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What reliable factual evidence exists that getting rid of all the Christians in the world (alongside all of the Jews and Muslims) would make the Earth a better place to live?

What support is there for this claim?
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Nobody did.


As long as people fear death, spiritual beliefs and religions built around those beliefs will always exist


>Religion throughout human history



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<Women are less intelligent than men. That means that women should have jobs that require much less mentally, such as working at home. This also protects men.>

Are all of these claims coming from many American football players the past few days correct? Are they wrong? What factual evidence exists to support these young athletic men's views, if any? Do you think that they're just being silly?
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Ya know?
People get so hooked up on science and looking at averages and such likes. Honestly, I don't want to waste too much times on facts.

But even if all those "facts" re true, is it beneficial to start gatekeeping aspects of society, because women / black people / ... are supposedly not smart enough?

If I am in urgent need of a medical professional, it seems stupid to go out and say that I want to be helped by a male doctor only. And it seems problematic to refuse women from positions of power because they're not smart enough.
And are we now supposed to ban women from setting policy that affect their lives, because statistically men know better?


I'd just like to point out that the American Medical Association used to have a policy in America of working with Jim Crow laws in order to allow medical patients who'd rather suffer than be helped by a black person make that choice.

Don't take my word for it. Look it up. Is horrifying.


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Looks like I'm going to jail!


I'm with the U.K. government. Broadly speaking. If an individual wants to do any of these things to a victim (or justify it being done by others):

>raping them
>firing them from their jobs
>kicking them out of their homes
>preventing them from voting
>sexually harassing them short of raping them
>forcibly keeping them away from access to medical care
>destroying their personal property
>physically battering them in a non-sexual way

Or such. Well. Like. Yeah. That sounds like a direct threat to social order that requires law enforcement action as well as measures by the judicial system. Modern democracies such as the one in the U.K. are under extreme threat from domestic militants committing extremist acts.

Person A's civil rights and personal liberties end the exact moment that he/she/they actively intends harm to Person B and commits actions as a result of those beliefs. This seems completely reasonable to me. This is the understanding of "rights" that one would have from looking at the intellectual traditions that go back to John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, et al and the Age of Enlightenment. The underlying purpose of government in both theory and practice is to prevent specific forces from using coercing actions to harm others. And so on.

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See ya


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Why is Germany committing seppuku?


Americans on both the left and right as well as Canadian on both the left and right appear to be shit-for-brains-ish when it comes to their general opposition to nuclear power. Or so I've read. So, well, the North American types don't really have the ability to criticize the Germans on this without being massively hypocritical.


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Why is it that transwomen and women get particularly female aggressive with one another?
Why is it that female to males, lesbians, gay males, and straight males get particularly male aggressive with one another?


Are you asking about the the fundamental nature of human aggression?  I don't know if there's an answer for that one.  It's just natural.


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What exactly is "female aggressive" ?


It's when chicks get aggressive with each other solely on the fact that they're both chicks


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Can't help but swallow the blackpill and admit this is probably true

I feel the same way about future tech/implants/bionics etc that allow us humans to stop aging or live much longer or like something that you could mean you no longer need to sleep and things like that

If those kinds of tech or pills or whatever were made do you really think you and I would get to have any of them?

Or do you think only the richest of the rich elites would get control over them and thus get to use them?
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I predict that will a sky rocketing economy and our already currently undermanned military, that the masses will all rush to seek employment through joining the service. We will become like North Korea under the guise of democracy and capitalism, but become just as fucked up as those Red Communists.


Time to grab your guns, folks. We've got commies to take care of.


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Nuclear technology was always an amoral tool.

The ethical choice by Western countries in the 1900s (and even mostly now in the 2000s) to use it almost exclusively as a way to kill the most people as efficiently... as a weapon... it's something that may be looked back on quite harshly.

An alternate, say, America exists somewhere in the multiverse that wisely used nuclear power related science to help bring millions out of poverty through smart industrial development.

So it is with AI. Use a tool for good. Or for evil. To build. Or to destroy. It happens because of your own morality. The tool itself is amoral. That's just how it is.

Left hand? Or right hand? What do you choose, looking at the image?


Eh, I don't really think so.
I think what we'll get is a 'gig economy' like a fellow I know has coined it.
Which is to say, you use AI when you want general junk. You get a person when you want something personal. Or, really, want to support that person's craft.

Consider it like buying something handmade, instead of the usual chinese factory bulk-built clay guff.
Is it really any better? Honestly, most the time, no. But you pay more for it anyway, just because the person who's crafted it has value to you.


Presidents in my life, graded:

C - Social Issues, B - Economic Issues, B - Foreign Issues [B - Overall]

>Bush Sr.<
A, C, A [A - Overall]

B, A, B [B - Overall]

>Bush Jr.<
F, F, F [F - Overall]

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Don't misunderstand me. I get it. Probably would like 'clussy' in my life as well.


