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Who wants to talk about old PC games with me?
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>>41Just the Westwood Dune games, or the first one as well? DOTT is one of the better LucasArts adventures, but my favs were Sam & Max and Full Throttle.
I like a lot of classic shooters, like Doom, Duke 3D, Blood, Quake... but I also enjoy platformers and simulation games, like Jazz Jackrabbit, Lollypop, Sim City 4, RollerCoaster Tycoon 2...
Been tinkering around with a 98 box for the past few months, which has been a fun nostalgia trip.
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i used to be very good at Quake 2!
>>44Yeah, starting with this one. It was such a huge part of my childhood. Loved it. It installs from fucking floppy disks, hilarious. I remember going back to it as a teen and being like, this shit doesn't even let you multi select units how do you even play this wtf!
All the Lucas games were great, just like dott the most maybe.
I wasn't into the shooters as much but I loved the original roller coaster tycoon. I have it installed on my computer right now actually. Played it fairly recently, I like it that much.
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I used to play a lot of the old school Might and Magic games, and I got a lot of mileage out of Outpost 2 and Alpha Centauri. Caesar 3 also had me good.
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>>53>>56Well, Dune II is pretty much the first RTS game as we know the genre, so they were just working things out.
I haven't played every single one (Like The Dig or the Indiana Jones adventures... or Zak McKracken) but they're pretty much always enjoyable. I feel like the Sierra adventures were more hit or miss.
Shooters have pretty much always been my top genre, maybe tied with platformers, and I have a soft spot for racers as well, especially the early Need for Speed games, along with Monster Truck Madness and Midtown Madness.
>>47Quake II is probably the one I'm least familiar with, it's still a good game, but I feel like 1 and especially 3 are way better.
>>59Might and Magic was a series that I had always heard good things about, but never sat down to play myself. Alpha Centauri was pretty sweet though, might have to give that another go sometime.
>>66The Indian Jones ones were really good!
I'm just not very inspired by most shooters. My experience with most of them, at least online, have been frustration with campers and people who got the better weapon or just have too much skill getting that headshot. But there are a few more modern ones I really loved. L4D was fantastic, it felt like smart and tactical play and thinking on your feet was way more important that raw skill with a gun. And splatoon also felt similar, that playing smart gave me an edge over players who just could control the game better than I.
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>>72In the older shooters, such as Quake and Unreal... even Halo to some extent, knowledge of the map, as well as weapon behavior and raw skill, were very important. You need to assume that everyone else will make a b-line towards power weapons and power-ups as well, so you have to know how to out-gun, out-maneuver, and out-play your opponents. 1v1 matches in Quake III Arena are my favorites, they can be really tense, especially when both players are good on that map.
L4D is great, still a favorite game of mine (waiting for that third one which may never come)
>>76Well, I guess those are the reasons I didn't care for those games back then, heh. I get where the tactics come in, but it mostly felt like I'd die to many times just turning a corner playing halo back in the day. I wasn't bad, I was average I think. Just never really inspired me like splatoon does.
Seen this? No.88
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>>8090s to early/mid 2000s, I'd say. I wouldn't mind talking about 80s stuff either, but my experiences with PCs starts with 486s, so my knowledge of 80s IBM-PC compatible games is kind of limited.
>>83Those games definitely need a lot of practice, but I found them so satisfying... super excited for the Halo MCC PC releases.
I have heard about it, hoping it turns out to be good! Speaking of more tactical shooters, have you ever tried SWAT 4?
>>88I probably could have liked them more if I wanted to put in the effort, I just never felt it was so worth it to try so hard in those games. I think I just got killed by that dude with the overshield and rocket launcher too many times. Like, I respect that he had to earn them but after they was got it seems lame to have to fight such an uphill battle to get back to even.
Yes! I loved it, played it with a bunch of college friends back in the day and felt we really had total control over our outcome if we played it well.
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>>96My typical strat is to keep the power weapons out of play for as long as possible by grabbing them but not using them, then I'll pick people off with the battle rifle usually, or whatever else happens to work.
It's such a good game, I still play it with some friends here and there, though we use the Elite Force mod now, since it just kind of improves the game without detracting from the original experience. There's a spiritual successor in the works called Ready or Not which I'm pretty hype for, it's been a few years in the making, but from what I've seen, it's exactly what I want out of that kind of game.
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>>88I'll just list the ones I played that come to mind, and we'll see if there is any connection with anyone else. Skimming, I'm not seeing a lot of things I recognize, so probably not, but anyway. This will probably blow my anon status, but probably no one pays that much attention.
Chex Quest - mod of Doom that came in a cereal box and we were allowed to play.
MegaMan - DOS game/CGI graphics.
Hunt the Wumpus/Muncher - games for TI-99.
Leather Goddesses of Phobos - text based adventure
Second Life
Various games by The Learning Company.
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>>105I'm quite fond of Chex Quest... not exactly sure why, since I actually grew up with Doom and Duke 3D, and didn't really become aware of Chex Quest until sometime later, but I just love how silly it is.
