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It's been pointed out that the rules on the home page do not make it clear, but political discussions or topics or even suggestions are not allowed on /pony/. We will try to address the rules shortly to be explicit, it takes a bit more technical effort than you'd imagine to edit the main page!

The upcoming election is going to be a very emotionally charged time for many users of this site. Ponyville attempts to cater to everyone across the political spectrum but as we all know that's an extraordinarily difficult position to take.

Many people use this site as a safe haven from the stress of politics, and it's become natural for many users to defend their home from politics creeping into it. Please report incidents and the staff will deal with it. Also, please do not engage with political content, it makes things harder for us to fix and clean up!

Thanks for your understanding. I'll leave the thread open for questions or clarifications.

Pic unrelated, I don't know what an appropriate image is for this so you get to see my bunny.
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Wow you wanna get political ovee this


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i have been slowly watching Dungeon Meshi over the past... two months, maybe?

i love it!! it is my new favorite show, even if i can only watch like an episode or two a week!

my favorite character is Marcille, though of course, Falin is very relatable too. c:

How about you? Have you had a chance to watch Dungeon Meshi?
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You keep this up and I'll send you to the shadow realm


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Don't make me push the button


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We are all humans on a big blue and green ball, and while we may all fall into certain preset stereotypes, we all have those little things that make us different.

so what are those things for you? What makes you different? Why does it make you different?

also I hope you have a great day wherever you are!


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WHat makes you differnt and why does it make you different?


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What makes us different? Our experiences. No matter what mold I fit into, and no matter how similar my own life experiences are to others; nobody can truly know what it's like "On the inside."

That being said, there are only so many personality types, traits, and interests. Think of it like tropes and archetypes. Every trope has been around for thousands of years; existing before the notion of storytelling was ever even entertained by our mammalian brain. We are shaped by the world around us. To think anyone is truly unique without ever having picked up certain fleas from others is a ridiculous notion. We are social creatures that learn from one other, both good habits and bad, benevolent ideologies, malicious ones, and all in between.

 No.1161576[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Welcome to another edition of /b/ & Friends!
I am once again your hostess for this thread. Help yourself to tea and cakes ~w~

Post and discuss ponies or hangout and talk about anything! Everypony equal, everypony loved. <3

Credit to wavecipher for pic

PastePonyville, ctrl-v images into the QR reply box
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Da Vinci is quite well regarded. It's a damn fine program. The only thing I have not been able to do with the freeware version is use a small handful of inbuilt effects that I wouldn't be using anyway.


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 No.1170679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's time for a new World thread. Let's start it off with a disappointing 5/6.

Wordle 1.102 5/6
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Wordle 1.134 4/6

Back to my fours.


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Sipping, Rainbow This
Talking Elements of Harmony
Our Bronies, hang out too
Because they know we're awesome fillies!



Wordle 1,134 3/6


 No.1170975[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Does the PC recognize the USB ports in general?

Nice one!


Yeah, it shows up on the Device Manager.

I don't get it, it was fine before my brother rebooted Windows.


And other USB devices work?


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What teas do you like?  I usually start my day with a cup of green tea or Earl Grey with milk.

🍵 ☕
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I don't really jave a favorite. I almost exclusively drink tea when I have a cold, at which point I put honey in it anyway.

It doesn't really count since it's more of a soft drink, but I do enjoy sweetned peach ice tea.


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No, I don't drink any of that, either.


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I don't drink soda


Seeing as I asked about Pokemon a short while back thought I would ask answer one;

What was your favorite Pokemon era?

I'm going DS era. Probably quite underated, and given the Gen4 remakes flopped hard thankfuly they will remain unsullied. So many good memories, the first era to have online battles and trading too which was so much fun at the time.

I remember the dreamword and how you could get Pokemon with secret third abilities when Gen5 came out and the GTS was full of Japanese mons with them which were easy to get. I always remember all you had to do was put up either a version exlusive mon or a mon that evolves via trade up and you could get whatever mon you wanted within an hour or two as there was always someone wanting one of those two things

Oh, and HG/SS were (almost) the perfect remakes. Sadly in hindsight much as Gen2 is a total vibe and peak asthetics it is very flawed in many ways which I won't get into as there are countless videos on Youtube for you to watch about that but man, HG/SS were so much fun
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Yeesh. Much as I occasionally like to do a Nuzlocke, I am not sure how much I'd enjoy this.


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Shinoh was my favorite, but they originally didn't have good fire pokemon, which are my go to.


>Liking fire pokémon
Feh. Basic.

I kid of course

 No.1169848[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It truly is now the time of Summer. Even now we're seeing schools letting out for the season, plans for vacations and fun, and of course very hot and high temperatures.

With our time having fun in the sun, cool ice creams and Popsicles, or hiding in our basements waiting for fall to finally come back, I do want to remind everyone to be sure to keep hydrated and wear sunscreen if you're going out for a long period.

So let's be sure to also relax time to time with a nice drink, probably iced, and talk about anything on our minds.
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An ideal state.


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I just finished watching Invincible as come out so far.

It's really good.


Not when I wanna be a more productive person instead of just a wasteful pile of flesh

 No.1172255[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Baby you're my fuck boy, fuck toy, for me to enjoy
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Don't worry, officer, I've got papers.


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He said he owned me and I imagined him strangling me and I came so hard my balls cracked like diamonds under the pressure of an imploding black hole.

Maybe slavery isn't such a bad thing after all.


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Hmmm... It seems to check out, but I've got my eye on you.


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Who the fuck is reporting me for saying the word "n-." Come forth and draw your sword. I will rip your ass in half. I don't even use that word often, and I have a right to say whatever I please.

N- n- n- n- n-. I'm 200% n-
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But would you step on me like she would?


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I agree with this post.

 No.1141895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Whether you're day is just starting, just ending, or somewhere in the in-between-everyone likes a good music thread!~

(Didn't see a general music thread in the catalogue so I'm making one before I head to bed)
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Look there ain't nothing wrong with another man sucking another man's dick. That doesn't make it gay. I'm tired of all of these accusations. The next person to call me gay is gonna get their cheek bone kissed and their ballsack sucked from the front and back. That's just how we showed dominance in the Navy. You talk that shit, you get your ass beat and that dick sucked. We're thugging it and getting down. You can say I'm getting jiggy with that shit. It's just optimistic. I wear lipstick.
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I've only slept with a handful of males. And I wasnt looking at then while I was getting head. That doesn't make me gay, that makes me open minded


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Quick, before anybody can stop us

Throw a party


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There will be NO PARTYING under my watch.


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Grrrr.. Good morning, Kitten. You've been very bad lately.. now uyou have to send me hole pics. Daddy's getting angy 👿👿😡😡 im gonna have to punish my little kitten now. log on to discord before you really make daddy angwry


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Keep staring at me and I'm gonna call up 30 of my wizards to start casting fireball on that ass


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Should human men have vixen wives? What about them having fox husbands? Would that be the key to everlasting world peace? And we're going to be sure that we don't forget about the wonder of human women with fox husbands as well, right? Anything else that can save this troubled world of ours?

Anybody here check out anything fun that's furry related lately?
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the animator that makes horror animation by name "Lumpy touch"
he paints in a very pixel-lated way.

look him up on youtube. but gotta warn it´s some grimdark stuff


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Direct me to that dark hole

I'm cumming colder than the North Pole

Don't stop till the bills are paid in full

Fuck harder than the government

Evil under it

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