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Episode of 5 Shoujo Ramune announced for 2025. That’s peak.
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Technically the thread was always about loli hentai, it didn't 'devolve' into anything.

I have a friend or two who've seen it, which is how I know a reasonable amount about it, but yeah.


Fair enough


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On that note, did anyone ever see the A Kiss for the Petals OVA?

Like yeah okay it's hentai but the hentai takes a backseat to cooler things like Emotional Connection and Cuteness and it ends up being a heartwarming experience as a result. Highly recommended.


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I'm bored and it's been foreeeever since these things were popular so Imma make one. Shoutout to Mikie for doing it first.

My name is Harlowe and you're watching Disney Channel. AMA.
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oh i love chicken wings <3 great choice <3

you now have the power to control one element! what element is that and why?


Hey. Yo.
The recent Hot Honey wings are amazing. I'll literally just buy the sauce to put on my own food.


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Hot honey is super popular these days. I've still never had it. My go to is their Louisiana rub.

I would go with air probably, if it means I could make myself fly somehow, even if it's with a glider like Aang.

I just think air control is cool, there's a lot of stuff you can do with it that you maybe wouldn't consider.

Both Avatar and Wheel of Time talk about how air is a very underrated element to control.


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I have so much to talk to you about over on Discord.
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Moony hasn't Posted Consistently since He and Orange and Dragon Risky were all besties. it was honestly a different time. Heck. That's the only reason he and I are friends is because he used to post all the time and I was able to contact him about the Ponychan panel at Bronycon 2013.


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Just bumping the thread with best pony


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Bit windy init?
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Good thing I'm in the East. Just a little windy, thankfuly not "Blow your house down" windy like it is in the West


Not rainy?



Surprisingly not. But there's been a big old storm. We are lucky that we don't get tornadoes or earthquakes but big storms and floods do tend to hit us every few years


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Do you have any favorite steels or other favorite metal alloys?  Personally, I am fond of 17-4 PH and blue-tempered spring steel.
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Niet-roestend Staal:pinkie6:
Nicht-rostende Stahle


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Quite so.


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You're telling me a NEET roasted this steel?


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Have you even been so Goddamn gay that you started to sparkle?

Also, hey, any GIFs or other animations that you'd like to share, /pony/? Anything fun that you've seen lately? Anything at all?
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That rotation is extremely enjoyable to look at NGL


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And that also fits!


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I think there is something wrong with my cat
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> feeding your pet a baguette
Vive la France?


Baguettes are fine pet food


A surprising number of active spiders around this house lately, considering it's almost winter.

Anyways, same question as always:
do you get a lot of spiders around the house right now?
Or any other spider related things to discuss?


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So I have a little debate the other day about which English County has the best flag and I was all about Buckinghamshire because come on, it's a Swan. How can you beat that?

But which you think looks best? And for that matter, which looks worst?
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tough decision, but i would say it's between berkshire, cheshire, county durham, gloucestershire, hertfordshire, isle of wight, north yorkshire, nottinghamshire, rutland, and worcestershire


>negativity towards dragons


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Gloucestershire for sure. Flags like this a very much appealing because of the simple design. I think flags with stuff in them look bleh


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I need to find a new group of online friends. Where do all the cool people hang out?
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ah, my misstake for not reading correctly.
Ok, bai


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Find a dedicated forum or discord server for your interest, or make one.


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> make one.
When you're th only one there, you're automatically the coolest dude in that channel.


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SSDD. Same shit different day. How’re you guys lately?


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I've been playing a lot of video games lately. I've also been going to the gym a lot more.

Good, but otherwise I keep getting these flashes of deeply depressive moods. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I feel an overwhelming sensation of dissatisfaction with my life. Maybe I'm just lonely, or maybe company is just a temporary band aid?

Sex doesn't help, drugs and alcohol do not help, and keeping my mind busy with work and what not only works for so long as well. It's all temporary distractions to a deeper sadness that never seems to go away.

How does someone escape their own mind, or rather embrace it once more? I feel constantly conflicted with wanting to embrace death and the death of my senses; and wanting to heighten them; to experience newfound sensations that rattle the experience of life and make it feel worth living. I should be grateful of my living situations because it isn't bad by far, and yet I feel so exquisitely empty at times.

Why is it I'm always the one reaching out to others and then subsequently helping them with their own problems? Yet everyone seems to forget me once all is said and done. Perhaps that's what I want in the end: to be forgotten and alone. Yet, if I want it so badly then why does it feel painful? Why does being surrounded by people feel horrible and being left alone feel equally as bad?

What are the secrets to life and this human experience? When will I finally find the person that I can call my soulmate? Why do I even desire one? And then what? What happened after that?

 No.1179708[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i'm so lazy, it's been months (maybe) since i've done one of these! So time to get off my butt, and then back on my butt as i sit down and write this!

the rules are simple:

you roll a 1d10
then you do/answer the prompt!

(to roll a 1d10, you type <1d10> but replace <> with []   )

so let's begin!

1. Ye and verily! we are starting our new DnD campaign! Who is your character? what is their roll/race/alignment?

2. If you had to permanently alter your accent, which accent would you go to? you cannot choose your current accent!

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Let them eat cake.


1d10 = 10


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>Lord of Ultramar. My last hope.. My last tool.. My sonnnnn. Saviorrr. Hope! Thirteen. Faaaailure. Thief.. BETRAYER! Liar! Guillimannnn.. Lord of Ultramar.

"What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you. To them. Look what they've made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this!"

It unironically put me in tears.



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Suppose you had a test coming up and the material to study for is too plentiful, would you rather

a) Focus on studying what you know well to ensure to have at least your specific strengths well covered?

b) Focus on studying the things you were more struggling with to ensure you have better coverage overall?


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I've never studied in my life, but probably option B.


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i was one of those gifted students who never had to study for anything. that bit me in the ass in college

if it was me, i'd think about the material the teacher went over in class. 9/10 they would pull from stuff they already talked about.

and i would dedicate some time to go over trouble areas so you at least are more familiar with it.

and better sleep > cramming for a test


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B. Create flashcards with the questions from the material and quiz myself periodically.


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I'm high AF right now and cant stop looking at my boobs in the mirror
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that dude is just jealous he doesn't get nearly as much action as dick-in-ass guy gets

he's a hater that gets none!


I hate that this Make me laugh as much as it does.


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AMA. I try to answer as best as I can.
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When I drink, I prefer to drink alone and in excess


Boxers or briefs?


Have you listened to any other progressive rock and progressive metal bands known for their aggressive guitar work such as Fates Warning and Queensrÿche?

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