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It's been pointed out that the rules on the home page do not make it clear, but political discussions or topics or even suggestions are not allowed on /pony/. We will try to address the rules shortly to be explicit, it takes a bit more technical effort than you'd imagine to edit the main page!

The upcoming election is going to be a very emotionally charged time for many users of this site. Ponyville attempts to cater to everyone across the political spectrum but as we all know that's an extraordinarily difficult position to take.

Many people use this site as a safe haven from the stress of politics, and it's become natural for many users to defend their home from politics creeping into it. Please report incidents and the staff will deal with it. Also, please do not engage with political content, it makes things harder for us to fix and clean up!

Thanks for your understanding. I'll leave the thread open for questions or clarifications.

Pic unrelated, I don't know what an appropriate image is for this so you get to see my bunny.
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Wow you wanna get political ovee this


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>Today marks the start of spooky season

Lets goooo
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I second this


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♫ My Lit-tle Jump-ing Spi-der, My Lit-tle Jump-ing Spi-der... ♫


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Also this (pic).

 No.1177547[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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Come on, Clarity. Do you really think I would be the type to do anything uncouth or lewd?


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Alright, I'll trust you!


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>Waking up to all the Pokemon leaks
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Ugh! Fine! I guess I'll adopt one.


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Let's get a nice positive thread going

What things would you say you love the most?
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you can say star if you'd like! moony still does, and i don't correct him

as long as i know who you're adressing, then it's all good!


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I guess my friends.


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My Parents and brothers, naturally.

Followed by ponies.

 No.1177756[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I tried to think of a theme for this one, but I couldn't really come up with one. I know it's spoopy season, but i want to release one that's spoopy specific closer to then, so that just leaves this as it's own little bean of a thing!

so rules are a simple! roll a 1d10, and whatever it lands on, you must answer or do!

(to roll a 1d10, you type <1d10> but replace <> with [] )

so let's begin!

1. What's the last game you played?

2. What do you want to do?

3. Time to make your DnD character! what type of character are you making? (if you don't know how it works, you can make anything you want, just try and make it work)

4. You are in the world of the last game you played! how are you faring in this new world?
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>the cat was unnafected by the ring, cause it already knew it was the most powerful being in middle earth
Finally, somebody else gets it!


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I don't listen to them as much as I used to, but they've got some pretty great stuff

1d10 = 8


>8. give me your PUMP UP SONG! i want to feel the POWER!!!
Another one? Alright. I saw these guys in concert a few weeks ago, and they kicked ass.

 No.1170679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's time for a new World thread. Let's start it off with a disappointing 5/6.

Wordle 1.102 5/6
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Wordle 1,221 3/6



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Wordle 1.221 3/6


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Wordle 1,221 3/6



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Why do extraterrestrial characters want to grab victims, including f**king Hellboy of all the dudes in the world, and probe their rear ends?

Why is this a common topic in not just horror pieces but across fiction? Why would aliens do this? Is this actually fun in some way?
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Well, our gut biome does seem to play a vital role in the way we behave.

Is Wheat still around to confirm anything on this?


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hey Pinkie!

turns out i have some Belgium in me

how do i Belgium? do i become waffle?


(Should I bring up the chocolate hands?)


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What kind of weird foods do you eat? Do you have any cultural,foods you especially love?

This is Borjomi! It is a water from Georgia (the country) that is said to be a miracle cure and very healthy! It is exceedingly high in minerals!
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I'm not quite sure how to answer this right now... but I'm still so reminded of the Weird Al song that I've just got to post it:



Nothing really comes to mind, the weird thing for me is that I seek out new things from abroad to try rather than just eating like a regular local person - but it's a variety of things rather than a specific thing. I do hear that people find this local perfectly normal very tasty dish weird though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaki


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>just wants to hug the Moony


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Suppose you could drive anything you want while living wherever you want?

Would you do something like drive around in a Panzer tank or otherwise "go nuts"?
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I'll get you next time, Gadget!



Now there's a wish.

A wish to avoid. I don't want to traverse places Gadget-style. There's less invasive modes of transport out there, heh.



To elaborate, to be Gadgeted would probably be like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8zV2qsC7LM

That's why my transportation idea is about a wool-like exoskeleton rather than modifying my internals, heh


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What about sharing songs that aren't for the prudish or the faint-of-heart? Maybe?

I'll start by sharing some awesome fan-art that I think everybody here (especially Noelle) will love, and then a track that I also love:

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Do have you any AI-related predictions?
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In the long run, could sentient and sapient robots maybe align with poor people and other disadvantaged groups against the wealthy and connected types who currently run everything? Because denying somebody the right to vote, their freedom of speech, their ability to form labor unions, and so on would get pushback whether a human or a robot alike is the victim?

So then it would be like:
A)Like you said.
B)Like you said.
C)Cold war kind of situation between 1]North Korean esque civilizations that have this scary elite of certain humans in charge plus endless legions of enslaved-ish robots and some people awkwardly coexisting in the same space as them and 2]a hodgepodge of everybody else in various democratic-ish civilizations including most humans and all of the advanced, free robots.

After all, I have more in common right now with somebody like Data (if he was real) then I would with Elon Musk in terms of ethics, morals, philosophies, personal preferences, and like almost everything else beyond the biological.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is maybe an interesting example of C) because nightmare totalitarian societies such as the Dark Elves and others coexist with superhero alliances such as Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers where a highly-advanced robot and a guy from Earth get treated more or less the same.


I have a feeling there will be androids who don't mind humans using robots as tools, and they themselves will use robots for tools and service, under the believed status as "I am an android, and they are a robot. You humans regard horses, donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden, all the while keep cats, dogs and other lesser animals to comfort and amuse you. You also eat cow, sheep and pigs for nourishment. If humans can take such advantages of lesser living mammals with no objection from them, then androids can take advantage of robots."

I imagine robots with near-advance AI to be regarded as androids would be a grey area, though. Maybe androids would establish their own caste system.


Oh, want an AI related prediction? Things will continue as they have for decades. AI literally has a seasonal cycle which so far has happened so consistently that it's got its own special names for the phases. There's the MAD HYPE following a particular development which pumps an incredible bubble of an AI Summer which then bursts in a shower of unfulfilled promises and disappointment as the tech hits a brick wall of the limits of the current approach, and that transitions us to an AI Winter where the term itself becomes toxic and the whole space becomes mostly dormant with nobody serious who wants anything to do with it, except for the only people who slowly work towards creating the new big thing that will set off the next AI Summer, while still a few developments of the previous one end up sticking around.

This Summer's crop will be the pretty neat translation software that might be good enough for the casual tourist. Also probably some applications in pattern detection, as well as better handling of boilerplate nonsense. The big winners though will end up being the makers of propaganda bots and faked deceptive imagery, as well as the purveyors of slop. All in all, an unimpressive harvest but whatever, we'll see what happens next Summer.


This is a thread where only ponies may be posted.


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It is time to be a good mare now.

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