No.17326[Last 50 Posts]
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A small glimpse of the town where the next adventure will start: Lowangen. Capital of the Svellt League of Cities. A bustling trading town of 10,000.
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>>17329"Halt! Who goes there? What business do you have in town?" the guards asked as they approached the northern city gate.
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>>17330"I come all the way from Donnerbach." (and maybe some other side-quests and filler from the hiatus.) "I have business at the Academy of Transformation in Lowangen. That and I just need to rest from my travels."
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>>17331They examine you. "The Academy is at the market square. Fancy white building with high windows."
They examine what you carry with you to see if there is anything taxable there but don't find anything.
"No entering the town armed." adds one of the guards. "You'll have to leave your weapon at the store house. You can pick it up again when you leave."
"Fee is one Silver per week." adds the other.
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>>17332Weapons at the gate? What if I need to defend myself if someone tries to mug me and no guards around?
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>>17333He gave a sigh and turned to his comrade. "Elves... always the same."
"Listen, this is a safe town. If you get in trouble, call for a guard. There's always one close by. You're an elf, so you'd be allowed to carry your bow in town. But it seems you only got a big scimitar. And that has to go into the guard house for safekeeping. No entry otherwise."
>>17334Vinifera felt a pang of racism against him but pushed it asside.
"Alright, if you insist. I'll place my sword at the guard house. And if I do end up mugged without help I won't hold charges. You're only human after all."
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>>17335Taking a silver piece as fee the guards put the scimitar in the guard house, handing him a wooden piece with a number on so he could pick it up again at a later time.
Then the guards turned their attention on some farmers trying to enter to sell their goods.
Vinifera was free to enter the city.
>>17337As he crossed through the door he found himself in the big, bustling city. It was significantly larger than Donnerbach or Trallop that he had recently visited.
Large walls surrounded the town that was built on small island in the river Svellt and on the river's eastern shore, connected by two bridges.
Among the humans he also noticed several dwarfs going about their daily business and even an elf or two.
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>>17339It took him some explaining what a 'tourist' was and to his disappointment he learned that there was no such thing.
Only nobility had the money to travel for leisure at times.
"What exactly are you looking for?"
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>>17342"Thank you very much."
He goes in to buy a map.
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>>17343He had to wait a bit for there were a few customers there. The store was filled with various wares: Ropes, lanterns, food, nails, hammers and other tools, buttons, simple clothing, tinder boxes, cutlery, glasses; even a ladder could be bought and outside a big coach wheel was leaning against the wall.
"G'day, Sir, what can I get you today?" the fat owner asked with a toothy smile.
>>17345"A town map? Hmm... I think I might had one somewhere. Not recent, a good ten years old I'd say, but still up to date really." He disappeared in the back room and after a good minute returned with a rolled up map of the town, blowing off some dust.
"It's not cheap though... maps always are. Cause they are rare, as you certainly know." He thinks for a moment. "50 Silver pieces."
>>17346"Really? Is a bit expensive, especially for those who are new. If you just print copies on cheap paper and hand them out for free you could get more customers who are just as new to the city as I am."
Vinifera weigh his option. Does he really need to spend that much on a map to a city he is just visiting?
>>17348"If the written word can be printed I don't see why not other things."
He still ponders if he should.
"Sure I can't convince you to part with it cheaper?"
>>17349((I was gonna ask, how do I haggle again?))
>>17350He shrugs. "I'm no expert and know only little about it. You'd have to travel to Horasia and ask there"
"Cheaper you say? It's a rare piece this map. True craftmanship! I'm already losing money by giving it away for 50 silver!"
>You'd need to test your Charisma No.17352
>>17351Vinifera remembered how his father used to do business with tavern owners and visitors who seek to buy wine from their family.
1d20 = 11"Yeah but my idea for making maps through printing, that could lead to some profit if you're able to give maps to all visitors to this fair city. If you get a map printing press you'll make quite a fortune back even if you give cheap-made maps for free. And tell you what I'm only visiting this town for a few days, if you'd like you could personally rent the map to me for a cheaper price. While I understand renting a valuble item to a complete stranger would be a questionable decision which is why I am willing to give you a ducat on hold. If I fail to return the map I get the dunat back. If not then it's fair to keep it for the troubles."
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>>17352He listens to the proposal, rubbing his chin. "Rent it, eh? What guarantee do I have that you're not just making off with it. Or lose it. Or spill wine on it."
He shakes his head.
"No, 3 dukats and the map is yours."
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>>17353"If you rent the map to me for... about 20 silver pieces, I'll give you 20 silver and perhaps 2 dukats.
When my business is done in Lowangen I'll promise to return the map and you can give me the dukat back.
If I fail to return the map or it is a mess or damaged, you keep the dukats.
After all, I am but a visitor to your town. I do need the map to know my where abouts but what use will it be to me after I leave? Plus if you do decide to go with my idea of making cheaper, easy-to-make maps, you'll need a master copy."
But if you do not wish to part with the map I'll quietly leave with respect.
>>17354He groans, rubbing his head. The map had been sitting in his store for quite a few years.
"Ah well... alright. Deal."
>>17355"Thank you."
He pays 20 silver and puts a oentalty fee of 2 dukats for if he fails to return the map.
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>>17357Vinifera tries to read the map. But it was in a language he struggled to understand and while there was numbers there was no table of content.
He decided to make his way to the Academy to deliver that note he's been carrying all this time.
>>17358Reading the map Vinifera walked along the major roads of 'Eydal'. The district was home to most of the craftsmen of the town. Many dwarfs lived here as well but they didn't pay him much attention.
He passed the temple of Peraine, goddess of harvest and healing, a big tavern and a small hotel. Then he reached the big Eydal Bridge crossing the river.
>let me know if you want to stop somewhere and check something out or if you just want to go on No.17360
>>17359VInifera felt more like a tourist than an adventurer. It was a nice feeling.
"Oh hey Naz! Look at- oh..."
He forgot that his friend was no longer with him, and that Naz returned to his people. Given Vinifera had no family to return to he had to press on.
((Was gonna suggest Naz returned home for the "holidays" but I dunno what Dark Eyes equivilent to Christmas is. What I do know is there seem to be a holiday for each god.))
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>>17360((Like I mentioned, there is no Christmas per se. There's just some ritualistic feasts to 'shoo away' the winter.))
As he walked across the bridge he reached 'Old Lowangen', the original city settlement on the small island in the river. Here were the most important buildings of town, many temples, city administration, the garrison and one of the two Acadmies of magic.
Following 'Zollweg' (Customs Road) he reached the Market Place, biggest square of the town. There was the building of the magistrate - the heads of town -, the market hall, a bank, the temples of Phex (god of thieves and trade), Travia (goddess of the family) and Hesinde (goddess of wisdom) and many taverns, inss and hotels.
And there was the massive building of the Academy of Transformations.
>>17361"That kinda looks like it."
He goes to enter what he pressumes to be the Academy of Transformations.
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>>17362You enter the academy through a magnificently decorated double portal. The entrance hall is laid out with marble and sunlight comes in through a colorful glass window.
You see a reception desk to your right where a sorceress in the typical wizard's getup (long point hat, long robe) is seated.
"Welcome to the Academy of Transformations. How can we be of service?"
>>17365He kindly asked at the reception desk.
"Hello, I'm looking for a Salix Horrigan? I have a note for him on a pressing matter I wish to address."
He shows her the note.
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>>17366She examines the daily teaching schedules for a moment.
"I'm afraid, Master Horrigan will not be available until the evening hours. Do you want me to arrange a meeting with him?"
>>17368After asking your name and what you came here to do she notes down your name.
"Please return at 5 in the evening. Master Horrigan will be notified accordingly."
She bids you goodbye unless you require anything else. It is barely noon and you have five hours to spend in the city.
>>17369"Oh uh thanks."
He leaves to the exit and checks his map to see if there was anything interesting he could get up to in the city. Given how old the map was and the olde common it was written in he struggled a bit to read it.
"Maybe getting a map was a bad idea if I could just ask for directions."
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>>17370What will Epic do while he waits?
Going to explore the town? Visiting one of the many taverns, inns or hotels? Visiting the market hall, the magistrate or the two museum? Or one of the ten temples?
>>17371>magistrateHe looks at the map, as if hard of reading.
"What is a magistrate? I don't know what that is."
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>>17372The Magistrate of the town was only a few buildings away from the Academy so he found it easily.
And turned out that the Magistrate was the local city council.
>>17374There was an inn going by the innovative name "The Inn". It seemed very humble indeed. Extremely cheap and with few bugs in the bed. But no meals were offered.
Another humble location though significantly more pricey was the tavern "Hammer and Anvil". One of the oldest establishments in town with a colorful crowd of guests.
>>17375He thought The Inn was too humble, given he had enough bed bug bites through his travels and goes to see the Hammer and Anvil.
"I wonder what Naz would of thought of a place with such a name? Hopes he's doing well."
He missed his friend.
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>>17376"Greetings, my good Sir" the innkeeper greeted him while carrying a large table with several mugs and food.
"What can I get you?"
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>>17377"Hello, I was wondering what are your rates for a room for the night and a breakfast in the morning?"
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"One moment..." he said before disappearing in the crowd with the table.
A good five minute he came back again, cleaning his hands in his apron.
"That'd be 1 silver coin by day. Can I get you anything to eat and drink now?"
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>>17379"A room for the night would be great. What would you reocmmend on the menu?"
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>>17380"We have bacon and beans. Or a stewpot of meat and root vegetables if that's more your fancy."
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>>17381"Ha, whatevers in the pot sounds great!"
Vinifera doesn't know if elves are vegans by nature and by heck doesn't want to find out now.
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>>17382((They eat everything, including meat. Only priests of the Goddess Tsa are sometimes vegans for a couple of months or years before they give up. She's the Goddess of Life so they are usually against taking a life, animals included.))
Soon enough he had his steaming food in front of him, including a mug of beer. His purse was lighter by 4 Hellers.
>>17383"Thank you."
Gets his wallet out to pay that silver penny.
"Is the meal covered with the room?"
>>17384The innkeeper shakes his head. "No, only breakfast is included. Dinners are separate, Sir."
He holds out his hand to get another 4 Hellers for the food.
>>17385"Ah, Okay."
Gives him two silver coins.
"I don't have any change on me."
>>17387He sits and eats his meal, all the while making sure his belongings are close and to give any would-be pickpocketers a hardtime if anyone tries to rob him. While he is sure this is a friendly place, he's more of a small-town kind of guy than for the city and rather not be taken as a rube.
While keeping his belongings in check he looks around at the colourful people in the tavern.
