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/rp/ - Roleplay

Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse
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 No.14977[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the ToE roleplay thread where players who have created their own pony character can come on in and adventure with others in the world of MLP. If you want to join the thread then please check out the OOC thread and submit a character sheet and await for approval.

All of the rules stated in the ToE core rule book is applied here with the exception of a few house rules.  First off when a character gains a new level, they will upgrade a single trait of their choice, upgrade their Cutie Mark Skill, and upgrade/learn 3 new skills. Skills can not be upgraded more than once per level. Also a character will only ever have two quirks to their character and will not gain new quirks when raising their level.

The Story so Far
Three ponies with different backgrounds, Epic Mount Critical Hit and Summer Rye, joined forces and set out into the world to solve a mystery of a coup involving an ancient key. After foiling several hideouts of the Usurpers they find that one of the diplomats going to Equestria wanted to use the powers of a long dead Pegasus city called Stratus. Eventually Red Winter was stopped but at the cost of the party's lives and they ended up in Tartarus. Instead of going to the final resting place, their souls were stolen by Tirek and he stole their cutie marks so that he would have the strength to escape his prison. Afterwords the heroes were let go so they could stop Tirek and they headed back out into the world once more. Eventually they rescue the Mane 6 from the Badlands as well as saving an ancient underground city called Umberfoal. After that they set out and each recovered their cutie marks and now they have spoke with Celestia to plan out their attempt against Tirek as well as pulling funding from government to help ponies who had already lost their marks.

Final Word
The last thing to note is that if you have any questions or suggestions then you may contact me in the OOC thread or in the discord chat if you want to make a voice call. I hope you sign up and join us for these adventures

Signed, Critical Hit
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Agree. I posted on >>15685 if we're gonna openly talk there.


Yeah we can all chat in the OOC now.


>>15684  nice!


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From the dust… a secret thread arises. A single yellow pony drifts listlessly through an unfamiliar forest.

She looks about her unfamiliar surroundings without a word.
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the yellow pony looks about her. she sees the grey earth pony calling to her, but the night is quickly falling, and the world is a blur.

all the world is dizzying. what magic of the forest is this, she wonders?

she must find the grey earth pony, she decides, to figure out what is amiss in these mysts


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>Wpic was a bit distance away and was concerned for why such a pony as gentle as her was this far into the forest, especially at the later hour.

Everfree Forest was no place for a pony, Epic Mount knows this well for he grew up in the harsh nature of these wild woodlands.

For all the ponies in Ponyville he knew, he was particularly affectrionate for Fluttershy, more so than he would dare to admit to her for her calm of mind, and would not want her to be harmed in such a dangerous place.

Or be eattened by a grue.




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I want to get back into roleplay, but it's been so long that I feel pretty out of sink. I don't really even know what kind of roleplay I would like to get into.

I do remember some more open threads that we used to have way back in the day, where someone would just start out with a place and time of day, and leave it open and chill. And then of course, there was the more dark rps, and science fiction rps.

But I don't know if some of those would really be appropriate here, seeing as it's more a pg site.

What do you guys think? Is there anything you would like to see done? What do you think the lines should be for this site as far as how dark a roleplay can get?

Also, feel free to post character sheets if you want, maybe we could see if certain characters would be good for certain rps.
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Well I find it both a good and bad thing.
I'm glad our /rp/ is not as built up as Ponychans /rp/. It has various ongoing RP threads with lots of activities on them and they've been around for years, it's like various guilds. There are a few independant RPs on Ponychans /rp/ but they usually fizzle out since most of the attention is to the big ones.

Our /rp/ does indeed lack traffic which makes most of the RPs here lack activity, but I'm glad our /rp/ is not as build up as Pnychans.

Plus some RP game masters find it easier to manage a small group or work than it is to manage lots of players.

I remember an RP series I once did on Ponychan ages a go consist of Epic Mount lounging in a pool in Everfree Forest while other RPers, regardless of their history with me or not, could simply come and go, join me in the water and just RP-talk about stuff.


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>I remember an RP series I once did on Ponychan ages a go consist of Epic Mount lounging in a pool in Everfree Forest while other RPers, regardless of their history with me or not, could simply come and go, join me in the water and just RP-talk about stuff.

I remember those types of rps, I really liked them.

