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>Just one week until spooky season

Are you ready?
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it's a good time to break out the INK albums and horror movies!



Spooky season can be forever if you want


Hunnid-P was the original vocal of "A Ghost of Pumpkin Soup" as well as many of Knuckles themes in SA2. However, a lot of controversy around him, such as falsely claiming Sega didn't pay him for his work with SA2 or the time he illictated sexual favour from a Sonic fan he was collaborating with.

With such tattered reputation, makes sense he still holds onto Knuckles as part of his identity.

He did not compose or write music for Sonic Adventure 2... but he did make this rap as his spiritual successor to it.


10 minutes from now my new video will drop! and I invite you all to come and join the fun!

and even afterwards, i'll gladly take any and all watchers who want to chat <3
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1.1k views in 12 hours makes me feel happy! i was so worried it would kinda just land flat, but it apparently resonated with some folk :3


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selfish self bump because reasons!


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Bump away baby cakes.


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Have you spent much time looking into the Collatz Conjecture?
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I'm kinda hoping for the solution of it to be that "no, it's false actually" and for someone to prove that by just writing a random number and then it turning out to NOT reduce down to 1 through sheer dumb luck.


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Death by counterexample would be so hilariously anticlimactic~

I kinda want that to happen with the Riemann hypothesis. Decades of papers that depend on it being true, all destroyed by a single number. lol


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You can always get a computer that checks number by numer, throw it into a black hole and wait for it to send the counter example.


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....this was very cute until the two tongues


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agree to disagree!

also i own the dvd she's from :3


>People still making MLP videos

It would seem in the midst of it's over we found a shimmer of we are so back
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Pity, I figured they'd juice it for all they could and maybe re-adapt it for Make Your Mark.

Then again, I was surprised to discover yesterday there was a Teen Titans CCG. Didn't know of it.



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We already have AI programs that can effectively be boyfriends and girlfriends for people by pretending to be their ideal MLP spouse via text communications.

And AI generated videos are already a thing, beyond just making single images.

VR scenes created by people are a popular thing currently.

So... how long until we have AI created horse wives that we spend time with, both in an auditory and visual sense? I mean... it's happening? Right?


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What actually counts as edgy these days?

I had to get stitches the other week and refused painkillers because the novacaine would hurt worse than just having a needle stitch me up really fast. (Thank God I made that decision by the way)

Is it edgy to say I laughed at the pain? Because it wasn't bad at all really. Just a pinch ans aome string through flesh.


Is it edgy to say I don't like pain killers for the most part? Unless you're getting your teeth drilled or something, most procedures actually hurt less with novacaine.

And pain isn't even that bad. You squirm for a bit, but it isn't 'that' bad.

Most people complain too easily for pain because they have never experienced a truly painful injury.

I don't know. Most people are weak I guess. Is that edgy say?


[ https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.1999.82.4.1934 ]

>"Functional imaging studies of human subjects have identified a diverse assortment of brain areas that are engaged in the processing of pain."

>"[M]any of these brain areas are highly interconnected and are engaged in multiple processing roles".

>"Multiple regression analysis revealed statistically reliable relationships between perceived pain intensity and activation of a functionally diverse group of brain regions, including those important in sensation, motor control, affect, and attention. Pain intensity–related activation occurred bilaterally in the cerebellum, putamen, thalamus, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and secondary somatosensory cortex, contralaterally in the primary somatosensory cortex and supplementary motor area, and ipsilaterally in the ventral premotor area. These results confirm the existence of a highly distributed, bilateral supraspinal mechanism engaged in the processing of pain intensity. The conservation of pain intensity information across multiple, functionally distinct brain areas contrasts sharply with traditional views that sensory-discriminative processing of pain is confined within the somatosensory cortex and can account for the preservation of conscious awareness of pain intensity after extensive cerebral cortical lesions."

>"Multiple, converging lines of evidence indicate that brain regions outside of the traditional 'lateral pain system' may also be engaged in the processing of this sensory-discriminative aspect of pain."