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As Vinifera examined the crowd - a good one hundred patrons - he saw pretty much every person of any trade he could imagine.
There were four dwarves sitting a table, speaking in their own rumbling tongue that sounded like small stones rolling down the mountain side.
There was a sorceress wearing a large turban and a gaudy robe. He sniffed at a glass of wine, making a sour face.
There was also a group of adventurers, consisting of four humans and an elf. They seemed to discuss travelling to the west to the border of the orc lands.
>>17389Overhearing the adventurers taking about travelling west he mumbled to himself.
"Wait, didn't me and Naz came from there?"
He remembered the orcs from the swamp.
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>>17392After thinking hard about directions he recalled that their last adventure in the swamp was to the east. So the adventuring group was heading in the opposite direction.
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>>17393He shrugged. Given it was none of his business he decided not to disturb anyone and just observed his surroundings.
>>17394People came and went in the tavern. The innkeeper and waiters were busy serving food and drinks. Luckily it seemed that his money pouch was safe and no one tried to take anything from him.
The adventurer lobby up and left and soon others took their table. In a remote corner a shady looking man with a large hat and a whip at his side had taken a seat, wolfing down some roasted meat.
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>>17408Travia was the goddess of home, hearth, family and hospitality. As such temples and shrines dedicated for her could be found across all the lands and were maybe most plentiful of all. Her symbol animal was the goose.
It was quite strange to find a brother next to her temple as in general the priests of Travia found such establishments a danger to the 'family' aspect of her teachings.
>>17409"Goddess of Family..."
While Vinifera was not a praying man, he missed his family dearly, the smell of the grapes, the smell of fresh wine being brewed ((I dunno how wine is made)) and he missed his parents and elders, his neighbours, the elves and people around him growing up.
He decides to visit Travia's temple.
>>17410He entered what was the oldest temple in town. Showing again the importance of the goddess. The priests traditionally wore orange robes. A warm fire was lit in a big fire place in the middle of the temple. A well crafted wooden statue of the goddess was smiling down at Vinifera from behind the altar.
A handful of other people were gathered in the hall. Praying or talking to the priests or novices.
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>>17412There were also several altars for and statues of some of Travia's saints.
There was Badilak, patron saint of the poor; Masha, patron saint of fugitives; Lamea, patron saint of those who wish for a happy homecoming; and finally Dythlind, patron saint of the bakers.
There were smaller and bigger bowls filled with coins. Donations for the goddess and her saints.
>>17413He didn't know how much would be a welcoming offering for. So he gave 10 slvers to Travia and 10 more silver to Lamea, and offered pray to them and his loved ones absolvation.
(-20 silvers)
I found this on TDE gods.
>>17414Any offering was welcome. A novice noticing it gave a gentle bow, thanking Vinifera in the name of the goddess.
((That's a great summary.))
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>>17418As you return to the Academy you are led into a comfortable meeting room laid out with thick carpets.
There was a low table with some water and wine and a bowl with light refreshments. Near a fireplace sat a wizard in his 60s, sporting the typical long beard, pointy hat and robe. His long staff was resting next to him.
"You wanted to talk to me, master Elf? I am Salix Horrigan, Master extraordinarius at this school."
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>>17419"Hello Master Salix Horrigan."
He gave a polite bow.
"My name is Vinifera Grapevine. I travelled far from Aumond to Lowngen because I was recommended to you by an assosiate of yours named Morena.
>>5876 No.17421
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>>17420"I see. And in what matter did she recommend me to you?"
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>>17421"A matter, to save my home of Aumond."
He tells his tale.
"I don't know if you're familiar with our brand of wines but I come from a family of elves who produce the finest alto wine in all of Aventuria. While it was mostly just me, my brother and my parents we still had cousins around Aumond and other places... At least... we did. That was when elves started to go missing. It was the one elf at first, then another not long after but when more elves began to go missing then that's when things got... quiet and unsure amongst the elves of Aumond. I was the first to witness the feylamia at the edge of our forest and the first to realise the missing elves had something to do with the feylamia. But it was too late, by the time there were less elves."
He drink some of the wine.
"I think the feylamia knew that I knew. My family was gone when I woke up that day. It was all silent, I didn't know where my brother or my parents were. I thought they decided to work early on the vineyards or the winery but everyone was gone. Everyone. Either I was last because the feylamia forgotten me, or they wanted to pick me off last. So I took whatever supplies I could carry and leave. I couldn't deal with the problem myself, no one in Aumond could. So I went out to find answers on what happened to Aumond. I don't know if my friends or family are dead, but if I can't rescue them then I will avenge them by ridding Aumond of the feylamia."
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>>17422Salix Horrigan had to ponder the words and thought long about the few things he knew about Feylamia. They were an elven kind of vampire, that little was known. There were a few tales that elven clans were troubled by one and were almost wiped out until they finally recognized the danger and their foe.
"Hm, well, that is a troublesome tale. I'm afraid we are no experts when it comes to elvish lore. Hm... but I know of someone who might be able to help you."
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>>17424"In the city of Gashok, a good three days northeast of here, lives an elf. His name is Artherion. He used to assist the Academy a few times in the past. He is pretty old and might know a thing or two. I think he's a miller there, odd as that may sound.
Here, I'll give you a note from me, asking him to help you."
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>>17425"Thank you very much."
He bows respectfully.
"It brings me hope that I'll be able to save Aumond soon!"
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>>17426"Good luck to you. And hopefully Artherion will be able to help you."
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>>17427"Thank you."
He leaves the academy, with the feeling that Travia is smiling onto him.
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>>17429He wasn't sure, so he consulted the map for likely and progressive options.
>>17433Vinfiera looked out the window.
"It will almost be harvest time at the vineyard."
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>>17436 ((maybe, we'll see))
>>17437 ((I'll be around}}
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>>17439He asked the tavern owner.
"What do you know of the city of Gashok?"
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>>17440"Gashok, eh? Small compared to Lowangen. Maybe 800 or 900 souls dwell there. Haven't been down there in quite a while. Important trading town though as it lies at the crossroad of five big roads.
The folk living there are a bit... odd though. Not all mind you but quite a few. Dualists if that rings a bell."
>>17441"Dualist? Like, "YOU DISHONOURED ME SIR!", slap you with a glove and fight with fancy thin swords duelists?"
He sips his drink.
"Or the kind that can summon demons and monsters from childrens playing cards?"
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>>17442"By the Gods, no. Dual, not duel. As in duality. They pray only to two of the Twelve Gods, Praios and Boron. Praios standing for all that is good and Boron for all the evil. They can be glad the inquisition never found their way till Gashok yet.
Anyway, most of the Dualists are farmer folk. Standing dressed all in black with big hats and long beards in the summer heat. Men and women. Women without the beards, mind you. When a man or woman only shows a bare ankle they will chase them with their forks and flails. So mind what you wear around them."
((The Dualists are pretty much modelled after the Amish.))
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>>17444"Well, they have no ill feelings towards non-humans from all that I know."
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>>17446"No one goes there except for business. Or if it lies just on the road to somewhere else. There's really nothing to do in Gashok."
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>>17448"Heh, right. Well, in Gashok other folk live as well. But just half a day away from Lowangen is New Lowangen. There's nothing but Dualists there. You'll have to pass it on the way to Gashok."
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>>17452"Nothing. The Dualists founded it and gave it that name."
>>17453((This is sounding familiar to some sort of history... New Amsterdam I think which was founded by puritans.))
"Ah, so more of what's wrong with the new one then."
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>>17456"Thank you, and good luck on your journey."
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>>17458Vinifera received 2 Dukats for returning the map after the store owner triple checked if there were any grease spots on it or an edge a bit torn.
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>>17464The street was broad and well maintained, making the first leg of the trip to Gashok rather enjoyable. The broad mountain range to his right the street passed through many fields that supplied the town with essentials.
Around noon Vinifera started to feel his stomach grumbling. Did he pack any supplies?
d20 = 14Intelligence
d20 = 9 No.17469
>>17468Luck roll
d20 = 15.
>>17470He rubbed one of the apples on his shirt and bite into it.
((What's my total items for inventory?))
>>17471There were no worms in the apples but as he moved on his stomach wasn't really well filled.
You're carrying:
Oil lamp (12 hours)
Small box (leer)
Letter for Artherion (Gashok)
Boltan cards
Ripped cloth
Cloak (grey, for rainy weather)
4 x bandages (simple; 1d6-1 Health back)
1 x Tarnela Ointment
Muddy Stick
Brooch with Grapevine (worth a few Silver)
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Worse than having no food was having no water. Without a water skin or bottle Vinifera was feeling pretty thirsty after his long walk.
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>>17472"Aw heck."
He turns around and head sback to Lowengen, given he apparently can't live off the wild long enough.
>>17474He was already a good 15 kilometers away from Lowangen, half the distance to the next village.
As he just wanted to turn around he noticed something in the distance... a small well at the roadside.
>>17475If he was already that far ahead, he might as well stomach his hunger and progress to the next village.
But the small well caught his interest and goes to investigate.
>>17477"Is this... a magic well?"
He asked, out-loud, on the off chance the well could be home to some sort of spirit or fairy?
"AmI allowed to drink from this well?"
>>17478As he asked there was no reply.
Then as if through the magic the bucket rattled down into the well. A loud splash could be heard.
>>17481d20 + 3 = 12He called out to the well.
"Thank you for dropping your bucket to share the water. Would you like me to help pull the rope up for the water?"
Given he asked nicely to begin with. No point stopping now. Besides he think good manners are a good thing.
>>17482He checked the pulley, just to be sure. It was old but there was no sign that it just accidently broke or that the bucket wasn't properly secured.
No one stopped him from pulling the bucket back up.
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As he pulled the bucket up he noticed that there was something in the water, it looked like a cloth of sorts.
>>17487He was especially surprised by this.
"Aw thank you very much!"
Given it was at the bottom of the well, it was at it's fullest.
((I added to the inventory))
"You are a special well. I'm not sure exactly how, but you are."
>>17488The waterskin held a litre of water (or anything else he'd pour in).
The water itself was clear, cool and refreshing like rain after a long draught.
>>17489Before heading off, he examines the stones of the well, the wooden shelter, anything that may explain the nature of the well.
It could simply be a series of coincidences and luck but he wanted to make sure.
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As it is necessary to often necessary to examine something (visually or acoustically) and there is no proper attribute to do so I introduce the 'Perception' skill.
Every character has this automatically.
Your Perception start value is [the sum of Intelligence + Intuition + Intuition and then divided by 3].