Maybe those would be good for around here. Just casual, not relying too heavily on people to stick around and push the story forward; unless something developed and they wanted to.


Yah, but I need to think of somewhere else for Epic to lounge about.

 No.11714[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the ToE roleplay thread where players who have created their own pony character can come on in and adventure with others in the world of MLP. If you want to join the thread then please check out the OOC thread and submit a character sheet and await for approval.

All of the rules stated in the ToE core rule book is applied here with the exception of a few house rules.  First off when a character gains a new level, they will upgrade a single trait of their choice, upgrade their Cutie Mark Skill, and upgrade/learn 3 new skills. Skills can not be upgraded more than once per level. Also a character will only ever have two quirks to their character and will not gain new quirks when raising their level.

Final Word
The last thing to note is that if you have any questions or suggestions then you may contact me in the OOC thread or in the discord chat if you want to make a voice call. I hope you sign up and join us for these adventures

Signed, Critical Hit
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NWN? Sure thing. I am a bit distracted myself.


Never Winter Nights. It's a D&D game on Steam right now. Wish they would do the Enhanced Edition of NWN2


Oh. I've been making a sort of alpha build of a FPS. Still WIP though.


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DON'T JUST LURK THERE! Help me board up the doors and windows! They're coming in!
>Nailing plans to windows and doors.
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We're fine, but we gotta do something about these zombies.

I dunno what else to do toher that haul ourselves up in this building.

We won't last for long like this.


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"The back seemed clear when I came in. I think they are only coming through the front. It's up to you if you want to board the place up, but I say we should run while we still have a chance."


Alright. Let's get out of here.
But where?


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The locomotive steamed north, passing mountainous ravines and forest lined gorges, moving up towards the snow covered areas of what was the Unikon territories. Snow covered each rock and tree, the rivers below roaring with shards of ice tumbling in the torrents. Usually, it was the charge of the Weather Bureau in other parts of Equestria to handle such matters, with Pegasi scheduling these things in advanced, telling ponies in the area to be wary of what storms were to come, what was a perfect day to go out fishing and the like. That wasn't the case out in the Unikon territories; the storms were constant, and the result of a very angry tribe of Thunderbirds that made flight and viable crop growing an impossibility outdoors. Not to mention, forcing most food, water, and supplies to be transported by rail from the southern areas of Equestria.

The train sped on, chugging uphill, the headlamp brilliantly lighting the frozen bands of iron that served as its guides. The familiar timbers bound together and standing upright were soon seen, the glistening lights like stars in the skies coming into view. The mournful cry of the whistle was heard as the donkey at the controls bit and tugged at the pull. Those upon the wall began to open those massive doors bearing the symbol of Celestia and Luna upon them. The locomotive let out another cry as it chuffed through the gates, hauling a heavy load of freight and passengers, the caboose's lanterns swinging as the train soon passed the gates. The ponies upon the wall soon closed the gates as quickly as they could, the loud clang ringing in the air as the lock was soon heard. This was the mining town of Celestia.

The locomotive soon pulled into the station, various trains already at the platforms waiting. The many ponies, mules, and donkeys scurried about, moving crates, equipment, and luggage with them. They crowded the busy station, moving about their way. Several waited until the first train was empty to begin loading into it while the locomotive was detached, turned around, and put back at the front of the other end of the train. Many others moved onto the other platforms for the narrow gauge trains headed for the other two mining towns of Luna and Twilight, as well as the mining company train headed for the gold mine just up the mountain.

A map at the platform showed the only viable saloon and inn to stay at was The Rail Spike, which seemed to sit in the center of Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Grim walked along his way…

"The Galavant Gang huh? Hmm I'll have to keep note of that."

He looked on down at his travel papers. It said [i]Grim Weather, independent contractor[/?] all along with date of birth and other menial information. Grim smirked at his title though, it was a more polite way of saying Unikon's newest killer for hire.

He puts his papers away for now and checks on his equipment, making sure everything is there and not left behind on the train. Once done he went on down to the main office, seems to be a great place to get some work done.

Once he got on up to the main building, he took a deep breath, pushed open the door, and got his papers out to be ready just in case. He wasn't sure what to expect in such a rural area.