>"Multiple regression analysis reveals that activation within a diverse array of brain areas is significantly related to subjects’ perceptions of pain intensity".

Note the pictures, especially!
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I feel this study isn't concrete; rather relying on subjective and inconclusive information

So I don't take it seriously. I mean the report itself basically says it


Just over a week to go..
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Do you read any actual non-fiction books in print still? What about comic books? Or other physical media that tell stories?

In related terms, I find it amazing and hilarious that 'Marvel' as a company has made the catchphrase "It's Morbin' time!" a part of graphic novel canon in its printed stories:

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I don't really read anything but non-fiction

Not usually in print though, I usually read non-fiction books in various ebook formats.

Though it's been a while since I last read one ..


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i tend to listen to audiobooks, cause i can draw and work on stuff while listening to them i think the last thing i listened to was the LotR trilogy

in terms of physical books, i got a lot of filmmaking books, and i recently just bought a copy of Nueromancer that i was hoping to read, but haven't gotten around to it


You guys are no fun!


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ya'll ever grafitti?
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trying something to see what becomes of it is a very important step for growth! everything else is gravy!

>optical logic behind it
yeah, i think there is too! though it's kinda hard to find references for it as giant animal shapes made out of gelatin in hard to find... though that may make it overall easier to make renditions of it as our eyes may not be trained to recognize what looks 'wrong'!

please let me know if you think of something! i could totally try another Pinkie! maybe one in a pose you wish you had as a reaciton image? to be honest, drawing my own reaction images back on ponychan is kinda how i got a lot of practice in for digital drawing back in the day!


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>  to be honest, drawing my own reaction images back on ponychan is kinda how i got a lot of practice in for digital drawing back in the day!
I have to wonder, how long have you been on Ponychan before?

There's an aspect of it that has always kept me thrilled when it comes to public domain pony OCS.


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ih gosh, i don't remember when i first started posting there... but it must have been pretty early in it's life! i also stuck around for a while. didn't start doodling until the end though!


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What am I waving the viewer over towards?

Have any suggestions?
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Surpirse me.


Oh! But which one? And from which show? Wasn't there like three?


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Good news: My blood weaves a tapestry into a temple and I can see through the windows.

Bad news:  I've been too distracted to eat today.
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ooh nice!


>Bad news:  I've been too distracted to eat today.

See, FICSIT are gonna have your ass, there's messages every 2h telling you to take a break and you clearly didn't listen. There is a contract and everything!


Incidentally, is it me or is humanity straight-up dead and gone in Satisfactory? That's the impression I'm getting after getting to the mid-game (and collecting enough spheres to finish all their research and also have a few dimensional depots). ADA is fucking with the pioneer in the manner that makes me believe that, and otherwise she's using them as a tool to execute her pre-programmed directive to extract the planetary resources. The pioneer themselves might not even be an example of the wider "humanity" but some sort of a memory-wiped clone created for the purpose.


Spring is around and with the first warm day, I am just seeing spiders and their webs reappearing all around the place.

Ants too.

And with a new Travis McEnery video, let's discuss what crawlies have appeared in your neighbourhood this spring.
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I mean, that's not the most natural photo.


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I mean they are harmless and tend to avoid people.

But they're are pretty scary looking


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When I got home today, I found something snuck into the bird cage as it got a heap of seed shells strung up next to the food bin.

I found a young American house spider (Parasteatoda Tepidariorum) took up living in there.
I think I may know where its mother is located.


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Someone should make an anime about this romantic couple and their opulent lifestyle:


Do you agree? Disagree? Have any ideas? Also... anything else that you'd like to talk about that's "furry" related?


Share pieces of music that you love despite there being no vocals whatsoever? Maybe?

I think that would be great! <3
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Related to my last post:



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Where's everyone gone? Why is this site near dead? Did captain A have too much fun here?

Made in America! Weeeee

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