after all
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I'm a Xennial and I am ready to tear it all down myself.


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Xennials grew up with the Ramones
Millennials grew up with What if God was one of us.



Don't forget the updated version from 5 years ago!

 No.1163722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Hey everyone! Have you ever heard of "36 Questions to Fall in Love With"?

they are a series of questions that you ask your date or partner to become more vulnerable and build bonds with them, and then fall in love! How Romantic <3

now let's put those questions on a random number generator and make everyone answer in random order!

Nothing says love like asking a deep personal question that exposes vulnerability right off the bat!

(now the partner in question could be anyone, it doesn't have to be me [unless you wanna ;3], so i'll leave that one open to you to adress!)

so the rules are simple!

roll a 1d36 die, and whatever question/prompt you land on, answer or do that thing! it's super easy!

(to roll a 1d36, type <1d36> but replace the <> with [] )
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>34.Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

My house

Jokes aside, it would be this giant handmade alpaca skin rug from peru. It's priceless and irreplaceable. Other memories like pictures and videos I have stored safely on two different cloud sources and two different external hard drives, one of which is always kept in a sturdy fireproof box.


Huh. This one is back.

1d36 = 29


>Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
Literally any time I make anything and I remember I am terrible at most things?

In seriousness, though, I don't remember many like... actually that embarassing moments. I don't really give myself crap for "cringe" when I was a kid, for instance.

I did have a habit of sounding a lot more crass and harsh than I intended when I wanted to correct someone on the stuff they said to me, or if they misunderstood something I said - and I am definitely not proud of that, cause it sounded pretty assholish. It was never the intention, but I used to be a lot angrier and assume a lot more ill intent from folks. So I guess that's it?


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ヒヒーン  :aj4:
ITT: post pics of horses wearing armor!

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I assure you that no matter what you request off of 'em, they have heard weirder.


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Happy Saturday everyone!

I take it you will be out partying tonight?
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Not really.

I go to a TTRPG session once a week, and if someone can't show up we likely just play a board game, but the closest place ti play board games would be in Copenhagen, and I don't have many friends that play them. Nor can I afford the cool ones anyway.

I'd like to play more, though.


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I'm always looking for ways to host an online event so my friends from around the world can participate


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Saturday night, I feel the air is getting hot
Like you baby
I'll make you mine, you know I'll take you to the top
I'll drive you crazy


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After having a horribly early Sunday morning, which included calling the police on the domestic abuser in the next door apartment who had screamed out for a while, smashed things up, attacked his partner, and freaked me out with his "I know that you'll never call the police on me!" hollering before a torrent of slamming, I've been mulling over a lot of a things lately.

Particularly I'm wondering about having communicated with with both adoptive and biological parents, with the gist of their attitudes being what seems like that physical domestic abuse is just a sadly routine, standard, and normal thing for couples around us. Both of the neighborhoods that they live in (separately) having exactly the same thing happen. As in calling the police after hearing direct battery, having officers come over and knock, then having the officers leave when the doors aren't answered. And they get depressed later. I'm just sort of... adrift feeling.

I'm genuinely quite scared that the domestic abuser knows that I was the one who called the police on him Sunday, but at least my step-dad has vowed that if I'm in any danger he'll come over immediately to help me in my defense with some kind of blunt weapon outside of calling the cops again.

I just need a sanity check. Please. Somebody remind me.

It's not normal for romantic partners to physically beat up each other? Right? This isn't standard human behavior? This isn't natural? You shouldn't believe that this is something that half or a third of your neighbors, friends, and family just do, by inherent instinct?

Or am I just a complete idiot who doesn't understand how human nature works? Being stupidly naive? Not understanding life? Please help?
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No you did the right thing.

Sometimes a situation could be misinterpreted, but that doesn't mean someone shouldn't check and find out.

I informed staff when I could hear a couple screaming at each other when I was at a hostel in Denmark recently and I'd do it again. The staff were grateful even though not much really happened.

