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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

Welcome all, to the Ponyville Masquerade Ball!
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File: 1554105550753.png (209.49 KB, 344x491, 344:491, o.png) ImgOps Google

Is it antithetical to the spirit of the Masquerade to post with avatar? How about a totally different avatar than one uses on the rest of Ponyville?

How do you feel /mask/?  


I think a different avatar would be appropriate to the idea of a mask.


File: 1554106235989.png (112.21 KB, 312x256, 39:32, Screenshot_1.png) ImgOps Google

I think I agree.


File: 1554148607074.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, 1554093543960.png) ImgOps Google

It is best to post with someone else's avatar!!


File: 1554148933900.png (165.99 KB, 350x369, 350:369, 24.PNG) ImgOps Google

Oh right

I still have a Ducky folder that I never get to use.


File: 1554149094245.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, 1554096228786.png) ImgOps Google

Hey, stop imitating me!

Oh I mean,



File: 1554149370238.png (367.92 KB, 800x735, 160:147, ninfia_by_suikuzu-d5upcvk.png) ImgOps Google

I feel you should do whatever makes you happier.


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Cheers love! The Calvary is here!


>Is it antithetical to the spirit of the Masquerade to post with avatar?



File: 1554180638802.jpg (371.85 KB, 2048x1902, 1024:951, yvbowyxabho21.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'm having trouble comin up with a /mask/ avatar. cause i already made avatars of all sorts of things already


File: 1554182576126.png (812.95 KB, 1113x620, 1113:620, mauleryes.PNG) ImgOps Google



A pony-themed masquerade mask design image.

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