>roll for Perception to examine the well again
>>17494+2 makes 5
You glance at engraving and realize it's a figure. It appears the be a goose, the symbol of the goddess Travia.
>>17495Realising this, Vinifera put his hands together and let out a prayer and thanks for this.
The gods work in mysterious ways.
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>>17496Refreshed Vinifera moves on. As the shadows grow longer and the sun begins to set he can see a small village in the distance. A town wall surrounds it.
>>17498Lucky for him the gate was still open.
A lonely town watch leaned rather bored at the gate and looked up as the elf approached.
"Ho, traveler!" she called as he approached. "Just in time before the gates are closed."
>>17501He tried to look as presentable as one can be after a long travel.
"Thank you."
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>>17502The guard stepped aside after wishing him a good night. The gate was being closed.
New Lowangen was a small, humble town. Maybe 450 souls lived there, the only inn located pretty much in the middle of town next to the temple of Praios.
The streets were clean, the buildings well taken care of. The few people on the streets were mostly Dualists, wearing tight black suits and dresses. They gazed at the elf, whispering to each other.
>>17504They gave polite and rather stiff nods in return before moving aside. It was obvious that outlandish folk did not often come to this hamlet.
As he entered the inn he saw a hand full of locals sitting together, drinking water and milk. No alcohol could be seen.
Except for the mug of brew standing in front of a lonely dwarf sitting at a nearby table. It was Nåzom Ishëmvîr whom Vinifera knew well.
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>enjoys his ale
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>>17505"Nazom? NAZOM! How are you? I didn't figure you'd be back from visiting your folks so soon. What are you doing in a place like this?"
He looks around at all the prudish duelists who he guess did not like his outburst of friendship as much. A rugged dwarf seems out of place amongst these people.
"What are you doing in a place like this."
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>>17508 Vin! How long has it been! It's good to see a familiar face.
((what am I doing in a place like this?))
How did you end up in this dwarf-forsaken den of abstinence and misery?
>>17509He sits down t talk to his friend.
"I'm just staying the night, passing through. I'm on my way to Gashok to see an elf named Artherion who can help me save my hmetown from the feylamia."
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>>17511 Perhaps some good old fashioned dwarven muscle could help you with this "femlayma". How do you expect Artherion is going to help you?
>>17517"Thank you very much sir."
He pays the full price for dinner and room.
>>17519If you want to come with me to meet Artherion we'll see what he says. Though I do agree with you, it would feel great ot punch that bi-"
He almost forgot the surrounding company he was in.
"...That monster for the plague she put on my home."
>>17521"Thank you."
Vinifera enjoyed his rabbit stew as he got to catch up with his friend.
>>17519"So what about you? You went back to visit your folks. Any gale of adventures since we part ways?"
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>>17520 Aye. with any luck, she's easy on the eyes and knows how to cook, too. Elven women, eh?
>>17522 It was quite the homecoming! Many a flagon was downed. Many a toast was made. Many a boar was roasted.
They know how to throw a party.
>>17525"Three more ales? Coming right up!"
The innkeeper brought three more pints of brew and collected 3 copper coins.
>>17528 It's fortunate you passed through this way! Aye, it's good seeing you again, and I'll rip the vampire's teeth out for ya.
>hands one of the ales to Vin>downs the second>savors the third>>17527 ((up to you two))
>>17533He was hesitant that he was upset the resident dualists of the town.
"I-it's not that bad of a place. It's a humble hamlet. I'm greatful we get to stay here for the night." ;^_^
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>>17533The innkeeper gave the dwarf an upset look but thought better than quarreling with a paying customer. He hoped both the dwarf and the elf would move on the next day.
((Gotta stop there for today, getting late I'm afraid. I hope we can continue soon.))
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>>17534>>17535((alright; have a good night!
also I need to know what's in my inventory at some point))
>>17536 ((thanks!))
>>17537- Hammer
- 5 assorted chisels
- Ceramic goblet
- Rope (9.8 meters)
- Rain-Roof (umbrella; 3 kg)
- Scimitar (1d6+3; rusty)
- Flask with potion (refreshing smell; 2d6 HP)
- Old glass bottle
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The sun was rising on a cold autumn day. Vinifera and Nazom set out in the morning, following the road towards Gashok. They would reach the town within two days if all things went according to plan.
If you wanted to purchase any rations or other supplies, now's your last chance.
>>17540"Let's pick up some stuff!"
Goes to check the farmers market for provisions.
>>17544"Do you have the beef jerky that rugged travellers eat?"
He buys about two days worth of provisions of beef jerky, bread and cheese.
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>Nazom buys a couple of days worth of supplies and looks to see what other things might be available for sale.
>>17549Nazom receives his provisions, they should last him until Gashok.
>>17550"You're welcome. Good luck on your journey. And be careful, there is no lodgings to be found until Gashok."
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>is prepared
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>>17557Vinifera was blissfully unaware of his surroundings...
>>17558... though Nazom had thought for a moment that he had heard voices up ahead though no one could be seen anywhere in the vicinity.
What will you do?
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>>17562>>17563Roll for Dexterity.
>>17565>>17566>>17567As the two friends slowly move closer they see two people with short bows sitting in trees, gazing at the street ahead.
They hear whispering voices of certainly another five or six men and women hiding in bushes or behind trees up ahead.
>>17568He whispers quietly to Naz.
He tries to perk his ears to hear what they were saying.
(If this requires another perception roll then
d20 = 8)
He was still thinking up a plan and quietly consults it with Naz.
"What if... we lead them into a trap? Make them think someone is coming along for them to rob then we somehow trap them?"
He looked over the situation carefully and what was on him on person at the time.
"Or convince them to turn on one another."
>>17572"To avoid them might be the better option. If there's too many to take on and we can't trick 'em then perhaps best to go around them."
>>17572>>17573You could try to sneak around them.
You'd need to roll for Dexterity twice in that case. The better the roll the better the chance of success of course.
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>>17574Vinifera be's as sneaky as he can.
d20 = 10d20 = 1 No.17579
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The duo was able to cut through the wood in a wide bow and moved around the bandits. They did not seem to notice them at all and after a good fifteen minutes they were back on the road on their way to Gashok.
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They met no fellow travelers as they marched towards their goal. The had a short meal and used up some of their rations, then continued on until the shadows grew longer again.
It was shortly before nightfall when they reached a river (a good 50 meters broad) crossing their path. There was no bridge anywhere in sight but a lonely raft was tied to pole on their side of the stream.
>>17584((By some of my rations do you mean one of my provisions?))
He saw the lonely raft and thought was a bit odd someone left it there. Surely there was a ferryman or at least a sign saying "Put this back when you're done with it." or something.
>>17587"I see. I guess we have to use that to get across."
He turns to Naz
"Do you know how to use a raft to sail across? I dunno why but you strike me more of a ⛵ person."
He looks at the river, wondering how fast it's going or how difficult the current would be if the boat caught up in it.
>>17591d20 + 3 = 5 No.17597
>>17595Alas, Vinifera had no idea what it would take to get the raft safely across the stream.
>>17596Make another roll for Perception.
If you want to sneak, roll for Dexterity too.
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>>17597 1d20 = 15>Nazom goes boldly into the twilight forest!>>17598 I'm ready for a fight

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>>17600>>17601They followed the tracks for a good five minutes and finally stood before the small forest. There, the tracks were no longer visible.
But up ahead, a small fire could be seen, glimmering through the thicket.
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>>17601 go on! I'm right behind you
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As they move closer they see a campfire in front of which sits man in his mid 40s. He wore clothes in brown and green, a bow was leaning next to him against a tree. He was roasting some meat and had apparently settled down to have supper.
He looked up at she saw Vinifera who gave him an awkward smile (Charisma roll).
"Well... hello there. Be you friend or foe?" he asked with a gruff voice, a hand slowly moving to a short sword at his side.
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>>17608 Greetings. Are you the ferryman?
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>>17609He gave a chuckle. "Ah, do you need a passage across the stream? Yes, I'm the ferryman. There's usually not much to do at this time of day."
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>>17608"I'd say friend, though to be honest I would say whichever answer not to get an arrow in my throat."
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>>17612He looked at the elf a bit puzzled. "Well, call it what you want, but it's raft. A ferry, if you like."
He slowly got up, stretching himself.
"Well, I can bring you across. It will cost you, of course."
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>>17614>>17615"Six copper per foot, twelve per wheel."
He shook his head. "There's not much traffic in general. Not this close to Boron (November). There's barely any trade at this time of year and harvest season is already over. It's busy especially in the summer months."
"As for the bandits... I think I know who you mean. A group of travelers was accompanied by a bunch of odd folk a couple of days ago. They called themselves 'swords of hire' and 'guardians'. They didn't cross though, returned back the way towards Lowangen."
>>17618"Any chance for a discount"?
d20 = 5))
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>>17619"Alright, make it 11 per person."
>>17616 How much further is it to Gashok?
>>17621 how sturdy is your raft?
>>17622"One day across the plains. It's easy walking.
The raft's more than sturdy. Can easily carry a large covered wagon across, plus the horses. Or a dozen people."
>>17623He returns the change.
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The ferrymen guided them back to his raft and brought them safely across.
Wishing them a good night and safe travels he then returned to the other side of the stream.
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>>17625 should we rest here for the night?
>>17631The two wagons come to a halt next to the travelling duo.
As they noticed that they were an elf and a dwarf they murmured.
"Be careful in Gashok, travels. I don't know what happened there since we last came through but it seems like they have grown a dislike for anyone... non-human, beg your pardon. We come from Riva and did not stay long."
A dwarf travelling with them, his beard fire-red grunted angrily.
"They wouldn't even let me enter the tavern, curse them. They weren't like that last year." He cursed in dwarfish.
>>17639You recall a detail you were told at the Academy. Artherion was supposedly working as a miller in Gashok.
At that the traders fell quiet.
"Fear for the worst then... We saw the mill, it was burnt to the ground."
>>17640He felt a pit in his stomach as his heart sank through it.
"Th-thank you."
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The heroes reach the small town of Gashok as the night falls. Barely 900 people live there but it is situated at an important crossroad.
A sturdy, well maintained wall surrounds the town, large fields are to its south and east where the last harvests of the year have already been finished. Winter will come soon.
As the heroes approach a single guard is on the lookout, holding a simple spear.
>>17645((Most likely as there's plane fields on the way to the town. Of course you can duck into one of the fields if you don't want to be seen.
You're coming from the road on the bottom)).
>>17646((Bottom left or bottom right?))
((Should I roll for chance he already noticed me or roll for chance to avoid being noticed?))
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>>17647 what are you doing?