For what it's worth no, it's not normal for partners to hit each other for any reason. I find it weird how often people just call things, like, a lovers spat or something like this is normal...


eh, well, i would say that as for thinking they might think u were the one that called, it could have been any1, even someone passing by. u could lie, as another poster mentioned, or u could also project yourself as not necessarily caring too much about the domestic violence (u can still express disapproval 2 him in a way that doesn't condemn), but rather the noise disturbance, if the conversation came down 2 it. (was the guy saying he knew he thought his partner wouldn't call the police?)

but to answer ur sanity check, no, domestic violence is not normal. some states have strict laws and procedures for how such cases move forward after the victim calls once for being hit or grabbed in a violent way (even if it only happened once and with no history of abuse - zero tolerance policy), including mandatory separating of the two for a period of time (months, i think), immediate jail for the accused, and a mandatory anger management course. there is also emergency housing available for victims of domestic violence - they r top housing priority.

it is also likely a violation of their lease agreement, as they were preventing u from peaceful enjoyment of your home, and so you could theoretically talk to him about that or call your landlord, if u were so inclined.

most religions, including conservative Christian, r against domestic violence, as well, so not normal at all.

i think it was good that the police showed up to their unit, at least, since it is now on record that domestic violence may have occurred there, and it may also have served 2 reign in the abuser a bit. (as for those saying u shouldnt have called,  at least in this instance, i think u have a strong argument against them - there is, perhaps, a certain humor there in him saying that he knows his partner won't call and then the police mysteriously showing up at his door.)

but yeah, if the abuser thinks u were the one who called, depending on ur social skills, i imagine someone with maxxed-out stats would maybe lie and even feign sympathy, if needed, but also mention that they don't appreciate all the loud noises coming from his apartment on a Sunday morning (b sure 2 emphasize the word, "Sunday"). If pressed, this hypothetical elite social engineer might then go on to convey they don't care wat he does in his apartment as long as it's quiet - but it would b tricky 2 not imply tacit approval, so words would need 2 b used wisely.

from wat im reaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>It's not normal for romantic partners to physically beat up each other? Right?
Don't be stupid. Of course it isn't normal for people to lay hands on one another; especially if they supposedly love one another.

You are empathetic, yet foolish to have let it affect you so much. The abuser deserves to have gotten arrested and perhaps shot in the process; and the abusee is an enabler of that kind of behavior. I feel nothing.


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So last night, I had a dream that I was the protagonist in a weird anime/disney channel show, where I was a normal kid in school, who was also an evil Demon Lord. Like Hannah Montana, I needed to keep those two lives seperate.

So in one moment, I found the people in my dungeon keep, and while they were riding an elevator, I casted a spell on one of them, where a fast growing tree grew through one of them, dismembering them and leaving their limbs and organs on its tree branches like a christmas tree, but then I had to hurry back to school and do a test and divide by pi or something

then my grandma, who teaches me the demon lord stuff, is doing training stuff for me on this underground noah's arch lookin thing, and teaching me some methods of death and torture. However, the school was having a fun cultural fair sort of thing, and my class, the teacher, and the principle were all in the woods looking for me.

the ground shifted, and then collapsed under them! dropping them all in front of me and my grandma in the underground arc thingie.

So now my grandma is urging to execute them all, yet they are all knocked out and helpless! I was now stuck "How can i save them from being annihalated, but also not dissapoint grandma?"

Then I woke up

freaking cliffhangers... i didn't even get to do the Disney channel drawing mickey mouse thing!

Anywho, what are some of your wild dreams?
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i had a dream that i was a toy in a box, and a beautiful woman walked by

i tried to catch her attention, but 4 other toys of the same brand as me also wanted to get her attention

so we get into a brawl, to see who came out victorious

jump cut to the future! i am now associated with late summer, and my head resembles a japanese lunch

guess what?

it's been forever since i've seen one of their vids, so thanks for the callback ^_^

and those dreams do sound lame! you should drop that subscription service and get some better quality dreams! more angry gigasquids and less small talk!

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I dreamed that I woke in my bed after hearing weird noises. A man I work with was sitting on the end of my bed on a laptop. He was uneasy. I asked him what he was doing in my house. He gave a some stupid excuse and I replied why it made no sense. He sort of just looked around uncomfortably again and made another excuse. Again I said why that made no sense. I got out of bed and started raising my voice. 'why are you in my house?', 'what are you doing?' etc. He kind of offered no real answers again. I became more and more angry. More so because he wouldn't give me a straight answer than because he was in my house.

