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A place for civilized animals
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Welcome to /townhall/! This is an anonymous-only board for debates, dialectics, and discussions of a serious nature.

As the topics discussed on this board may deal with sensitive or controversial subject matter, we expect a higher standard of conduct than elsewhere on the site, and will enforce the board's rules with a greater degree of strictness. Inability or unwillingness to follow the rules will result in a /townhall/-only ban.


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What did Donald Trump mean by this?


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If we look at Kohlberg's theory on the stages of moral development, then according to classical liberalism, it would traditionally refer to Stage 5 moral reasoning. We cannot, however, perfectly understand another's moral reasoning unless we understand everything about them and their situation. Thus, we can only speculate. Take the following into consideration:

Trump's most extreme supporters would likely fall under Stage 1 (avoiding punishment) or Stage 2 (self-interest) and take it to mean free license to do whatever they want.

Some libertarian supporters would take it to mean Stage 5 moral reasoning and perhaps agree.

Democratic ideologues would likely interpret it as Stage 1, 2, or 3 (3 because they might think that Trump is just doing whatever Elon Musk/Republicans want).

Regardless, the phrase is meaningless unless one can consistently act from the level of moral reasoning at which it originated (at least Stage 5).


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What do you think about pennies no longer being manufactured?


this is a pointless distraction





this has been suggested for about two decades. guess it only took an executive order to do? but without a penny, that would mean items should only be priced no less than in terms of nickels... for example, $1.00, $1.05, $1.10, $1.15, etc.

But according to https://www.officialdata.org/us/inflation/1776?amount=0.01, "$0.01 in 1776 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $0.36 today, an increase of $0.35 over 249 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 1.45% per year between 1776 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,527.64%."

So, a more moderate position would be to stop minting nickels and dimes, as well. With quarters, however, being worth less than they used to be, I would also consider stopping minting them, as well (and perhaps bringing back the 50-cent piece into regular circulation).

A new coin that changes value, such as an inflation-adjusted penny could be minted and set to an initial value of 36 cents. Or, a regular 36-cent coin could be produced as the lowest denomination coin and a new inflation-adjusted lowest denomination coin could be minted every year at a higher value to help citizens keep track of inflation in an easy-to-understand way. (Other coins and bills would not be inflation-adjusted - just the new penny)


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And you should play in traffic. Would do the world a favor.


I figured you would enjoy the reference.

Hurry up and die of alcohol poisoning  


>Sure they exist, but the folk preeching this kind of shit never are actual Christians.

That's a no true scotsman fallacy right there. And quite a delusional one

>Moneylenders, shady dealers, and general dishonest crooks?
>I really don't see your point in the slightest.

Yeah, cause you're a fucking hypocrite. Jesus also said it's easier for a camel to move through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. He didn't turn his whip against the people you personally hate, he didn't turn his whip against people for being queer, foreigners or adulterers (he actually defended them from hypocritical Pharisees). Calling  them just 'those who were perverting that temple.' Is really fucking disengenuous giving yourself a floating signifier to include whomever you want in that category.

And no, jesus wasn't some entirely peace loving hippie, but the only people he was violent towards were the greedy in the temple. Otherwise he did say the most important of God's laws was to love they neighbor as theyselves and when asked who was one's neighbor, gave the parable of the good Samaritan to make the point that everyone god created is one's neighbor.

But you fucking hypocrites twist that shit aroubd to try and justify fucking fascism by completely ignoring the most important details about the only people jesus was violent against.

Jesus's whole point in his opposition to and criticisms of the Pharisees was that the spirit of the law was more important than the precise letter of it. People who twist the imperfect language of that law to justify doing things against the spirit of the law that the rest of the stories make clear are best described as Pharisees, which includes a good chunk of hate-addicted evangelicals who are ultimately worshiping themselves for being native born Americans and who label themselves Christian as a 'get out of jail free' card with a really fucking convenient 'faith alone theology'.


What do you think?


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dunno how the far-right christian agenda got this far ...reminds me of mccarthyism and the salem witch trials that we read about in high school.

when i was in high school, i was surprised to learn about how even after the industrial revolution and all the tech advances, people still worked so much ...such incremental gains. now, even such incremental gains are at risk of being lost. by now, i expected most work would be done by robots ...not the case.

unregistering to vote

am finished with politics in every form

goodbye, /townhall/




good to see darkmatter2525 still making videos



How can this guy be so stupid. He and his companions complain about the cancel culture and about being called fascist.
>Now they are dropping Nazist salutes.That's not even >Literally 1984
That is giving off >Man in the High Castle Vibes.
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Man, the memes had me convinced this was something it wasn't. Like it was anywhere even close. He isn't even doing it straight on. It's to the side like a fucking dab.
Dumbest nothingburger of my life.


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As noted by BBC News, by the 3rd of February in 2025 a full "[t]hirteen hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have so far been released as part of a long-awaited ceasefire deal with Israel, which began on 19 January 2025." As well, "[f]ive Thai nationals have also been freed under a separate agreement." This all means that "[f]ifteen months after the 7 October 2023 attacks, Israel says 79 of the 251 captives remain unaccounted for, although it believes only 45 of these are still alive."

There's a lot about the hostage crisis here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67477240

At the same time, the Israeli government has held a lot of Palestinians as prisoners over the recent past. And the Israeli military has also killed a great many Palestinian individuals during its armed actions in Palestine over that time. A great deal of suffering has occurred in the region.

What do you, personally, think should happen during these recent days of peace related negotiations? What thoughts do you have? What should happen in the near future?


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Is a takeover of world governments by advanced AI something that ultimately is inevitable, like the Sun expanding when it becomes a Red Giant or other natural processes?

Is there any clear way to prevent it from happening?

For context, the screenshot is of a public commentary done by Sam Altman who's the CEO of OpenAI.
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>Is a takeover of world governments by advanced AI something that ultimately is inevitable?

Nah. Nothing is inevitable.

>Is there any clear way to prevent it from happening?

Eh, why would you want to?

>For context, the screenshot is of a public commentary done by Sam Altman who's the CEO of OpenAI.




If this goes too far, the government and state could be dismantled within the next century.


What exactly is wrong with the photo? It's accurately described.


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Are you proud to be an American where at least you know you're free?
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And you're actually going to cram "illegal" immigrants, unwanted criminals and leftist protesters indefinitely in an offshore prison known for detaining and torturing terrorists.

The price for freedom.



If America no longer stands for human rights and civil liberties, then it is a failed state by all accounts.


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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for  the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
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live in an area with a pretty bad homeless/drug problem
lots of drunk guys hanging around the local third-rate pubs they love so much

walking home one day
see two of them outside one of those places
one guy standing there with a beer and a cig
the other dude, younger guy, is face down on the tarmac
arm twisted under his stomach, not moving
looks like he's either blackout drunk at best or straight-up overdosing

slowly walk toward them to see what's up
standing guy immediately starts waving me off like >nah nah, we're good
ask him
>You guys alright? Need me to call someone?
guy just says
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Shaming men for having beards and for wearing hats is stupid.

I value and support both.

I don't care how much of an anachronism those two things may be.

Honestly, I think this dude looks awesome. R.I.P. Garth Hudson


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i wanna get on on the side of my tummy but idk who it should be or what it should be


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...one of these, maybe - unless you are more of an earth element, in which case a symbol of Ferio's or Master Mage Clef. i don't have any tattoos

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