The main building of the station seemed to funnel in and out ponies, mules, donkeys, and gryphons like no one's business. Each were heavy with equipment for the mines they were bound for, a scant few standing at the doors wore the battered heavy wool brown uniforms of the Militia, a variety of rifles strapped across their backs.

Many looked to be in misfitting outfits, and were shuddering in the cold draft that came in from the open door. With the massive variety of the weapons they carried, these colts and stallions clearly weren't well trained, nor were they much of a police presence within the region. Though they did the job well enough, if they could.

The line of booths ahead had branching lines, a testament to the madness of bureaucracy that controlled most everypony in the world in this day and age. The Railroad office had three lines: Tickets, Arrivals, and Employment. The Mining company had two: Pay and Employment/Housing. And finally, sat the Militia window, offering Pay, Recruitment, Boarding, and equipment.


Grim looked around, being in the main area he had quite a few options to take from here on out. He remembered that he was interested in the Gallavant Gang terrorizing the train tracks. With them raiding the trade lines, a flow of income and resources into such a desolate could kill the town, even if the Gang itself is unaware of this. So Grim decided to stand in line for however long it took to get up to the Attendant that ran the Rail Office's "Employment" desk.

Once he gets up there, he inquire about the Galavant Gang.-"Excuse me, I was hoping to look for work as a mercenary and I was interested in taking a job that related to the troubles the rail lines have been having with a local gang."

 No.7647[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the ToE roleplay thread where players who have created their own pony character can come on in and adventure with others in the world of MLP. If you want to join the thread then please check out the OOC thread and submit a character sheet and await for approval.

All of the rules stated in the ToE core rule book is applied here with the exception of a few house rules.  First off when a character gains a new level, they will upgrade a single trait of their choice, upgrade their Cutie Mark Skill, and upgrade/learn 3 new skills. Skills can not be upgraded more than once per level. Also a character will only ever have two quirks to their character and will not gain new quirks when raising their level.

Final Word
The last thing to note is that if you have any questions or suggestions then you may contact me in the OOC thread or in the discord chat if you want to make a voice call. I hope you sign up and join us for these adventures

Signed, Critical Hit
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From watching lots of superhero cartoons and comics, I've learned of one thing:
If the body cannot be found, that doesn't mean they're dead.


I do gotta go now but I put an update in the OOC



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So ends the tale of Summer Rye.

 No.6883[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here: >>5083 (OP)

You find yourself in the city of Trallop, a large town in the northern parts of the Middlerealm. Nestled at the southern coast of huge Nine-Eyes Lake it is usually the last friendly and civilized place those travelling north get to visit for many days or weeks.

You were looking for work in the hopes of earning a few coins when you were contacted by George Coalblazer whom many just call “Trallop George”. He is a well-known merchant who dominates the trade in the northern parts of the world. He had heard of your past endeavors and seeks bold and competent men and women. That sounds just like you, doesn't it? But will you be up for the task?
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Well, I guess that's settled then. It will take me a bit but the next adventure will start soon!

Thanks for joining!


>>16087  sorry it took so long
>>16088  thank you!


It's OK. I know you're very busy and all and at least we got to finish it in the end.

And I guess we can continue discussion on >>5083+50 until the next RP thread is ready.


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You are standing at the south end of a large, grassy field that is surrounded on three side by small houses.  To the north, pink double doors stand open and beckon you inside of a three-story, circular building with dozens of windows and a red domed roof.  An arched stone bridge leads east across a small river.  A dirt path leads west around the southern edge of the town square.  A large fountain is visible to the northwest at the far edge of the field.

A manila envelope lies at your feet.
There is a brass lantern here.
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You are standing in the middle of a lavish spa which provides standard spa services including mud baths, seaweed bath wraps, horn filing, massages, mane styling, and of course hooficures.  There is a large bathing pool here.  There are several personal mud baths, bathtubs, massage tables, and lounges distributed around the edge of the room.  An azure earth pony looks expectantly at you from behind a counter near the front door.  A door marked "sauna" leads east.


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>hails the spa pony

"Good day to you!"


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Dan Thread

 No.5982[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here: >>5083

On the west coast of the Middenrealm - at the Sea of the Seven Winds - lies Havena, an old town with a deep history. A town that once was in size only to Middenrealm capital of Gareth but centuries ago was devastated by a tidal wave. Most say it was divine punishment for a sacrilege caused by its inhabitants. Pestilence followed the flood, then the orcs came, and for the longest time the glory days of Havena were a thing of the past.