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>>17648Given the forboding warnings from those two travellers from before, he'd rather not get noticed by the guard. He would rather try to find out what happened to Artherion without alerting the yokel locals.
>>17649"You recall what those travellers said before?"
>>17632"They warned us the locals of Gashok have taken a strong disliking to non-humans. They said they burnt down the mill where Artherion resided. And I doubt they'll let us walk over there to investigate."
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>>17650You duck into one of the fields, unseen of the guard ahead who seems to have sat down to enjoy some cheese and sausage for supper.
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>>17650 you really believe that? well ok then, let's do it your way!
>>17659"Look Naz, over there! That might be it. Let's check it out."
((Is it inside the town wall or outside of it? Because even if I scored a Nat1 I dunno how I could see through walls.))
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>>17660 are we going under the wall?
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>>17666First of all, you have no tools - neither pickaxe or shovel.
The town wall seems old but well maintained.
Digging under the wall by yourself (or together with Vinifera) - starting from a distance where you wouldn't be seen - would be a task taking many weeks.
>>17672The wall has battlements so you could try to 'lasso' onto it.
Would need a Dexterity test +4 though.
>>17673"Hey Naz, can I borrow your rope?"
d20 + 4 = 14"Yippee-ki-yay! I guess."
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>>17675The rope lands on the battlement but as you give the rope a tug it falls down to the ground.
>>17676>>17677"I dunno, I never lasso'd before."
d20 + 4 = 11"Maybe if we had something to tie on the end to be used as a grappling hook."
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>>17678The sling slips over the battlement and as you pull it's tight. You could climb up now.
It'd require a test of Strength.
>>17679"Oh wow! I got it!"
He tries to climb it.
d20 = 13 No.17683
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>>17679>>17681>>17682let me try...
1d20 = 12 No.17685
Observing how NAz did it, he tries again.
d20 = 7 No.17687
>>17686"Yus! We're in!"
He looks around to see what's up.
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>pulls up the rope and secures it to climb down the inside of the wall
>>17687>>17688The rope is smartly used to get down the other side. You're inside the town.
It has to be around 8 p.m., the lights are on in many buildings, the streets are dark and mostly deserted though.
>roll for Intelligence -3 No.17692
>>17690>>17691You recall that it is not allowed to walk in towns at night without a light. Only thieves and other shady people are and if you are caught you'd be suspected (and likely found guilty) to be just that.
So if you try to sneak to the mill, you better be careful.
The mill is just one Dexterity roll away.
>>17692Vinifera decides not to use his Lantern given that he wasn't suppose to be in town to begin with and doesn't want any guards coming to ask his business. But he does go with Naz to the mill.
d20 = 6 No.17696
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>>17695Even though the dwarf is far from quiet the duo manages to reach the broken, burnt ruins of the mill unseen, its charred remains reaching into the sky.
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>>17697>>17698Roll for Dexterity to not hurt yourselves in the crumbling building, and Perception to maybe find something.
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1d20 = 15 1d20 = 4
d20 = 19Perc.
d20 = 10 No.17702
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>>177001d3 = 2 damage as the darf hurts himself in the debris.
>>177011d3 = 1 damage as the elf almost breaks through the floor.
You search for a good hour in the burnt mill and you find remains of torches and what might have been oil jars.
The mill was deliberately set on fire it seems. No valuables remain.
Also, you're both black from grime and smut after the search. Your Charisma sinks by 3 till you have cleaned yourselves.
>>17704"Hold on. Let's see if there is anything we missed out."
He checked under the floorboards for any clues.
"If I can't find anything though we may need to "pursuade" someone to tell us what happened and where to look."
>>17706"Hm, alright. I guess I'll have to go for Plan B. B for Bannbaladinn."
He takes his lantern out and lights it.
"C'mon. We might as well see if we can find a town hall, church or guard station or the likes."
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There were three temples to be found in town, the Dualists temples of Praios and Boron which were very different to how they were in all other parts of the world. Praios standing for all that's good while Boron standing for all that's ill. And there was a temple of Phex, god of thieves and of trade.
There was a town hall for certain but it was also close as it was late at night by now.
The town also had a couple of taverns and inns.
He looks around to see if there was any guards on patrol. Or the very least people out and about.
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>>17711 Any idea where the taverns are? I'm parched.
>>17711At this hour, only a guard or two might be on patrol or a tavern patron on his way home.
>>17712It would not be hard to guess that some would be in town center at the main square.
"Alright Naz. Watch and follow my lead."
>>17716He goes over to the tipsy lone man and observed him struggling to keep steady. When his balance was most off he "accidentally" bumped into him.
>>17718"Oh I'm terribly sorry friend! Here, let me help you."
He tried to help his friend keep steady.
"You alright?"
((Oh, and he made sure he had his hood up, so his ears were not visable.))
Does so.
"You're out a bit late friend. Had a good day?"
>>17722"Ah, yes. I am an elf."
Given there was no more need for pretenses and he hasn't called the guards on him for noticing, he decided to get straight to the point.
"I was hoping to ask someone, why is the town on lockdown from non-humans? And what has happened to the mill?"
>>17724He also noticed Nazom standing there... there was not mistaking him for anything but a dwarf.
"There's no lockdown... it's just that some people don't take too kindly to elves and dwarves. It's gotten worse over the last year... They burnt down Artherion's mill a good week ago. Dunno who, cloaked men, a good dozen. I dunno what happened, think he escaped."
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>>17726 who serves the best ale in town?
>>17727He thinks for a moment, then his eyes light up...
>>17728"The tavern 'Day and Night'... it's the only place in town where you can get something to drink in this town. Most people in town are dualists and they practice prohibition... meaning no drinks! Madmen! Tell the innkeeper I sent you... the name's Alrik."
>>17727"I doubt anyone would take him in. Nah, he's left town I bet... ask old Sabrina. Sells herbs at the market. She'll be there tomorrow."
>>17729"I see, thank you very much."
>>17728"I guess if Day and Night won't linch us then we could stay the night there and head off in the morning."
>>17734He turned off his lantern.
"Stew sounds nice. Though I dunno how my friend will take kindly to a sobre tavern."
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>>17734 You... don't serve ale? Alrik said we might be served here.
>>17735"Stew's four copper coins."
>>17736"You know Alrik? Well, in that case..." she places a mug with beer on the bar. "Five copper coins."
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>>17737 Now you're talking!
>hands over some coins and a tip No.17741
>>17740"Ah, yeah. Might be good idea."
So that's -4 copper for the stew, -4 silvers for a room and -1 silver with bath?
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>sniffs clothing
It's not that bad. I'll take another beer though.
Given what he was told of what's happening in Gashok, he was surprised to be offered a comfortable place to eat, sleep and wash up. But still he had to look for Artherion.
"Do you know of an elf named Artherion? Or a herb seller named Sabrina?"
>>17748"Really? He was just a miller?"
He imagined Artherion to be like some sort of all powerful sorcerer-like elf wizard... than just humbly grinding grain into flour.
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>>17748 any idea what happened to the mill?
>>17750"Well... it was a good week ago I think, there was a turmoil of some sort. I only heard it, didn't see it. A bunch of cloaked people supposedly burned it down. It's been getting worse over the past months. The hatred towards elves and dwarves."
She shakes her head.
"Anyway, better not talk about it. You never know who's listening."
>>17756((Sounds a bit KKKish))
"Jeeze... or whatever this world equivilent to Jesus is. If it's such an issue, why haven't the people of Gashok run them out?"
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((Gotta stop for today, bed time for me.))
>>17754>harumphs approvingly>>17759 seems like Artherion was lucky to make it out alive
>>17760 ((alright, good night))
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>>17758 "any idea where Artherion ran off to?"
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>>17763"No, not really. Maybe back to his own kind up north? I think..." her voice turns into a whisper... "I think that Sabrina the herbalist might know more. I think she was the closest to a friend he had in town. But be careful, some say she's a witch."
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>>17767 "Yeah, you should really take a bath, too."
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>>17767She slaps her forehead. "Oh yes, you did, didn't you. I'm starting to get forgetful."
>>17769"It's OK. We know a lot been happening of late."
>>17768"A warm bath and a warm bed would be nice."
>>17772She nods and fills up a last glass of ale for the dwarf, taking his five copper coins.
"Here you are, the last one."
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>>17773 "sustenance! thank you."
>drinks it down and prepares for bed No.17777
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The next morning comes. It was refreshing to sleep in a proper bed again after the long time on the road. Vinifera's bath was also quite relaxing and comfortable.
Vinifera recovers 1d6 = 6 LeP, Nazom recovers 1d6 = 3 LeP.
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"Daylight! Finally, let's go find Sabrina, the teenage witch"
>>17778He asks the bartender from last night.
"Where aouts can we find Ms. Sabrina?"
>>17779((Sorry, Health... I used the German abbreviation))
"At the market square."
The scrape from yesturday seemed to have healed up nicely.
>>17780"Thank you. We'll head off there."
"You ready to go Naz?"
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It was still early as they marched through the town. Barely anyone as around and no one seemed to pay them any attention.
The market square was deserted. There were several stands but they were empty, showing that market day was only once a week or so.
It was empty with the exception of a single tent in a corner.
>>17784There was a strong herbal scent in the air, the tent was full with small bottles, small bags and sacks with various leaves and ground up powders. Some bottles had liquids of various colors in them.
A woman in her 60s was busy sorting through them as she noticed the dwarf entering.
"Um... excuse me, I'm still setting up shop."
>>17783"You'd think there be more activity for a market like this one."
>>17784Goes with him.
>>17785"I have a feeling this is the place."
"Um... are you Sabrina? A friend of Artherios?"
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>>17785 "Oh! We're not really here to shop. We're looking for Sabrina."
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>>17786>>17787She raises up properly, eying the two with interest.
"I am Sabrina... And a friend. Well, I wouldn't say friends but we got along well enough. More than with the rest of the town I'd say."
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>>17789"Yes, it was a bad night, that night. I saw him leave that night, towards the east. I'm not sure exactly where to but I know he talked to a place he went to to find some peace and quiet now and then. He might went there... the Gashok Forest."
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>>17790 "He just wanders around the forest?"
>>17789 "Elves are strange..."
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>>17791"I only know that all of this mess started when those strangers moved here a year ago."
>>17792"He mentioned he had a small hut there. But don't ask me where exactly. A small path off the road leads there. You have to keep your eyes open..."
>>17793 "One can't help but admire rock formations.
Trees though? ..."
>>17794 "We'll find it. but what strangers?"
>>17794"The strangers?"
He ponders this for awhile.
