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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

Welcome all, to the Ponyville Masquerade Ball!
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Anyone else think that they're not going to make it? Like you're just not cut out to be an adult or something?
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Oh  no, and I was keeping it so well hidden.


You're a cool dude with a cool personality


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Thank you, Anonymous.


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We're all good people here, right? But everyone has darker thoughts, anyone want to share theirs?

I'd never choose to hurt anyone (without a really good reason), but I've imagined it plenty. Is it bad to be curious?
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Sounds standard. I've had plenty of thoughts about punching people in the face, or valiantly fighting corrupt government agents, or burning down a particularly annoying business.
I wouldn't worry about it.


I think plenty of people think about that at least once.

I wanted to physically assault someone some months ago. Someone made my sister cry and I had a very angry and kinda violent reaction upon finding out. I ended up only injuring my own hand from punching stuff and damaging a chair. I didn't know the person's name so I couldn't actually do anything to them, and if I did I'd like to think I wouldn't have done much more than scream at them for a while. At the same time I was angrier than I've ever been in my entire life, and I lost my self control completely there for a bit, so I don't know for sure what could've happened. Definitely don't want to hurt that person anymore though. Honestly scary, losing my cool like that. My hand is still not back to normal.


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I was watching Cramer today and like usual he went on a stupid rant about millennials. See, Walgreens missed their sales target by a lot. Something about millennials needing to be catered to and entertained yada yada before they'll even consider setting foot in your store.

Anyways. That got me to look up "why tv guy millenal obsessed?", and long story short if you ever wanted to know why the marketing for corporations are suddenly acting in these bizarre schizophrenic ways just look up "marketing to millennials". A lot of really really weird stuff starts to make sense.

I mean. It's not that I need to have my ass kissed before I'll buy anything or my special snowflake little tush will go zumba out to find a real socially conscious app. It's just that with an escalation of the trade war looming I'm really conscious about how the price of avocados might be affected.


sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

honestly, when I read some poll that suggest something like "59% of millenials believe most millenials are too entitled" I can't help but wonder if this idea is just a meme. One that serves as a convenient blame shifter for one's own incompetence


there are probably as many different and valid ideas for marketing for millenials as there grains of sand on a beach.

It feels like such a not useful label, tbh. And the connotation leads to easy mistakes, in my opinion. Better to just say 19-39 year olds or something like this, if this is your demographic that you want to arget.


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I'm pretty sure it is for exactly that.

From what I can tell it's mostly analysts and journalists throwing this crap around. People paid to have opinions instead of actually knowing anything.


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I love it when my bike seat gives me a good blow.


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Some kind of werid vape seat?


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Y'all wanna talk about article 13?

Let's all read an article or a piece of information and chip in some ideas like a book club. I'll start


This article is in danish, it basically relates how Jens Rohde, a representative danish party known as radical left or social liberals, is happy that the bill passed as a whole rather than going through a voting process where the individual parts of the bill would be voted about, as they believe this would have wasted time.

A proponent of the bill claimed he was happy that it passed, and that he felt like he had listened to everyone's concerns and implemented them as much as he felt was fair. The bill was voted in with 348 votes for and 278 against.

According to the article, it's unclear how the bill will affect nations, as it's up to each nation individually to implement policies that will follow the letter of the law. Exactly which kind of implementations will be used, and how they will affect different nations is unclear.

10s of thousands of protesters marched across europe, and wikipedia went dark for one day, in protest of the bill.
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I thought all the 12 year olds were in class at this time of day


You're hostilities are bizarre. Everyone else here is talking calmly like adults and just because it's a dumb holiday you jump to really odd conclusions about the content of an otherwise really nice and chill discussion. I think you should maybe think about what you are doing right now with your attitude.


How about forcing politicians to read bills before voting on them?


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Where does /mask/ buy clothes?

I hate to sound thriftcore. But honestly I just go to recycle clothes shops.
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Still, you're saving a lot of money.


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I guess so. It's not really about the money though. More the principle.

Anyway see you.




Have you got it mastered?


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Baaaaaby shark! doot doo doo doot doo doo


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Woo forced anon board!
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It makes the name go away?


Ha ha!  The circles comes from an unknown poster.  Nobody sources the circle!


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... masquerade time. c:
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Baby shark, doot doo doo doot doo doo ♫
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What does /mask/ do to unwind? I find it really hard to actually let myself relax when I can.
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L I T E R A L L Y  E U P H O R I A



I am always working it feels, but when I have a chance I like to soak in the tub for an hour or so.


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I start by stretching


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I really, really like this board.

I hope it never dissappears

Everyone, reccomend everyone else on the board a tv-show or book you've been watching or reading. Share your love for entertainment media with the world.
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I have recently taken time to really explore metal. After 30 years of finding metal a genre frustratingly full of genre and subgenre purist who produce boringly repetitive albums of music, and often times finding it eye-rollingly pretentious or insincere when artist do embrace variety, I think I might have discovered a handful of albums I genuinely enjoy in the genre.

One of those would be "The Satanist" by Behemoth

Here, have a listen


I always have to recommend The Booth at the End.


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Now this I can get behind.
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Wow that is a pretty mask


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Thank you Darling! It is rare to get the chance to use it


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So plans for the night?


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In this thread we appreciate all our animal friends.

Especially if they include:


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I want a pussy so badly ;_;

Maybe soon, if life works out the right way.


Hold strong, anon.

My ex girlfriend gave me access to pussy, but since I am now living alone I no longer have a pussy to play with and I'm just stuck playing with my cock all day. It used to be hers, ya know?

Now that spring is coming through fortunately, I can go to tge park again to stare at some tits and ass.


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