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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

Welcome all, to the Ponyville Masquerade Ball!
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My Dearest and Most Beloved Ponies,

Welcome one, and welcome all, to our magical Ponyville Masquerade Ball!

Here, we are our true selves. Hidden, unafraid, unhindered! Please though, do attend to the masquerade rules, yes?

All topics are allowed
What do we mean? You may talk politics, you may act raunchy, to your hearts delight.

Now, please, no pornography (our hosts wouldn't appreciate that), but feel free to get wild.

What happens in the masque stays here, and what happens outside of the masque remains out there
Don't bring grudges here, and don't use this as a place to fight, please.

We welcome greater silliness and relish in the freedom of it all
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Oh no


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Is it antithetical to the spirit of the Masquerade to post with avatar? How about a totally different avatar than one uses on the rest of Ponyville?

How do you feel /mask/?  
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A pony-themed masquerade mask design image.


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Post lewd~
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All Hallows' Eve comes soon, masquerade!


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Just did Thanksgiving now too! The holiday season is quite relentless.


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One more left

 No.30[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Cute, cuddly, furry things. If it isn't cute, if it isn't cuddly, if it isn't furry, if it isn't things, then take it elsewhere.
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You are beheld!


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Posts in this thread will recieve a 1 second ban, and I will edit your post to say something dumb and or silly.
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Can you still post here?


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Neat it also imported the townhall thing.


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It was tested here before townhall opened.


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I like being an energetic coyote.


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Private board thoughts
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My thoughts on this are private.


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Thoughts about privates


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I'm sad this board died before they got rid of it. I don't do so well on these kinds of sites when I have to compete with well loved and established posters.

Which isn't anybody's fault. I'm sure it's how I do things. But it's still hard to feel like I'm contributing. I got to contribute here though.

Which is nice. I mean, I know it's really obvious who everybody is, even when they don't go out of their ways to make it obvious, but this little bit of illusion helps me get through my inferiority complex. There really isn't a point to this thread. It's just been nice posting with all of you. I hope it continues once this board is gone.
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Who wants to talk about old PC games with me?
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File: 1554586891311.jpg (343.04 KB, 486x750, 81:125, a9427405a7be0d1f80d22a9286….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

DOSBox isn't so bad, especially when you already know all of the commands to begin with, but I find D-Fend Reloaded to be so much easier when dealing with multiple games, since it has a nice frontend for setting up each individual game (you can even tell it to use different DOSBox builds for different games if you want to, like, say DOSBox ECE there, to use the 3DFX Glide capability for something like Tomb Raider)

Ahh, yeah, a lot of stuff made for 386s and older tended to be very clock speed dependent (probably since there wasn't much of a speed variance, you either had the math co-processor or you didn't)
That's why Turbo Buttons were a thing!


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That sounds pretty convenient!

Yeah, I didn't know what Turbo Buttons were at the time.


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By far the best way to use DOSBox! I've been having a lot of fun messing with DOS and Win98 on a real machine lately, though.

>called turbo button, lowers your clock speed


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hahaha guys okay its april fourth hahahaha we can close this board now ahahahahahahah pls say sike
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Probably indefinitely. So long as it isn't causing problems for the site.


My thread is gone?


It's on the second page. Somebody reordered the threads on the board for some reason.


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Who wants to have sex with me?
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File: 1554189870664.jpg (29.02 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 7a03b25015c236882f2565ae75….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

If you are Monika? Than HELL YEAH


Depends, are you a guy or a girl? I'm not sure if I have a societal obligation to be creeped out or not


Fine but not because you told me to


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Is it time for SUGGESTIVE thread?
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Maybe, but, she a sweet daughter for the protect, not the lewd.


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But we will lewd her anyway



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All Rars anon



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