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I honestly could not give less of a shit, considering we've got the BBC, literal state-controlled media, doing the same and nobody seems to care, leaving out the host of times America has pressured other foreign elections.


>I honestly could not give less of a shit, considering we've got the BBC, literal state-controlled media,

Yeah, the BBC is up front about it. The YouTubers aren't, or don't even know they're working in Putin's interest or just don't care cause they are insincere grifters ... and I have suspicions that some here get there information from some of those YouTubers, and they should critically reexamine what these people say.


>the BBC is up front about it
They most certainly are not.
If anything, they'll balk with the greatest of offense when you rightfully call them out for being state media.

Most YouTubers aren't gonna be looking too deep where their money's coming from. Taking short deals for shoddy products is pretty common. The Russian tactic seems to mostly be putting feelers wherever they can anyhow, with plenty on either side, last I saw. Which, of course, is how the US does it too.


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Was Kamala's latest interview really so bad, or are the prediction markets overreacting?
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>"I'm going to be the candidate of change.. But no I would have done everything Biden did but exactly the same"

I mean she's not helped herself. Trump is probably right to just shut up and not do any more interviews


There's currently people threatening to blow up weather institutes because they're supposedly used to generate hurricanes.

The US is rapidly becoming the actualisation of idiocracy, so I totally buy it.


This is not new, it is and remains a small minority of people that get amplified because it makes people like you become entrenched in your xenophobia/self-hate of Americans.

This type of conspiracy theory is present in every single nation on earth.

Also, what does this have to do with the OP? Is it just the image, not the substance of the question? Tell me you don't understand polls and US demographics without telling me you don't understand.


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Cultural enrichment helps fight slavery and that’s why the Union was pro black people

So slaughter and eat the rich for the crime of slavery


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>cultural enrichment helps fight slavery


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>they failed to progress
I'm sure no outside force ever had any say in this matter.

(Let's just ignore the entire US occupation of Haiti, apparently)


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Most transgendered people I've met in my life have displayed severe mental illness and/or trauma that will often focus around their transgenderism in one way or another.

Is there a correlation? Is it simply because of the hardships that they might face, or are mentally ill people inclined to transition because they are mentally vulnerable and easily influenced that it might improve their lives? A little column A and B? Maybe some other reason.

Let's talk about it.
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That's a bit hyperbolic.

Sure, a fear or disgust for abnormality is certainly associated with anxiety but not to the extremes of OCD. The fear of abnormalities is an extention of the intolerance for uncertainty. The fear of exceptions is rooted in fear of unreliability of one's assumptions when assessing reality, and an intolerance for the cognitive complexity of general rules over the simplicity of absolute rules.


The rule-of-thumb test between mental illness and regular moods works well here, like I think it does basically everywhere.

<"Does your psychological fear of [X] prevent you from happily living your life otherwise?">

Finding spiders gross isn't a problem. Being pathologically incapable of driving a car because you once had a spider crawl on you while you were starting a car years ago is a problem. Thinking that cats are weird isn't a problem. Getting so paralyzed with anxiety about cats that you can't visit a sibling's apartment complex because cats constantly walk around the parking lot is a problem. And so on.

If a fixation on "I must make everything... normal... at all costs" directly keeps you from actually going through a day's plans, then that's an issue.


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I find you gross.


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Fixing four inherent flaws with human biology would cause world peace:

1. Make the most healthy foods that're the most easily produced taste the best.

2. Make women enjoy having sex equally as much as men enjoy having sex.

3. Make men get pregnant as easily as women get pregnant.

4. Make everybody have a physical switch on their bodies that both instantly puts them to sleep and also instantly wakes them up.

I'm only partially joking. What do you think? Being honest?
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None of these things would solve imperialism, irredentism, bigotry, or the desire of all people to be solely recognised internationally as having the largest penis.


1. They are, you just are shit at cooking.

2. Libido is on a spectrum for everyone and is subject to change.

3. This does nothing to create peace.

4. This is retarded.

I don't expect any level of thought from anyone on this hellsite, but you are stupid.


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Should celebrity figures such as P. Diddy who're accused by multiple individuals of sexual assault and/or sexual harassment be "cancelled" by the broader culture? Is, then, "cancel culture" a good thing for us?

Is "cancel culture" targeting those accused of sexual crimes a generally positive sign of progress, looking at the changes in traditional values, or is the rise of the trend moving us backwards? Actually making us worse?

With P. Diddy, there's many stories on the accusations such as: https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/diddy-sexual-assault-allegation-doc-50-cent-netflix-1236012610/

Generally: if an actor or actress, say, is alleged to have abused certain younger women, then should people stop buying their products such as picking up copies of their merchandising?