Then I woke up for real.


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>Anywho, what are some of your wild dreams?
Tsk, I don't even probably remember vividly. Okay, let's go back two days ago. My second most recent dream involved some weird parkour through narrow spaces. Eventually I had to go down some stairs into a dark creepy place. It reminds me of a fever dream of my childhood. A large television with some cartoons. The dream ended with me giving head to some dude. And holy hell do I remember that so well. Weird enough for you?


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I think this explains why New Vegas is such a good game


I will say, this was kind of interesting.

I know Pokemon geography is based on actual countries, but was not yet aware on how deep it goes.


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Pokemon is basically a Strangereal so it makes sense.


I wonder if later Pokémon games were this deep? I mean, I can see some resemblance to Sword and Shield to my country. Stonehenge, Cerne Abbas Giant, but is it deeper than that?


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i have decided, in addition to working hard, it is time to get properly fit again c:

let us work out and be healthy, ok? what are your good tips?
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"Trans -4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) (Figure 1) is a major electrophilic product of lipid peroxidation caused by oxidative stress, which is formed by radical-initiated degradation of ω-6-polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acids, two relatively abundant fatty acids in human cells (1)."
"... 4-HNE may be an important etiological agent for human cancers that have a mutation at codon 249 of the p53 gene."


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How do you usually fall asleep?
Do you count sheep?  Count Gabis?
Take 0.3 mg of melatonin?


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I'm usually doing something else and then my body stops and passes out.


>How do you usually fall asleep?
By going to bed when I feel tired.


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Just like me!


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Happy Birthday! Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, who was born April 27th of 1984, turned forty today! A full forty-years-old! Really!

There's more at: https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2024/04/27/famous-birthdays-april27/9941714175784/

Punk rockers (including pop punk and power pop musicians that get put under that whole subgenre umbrella) playing music for teenagers have been growing up and getting older for a while, but this news especially makes me feel personally like a walking skeleton... a bit!

Do you ever dress like a punk? Talk like a punk? Listen to related music?
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Kind of? I'm a bit more formal and refined with my appearance, but I do jive with people that rock the punk style. I mean, hell yeah we'd get along assuming respect and consideration is given to one another. I've listened to some music related to it, but I wouldn't say it's my absolute favorite. But dark clothing? Absolutely. I'll wear it anytime, honey.


My ex used to be a little into the Heideroosjes.
Her friend of yore was a very big fan.


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I particularly like the idea of having an entire get-up and approach to one's appearance that's rather "dark", which you can see in some great films such as 'The Crow'.


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What is the closest that you have ever come to dreaming that you were a dolphin swimming to Finland?

Have you ever dreamed that you were an animal?  An aquatic mammal specifically?

Have you ever dreamed that you were swimming?

Have you ever dreamed of being in a foreign country?  A Scandinavian country specifically?  Finland specifically?


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Would you like to eat George Wendt's beans?


No, but I would like to buy a Freudian slip for Dr. Scratchansniff.


Boy I sure do love this lost media song shame it's only 17 seconds long gee wonder why that could be
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I'm up to date


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sounds like a real banger


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It sure goes hard, real hard. Beat goes faster and faster you just don't want it to stop


To you watch this sort of thing at all? My adoptive family seems to have been far more into it than I've been. At the same time, though, a number of classic comedians have stood out to me since when I was little, with so much material winding up in places such as YouTube.

Rodney Dangerfield. Mitch Hedberg. Steve Martin. Jerry Seinfeld. Steven Wright. And so on.

What do you think? I'll start with something I find hilarious!
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I don't watch a lot of stand up comedians, but Bill Hicks is my favorite


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hicks is great! him and norm macdonald are two i listened to a lot growing up!


Lajoie really has transcended multiple generations of internet related weirdness... my goodness...


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Happy Saint George's Day everyone!

I wonder if George absorbed the dragons soul and learned how to dragon shout when he killed it?
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Perish in the flood

as you drown in



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Those pictures are deceptively wholesome.
Also, now I did learn a new saying.

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