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I am free...
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Stop chewing on the walls!


He gets anxious!


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I defeated the wheel once but i decided to continue on it to help others do the same.


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maybe even 5/6, or potentially even 8/9
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there’s definitely room for it! depending on your dimensions of course 😏


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hi moony!! happy merry christmas!!


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This Christmas proposal is for weak people to hide behind weak opinions. You want tumblr 2012? Leave. Allow our hatred to be unfiltered and raw. I'll be the first to say it. I hate blacks, trannies, and flaming faggots.


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Since Christmas is now upon us, how do you handle getting and receiving gifts, /pony/?

> Transactional
< Secret Santa / White Elephant gift exchange, or simply agreement under family and friends,... You give a gift while you receive a gift. Fair exchange.

> Santa Claus
< You always get gifts for everyone, even though you barely ever see anything in return. But you know, watching someone get happy over something you gave is all that really matters and you're not crying when jotting this option down.

> Anti-consumerism
< You don't go out to buy any gifts and you don't accept gifts from anyone else. Christmas is not about gifts, it's all about LEAVING ME THE F$$$ ALONE!

> Opportunist
< You don't really go out to get gifts because no money / time /motivation. People do usually get you something, but it's not like you forced them to buy stuff for you.
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They will.

My budget for gifts is pretty tight. Especially since I have a lot of folks to buy for (another next year). And then I gotta bust my ass to even do that.

I do feel bad sometimes. I wish I could give people more interesting stuff more comfortably. But I assure you, no one has ever complained. Friebds or family.

At the end of the day, if you're with the right people, all the cheesy Christmas specials are right. It's more about giving and the sentiment of trying to make eachother happy.

I mean shit, when most of my friends were turning 30,I drew personal t-shirt designs for them and printed them on really cheap crap t-shirts. Cause it was all I could afford to do, all at once. A few of my friends still have them.

Oh I'm sure. We're about to have hours. But then we usually have it a bit late anyway.


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None of the above

i get the people im close to gifts that i can afford and people do the same for me, but its not transactional. neither of us have to do it or expect it to be done, we just do it.


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Unless you give me conflict, I want nothing from anyone


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It's been pointed out that the rules on the home page do not make it clear, but political discussions or topics or even suggestions are not allowed on /pony/. We will try to address the rules shortly to be explicit, it takes a bit more technical effort than you'd imagine to edit the main page!

The upcoming election is going to be a very emotionally charged time for many users of this site. Ponyville attempts to cater to everyone across the political spectrum but as we all know that's an extraordinarily difficult position to take.

Many people use this site as a safe haven from the stress of politics, and it's become natural for many users to defend their home from politics creeping into it. Please report incidents and the staff will deal with it. Also, please do not engage with political content, it makes things harder for us to fix and clean up!

Thanks for your understanding. I'll leave the thread open for questions or clarifications.

Pic unrelated, I don't know what an appropriate image is for this so you get to see my bunny.


Cute bunny! 🐇


Wow you wanna get political ovee this


Moved to >>>/arch/4778.


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Suffer not the fur to live..


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It's December 1st! Time to decorate the tree!
Each user add one thing to the tree per post.
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Added an anthro friend!


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gotta have an angel topper if we're decorating a tree!


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uh... how to explain.... dashie told me she wanted to be on the tree, too - and she wouldn't take "no" for an answer


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What would you like to see in Generation Six?
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It is way past time to duel.


Batman. As well. The actual Batman.


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But G4 had a collectible card game, like Magic!


It's that time.
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Can't wait for it to become undone the moment it is put in the oven.


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I'd like to have that at some point.


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...an abomination.


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Love for sale, love is on sale!
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Looks more like rentting.  


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How much for one?


Hey, well, a whole hour can feel like it lasts forever... I suppose...


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Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all
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Happy Holidays! <3


This would be the perfect Christmas card for a friend of mine.




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Support trans rights for Christmas.

Afterall, without hrt, it's just Cismas
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Clever. I do support trans rights, regardless of the holiday. Hope you're doing well, Andrea


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Oh shit!

Transition milestone!

I accidentally banged my tit on a doorframe



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What are your thoughts on the ""Drone"" situation in New Jersey?

Interesting that even all the local officials are demanding answers from the US government about it now
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Very kind of the ayy lmaos or Iranians or whoever to leave their landing lights on and to follow red/green navigation light standards typical for nautical and aeronautical commercial traffic. Kinda suspicious that they exclusively fly at low altitudes and in straight lines to or from major airports. Very concerning. I recommend shooting one down to see what's inside.




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I don't feel like making a Christmas/Holiday thread, so let's have a SFW shitpost thread instead.

Also, hello. How are ya?
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Ah, Nintendo. So lovely and wholesome. Nothing quite like lobbing bombs at a bunch of babies on a race track.


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♪ Careening cross the ice like a hockey puck ♫
put the pedal to the metal towards an oncoming truck.♪♫

♫♫ These are all things that we let effing babies do!♪♫


Hey, there were i sixth and I was in seventh. All's fair in Mario and War.


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Should AI really respond to subjective questions, especially involving fiction, as if it can give absolute answers on an objective basis?

What else has been on your mind lately when it comes to AI?


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Hmm. Hard to answer. I think it would be more important to teach people critical thinking skills and the definition of subjective rather than relying on the A.I. for those kinds of answers.

A.I. can be a useful tool, though, I believe.

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