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File: 1716403588526.jpg (212.41 KB, 1079x2009, 1079:2009, Screenshot_20240522_133921….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

How's it by you?


<screaming in confusion>
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I still feel angry about the tornado warning at like midnight.

A loud siren was broadcast locally and everything.

Didn't get anything at all like decent sleep.


File: 1716981549827.png (283.8 KB, 1280x683, 1280:683, hug.png) ImgOps Google

well better be warned to be awake and get to safety than... never?
im glad ur safe


cute image, need to wash my motor bike as well


File: 1716655093731.jpg (163.08 KB, 1080x766, 540:383, Screenshot_20240525_113629….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

How often do you eat something that's a 'do not eat', drink something that's a 'do not drink', touch something that's a 'do not touch', and so on in your life?
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Yeah, I feel like I'd give them a shot.

To be brutally honest, though, if I could express myself fully in the biological sense, then I wouldn't be a carnivore or omnivore with a hardwired biological need to eat any sort of meat at all. Would be nice to not have to do that. Maybe someday.


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If I could express myself fully in a material sense I'd have cut out the need to do anything except inject a bionutritional slurry into an access port to fuel my few remaining biological components I couldn't adequately Ship of Theseus off myself.


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Which two would you pick?
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i mean Kronk from emperors new groove.
is peak husbando material. have both the looks and comedy vibe!


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Very true.


Why not?


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"Alpha synuclein, having no single, well-defined tertiary structure, is an intrinsically disordered protein ... which, under certain pathological conditions, can misfold in a way that exposes its core hydrophobic residues to the intracellular milieu, thus providing the opportunity for hydrophobic interactions to occur with a similar, equally exposed protein.[80] This could lead to self assembly and subsequent aggregation into large, insoluble fibrils known as amyloids."
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I like making my own spells but not failing to cast them every time. That's why I like Oblivion.


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>inb4 "you're playing the game wrong"

you shouldn't have to grind for like 30 hours before you can even start the game

< Morrowind is my favorite TES game


>I don't know what I am talking about


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Do you have any favorite breeds of cats or dogs?
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One funny nostalgic trip is the impact the dog Lassie had on my preference for dogs when I was young.
I didn't even watch Lassie really, but it was so popular in the cultural zeitgeist at the time.

Now I can't say rough collies are my favourite dogbreed, but they're probably the one I still find the most beautiful.


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Watch out everyone!

Earths evil twin has been found. It's wearing an eyepatch, has grown a goatee and is smoking a cigar as we speak..
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Is it Mondas?


Who can blame it, being raised by a red dwarf star?


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>Be Mondas
>Be Earths twin
>Crash into our solar system
>Refuse to elabarate

Chad planet




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>Practical effects over CGI


I wonder if any songs from the musical will be used?

Eitherway, looking forward to it.

 No.1166837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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Good night.



Oh hey nice. I have some IPAs set aside but they're so painfully generic I'd rather have an actual generic lager.

I mean it's a pretty nice song but the trick is finding more like it but still actually good. It's not easy! I'll probably end up just spinning around Diggy Diggy Hole or something. Also you didn't adress the question... I think the mother is the clear villain here.

Anyway, all right, see ya


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Good morning.


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Hey Moony
It may not be pizza
But as a New Yorker, what do you think?
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Do enlighten me


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It'ssa hotdog in a hot soft pretzel! Put some mustard on it! Whaddaya want from me??


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send me the fudes.


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>No baked beans

This is a crime and i'm calling the police
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File: 1716405864461.jpg (55.79 KB, 1080x623, 1080:623, crdw4wurlerb1.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Corn dogs aren't bad,
but they are a challenge to eat.


Skill issue


Would you put corn in tea?


what mood are you feeling right now? share it in song form!
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File: 1716081634669.png (154.27 KB, 700x572, 175:143, this is the sound of the l….png) ImgOps Google

Sure you did your best. Which is all that matters.

It's a pretty dope song.



 No.1168296[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1716175930084.jpg (346.37 KB, 852x471, 284:157, merry christmas 2.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

they're already playing Christmas music at my job :PP

anywho! let's do a Chatroulette!

rules are simple, roll a 1d10 and do/answer the prompt on that number!

(to roll a 1d10, you type <1d10> but replace the 1d10 = 7 )

now let's roll!

1. Now that spring/summer has arrived, what is something you are looking forward to? (could be anything)

2. If Christmas was in summer, what would you hope to receive as a gift that would differ from the regular christmas?

3. Sorry you are too _____ for this ride!
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1d10 = 8


>8. if you could create a theme park with a holiday theme, what holiday would you choose and why?
I mean if you know me even a little, you know I am gonna pick Halloween.

Not that I don't know that there's a lot of Halloween or horror attractions out there, but a whole-ass horror theme park would be the tits.

Make an actual fun (and slightly less lethal) version of Horrorland from Goosebumps and I would be ALL over that shit.


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Taco Time



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What common dishes are widely eaten and even talked about socially around where you live... that you personally DON'T care for?

Do you have any "spicy opinions"?

For me, given the OP, I don't hate shrimp per se but have never cared for it either way, honestly.
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I once heard that eating hotdogs straight out of the packet is a no no in the US.

I can munch down on hotdog sausages straight from the jar in Europe and be fine.
Also for bacon strips and ground meat.




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Can money pay for all the days I lived awake but half asleep?


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Can it?


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it cannot. :c


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I tried to turn this into a thing a while ago, but I really can't remember what exactly happened!

Let's appreciate what we can all call "shorties": songs under three minutes long! And if you can find something that's actually less than two minutes long, then kudos to you! Please share for "Shorties Saturday"!

I'll let the next poster pick our first shortie and have the OP be this neat live music related photograph:

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File: 1715583222061.jpg (36.54 KB, 474x303, 158:101, Salty.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

This post of yours is too salty!



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