Or maybe this is all "Marxism", "socialism", "wokism", and such? Maybe we live in an age such that accusations of sexual crimes are an unethical tool of the left-wing, with "cancel culture" needing to be stopped? Is that what you think, instead? Or do you take the pro-cancel-culture side?
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P Diddy did nothing wrong.


Cancel culture is a good thing in this case. I think.


If and when Mr. Combs is convicted I vote for woodchipper.


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What're your thoughts about the current social controversy in the U.S. about many American politicians arguing that roving gangs of black people are allegedly eating the cats and dogs of others in the country?

There are countless articles on this set of claims by politicians, such as: https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/09/11/trump-haitian-immigrants-eating-pet-dogs-and-cats/

In broader context, details about what it's like to eat them can be seen here (note that this is not a story about America and/or Americans as well as doesn't involve politics at all): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6419041.stm
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Alright. Look. If I applied your ""logic"" to my own life, then I'd be a part of a militia that just murders all of the straight white cisgender able-bodied Christians in America to prevent them from successfully wiping out the Jews, the LGBTs, the disabled, and so on. A preventative genocide to prevent them from setting forth their genocide on us. So, everybody who's a Donald Trump or like him would be dead.

Would you view that as a good idea? As morally justified? Would you really support me in doing that?

After all, I'd just be putting down a ""breed"" of human beings that can't peaceful coexist with the ""breeds"" that I and my friends plus family are a part of it? Right? After all?


I'll just leave this here.

(It's based off the classic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otbml6WIQPo.)
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Left once again proving they've never matured...

>>14498 has the right idea.
I just don't give a crap about this '2025' fearmongering.
The more it's put forward everywhere I look, the more I'm convinced it's another fake.



In the original video, the kid is portrayed the same. The difference is in Bill. In the original, Bill is portrayed as a humble Christian who prays that he might one day become a law. In the satirical version, Bill is portrayed like someone on a power trip, as he is no longer a humble bill hoping for the approval of independent branches of government representing the will of the people, but rather someone on a power-trip who doesn't care what anyone else thinks, with his 800+ pages and eager, empty expression. It's the difference between real Christianity, which is about loving your neighbor and fake Christianity, where you ignore (or worse) your neighbor.


Donald Trump's voters base their opinions on their hatreds, particularly racial and religious prejudice, and this is exactly what they want.

As the saying goes, "the cruelty is the point".

If you're disabled, if you're Jewish, if you're Muslim, if you're gay, or whatever else, then you're inferior to Trump and his supporters, in their eyes, and they demand that you heel to them by force. That's just life. That's just where it is.

There's almost no difference between politics in America during the 1930s and the 1940s and politics now: the same scapegoats believed by the past right-wing to have destroyed the economy and harmed American civilization then (particularly Jews and gay people as well as the handicapped) are STILL the targeted groups of disdain now. This is why Donald Trump told his nephew that disabled people should be all ideally euthanized because we're a drain on capitalist resources.


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Let's suppose that you live in a nation with a legal system like the U.S. with freedom of speech beyond what currently exists as a logical extreme, with no restrictions of any sort being set up at all in this new place.

For example, all websites would legally be able to advertise videos of real child abuse of sale, to post public plans of assassination, to share theories of how to use victim's stolen bank records, and all that.

Does there reach a clear-cut point in which too much freedom of speech damages other basic civic rights?

Suppose I, a hypothetical businessman named Bob Smith, get mad that my bank account data has been stolen and shared online. And I decide to fight for a "Government Censorship Act" that would legally prohibit the doxxing of people's sensitive information online, particularly by posting here-and-there credit card numbers. I proclaim "Americans should have less liberties and freedoms" because their speech has destroyed my "private property rights" in my activism.

Am I "evil"? Am I "bad"? Am I "wrong"? Am I "social-justice-warrior"? Am I "woke"? Am I "far left"? How far from the logical extreme is acceptable to go before people like me would become damned?


The short answer is no.

The long answer: Basic civil rights have to be defined, and any freedom of communication would have to be compared to civil rights as defined by its own system and therefore could absolutely not infringe upon them.

Now, how do we define civil rights, and how should we define civil rights?  That question is always up in the air.  Like surely we agree that you shouldn't be able to murder someone, but like you mentioned, does that mean you shouldn't be able to talk about murdering someone?  Is it your right to not be murdered?  And if so, is the state required to stop murder in every way possible, including arrest people who merely mention murder?  It's a tough question, because every step of freedom given up is a loss, and that isn't worth it until you witness enough murders to change your mind.