Fuck. My negativity killed the thread. Ooopsie.


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Why is it that our first instinctive thought is to project our own violent nature onto that which we do not understand? For all we know the clown species simply wants to be honked and stuffed into a tiny car with you.

 No.13807[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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You can see the shooting here; https://twitter.com/PicturesFoIder/status/1812252806906081350
Pretty wild fare. You hear the shots, see him touch his head. Fortunately, it seems they missed, or at least for the injury to the head, only hit the ear.

Still; Much like Bolsonaro, this is very likely to garner him greater support, and images like this one seem to've caught the internet by storm.
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I must admit. You see the world quite differently from myself, and yet I am enjoying our conversation. I also like the texas cow avatar. It is fitting.
>Like how one of the reasons we have struggled so long to get something like universal healthcare is because of the fear that it might make social mobility easier for black people, but of course, they'll only admit it to you when they think that, because you're white and of a similar class background, that you might already agree.
Most of the people I've talked to who are against universal healthcare are against it for reasons that are pretty much every reasons except for "It'll help out the darkies!" And I've had some pretty racist friends in the past. Most of the reasons I've heard from those types of people is that they think it'll take away their ability to purchase more private healthcare, and that with universal government funded health care that they'll "End up stuck on a waiting list for a year just to get some cough medicine!"

The closest thing I've had to universal healthcare was the system they had for it in the military, and to be honest it was actually pretty nice. "I am sick." Coof coof "Uhh dude, go to medical." It was that simple. I think change like that scares people. I feel like if there are going to be two free services, health/dental and education should be them.
Prisoners and politicians: I feel like dealing with both are like dealing with demons vs devils in D&D. They're both gonna lie to you, but in distinctive ways.

>I am familiar with that view and I've always thought of it as a little narrow. I mean, human beings are a social species evolved for inter-dependence, and we're born with brains so underdeveloped that we are 100% dependent on others for survival for quite a long period of our lives as compared to other animals that often reach adult status within a year or less.

We're social and complex creatures, yes, but even within a social and complex creature the need to dominate and secure positions of power is written in our DNA. Look at Chimpanzees. Those things are arguably even more inclined towards violence and if you didn't know about them from a scientific point of view could be seen as hellspawn written straight out of myth and legend. They'rePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>I must admit. You see the world quite differently from myself, and yet I am enjoying our conversation.

Everyone has their own experiences that shape their worldview. No one has the whole picture. Certainly not myself nor anyone else here. Dogmatic conviction about one's worldview is not really rational.

>I also like the texas cow avatar. It is fitting.

I'm much more of a stereotypical central Texas urban/suburban dwelling geek than a cowgirl, I'm just playing up the fact Im from there when establishing the origin point of my experiences that shape my worldview (so far).

>Most of the people I've talked to who are against universal healthcare are against it for reasons that are pretty much every reasons except for "It'll help out the darkies!"

Most people who aren't wealthy white old-money southern elites wouldn't be aware of the racism involved in the decades long battle against universal healthcare. A lot of the rhetoric against it as you relate originated in rhetorical strategy cooked up in political think tanks who understand that you can't convince lower and middle class people to support securing the position of power against the threat of social mobility. Lower and middle class whites are generally a lot less racists than the white upper class in the south, who are inheriting the culture of the old southern plantation class that's been working for the past 160 years to maintain their status in the south after the Civil War beginning with things like the 'lost cause' narrative and lots of more explicit attempts to maintain a racial caste system via things like Jim Crow era segregation to less explicit things like policy positions that made social mobility harder for people who were already poor ( https://youtu.be/X_8E3ENrKrQ?si=FHEvxsZH0gZwuRkX )

>I think change like that scares people. I feel like if there are going to be two free services, health/dental and education should be them.
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>I'm much more of a stereotypical central Texas urban/suburban dwelling geek than a cowgirl
I've only been to texas a handful of times. Houston, San Antonio, some small-little oil-rigging town, and Dallas. I did some disaster relief work out there for a while.
>wouldn't be aware of the racism involved in the decades long battle against universal healthcare
My friend and I were talking about this yesterday. I tend to think it's more of a class bias than a racial one; minorities just tend to be in the lower classes due to whatever reason or another.
I can't really speak too much on the South because I haven't lived out there. I just don't fall into the whole conspiracy that taxes are coded as anti-black. I know the government has actually done some pretty shady stuff like the release of crack into black neighborhoods but to say that so many fingers would be in a single pie and remaining stable is pretty ridiculous; double so to claim when most people in the south advocate for less taxes. (Which is a die if you do, die if you don't think when it comes to the 'support' of black people. Do you argue that taxes are ruining their pockets on a day-to-day basis, or that healthcare programs ect can't be funded without them? This is why I hate talking about racial issues because at the end of the day there's no pleasing those people. There's a reason black people are nicknamed "Gimmedat's")

When it comes to dental/medical, a lot of hospitals and pharmaceutical companies know what they're doing. They're preying on a lack of availability in labs and knowledge to the public, but that doesn't it make it right when the actual cost of making medicine such as insulin is pocket change compared to the profit they make by selling the stuff. Let me give you an example: I used to donate plasma and would get paid like 50 dollars a bottle, which was a pint of plasma; an entire pint. They would then turn around and flip that bottle for like $800-$1600 to pharmaceutical companies.  
>Free education
I also feel like teachers across america should be paid more and that public educatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Is there a positive future possible for the peoples of Russia in the long term, looking years and years out past the horizon?

