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Happy 2005 everyone!
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happ new yer!


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Happy Holid-AI-ys! It's a new ye-AI-r! <3


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Oh god 2025 has everyone but
... me!!

Oh shit! I The futures creeping up behind me!

lol, timezones
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Oh and I really want the champagne cause it's pink and I wanna feel girly doing it


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I had some champagne last night and it was super gross.


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Should have offered me some, smh


Remember to pay the news no mind this year.

Happy Newhoof ~



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YouTube just began my day as it recommended this to me after I woke up, this December 31st, which I'm going to interpret as a spiritual omen.

Of what... well... I don't know!

First, are you excited? What's going on with you now that the magical time is upon is? You ready?

Second, what would you do if this was your bathroom?
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everything is skibidi until you try to use the restroom and a guys head is sticking out of the toilet


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yeah, i can tai chi to that!


Great! <3


You ever just stopped and thought about how there's like over a billion people in China?

Kinda nuts
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Around 1.5% of the world's surface area is made up of Greenland. It covers an area bigger than Mexico.

Despite that, it's home to only around 56,000 people.

If you put everyone in the world in a very large room and picked someone at random, you would have a 0.0007% chance of picking someone from Greenland. By contrast, you would have around a 37% chance of picking someone from India or China.

Demographics are neat.


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I don't remember making this thread..


Population is a funny thing. I mean look at San Marino. Literally just a small town of 30,000 people and a castle up on a big rock yet it counts as it's own country.


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I can get like this! Kind of!

Like... when I have the 'stop and think' bug, at times, it seems to involve astronomy with me... and other things that make one feel quite small...

Like... "You ever just stop and think about how many huge asteroids are out there in our solar system and how basically all the people on this planet could be flattened any year now, just kind of randomly?"

Like there's this news story that I've read, from just yesterday: https://www.sciencealert.com/new-equation-can-reveal-hidden-asteroids-set-to-strike-earth

Really worth reading!


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Time to stock up on N95 masks, toilet paper, canned chicken soup, and ammo?
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I recall Edward Jenner elsewhere, but not from school.
I'm the sort of person who binge-watch history videos on YouTube or browse Wikipedia for curiosities... I'm just not very good at remembering dates.


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Curriculums are weird to think about. What's common knowledge to one generation in one country might be obscure knowledge among other generations or in other countries.

We had to study the history of medicine and surgery in high school along with Hitler's rise to power. But I can't see an American history curriculum being like that. America is a young country that frankly comes across as less stuffy than the UK does, so I can't imagine American teens being taught about Hippocrates and Galen.


I never took up History in school, or at least remember most of it.
Wish I did, though.


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I'm playing Oregon Trail 5 today. Challenge mode. I'm playing a pastor, starting with $600 cash to purchase all of my starting supplies. I just left Independence as I started the stream. Come watch me travel the Trail back in 1848


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I'm at it again with the Oregon Trail!


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I remember dying of dysentery a lot when I played Oregon Trail.


I don't know how it is in the older versions, but in OT5, you basically just need a balanced diet, warm clothes, and soap.


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I should probably wait until the 1st of January 2025 to start an official thread that lists everybody's fitness related hopes, dreams, and goals... but I want to do it now, I guess, just for fun!

Speaking of which... well... I hope that it was a good idea for me to join this!
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I'm mostly focussing on improving my snowboarding this winter. I'm keeping on going to the gym too.

It's been hard keeping my weight though... I'm super skinny at the moment...


If this was my challenge, I'd be stumped.
I have never been ice-skating before, let alone know any ice rinks in my area.

And even if January is colder than December in Mid-Wales, I have never seen a frozen lake in real life let alone people skating on one.


I think if you've got some hopes, dreams, goals, or whatever that're explicitly about exact numbers (like "I'm going to walk 3,000 steps or more over the course of these two days"), then naturally you're going to feel the urge to set these up based on specific dates. Since you're just adding math to more math in your mental project based on math (like "I'm going to ___ from January 1st to 31st").

If you're just doing whatever, whenever, then do whatever the hell you want, I suppose!


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The last weekend of 2024 is coming up.

So let's review this year personally:
What noticeable things have you occupied yourself with this year?

Any new video game that has captured your attention this year?
Any new video series caught on streaming or on live TV?
Any bands / albums that you have discovered or rediscovered?
Any new hobbies picked up? Or old hobbies that you've worked on?

Any projects done in your private time?
Or any event that marked parts of this year for you?
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Oh, also mobile games...

And getting back into Terry Pratchett books.
I did watch Soul Music on youtube too.