"Well, sounds like if it's going to be a problem, our first priority is to find Artherion first."
>>17795"Even trees can have beauty to them."
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>>17795>>17796She hesitates for a moment, then looks outside the tent as if she feared someone was listening.
"Deregorn... and that V. H. of Kuslik. Strange fellows, both of them."
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>>17798"Deregorn... I think he's with the Anathemian's, a fanatics order of Praios, the sun god. They hate magic.
Of Kuslik is a trader, I think... I've only seen him two or three times all year. Never leaves his home I guess."
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>>17800"Beats me. And I don't plan to stick around town for too long. The priests of Praios are bad enough but there's been plenty of witches and wizards the Anathemians have burnt on the stake.
Not that I'm a witch but I know what they say about me."
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>>17802 lets go find him while we still have daylight.
>>17803 ((mmm, nope))
>>17803"Thanks for letting us know."
>>17804"It's morning, but yes. Let's head off to the forest."
>>17807Suddenly Vinifera feels a sharp pain in his side...
1d6 + 6 = 7 damage!
>>17809"AACK! THE HECK!"
Looks around to see who is attacking.
((BRB, I need to catch the shops before they close.))
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>>17810 "What happened?"
>looks around No.17812
>>17810You feel blood dripping down your side. Your armor has decreased the impact but there's a crossbow bolt stuck in your side.
>>17811Roll for Perception +3!
>>17812"Who the bloody hell did that?"
d20 + 3 = 15((Going out now. BRB))
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>>17814You are too distracted...
>>17813From the corner of the eye Nazom notices a shadow figure disappearing in an alley, a good 100 feet away.
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>>17815 "hey! over there!"
>gives chase, in dwarven fashion No.17819
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>>17818Oh no! Nazom stumbles over his own legs and just in time catches himself not landing in the mud. As he looks into the alley there's no sign of anyone being there.
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>gets back up
"Vin, are you alright?"
(waits for Vin)
>>17820"Ah, Bleeding, but alright."
He inspects the wound to see how bad it is.
>>17823((I thought I lost 7 from
"Who ever done it, we need to makre sure they're not following us to Arthurion."
>>17826((Ah OK. Rather a cut than a gaping wound.))
"To the forest, quick!"
He rushes to the woods.
>>17825>>17827You leave town and walk for a good two hours until you reach the outskirt of the woods. It's a rather large forest, many square miles big. You're only chance to find Artherion in there - if he's in it at all - is busy searching for that path.
Roll 3 x for Perception+2.
>>17829>>17830An hour passes and still you have found nothing. The sun is slowly climbing and it'll be noon soon. And you brought neither water nor food with you, having used up the last on your way to Gashok.
Roll 3 x for Perception +2.
>>17831((Don't I have 1 provision and a full waterskin?))
He couldn't find the path, so he'll have to mae do with his plan.
He tries to find a clearing and, with the wound still fresh from his attack, tries to make a small puddle of his blood. ((Which will probably cost 1HP for him to do so.))
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>>17832>>17834Nazom finds something... a small dirt track leading deep into the forest.
>>17835"Good work Naz. But Before we proceed. there is a chance we're being followed. I have a plan."
He kneels down, open his wound and gives up at least 1HP worth of blood on the ground.
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>>17835 "this might be it!"
>>17836 "oh?"
>looks for footprints on the track No.17838
>>17837He winces in pain, but after making the blood splatter on the ground he quickly covers his wound.
"Ooouch, that'll have to do. C'mon, we need to hide and we need to wait."
He chose a tree directly off the path and attempts to climb up it to get an advantage point over the path where he can clearly see the blood puddle.
>>17836That sure hurt... there's a small puddle of blood on the ground now.
>>17837You examine for tracks... alas, it was quite a while ago that Artherion could have been here...
Roll for Perception +8.
>>17840Unfortunately you find no tracks.
>>17839>>17840For how long do you wish to wait?
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>>17842 "you really think we're being followed?"
>>17843"Remember when we got to Gashok, the mill was burned down because someone was after Artherion. When we left town someone was after me. Chances are my assailant is from the same people who are after Artherion. They could be tracking us. If I am right then I'm hoping their tracking will lead them to my blood first. I don't want to lead them to Asherion."
>>17844"Let's wait a bit longer."
>>17849After a long and pointless wait.
"Alright. I guess if there was anyone after us they would of been gone by now."
Tries to get down from the tree.
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>>17851 "yeah, let's go"
>follows the trail No.17854
>>17852"With these suppose enemies he has I just couldn't be too careful."
He follows te path along with Naz.
>>17855... no there, it is!
You follow the track for another 30 minutes as you suddenly happen upon a clearing! There's a small wooden hut under trees, and an elf glaring at you, bow in hand, aimed at you!
Artherion noticed the other elf.
"We mean you no harm. I came all the way from the Academy just to meet you."
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((I'm afraid it's late and I gotta go. Hope we can continue soon.))
>>17862"Well, I was reccomended to you from Salix Horrigan. In fact, I have a note from him to give to you."
He gave Artherion the note from
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>>17864Artherion takes the letter and reads it, nodding. "I see. Well, if Master Horrigan vouches for you, I will try to help you. What did you need?"
He gives the dwarf a look, covered in smudges and coal stains.
"Goodness, you really should take a bath."
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>>17866"Can we come in to talk about it. It's a long,
long story."
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>>17867"I'd ask you inside but my hut is barely big enough for me alone. We'll have to sit around the bonfire."
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>>17866>sniffs clothingit's fine
((Should I wait for ⛵?))
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>>17869The elf gives a grin as if he had half expected the reply.
"Very well then. So, what did you need my help with?"
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>>17871 It's probably best if Vin here fills you in on the details.
>gestures to Vin No.17873
>>17869((Ah, hello.))
>>17868He sits down by the fire and tells his story.
"Aumond, a small town west of the Salamander Stones mountain range..."
He tells him of his childhood as the son of a winemaking and grape-growing family of elves. He tells them of the mysterious happenings of Aumond and he tells of what happened to the elves of his hometown and of the feylamia.
He also tells him the adventures he's been going on since thehn as well as the adventures he had with Naz, leading into the two regailing the adventures they had in the past."And that's why I am here. after months of travelling to find Salix he told me to come and see you, that you can help my family and all of Aumond."
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>>17873The elf's ears would prick up - if they could - as you mention Aumond. As you continue your tail he seems to only listen with on ears, his mind apparently drifting off. Only now and then he looks at you, his face grim. As you end your tale he remains silent for a long time.
"Aumond... I know it well. I once lived there, a very long time ago."
He then stands up and takes his bow.
"Go and sleep, I need some time to think your tale over. We will leave in the morning. There's food in my hut, take as much as you need."
With that he leaves into the forest without another word or explanation.
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>>17873 ((good morning!))
Huh, well that was weird...
think he's got any ale in there?
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>>17879>shows stuff to Vinwant some?
>>17878>grumbles and munches No.17882
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After your supper you rest, feeling safe in the clearing. Late at night Artherion returns and sits quietly by the fire which he tends to.
He wakes you early in the morning, the sun was not yet up.
"It is time, we have a long road ahead."
>>17883>>17884Artherion has packed enough provisions for all three of you. He seemed to travel light beside that, only brining his trusty elven bow and quiver. A sheathed sword was at his side.
He led you out of the forest to small stream were you could fill your water skins; then he followed a path north which met the street once more in the evening.
Six days you travel with him, the large mountain range to the north and the vast forests were many elves still dwelled coming closer and closer until the road disappeared under the lush green trees.
>you can ask him some questions if you want... I'd say a max. of four each No.17887
>>17885I fill my water skins.
"So, were you chased out of Gashok? We found what was left of the mill when we arrived. I was afraid you died."
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>>17886>>17887"Yes, I fled, what else can you do when some cloaked figures try to burn down your home. I tried to flee but they attempted to push me back inside. They didn't just want to drive me away. They wanted to murder me! Burn my sinful body in Praios' holy flames, no doubt!
After I worked in Gashok for so long. I even stopped using my magic so I wouldn't scare them. But that I night I did use it, so much that it hurt myself. But not as much as their leader! In the commotion I turned into an eagle and escaped the town."
He sighs.
"I will not return, that is for sure."
He looks at the dwarf.
"It all started when strangers arrived about a year ago. They seemed to bear a grudge against anyone none-human. And their poison spread through the town."
>>17889"It is water under the bridge now."
>>17890He seemed hesitant to answer. "Chance... I guess. I wandered for many years. It was close to home, in a way..."
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>>17892He looked at you with a glint in his eyes. "No, we will not got to Aumond... he is not there... but I have a pretty good idea where he is."
>>17893"The planes and mountains to the southeast until the edge of the orc lands. Far to the north until I reached the cold ocean. And west into the lands of the humans, with their knights and big towns. I traveled for decades."
>>17894"W-who? The feylamia?"
((I forgot to choose a gender for it. I always pressumed feylamias were like elven banshee-like maidens.))
>>17895"Yes... When he or she was in Aumond..." He fell silent for a long time. "Too close for a coincidence."
>>17896"To forget." He said and it was clear he would say no more to the matter.
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>>17898Naz known Vinifera the longest and can tell Vinifera's spirits are more lifted. While he has known him as a rather positive elf he never seen him quite so relieved and determined before.
>>17897While Artherion hasn't known Vinifera that long at all, he can tell that Vinifera was driven by this.
"I can finnaly avenge them. Not just everyone in Aumond, my family, all those that horrible nightmare took away from me.."
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>>17900 it won't stand a chance against us!
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>>17900"We shall see. There is no easy way to kill him. They hate silver and the light of the moon is their bane... but their powers are many." Again he fell silent. "And got more lives than a cat." He muttered to himself.
>>17901"Maybe a sharp axe will succeed where so much else failed..."
>>17903He ponders what he said about the weaknesses. Thinking about reflecting the light off a full moon from a silver axe. Then again he was reminded of werewolves and how werewolves change and grow in strength from moonlight.
He wonders if feylamia are undead or not.
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>>17910"We might as well. A bed would be a welcome change."
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>>17910Vinifera smiled. He had a really good feeling about this place.
"We'll be fine here lads."
Goes to visit Travia's temple to give thanks and 10 silvers.
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>>17912The priest of Travia was a round man with a wrinkled face from many a laugh and a reddish nose from many a visit to the "Wineskin". He bowed and gave his blessings.
>>17913Nazom and Artherion went to the inn in the meantime. It was small and not many guests were there yet. The innkeep wore an eyepatch and seemed to be a rugged man from the north.
"Greetings, strangers. Welcome to the Wineskin! What can I get you?"
