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I didn't chose the Thug life. The Thug life chose me


I love it


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Jesus Christ, it's fucking October dude
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And here I was ready to complain it was 80F.


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Appalachia here, low 60's and rain for the last 2 weeks straight. The sun may shine tomorrow, but probably not.


Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun


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Are you an 'island boy'?


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I doubt it.


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Look just because I'm willing to let my friends slob on my knob doesn't mean that I'm gay like corn on the kob. They next person to call me gay is gonna have to deal with the consequences. I'm gonna have to get drastic and start sucking on them toes, maybe sit on a plunger


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You're a homosexual.


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I've never said anything gay in my entire life



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Im high af right now and I'm gonna post entirely impulsiveness here
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Jesus Christ do my tits feel huge right now.


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I'm gonna smack them like I'm playing Donkey Kong Jungle Beat


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Oh shit, spirits of unspeakable evil have awakened!

Pick a partner and tell us your survival strategies. You get a main melee weapon, a side arm and a ranged weapon to begin with as well as a vehicle.


Also would anyone like to watch Evil Dead or some of the 'new' Creepshow with me next sunday?


>pick the ideal vehicles for rural and urban warfare

I won't mess with the classics!


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Damn. I want a Toyota now


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the last couple days have put me through the ringer! nothing awful, just a lot of work! so I'm just gonna streamline the Chatroulette this time

click on this link, and then hit random question button, and answer that question!


do it however many times you like, no limits here

and you can roll dice here all you want! it literally does nothing, but if it makes you feel better, then roll away!
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>what makes me cry?
seeing people try their hardest to try for their dreams, in the face of adversity

makes me strive harder as well <3

true, i've been on a ski lift in 0 degree weather, and it can really cut through the layers pretty hard. but the bathroom is a lot more tolerable, if not more exposed :P

memories from when we were tiny tots are always hit or miss, so i don't doubt your doubt!

contusion sounds a lot more intense than a bruise!

"Hey boss, yesterday i suffered a contusion, and am unable to work today"

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If we're talking "theme song" as in something that psychologically hits a certain way and describes my personal taste in music, then maybe a better example though would be some kind of melodic hard rock piece, such as "This Time It Feels Like Love" / "Feels Like Love" by Danger Danger:


Honorable mentions for "When It's Love" by Van Halen, "Hollyann" by Boston, "Back Where You Belong" by 38 Special, "Heaven" by Warrant, and "Shadows of the Night" by Pat Benatar... among many others...


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>What talent would you show off in a talent show?

guess i'd do a couple flashy lookin forms that i know. although i'd like to get a bit more fit first

all great choices!


<*gets all sassy*>

Hey, there, demons...

It's me. Ya boi.


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sorry, i was asleep when you posted this


I demand that you PROVE that you're absolutely NOT at all a BOTTOM.
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See, now >>1176943 is exactly the kind of thing that really does PROVE somebody's NON-BOTTOM status beyond any shadow of a doubt!


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I like everything feminine. Whether someone is a biological female or otherwise. That said, expect the be treated like such. With respect, but as for relationship roles go, you are definitely the bottom.

I don't even care if someone looks masculine in the day and dresses up at night. As long as I find someone hot and we get along, then I don't care what's between your legs.

You know what's funny? Most people are self conscious about their looks, but the average person isn't ugly by any means. Personality plays a huge role into that sort of thing in my opinion



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Hi, it's me - an old horse.

Old usernames from a decade ago:
PonyPurist (ponychan.net), HarmonyHoof/Harmonyhoof, HarmonyPurist

Old usernames from last year:
WanderingManOfHorse, Anonymous Philosopher, Anonymous Internet Person, unknown999, similar variations

There's no need for me to refresh your memory about my old postings. I was just checking to see if anyone remembered me.

(By the way, does anyone know how to add tripcodes? I never used one.)

Email: ponypuristv3.0_2@posteo.com
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tripcode test


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thx4hash .-.


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ITT WE are the opposite gender. I am now Nonna.
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Blame the Italian language


There's also "sounding like a girl"!

If imageboards have told me anything over the past decade, it's that "being lewd with somebody is never technically 'gay' if they moan like a girl"! /s



source,? <_<


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(i have smash and mario art 8)
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I have a day off on Wednesday as well.  I look forward to it

Do you have discord?


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Sure, I am sarcasmagasm on discord


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Sent. I look forward to our future encounters

 No.1141895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Whether you're day is just starting, just ending, or somewhere in the in-between-everyone likes a good music thread!~

(Didn't see a general music thread in the catalogue so I'm making one before I head to bed)
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Finally home. I do have a Quilava folder some nerd gave me a long time ago.



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"This is the ideal park ranger. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."


... I rather the idea of embedding mildly radioactive material into their horns, as some people are trying to do, in order to discourage poachers.


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...proud to be a Mufferican.


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>the best way to defend modern notions of human rights and animal rights imposed from the outside is by just plain murdering those who hold firm to their historic traditions, even if they're just defending their communities from alien forces



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Karaoke I guess

Anyway wanna sing?


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Y'all are cowards

If my borderline tone deaf asscan pollute the airwaves so can you



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