In more realistic and less theoretical terms, freedom of speech seems like it was originally intended to mean "the government we're forming won't imprison or assassinate you because you tell people you don't like us", which was and in some places still is a common problem.  That people have taken it to mean "I can literally say whatever I want and no one can do anything about it" leads to really weird situations, not the least of which is people going to websites that are technically private, pissing everyone off, and then saying they can't be removed because it violates their freedom of speech.


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Can UK still be saved?
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"instigated by pro-israeli types on behalf of Israel"

Do go on and explain


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People keep saying the UK is dying, but it still exists. When will they finally kill it so we can finally be done with the whole ridiculous thing?


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Someday the dream of Welsh independence will be realised. Owain Glyndŵr's legacy is eternal.


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You are all silly billies.
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Grade A silly billy here


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Nah, Steam Twist won. Ponychan.net wouldn't have died if he hadn't cast that spell to avoid permaban.

oh hot damnb got me there son


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The other thread got kind of derailed, so here's a new thread about tyranny in the UK.

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Wouldn't "foreign citizens cannot travel to our territory in order to publicly lobby for different things" also be a viewpoint neutral speech rule? It's thoroughly applied fairly to all peoples on an equal level, right? And wouldn't it inherently make sense for citizens to be treated differently legally than non-citizens?


>Wouldn't "foreign citizens cannot travel to our territory in order to publicly lobby for different things" also be a viewpoint neutral speech rule?
Yes.  But that alone doesn't mean that it is constitutional or good policy.  E.g., I think it would be a bad idea to imprison H-1B workers for speaking online about their grievances with the immigration system.

>And wouldn't it inherently make sense for citizens to be treated differently legally than non-citizens?
No, at least for anonymous/pseudonymous speech, because it isn't feasible to determine whether the speaker is a citizen or not.  And there is a 1A right to speak anonymously/pseudonymously.


Anyone should be able to say what they want, regardless of other people's feelings.


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Some social media types are in hot water at the moment due to this independent study that alleges the coming of "a flood of ads on Facebook and Instagram that pointed users to third-party services where they could purchase prescription pills, cocaine and other recreational drugs."

< https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/mark-zuckerberg-receives-letter-lawmakers-over-illicit-drug-ads-rcna166809 >

Is this a big deal? I'm not personally sure... because my instincts say... that the U.S. government is too censorship happy... doesn't it seem to be like that?

Maybe substances such as cocaine ought to be totally legalized in the U.S. in the first place? Is this a matter of basic freedoms? Maybe? Maybe not?
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I don't think it's accountability.
It's responsibility, as in the USA assuming it's the addict's own responsibility to get out of their situation.
So there's no investment into social programs.


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It would eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering. I also believe the price of drugs should be lowered and that we should be making a whole lot more of them. Pharmaceutical companies prey on a lack of education while actively trying to make the drugs you buy illegal for anyone else to grow or produce for every except for their own selves. They do this and then turn around telling everyone else that it's for our safety. It isn't. It's for profit. The cost of producing those drugs is mere pennies compared to their profits.

I suspect this is why education isn't free and a scam at the end of the day. They want to put a price tag on something that isn't material and pretend it is; knowledge. I've met so many people who know more about a subject than people with a degree in that subject. It's ridiculous. The biggest thing that holds people back from getting that piece of paper is money. Then you turn around and try to justify that piece of paper by ramping up the prices on a product because 'it's super duper hard to make guize!" Which is horseshit. Making drugs is a process that requires specific details and a sterile environment sure, but that doesn't justify the sheer level of greed in the industry.

It's similar to the same reason I hate a lot of fashion. People are selling you a shoe with the exact same materials as the next and pricing it at 500 dollars for a pair. It's absolutely stupid. The actual labor doesn't translate either. Sure, companies like that have to invest in machines for mass production, but the profits have long, long paid all of that off.

A good example is the price of insulin. It is ridiculous. Or what about the fact that if you donate plasma a lot of places might pay you like 50 bucks for a pint (and that's if you weight like 175lbs minimum) and then turn around and flip that pint for $800-$1600 a pop. And they get it from desperate people all of the time. It's predatory.


Both things are problems.


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Looking back in at covid in hindsight what are your thoughts on how the world reacted?
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Bro are you a pizza cutter 'cause that's a lot of fuckin' edge you got there.


From a pragmatic point of view, you're correct. That's the reason people would abandon or outright kill babies with deformities in the past. But humans aren't always pragmatic, and our emotions make things 'sticky'.


It was gay.

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