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The big thing over this year: getting into Warhammer 40K.

But the biggest event was definitely the solar eclipse in Dallas last April.


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This is maybe a comparably more minor thing, but, still, I'm very glad that this year I've donated a lot of clothing that I didn't feel that I should keep while I also picked up some great new things to wear that I needed.


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I think I’m beginning to understand the concept of visiting someone for no other purpose than having a casual chat with them. 

Perhaps it may seem strange to you that someone would struggle with this concept, and if that’s true, then I envy you just a bit. To me, talking for the sake of talking has always been strange, and I often find myself bored, frustrated, or otherwise stressed, any time I’m at someone’s house and we’re not actively doing something other than talking.

I understand casual chatter when passing someone in the hall at school, or when using the break room at the same time;  or perhaps just when you work at the next desk over and your work doesn’t strictly involve language, so chatting is easy. That makes sense, because the conversation is facilitated by a sort of carrier activity.

But when I’ve gone to the trouble of driving to someone’s house, or if I’ve invited them over, and we’re not playing a game, or watching videos, or enjoying some new wine they just bought? It always strikes me as odd, which is further confounded by the way I find television distracting, but other people seem to need it to enjoy themselves. Perhaps they are experiencing the same phenomenon from a different angle.

I suspect it is largely in part to the secluded, very rural nature of my childhood home. IWe lived very far from most of our relatives, and since my parents were often too busy to drive me places, visiting friends was always at least a 20 minute bike ride away. If I was going to visit anyone, it was to try out a new video game, or to watch a movie, or for a birthday party. There was always an activity that allowed for conversation.

When my relatives visited, it was always accompanied by a card game like Rumme or Cannasta at the very least, if not a more involved and colorful system like Monopoly, Catan, and others like that. Maybe there were a few times my uncles would visit on their way through to a different destination, but they always chatted with my parents while I played a game or read a book.

Now that I’m an adult, and most of my relatives see me that way as well, I’m beginning to notice more and more an expectation that visiting someone for a chat is just a normal thing, and it’s taken me a while, but I think I’m starting to get it. We live so near to each other. I can’t think of a single person on my wife’s side who lives more than 20 minutes from where I am now; considering the fact tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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good to see ya!

and i definitely enjoy a short chit chat! i used to dread interactions with people cause i thought you'd have tos pend a lot of time with them; but in some contexts, its nice to just have a small little chit chat and go about your day!

makes life a lot simpler!


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I've been feeling similarly but with this website specifically. I have my close-knit group of friends on discord who I talk to quite often, but lately I've been so busy, that when I get the time to come back here and talk to old faces, it feels like a family reunion.


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Merry Christmas! 🎄
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Boy, Neopets sure is a lot more of a stubborn franchise than I realized.


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It was more popular than Google itself on the year 2000-2001. Most people tend to forget just how HUGE it used to be.
It still has niche interest by the women that grew in the early 2000s.
Great game, terrible devs.
Meanwhile Neopets Classic has great devs with a terrible game, lol (but I am working on fixing that side of the game). Neopets Classic also had a controversy because it was the first one to go boom (Started as soon as the pandemic began, so you can imagine it popped off in a way no other clone was ready. Most clones todays learned from the mistakes of NPC)


Oh don't get me wrong, I definitely played it. Not sure I really "got it", and I was certainly never enormously into it, but I do remember it was huge


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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful day, and spent time with the ones you love <3

but since there are already a couple christmas threads, this one is dedicated to what you got!

What cool awesome swag did you get? Did Santa leave you everything you wanted in your stocking?

Please let me know below!

also share some christmas music too!
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This might seem goofy compared to other people online, around here, but I've been greatly enjoying going through a bunch of KitKat bars that I got for Christmas. Taking my time enjoying one after the other. [I did get more stuff too. Heh.]

And I'm going to post this clip more one time. Why not?


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well i'm 33, so i guess i count as an adult :P

and a gift you give yourself is still a gift!

oooh are those the multi variety kit kats that include the ones from japan?

and that is definitely the spirit of christmas if i ever seen it <3


I'm not a collector... but my brother got me a perfect condition issue 1 of UK's Sonic the Comic, a comic that's been out of print for years and the very first issue. So it's the most valuable Sonic-thing I own now.

I also got other Sonic-related things.


Happy Boxing Day.

Post boxes.
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Sure, that'll work.


hell yeah!


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Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a pleasant day.
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I love Simpsons clips so much TBH


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merry christmas Mikie


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merr chrimbus!


Is this a classic yet?

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