>>17914Vinifera gave his thanks to Travia for helping him find Artherion and that he believes he will soon save Aumond thanks to her.
He returns to the tavern to meet up with his friends.
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>>17914 5 ales please, kind sir!
>>17916"Five?" He looked a bit perplexed, but then gave a nod and quickly brought the beer and one glass of wine for Artherion.
>>17917"Yes, say, we only have one room with all the beds in it."
>>17918He looks over to Naz.
"It's good that you're getting to terms with your hygene."
He pats him on the back.
And a bath for my friend.
>>17919"I'm alright with that if you guys are alright with it."
He looks over to Naz and Artherion for their approval.
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>>17919 Thank you!
>goes to hand Atherion a beer, but then sees the wine, and so keeps it himself>hands onetwo beers to Vin>chugs two of the beers>>17920 works for me!
>>17921Drinks the beer. While not really for beer, he was in a jolly mood, feeling with Artherion things will get better for him.
"Want me to buy you a drink Artherion?"
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>>17920The innkeeper laughs and asks his wife to prepare a bath as well. It would do everyone good after so many days on the dusty road.
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>>17922He lifted his glass with wine. "I already got myself a drink but if you're paying, I say thank you."
>>17927 (oh, I gave 2 away, but I could keep going

>>17925"I would really like to treat you to my family's finest wine... But given no one has attended the vneyards or the wineries abandoned, I imagine it's in short supply or no one serves it anymore."
He sighed. He would very proud of the family business before the feylamia showed up.
"I dunno why that feylamia came to Aumond, I don't know what it done to my family but it will relief me with my sword through it's throat."
He drinks his beer.
"Wait, what did the feylamia do to my family? Can they be saved?"
>>17930Artherion drank the wine, looking a bit surprised at Vinifera.
"He comes because he feasts on elves. The Feylamia is fey and yet not fey. (fey meaning elf in the elven tongue)."
He sighs.
"Do not hope for your family."
>>17931"If they were at all alive, I've been on the road for too long... their bones must be scattered in the forest..."
It was probably the alcohol getting to him, but thinking about it did start to upset him.
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>drinks his last beer and makes for the bath
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>>17932"Be wary... The Feylamia can walk in the shape of those he kills. That is one of their chief feats."
>>17933The innkeeper leads you to a separate room next to the dorm. Warm water was ready and a piece of soap and towels.
>>17934"They can?"
He sips his drink, thinking about seeing his mother potentially harm him as the feylamia.
"How do you know so much on feylamias?"
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>>17935Artherion just patted Vinifera on the shoulder as he got up. He excused himself, saying he needed some fresh air.
>>17936Your Charisma is back to its starting value of 10. It's very refreshing.
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>>17937He nodded. thinking about his family made him feel miserable and started sobbing a little while he was alone.
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>>17946You peer into the darkness but you cannot see anything. Maybe it was just the wind.
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An hour passes... still Artherion has not returned. By now the inn was filled with a few guests, a smoking pot with lentil stew was being prepared.
>>17950"Um... would you like some stew or another beer?" The innkeeper asks.
>>17948"Everything alright in there? The water must be getting cold" The innkeeper's wife asks through the door.
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>>17951"Y-yeah, stew would be nice, thanks."
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>gets dressed and heads back out>>17951 oh, right.
>>17952 I thought I heard something outside
>>17955 How long ago was that?
>>17956 maybe in a bit
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>>17957>>17958As you step outside Artherion was nowhere to be seen. And well over an hour had passed since he had left.
He checks the outside of the tavern and looks around, concern that whoever was after him from Gashok must have caught up with them.
>>17963The dwarf sees well in the dark...
>>17964I'm taking a -2 roll for you (with lantern), so you - barely - passed.
You see footsteps on the ground, two pairs. One came from the tavern. Light soles, the sort elves wore. The others seemed heavier.
>another roll -2 for both of you No.17968
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>>17966>>17967The steps overlap, lead a bit away behind the building where the room was where Nazom had bathed.
Then there was only one pair of feet... and what seemed to be drag marks on the ground... leading towards the east, out of town.
>>17973Nazom saw no more tracks...
>>17974... but Vinifera did.
They could still follow them, leading to the edge of the forest, due east.
>one last roll +5 No.17978
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>>17976>>17977And then the tracks seemed to disappear. The underbrush was too thick or one light simply too little...
>>17979Unfortunately, you don't seem to own any light sources! =P
5 assorted chisels
Ceramic goblet
Rope (9,8 m)
Rain-Roof (Regenschirm; 3 kg)
Scimitar (1d6+3; rusty)
Flask with potion (refreshing smell; 2d6 HP)
old glass bottle
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>>17983While Nazom was still searching in vain through his backpack you stumble into the pitch black night. With elvish skill you evade the thickets and roofs that could trip you.
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>>17987>>17988Nazom followed Vinifera on nimble dwarven feet.
Off they went. There was a broken branch here. Then Vinifera noticed a torn piece of cloth in the brush, the same color and material Artherion had worn!
Deeper into the forest they went... minutes turned into half an hour... then another.
Then suddenly, they felt the ground change. It became firmer. Old cobblestones, broken and covered by grass and leaves long ago.
They were on an old road.
>>17989"An old road? Where could they went?"
He use the lantern to light up the cobblestone to see if he can find the trail again.
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>>17993>>17994Tracks! Maybe an hour old, barely visible on the stone but the grass is well trodden down by something heavy.
>>17995>Vinifera's face as he tried to think of any other towns or villages nearby. No.17997
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>>17996He couldn't think of any from the top of his head ((which is true, I dunno TDE as much as you do.))
But he saw the tracks.
"Look!", he quickly continued to follow the trail.
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>>17997>>17998The tracks seem to follow the old path. At times it seemed to disappear altogether in the underbrush, but after some searching you always found it again.
An hour passed, and another... midnight came can went. The moon wasn't out or if it was it was hiding behind thick clouds.
>Do you wish to go on or return to Hillhouse? No.18004
>>18001He was so angry he fell down in rage.>>18002>>18003((It's fine, we stop.
Shallw e continue from the tavern or from right here?))
>>18004 ((I'll leave that up to you))
>>18003>>18004((good night!))
>>18004That depends whether you keep following the tracks or decide to return to Hillhouse.
>>18005Night night!
>>18005>>18006Continuing where we left off. The trail turned cold and it was too dark to see anything else. Defeated from this endeavour we saw no choice but to return to the Hillhouse and try to get some rest.
Because Vinifera was dissapointed he couldn't help Artherion and blamed himself for it. He had trouble to get to sleep with all the anger and guilt on him.
>Strength d20 = 13 No.18009
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>>18008I want to see 2 x Perception +3 to determine whether you even find your way back to the village.
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>>18012 You've got the light. I'm just following you!
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>>18010>>18011For as short time you manage to head in the right direction, following the old path. But then it disappears under grass, fern and bush.
You try to keep your heading but always there's trees in the way or thick underbrush that forces you to change your way.
Then... you stand in the forest, lost. Midnight has come.
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>>18015 can we start a fire from your lantern?
>>18016"Good idea."
Try to gather up some dead wood and branches to make a campfire.
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>>18016If you find some dry wood with a Perception roll.
He tries to start a bonfire with the flame from his lantern.
>>18022You sue some of the precious oil and it works. A crackling fire.
You still have enough oil for 8 hours of light in the lantern now.
>>18023Vinifera turned off the lantern and sit by the fire with Nazom.
"Sorry to have got you into this Naz."
>>18025As he sit there for a few quiet minutes he recalled the question he was about to ask Nazom in Hillhouse.
"Hey Nazom, something I've been wanting to ask."
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>>18027"I'm curious. Why did you start adventuring? Why choose to travel with someone like me? I mean, you know why I am out here. To avenge my family, to save what's left of Aumond. What motivates me to go forward, what I see at the end of all this. What is it that pushed you out the door? That driven you along all this time? Hell to put up with me all this time."
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>>18028 Hrmm. I was never one for the sedentary life, so there's no real place for me in the mountainhome. I decided long ago to make my name elsewhere and then return home. And if I can help you along the way, so much the better! You're an honorary dwarf as far as I'm concerned, and I think of you as a brother.
>>18029He felt very touched by being called his brother.
"I dunno what I'll be doing after all this. Maybe I'll continue to adventure or try to get Aumond and my family business back on it's feet. There's room for you if you want to stay in Aumond. I know fine wine isn't your taste but perhaps we could start a brewery or something. I dunno anything about making beer though."
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It was a good thing you had made a fire. You can see some animal eyes spying at you from a distance, glimmering in the darkness. Wolves, no doubt, but they do not dare to come closer.
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>>18030 I don't know much about making beer - but I'm an expert at drinking it! Anyway, we'll have to see once Aumond is secured.
>>18031>throws another log on the fire No.18034
>>18031Given you gave chase to Artherion and their kidnapper, you were not foolish to leave your weapon behind and kept it by you in case these wolves tried anything.
>>18032He grins "Thanks".
Vinifera pondered for a while. He was so caught up over the family he lost he never figured he'd end up with someone who regarded him as a brother along the way.
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Eventually the two went to sleep, in turns, in order to tend to the fire and keep any beasts at bay.
It was a cold night as winter was slowly approaching, not comfortable with only your clothes on and no blanket to keep you warm. But then at last the rays of the sun came twinkling through the leafy roof of the forest.
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>>18034 so, any idea where we are?
d20 + 1 = 10👀
d20 + 2 = 9 No.18040
>>18039Both succeed. You have a good idea in which direction the village Hillhouse lies.
But you also find the tracks again you followed the day before. Heavy tracks.
>roll for Intelligence once more (Nazom can roll too) No.18043
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>>18041Nazom remembers two tracks were at the inn... then one track and dragging marks... now just one track but it's heavier.
Someone was carrying something heavy. Perhaps Artherion?
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>>18044>>18045I require a Perception roll -1 and one +1 from both of you.
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>>18047>>18048Good enough... You follow the tracks for an hour, the another. The forest get deeper at first, then lighter again. Then, after two long hours you hear crude voices, just up ahead, but too far away to clearly make out.
((Just a heads up, I need to head out in 30 minutes or so.))
>>18053Slowly Vinifera sneaks closer towards the voices.
What will Nazom do?
>>18056A roll for Intuition... just to be sure.
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You have to listen closely. At first you are not sure what language they are speaking, then you realize it is a crude for of Common Tongue. Two men are talking about breakfast.
>>18059Whispers to Naz.
"Maybe they're friendly?"
