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Good evening, dear friends <3 and Merry Christmas!

i hope this message isn't too sudden. The staff and i have been talking about some changes to the site, and we wanted your weigh in.

To that end, we have two propositions we'd love for you to consider and share your thoughts on.

Proposition 1: Closing Townhall
The first matter is on the possible closure of /townhall/. To put it simply... the townhall experiment hasn't worked out as we'd have liked it to, and it may be time to close up shop.

When we started Townhall, we had a bold vision for what it might be: it was to be both a well-manicured garden for sensible debate and discussion of sensitive topics, but also a place where politics and heavier topics could go, allowing pony to be a bit more carefree.

Unfortunately, it has not worked out that way. We haven’t had the time and resources to proactively manage the garden. And though we’ve had many helpful reports, it has often been difficult to manage the reports within the expectations of Townhall’s userbase. Which is to say, in plain words, that we don’t know what’s best for Townhall, and as it stands, it does not seem like Townhall is good for anyone.

Unless then, there are serious protests, the staff feels quite strongly that it is time to close townhall. What are your thoughts?
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>Find a youtube video of someone playing one of your favorite games
>The comments are disabled and the video has a high number of dislikes

What other obvious internet red flags can you think of?
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In general, any internet personality who pitches crypto or NFTs are a general yikes for me.


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People who advertise their courses on becoming successful, romantically or in other places.

Hustlers and pick up artists. People who flash money as if it legitimizes anything they say.

People who bring chatGTP or derogatory memes into serious discussion topics.


telling us to like and subscribe before they even started, Yeah no!


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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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File: 1737796959956.jpg (48.25 KB, 640x359, 640:359, cadshi22.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hope you feel better now at least.


Yeah, it was just phlegm.


That game wold not happen to be titled "Amenti", would it?

 No.1179465[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Time for a new Worlde Thread.


Wordle 1.249 4/6
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Wordle 1.316 3/6


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Wordle 1,315 5/6


i could go for breakfast


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Wordle 1,316 3/6


Tasty bacon


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I can't figure out what the topic of this thread is, can you?
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>Only 280 days until Halloween

I can't wait
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File: 1737747993671.png (2.66 MB, 1600x938, 800:469, 3287854.png) ImgOps Google

you just got to take a page out of my book

find a Halloween theme park, and work there

then it will be halloween all year long!


I would no joke fucking love that actually.


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question is where is the nearest halloween theme park?


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Post me some Sweet beatting licks.

Also Muisc Thread.
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So, I got RSV so badly to where I could barely breathe and had to go to the hospital. Come on. At least, now, it's the 23rd with me back home and able to breathe better with intense medication.

Any other sad wintertime things happening to people here?
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Oh shit, winter is a killer


File: 1737757785007.jpg (1.57 MB, 3072x4080, 64:85, 1000000057.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yeesh,I hope you are okay!


No no, their name is PseudoFox, not Yeeeesh. Pay attention.

Also seriously Pseudo, good luck with that


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Haven´t seen circuits coffee streams in a while. Hope they are doing well...

Grab some coffee, tea, hot chocolate. Sit down enjoy the company with kind peeps n furrs, talk about good times, bad times. So, how are you doing?
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There's a great story here!


If there's one thing that I like the most in this world, it's those superb musicians looking eccentric and being eccentric while doing their own thing in a way that they're sort of like living comic book characters, with Bowie and Prince and Gaga (and so many more, amazingly) being not that different than Garth, honestly! Performers who refused to be told 'no'!


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Helllo michael salmon


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Chirping baby chicks?


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ITT: You can’t be negative about anything.
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also have Zaynah Bear doing cartoon dances!


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I would still a Mikie. Shameless thoughbeit


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As well, someday... somehow... these trucks will become real...


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Look how warm it's gonna be this weekend! i am gonna be glued to my space heater ><

well this is as good time to do a roulette!

rules are simple! roll a 1d10, and do/answer the prompt given!

(to roll a 1d10, type <1d10> but replace <> with  []   )

so let's begin before the game freezes in place!

1. What temp is it officially cold for you?

2. What is an earworm that has stuck with you recently?

3. Think of anyone, real or fiction! Do you have them in mind? good! now you are that person! what do you do?
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1d10 = 3


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i was watching a genshin video when zhongli popped up at this moment, so i guess i'm the geo archon now?

i will try Osthmanthus wine, cause i've never had it and wanna give it a shot


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1d10 = 4


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When you play an RPG what kind of class/builds do you like to play as?
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All characters should use as stabby and threatening a sword as possible during all occasions at all times. Gender and species are irrelevant.

I'm sure Alexander the Great or some other famous general said that.


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Swords are overrated, what about an axe instead?

 No.1174040[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1723614074598.png (344.54 KB, 2204x1798, 38:31, 3226676.png) ImgOps Google

Welcome to the /b/ & Friends thread! It's that time once again.

Keeping the spirit of friendship and kindness burning all the way. <3
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hi my ni... um, friends! you especially, the least likely and 3rd most likely to reply.
what does your waifu like to eat for a snack and listen to?

and uhhh hmmm. how does she scratch her ears?


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If you were to sing of arms and a man, would you sing in dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter?
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It does make it easier to remember!

Song mixup!


Read the spoilered image!


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Mimi is also the digimon handler that got the cactus with punching gloves.

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