Uggh, DOS Mega Man, that's a poor conversion if I've ever seen one. It supports up to at least EGA graphics though, which is a pretty nice leap up from CGA (but you gotta love that Cyan, Magenta, and White color scheme)
Unfamiliar with that one... Leather Goddesses of Phobos sounds like a name I've heard before though.
Myst, that's a classic, never played the game in full, but since I have a somewhat proper setup for it now, I may give it a proper try.
Never got into Second Life, can't really comment much on it.
Oooh, which Learning Company games?
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>>109>I just love how silly it is.It was pretty silly. First weapon is a spoon. Might be worth replaying someday. If I remember right it was a Windows program so I'd need more than DOSBOX.
>CGA (but you gotta love that Cyan, Magenta, and White color scheme)Oh, yeah.
>Leather Goddesses of Phobos sounds like a name I've heard before though.It's one of the INFOCOM interaction fiction adventures. They had a bunch of more popular ones I've been meaning to play. They can take a lot of time (well, if you don't cheat).
>I have a somewhat proper setup for it now, I may give it a proper try.I'm not sure what you mean by setup.
The original, at least, is pretty dated, but for me it brings back memories. They made a few newer ones I'd like to try.
>Oooh, which Learning Company games?Treasure Mountain, The Television station one. Some of the Reader Rabbit ones, but those were mostly for my younger sisters, a little below me when we got them.
Looking through Wikipedia, they made quite a few. Everything back then was pretty tech limited, but TLC games have a polished feel to them.
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>>116Has a Windows installer, but it's actually a DOS program (you can also play the WAD just fine in Chocolate/Crispy Doom)
There were a few other palettes, but that was the iconic one.
Hmm, I do know the name, but I can't say I've ever really played any of their games.
Well, what I mean by that is that I have a Win9x machine up and running now (granted, it is Win98SE, but the original version of Myst should still run... or at least Masterpiece Edition... that is, the original release of Masterpiece Edition. Other than Riven, I haven't really looked into the sequels, but there were at least 4 or 5 of them.
Hmm, I remember playing Treasure Planet, that was a neat one, and Reader Rabbit was fun too, when it came to edutainment titles.
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>>118>actually a DOS programOh, cool. Probably easy enough to find online now.
>I have a Win9x machine up and running nowI see. I got the first two to run through scummvm, which required finding just the right versions of things. The newer ones that use panoramas would be a harder project, I expect.
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My favorite "old" PC games are Civilization II, Zork series, King's Quest, Wolfenstein 3D, and Chip's Challenge.
Go forward a few years, and you get some really entertaining gems, like Outpost, Return to Zork & Nemesis, Gabriel Knight adventures, and Dragon Lore.
>>47That used to be my jam and is still my favorite in the entire series. Did you play any mods?
>>59Outpost 2 was fun, but I greatly prefer the original.
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>>240There's a certain charm to them which I just love.
I've heard of The Journey Man project, but I don't know too much about. Seems to have been released on Macintosh, and then Windows 3.1, with an updated release sometime later that had the Windows and Macintosh versions on the same disc.
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God I remember I use to play runescape religiously
though my biggest regrets was joining a Pk klan.
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Princess Maker 2 is super addicting, wish I had tried it out years ago.
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>>343I'm just being over dramatic.
just feel guilty about taking part of that kind of clan.
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>>442Hmm, Nomad?
Looks like an interesting game, kinda like Privateer.
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>>450It was a fun little game! I forget what other game people always compare it to.
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>>451Perhaps I'll need to give it a look sometime here. heard about this recently. Seems to bundle several community patches and other pieces of software (such as MUNT and Fluidsynth, though I already use MUNT and VirtualMIDISynth for improved music when applicable)
It's nice for future reference though, to have everything in one place.
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>>452oh, nice! Yeah, I honestly never could quite get DOS emulators to work right when I tried in the past and gave up on them.
I remember back in the day, when playing
really old DOS games on slightly newer computers, they would tick at warp speed so you couldn't even see what was going on. like Centipede, where the thing moves from the top of the screen to the bottom in half a second because it's based on clock speed. Or animations that would just flash and disappear.
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>>453DOSBox isn't so bad, especially when you already know all of the commands to begin with, but I find D-Fend Reloaded to be so much easier when dealing with multiple games, since it has a nice frontend for setting up each individual game (you can even tell it to use different DOSBox builds for different games if you want to, like, say DOSBox ECE there, to use the 3DFX Glide capability for something like Tomb Raider)
Ahh, yeah, a lot of stuff made for 386s and older tended to be very clock speed dependent (probably since there wasn't much of a speed variance, you either had the math co-processor or you didn't)
That's why Turbo Buttons were a thing!
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>>454That sounds pretty convenient!
Yeah, I didn't know what Turbo Buttons were at the time.
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>>455By far the best way to use DOSBox! I've been having a lot of fun messing with DOS and Win98 on a real machine lately, though.
>called turbo button, lowers your clock speed