This music video screenshot is very related. I think.
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The future for Russia is the same it's always been (bar a small little break in the early to late 2000s)

Get drunkier and poorer every day while your goverment screws you over endlessly


Probably. Last I heard, Russia isn't really doing that bad. At least, as far as the regular day-to-day stuff seems to go.


That really could be so.


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Any LGBT+ person should be referred to as a 'capybara' (and the 'LGBT+ community' summed up as the 'capybaras') because that's a much easier thing to say and write as well as think and type... compared to using a complex acorymn...
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^ this ^


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Capybaras are cool


But... remember: >>14258


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What's an American's favorite food?
other Americans.


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Unless they're in the mood for takeout. Then we're gonna take out anyone with oil.


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>Turn on the tv to watch the Paris/France olympics opening ceremony
>First thing I see is this
>Turn off the tv
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>but you know what fuck men with beards too
Have fun apparently?


That's a little gay, bro.


Those women aren't exactly healthy either

>men with beards
Those aren't even humans


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>MTF trans Youtuber ends up being exposed for being a child groomer

Look that's is a bit of a cliche at this point so all I can say is simply

"If I speak I am in big trouble"
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>I think that this honestly is all pure horseshit made up by cis straight Christian conservatives to justify hatred.
You can tell because it's every minority. Antisemetism isn't in fashion anymore? Okay, let's move on to gays. It's illegal to spew vitriol about gays? Okay, let's try transpeople, they're still politically debatable.

It mystifies me that people still fall for it.


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Except there are pictures of that practice being done in their temples. It happens to this day.


Also I believe he is quoting Alex Jones when he was on the Joe Rogan show after the whole Sandy Hook shooting thing.


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Fully automated luxury gay space communism when?

It needs a lot of pussy to make it work, though. A lot.


There was NEVER be a peaceful human utopia beacause people are by their very nature tribal, violent angry apes who get jealous, greedy and want everything for themselves and everyone that looks and sounds like themselves and nothing for anyone else.

Doomer blackpilled mindset? Yes. But a harsh truth? Yes.


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It looks like Maduro was voted out by the people of Venezuela, but his government is falsifying the vote count in an attempt to keep him in power.  Other countries of Latin America are refusing to recognize the fraudulent election results, and there are massive protests in Venezuela, and some of the security forces seem to be joining the protesters.  Hopefully Maduro gets overthrown...
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File: 1722388090360.png (242.23 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Putin-favorability_2022-23.png) ImgOps Google

There actually isn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats in their favorability of Putin.  Both groups tend to view him very negatively.


I'm inclined to think that there's maybe a kind of "fallacy of composition" occurring?

Like if all one knew about those who voted for Trump in 2016 was what one saw from looking at terminally online Trump activists 4chan, Reddit, and YouTube, then one might the sense that like, say, Trump is running with the goal of putting all transgender people into concentration camps and declaring war on Mexico. And so on. All sorts of online rants occurring.

While those people did, indeed, exist, basic mathematical facts that can't be disputed state that most registered voters who marked a spot for Trump on the ballot didn't give money to his campaign. Didn't knock on any doors. Didn't make any phone calls. Didn't buy and show off new clothing to push some sort of thing. They expressed collectively a lot of nuanced opinions, ranging from disdain to Hillary Clinton to emotional loyalty to the Republicans to whatever else. An obsessive dude on Reddit with a face covered in huge tattoos and a closet filled with hoarded Confederate memorabilia DOES reflect a certain percentage of the U.S. population on the 'right', however it's defined, but has little connection to most in that bigger group. And, naturally, that specifc dude probably went from trolling about Trump in the 2010s to about Putin in the 2020s.

It's sort of like how wheels and tires are a noticeable part of a modern car, but it would be a logical fallacy to think of building a whole car as the same as putting a pile of those metal and rubber bits into a circle and just waving a magic wand.

tl; dr we should have a frogposter genocide taking care of those with like lolicon as their phone wallpapers and allow normal conservatives alongside all other normal people to live without being besides all that shit


I'd call into major question your narrative.
I don't think I know of anyone who'd call any shithole nation in Africa "based" on the right.
Most of them just don't care about such places. After all, they're on the other side of the world.

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