He looks over to the men. See if he can judge them by their attire. Maybe they're raiders, bandits, or maybe trappers or honest hunters.
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>>18060Orcs! Or... you're not quite sure on second sight...
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>>18062"I dunno, they're rather hairy fellows. Possibly orcs."
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>>18065 right! after you!
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>>18066He gets up and approaches the orcs. He sttod tall and kept a calm yet stern face, but his hand on the hilt of his sword in case things quickly turn awry. He puffed up his chest a little to look as intimidating as he could.
"Hello friends?"
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As the two step out of the forest they now clearly see what appear to be burnt ruins of a town in the distance. Sticking out among them were a big white building made of marble and a tower.
As the two orcs (two fellows with thick, brown fur, pointy - almost elvish - ears and the typical tusks and prominent jaw of the orcish race) saw them, they seemed shocked for a moment, slowly backing off.
"Who are? What want?" barked one of them.
>>18069He calls a bluff.
"The elven wizard. Where is he?"
>>18071 ((no worries, have a good one!))
>>18070 ((see you later!))
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((Y'all ready?))
>>18070He calls a bluff of the orcs he was confronting.
"The elven wizard. Where is he?"
>>18073The two orcs (?) stare at the duo, blinking, looking dumbstruck.
They were dressed in tattered clothing, not at all like the furs and cured leather orcs usually wore.
"Weezard? No weezard here."
>>18074"Huh? You guys haven't seen an elf wizard around here? About yay-big?"
He gives a rough description of Artherions description.
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>>18075One of the two shook his head. The other gulped as he saw the dwarf with his grim face, turned and ran towards the ruins.
"No... no weezard elf."
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>>18079((He didn't just try, he ran away. The other one's still there.))
>>18080"Home... Toona. We live here. Came long ago."
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>>18082"No... no stranger here. Not in while."
>>18081>>18082Vinifera had a suspicion these orcs know something. In fact, from his experiance of orcs from their swamp adventure he was sure of it given if orcs are around then they have reasons to be around here and know what's happening in the area
"Is your cheif around? Or shaman we can chat to?"
>>18085Vinifera is surpsied how welcoming these orcs are. He figured they would be to a degree distrusting and hostile but he guess he doesn't have to use his friend-making spell... unless he has to.
You follow the Orc guard.
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>>18086>>18087The orc lead the two towards what once was the center of town. There the ruins had been made habitable in one way or another. Burn roofs replaced with large beams of wood, planks placed before holes in the wall, windows sealed with fur. But all in all it was crude, shoddy work.
There were at least four dozen of the orcs there, men, women and children. Talking and pointing at the elf and the dwarf.
The orc leading them was heading through the square and continued on towards the tall, whitish tower. With the pointy roof. It was old and had half sunken in (the roof). Ivy was growing on the side of the tower.
"Here Edsel live."
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>>18088"Shall we go in? Or do you need to tell him we're here before coming in? I do not wish to be rude."
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>>18089The orc gave a nod and used the old handle on the oaken door to give a good, loud knock. After a good minute of silence the door was unlocked from the inside and a rather jolly looking orc with brown-blackish fur, wearing a long bluish dress and a funny, pointy hat looked at them.
"OH... Guests! Welcome, welcome!" he said.
>roll for Intelligence -2 No.18096
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>>18095Vinifera didn't recognize the robe and hat for what they were...
>>18094"Yes, I am Edsel. I am the head of this town." he said very slowly, tryin to get all the words and grammar right.
"Um... elf? Elves life to the East." he pointed in the direction the two friends came from. "But they visit once in a while. Just look, rarely talk. But not recently."
He seemed very proud that the dwarf addressed his outfit and brushed it down. "I found it here, in a chest. It was old and dusty but it's nice."
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>>18097>>18098((You were outside the tower, Edsel standing in the door frame pretty much.))
"Oh... we have lived here for a long time. Very long... great grand father already lived here. Not sure how long ago. Many, may years.
My parents lived in this tower. Now me. Um... Now I do." he corrected.
"Uh... do you want to come inside? You seem to have a lot of questions."
>>18099"Many years you say?"
Vinifera looked at the town around them, how it appears in ruins.
((Should I roll if Vinifera recognises any elven architecture or not?))
>>18101((You can always roll if you like, Intelligence is the one.))
"Yes..." he shrugged. "100 years, maybe more?"
he seems nice enough
>>18099 sure we'll join you inside
>>18102"Hundred years?"
He looks at the ruins and the makeshift homes.
"I dunno much about orc buildings but wouldn't it made sense to make more proper homes from the ruins by now?"
d20 = 19 intel
>>18100He whispers back. careful for Edsel not to overhear.
"He seems alright, but I don't really trust him. He claims his people have been here for over a hundred years but they look like recent squatters to these ruins to me."
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>>18103Edsel stepped aside and let the two enter.
>>18104The town looked old and badly damaged. You don't recognize anything elvish.
>>18104"We do what we can. We are no builders." He said. "We live in the buildings that were stable and needed little repair."
>>18106He decided to risk his suspicion.
"Yeah but you never hired a contractor to help with buldings? I mean I know that reputation between orcs and other races haven't always been favourable but you're pretty cool guys so far."
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>>18107The basement of the tower had a spiral staircase made of stone that led upstairs. It seemed to be the living room.
On the floor and on the arm chairs lied many old, tattered books, old clothes and and dirty crockery.
A low table, book shelves and tow small cabinets made it look more homely.
"Sit, sit!" he said while gathering some books and clothes from the chairs, placing them on the floor.
>>18108"Con... trac..? What's that?" he seemed puzzled. "And we are not orcs. We are Holbercs."
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>>18111"Yes, that's what we are. You are... a... dwarf?" Edsel seemed to half-guess.
>>18112"Busi-ness? We are very busy, yes. We hunt and gather. But not too far from town, the elves do not like it. No one comes here really... every."
Now you remember what you could not at night. In Aumond the tale of the town of Thuna was still recalled. Humans lived there but they fell to evil so the elves destroyed the town and chased off the humans. Many years later a tribe of strange creatures settled there. They came from the South. Some moved on to the North, some remained behind in the ruins of Thuna. Guarded by another elven tribe. The Holbercs... half elf, half orc.
>>18113"Toona... wait, is this Thuna? The town where humans lived but fell to evil so the elves destroyed the town and chased off the humans?
And Holbercs, I recall that from my studies (looking at a wikipedia article), half-orcs, half elves.
>>18114((Get well soon.))
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>>18116The Holberc looked a bit flustered at that tale. "I... don't know?" he said at last, apparently not knowing anything about the history.
"But this is Toona... our ancestors came here, found the town like this."
>>18117((So the orc chief is the Holberc of the settlement Thuna is at?))
>>18117Well, you're somewhat of a legend, friend.
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>>18118"A legend? Huh. I don't understand."
>>18119"Oh... the parents of my grandparents lived here already. Why is it important?"
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>>18121"Well, I would help you but I don't know how. I do not know this Artherion.
Would you like something to drink though?"
>>18122((Given Vinifera and Naz haven't had breakfast, how hungry are we?))
"Your people have been around these forests for a long time. Has there been any strange goings on recently? Raiders, or news of lost people?"
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>>18122 I could go for a drink!
>>18123((Quite a bit I guess?))
"No... no raiders have come here, ever, I think. I think the elves would keep them away. And no, we have not missed anyone. Sometimes Holbercs leave and head North, but not often."
>>18124He beams. "Good, good. Wait here!" He heads upstairs, leaving you by yourself while you can hear rummaging and creaking upstairs.
>>18125As Edsel rummages around at back, Vinifera asks Naz
"How far away you think those elves are?"
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Edsel returned soon enough, lifting the hem of his 'robe' while walking down the spiral staircase. In the other he held what looked like a green glass bottle, very old.
He placed it on the desk and pulled out the cork, then hurried up again, having forgotten the glasses.
>>18130I just said from before.
>>18116We're in the ruins of Thuma. Once a human settlement until they turned evil and were chased off by elves. Now the Holbercs reside here. It's a story told where I'm from.
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Edsel returned with three glasses, walking slowly not to trip over his robe. With a toothy smile he placed them on the table and began filling them.
"Good firewater. It still tastes good!"
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>>18143>>18144The brandy did not taste bad at all but it was very potent. Edsel filled his glass once more and motioned whether Nazom and Vinifera wanted some more as well.
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>>18148He filled the glass to the brim, then slowly emptied his glass...
>>18147... he seemed in thought, scratching his head. His wizard's hat almost fell off.
"Well... I do not know anything about your Artherion. But we might have some missing people after all. I'm not sure. Maybe they left but so many in such a short time..."
>>18149"I guess, we could ask around your tribe. How well is everyones commontongue?"
((Can VInifera speak "elf" if that's a option?))
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>>18150((It's not helping here, they don't speak elf.))
"Oh, good, we speak it all the time." he said with pride though what was likely the truth was that they all spoke like the guards.
>>18151"Four... four left over the past two months. That's a lot. Usually one leaves a year at best."
>>18152"I'll ask around. VInifera if you want you can help Edsel finish the bottle."
He gets up to leave.
>>18153"Good luck, let me know if you need anything else!"
>>18154He thought for a while. "Well, one of them did, yes. The others, no, not really."
>>18155Vinifera left the hut and figured to just randomly go up to someone and ask around.
Which he did.
"'scuse me Ms, where might I inquire about missing the residents?"
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>>18156The female's eyes widened and muttering to herself she quickly headed to what seemed to be her husband. In general the Holbercs were either curious or wary of Vinifera.
"What want?" barked her husband.
>>18157"Well, he wanted to see the world. Wanted to see the Holbercs who live up north in the big city. Two weeks away from here or so.
I don't know where they went. They were just... gone. Still there in the evening, gone in the morning."
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>>18158 It's possible that three of them were attacked and dragged off during the night, much like the wizard we're looking for.
>>18159Some of the Holbercs gathered around him, talking over each other. They were more interested in where Vinifera was coming from. Whether he was a trader or a traveler. Whether he saw any other Holbercs on his travels.
>>18160"But we looked and looked. We found no traces. Footprints yes, but no signs of a struggle!"
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>>18162The glasses were filled for a third time.
"Hmmm ... no. Except. Well, two times we found two traces of footprints."
>>18161"Guys- guys one at a time..."
"PLEASE! ENOUGH!"Vinifera and Edsen may have heard this from outside.
He hoped that got their silence.
He cleared his throat. "I'm just trying to find my friend Artherion who was taken off in the night. From what I understand in the last month, four of your residence have also mysteriously dissapeared. Please I just want to takl to the families and those who have seen them last."