Today though Havena is once again of the largest cities of the Realm and a hub for trade with all different countries. And yet, when the inhabitants look out to the west they can still see ruins of sunken parts of the city. Only the most daring venture there and test their luck, to find treasures and old wisdom in the sunken, crumbled buildings. Many never return.

But what you see right now is a tankard of ale and maybe a hot meal. You are a tavern in the more rugged parts of town, where seamen tell their tales and song and laughter are to be had.

Any form of magic with the exception of healing magic is forbidden in Havena!

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So Geldor, how was that for your first adventure?


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And for finishing the adventure you also receive 150 experience points + 25 as bonus for defeating the kraken!

Not enough to reach a new level, but not bad nevertheless.


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 No.5107[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here: >>5083

Gareth, capital city of the Middle Realm and with 140,000 inhabitants the by far biggest city of the continent; your travels have lead you here eventually, a city where everything is possible, where great wealth and great poverty meet.

Not only does Emperor Hal I. reside here, ruler of the Realm, but the city also calls some of the largest and wealthiest temples of the Twelve Gods its home, from the Pentagon-Temple of Hesinde, Goddess of Wisdom and Magic, to the gigantic City of Light, the largest temple of Praios, the King of Gods and God of Kings, highest of the Twelve.

Theaters, arenas, academies of magic, market places where all goods imaginable from all across the continent are traded… there is little that Gareth does not offer.

As you make your way through the easternmost part of the city – an area still bearing a more rural flair – you come across a more unusual sight. You see young woman in her early twenties of stunning beauty, carrying a way too large basket full of exotic fruit on top of which she balances a 1.5 meter long staff. Squeezed under one arm she carries a large book and pinched between two fingers a sheet of paper that could be map. She wears a long red gown embroidered with arcane symbols, proving that she is a wizard. Already two oranges fall out of the basket and she tries to stop them with a foot before they roll away.
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Wate rlevels can be beautiful to look at but not to go in with all that swimming, water based puzzles and drowning etc.

But if you want our next adventure to be submerged then OK.


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Looks like we have come to a decision.


Not gonna enjoy getting wet all that much, but yeah.

Should very least be a sewer level. Sewer levels are alright.

 No.3943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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The world of Aventuria beckons and there is always work for heroes to go on (more or less) epic adventures! Aventuria is a medieval-stylish fantasy world where lots of exciting fun is to be had!

Quickly roll up a hero and the fun may begin.

Your heroes have five possible stats:

Roll a d6 and add 7 for each of the stats (giving each stat a value of between 8 and 13)!

You can roll up your stats here or just use a d6 at home! But don’t return with every stat being a 13, you cheater!
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It's the new stat you rolled those six times for! >>5060!


Huh, usually whenever you asked me to roll a stat I just type [d20+whatever] and hope you're satisfied with the result.


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I'll be starting a new adventure tomorrow or on Friday in a separate thread.


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Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a SCROLL. Behind ye SCROLL is a FLASK.

Obvious exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS.

What wouldst thou deau?
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Did you pick it as a trait earlier in the campaign? You need to keep your card up to date.


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I could mix some together for you
>roll for alchemy
1d20 = 9

 No.3741[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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[Humans/Humanoid Creatures#], [Sci-Fi#], [Adventure#], [PURPS 1st Edition:Basic Sci-Fi Package#], [Pencil and Paper#], [Story Driven#], [Party Focus#]

Welcome to the Cybernetic Rebirth Campaign/Thread, this is where players can join together and play out through the story of Cybernetic Rebirth. If you have any questions or want to put in your very own character, you can message me on the thread itself. Don't worry we won't mind and we would be glad to add more players to the group.

The rules for the campaign can be found here


it details everything you need to know about the Basic Sci-Fi Package as well as to how to create your character. If you do make a character, you must share it with the email


so that I can make sure everything is in order.
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that sounds great! Please let me know if i can help!


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Not much anyone can do right now. May go and make an advanced version of my system to better fit roll20 or go back to my roots which would be back in Ponychan. For now though I'll continue to wait and check this site everyday.


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Let me know if i can help, Critical! i would love to see this roleplay take off again.

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