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>>18163 two sets of foot prints? that sounds a lot like what happened with the wizard we're looking for. and then it was one set of footprints, and someone or something being dragged.
>sips his drinkand thank you for the hospitality
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>>18164The Holbercs had quieted down for a moment. But then they began to talk only louder - to each other and to Vinifera. They discussed where the four Holbercs might have gone. Whether they had left or whether a wild animal had taken them. They had looked but found no traces of blood or anything else suspicious. Some of the kin of the Holbercs thought they might have gone on a journey, or eloped wither a potential partner.
>>18165"We followed the tracks for as long as we could but at some point they were just gone."
Edsel poured the last content of the bottle into their glasses.
"You're welcome. It's no fun drinking alone."
>>18166Vinifera tried to cut in with his questions and tried to get the answers he need.
"Did they say anything last before they went missing? Places? People or the likes?"
"Where do they usually go when they leave the village?"
"Where they last seen in or out of the village?"
>>18167"Always toward the forest. And there's forest all around us... Well, no, hold on. Once the tracks returned back towards the village. That was weird."
>>18168>"Did they say anything last before they went missing? Places? People or the likes?"Some claimed they wanted to head to Riva, the town up north. Others claimed one wanted to return back South to Ohort where their ancestors had come from... In the end it was apparent none of those who disappeared had mentioned anything.
>"Where do they usually go when they leave the village?""We hunt in the vicinity around the village. We don't leave really."
>"Where they last seen in or out of the village?"They agreed on one thing for a change. They were last seen inside the village.
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>>18172They thought hard as some new Holbercs arrived and others left to discuss things at home. Some just stood around and listened, apparently excited that something unusual was happening.
But in the end... no one seemed to have heard or seen anything.
>>18174"Really? None of you guys? I find that hard to believe. Practically the whole village come out to meet me like I was some sort of phenomenon yet when it comes to news of missing holbercs it's not worth the attention?"
He sighs, figure he didn't get much leads... other than whoever kidnapped them had no qualms doing so within the village itself, just as Artherion was kidnapped just outide the tavern.
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>>18177You recall that Artherion mentioned that a Feylamia could take on the form of his victims. If no one had seen or heard anything, the supposed victims likely had no reason to call for help. There was just another Holberc approaching them.
And when Artherion had disappeared, no one had heard anything either. Except for the lucky Nazom whose bathroom window just happened to be right there.
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>>18178"Just back towards the town? There's lots of old cobblestone in the town itself. We lost the track quickly."
>>18179"Could it be?"
He shuddered. He still has haunting flashbacks of seeing the ghostly woman at the edge of the woodland just outside the vineyards.
He recomposed himself and returned to Esdsel's hut.
>>18180Vinifera poked his head into Edsels doorway.
"I'm back."
>sips the drink>>18180 they just went out, and back? strange.
>>18181 find out anything?
>>18182Edsel had emptied his glass again but he seemed to be little effected by the spirits.
>>18184>roll Strength +2>>18184"Yes... very strange."
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>>18186Oh no, Nazom seems to have had too many drinks! You feel a thumping head ache.
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>>18188 that's some... good drink, Edsel. I can really feel it.
>>18187 he says the footprints of the missing led toward the forest, except for one that turned back toward town
>>18190 apparently. how could one come back into town, yet still be missing?
>>18191 you're too kind!
>>18192He ask Edsel.
"Who was the one who came back? Do you know his or her name?"
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>>18193Edsel looked up. "Uh... I don't know? We saw no one come back. We only saw footprints. They could belong to anyone."
>>18194He had a chill and looked back out the door towards the village where he just been.
Could the Feylamia be somewhere in Thuna?
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>>18195"Fey... la... mia. That's familiar somehow. Where have I heard that before..."
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>>18196He tried to keep cam, but Edsel can detect a hint of fear in Vinifera tone of voice.
"Edsel, you need to know why I am looking for Artherion, why he is the only elf that can help me, he can help me save my home."
Vinifera tells him about what happened to Aumond. That one or two elves ended up lost now and again, until the number of dissapearing residence and the regular occurance was so high that residence either ran away or vanished.
"I was the last. I remember the day I walked over to my family's vineyards and realised I was all alone. Then I saw her at the edge of the fields, standing at the foot of the woodlands. She just stood there, silently looking at me, skin pale as death and hair like winters mist. While she was far away I remember her eyes, her while blank eyes looking into me, freezing my spirit. She knew I was the last. artherion said they could disguise themselves as our loved ones to fool us but no, either I saw her first or she wanted me to see her."
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>>18197Edsel seemed to only listen with half an ear, he was in thought. As Vinifera mentioned the 'disguise' Edsel looked up.
"The City Lord!" he said, then ran upstairs. You could hear more rummaging and the sound of drawers being opened and the rustling of paper.
((You still on ⛵? We can take a break for now if you want to rest.))
>>18198He was curious who this "City Lord" is and wait to see what Edsel come up with.
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>>18200>>18201((OK. 'til next time then.))
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At least Edsel returned, carrying a tattered old book... "I knew I had remembered something... this is the book of Regina, she lived here, long ago. I still remembered her from grandpa's stories."
>>18206 left behind by those who lived here long ago?
>>18204 know of any Reginas?
>>18206"Regina? Who?"
Looks at the old book.
"Was she the City Lord you mentioned?"
12. EFF 851
The construction of the tower is finished at last. Far from the turmoil of the Empire I can now conduct my research in peace. Strangely enough, High Priest Kairon has spoken out publicly against letting me use the land for the tower. One should expect hospitality from him of all people. But it doesn't matter, the council was convinced by my hard gold.
7. BOR 851
... a decisive breakthrough, Yanis survived the passage. I have become so used to the dog's company that I wouldn't want to miss it anymore. The poles were only five meters apart, and yet the animal would have been torn apart between the dimensions if there had been a mistake...
4. TRA 856
Today someone threw a stone at me! I am slowly starting to worry about the citizens hostilities. I only leave the tower at night and have all the groceries secretly delivered to my house. Even the priests of Travia insult me in the street. But my research and my friendship with Artherion bind me to this place.
9. FIR 856
Artherion has finally arrived. I have rarely missed him as much as I did during those difficult days. It would have been tight for two to sleep in my small tower. Fortunately, the priests invited him to spend the night in the temple. It seems that the general hatred applies only to magicians and otherwise the commandments of hospitality are obeyed.
10. FIR 856
... but now Artherion has also disappeared without a trace. Kairon claims he left early that morning, but I don't believe him. I know Artherion well enough to know he would have said goodbye or left me a message. Hopefully nothing happened to him.
11. FIR 856
The citizens, and especially the priests, react extremely hostile to my questions about Artherion. I am now sure that Kairon is behind it. I have sent Yanis on guard duty, she will wake me up if the priest leaves the temple ...
12. FIR 856
I've seen and heard a lot, but the kind of magic Kairon practices is completely unknown to me. How is that possible?
13. FIR 856
... and I was shaking like never before during the break-in. Artherion has a bad wound on his neck and has lost a lot of blood, I will keep him hidden with me until he regains consciousness. I wonder who Kairon really is and what his actions are supposed to mean - and what he does when he realizes that his victim has escaped.
15. FIR 856
Today a wandering elf arrived in Thuna. He will spend the night in the temple. I will follow him invisibly to see what happens.
16. FIR 856
How terrible! The priests overpowered the elf and sacrificed him in a nightly ceremony in the temple. Many respected citizens were present.
I was able to secretly examine Kairon using the magica clarobservantia - he's an elf himself!
I escaped at the last moment.
18. FIR 856
... Artherion has awakened at last and we have to decide what to do about this beast that feeds on elven blood ...
20. FIR 856
... the preparations are finally complete. We have armed ourselves with silver weapons and Artherion knows a remedy for the Feylamia's hypnotic gaze. May the Twelve Gods have mercy on us should it not work! - Let's hope Kairon doesn't get suspicious at the last moment. The time ist at hand tonight ...
1. TSA 856
... ten days have passed since Kairon's death. The city council renovated the collapsed crypt for the burial of the “high priest” ... and yet I can't help but feel uneasy, it was far too easy ... Artherion read the last entry and laughs, but there is no joy in it, just bitterness. He's not comfortable either.
8. PER 856
... Artherion is back with his people. Not forever, thank Hesinde, I couldn't bear the thought of bein without him, I am expecting his child...
City residents‘ hatred has only grown worse since Kairon's death ...
13. ING 856
... tonight I wandered in the light of the new moon. Kairon actually deceived us, I saw him! Either he hypnotized the city lord Belgor or took his place - probably before the funeral! I'll find out, and when Artherion gets back we will destroy the monster for good ! …
15. RAH 856
Artherion has brought a crystal that can capture and preserve the light of Mada. Her light is powerful against Feylamia, as he told me. Artherion and I will wait until the full moon. Thus we have just under a week to prepare ...
5. TRA 857
... and after more than three months I finally find the strength to face life again. The price we had to pay to defeat Feylamia was way too high:
I lost our child that night, and for a long time it seemed as if my life had lost all meaning along with it. We did not even use the wood elves' moon lantern. It sounds ridiculous, but my silver dagger could only find its mark because he overlooked me.
One of the residents noticed us and soon we had to face a furious mob.
We holed up in the tower when a miracle happened! The wood elves from nearby Aumond came to our aid. They killed those who stood in their way and drove out the rest of the population ... the city is on fire.
Thanks to Artherion, Rallion Lilac-in-the-Rain allowed me to stay in Thuna and I sought consolation and oblivion in my research. I'm working on the transport magic again. I hid the poles in large mirrors. Not ideal because it takes a magical presence to stabilize the mirrors.
We found out what happened to the Feylamia only days later. He had hidden himself badly wounded in the old crypt, and wailed in his misery when we found him. Artherion wanted to finish him off with the lantern but I stopped him. He should suffer for all that he did. What he did to me! We magically sealed the coffin and the tomb; the amulets should do the rest.
14. PER 857
Artherion left today and I know he won't return. It was all too much for him ... for both of us. I should have him have his will regarding the Feylamia. Does he also blame me for the death of our child?
10. TRA 863
I have become like an old hermit in Thuna. I had almost forgotten this diary. I found Kairon's hiding place shortly after the recent events. It lies deep under the temple and, contrary to expectations, is not a dirty hole, but rather carefully built and comfortably furnished.
18. PER 863
Strange orcs arrived in Thuna today, at least I think they are orcs, because they are very hairy and have strong jaws and tusks. But they are more delicate than the few orcs I have seen before and they have pointed ears like elves. It must be a whole clan.
The creatuers set up camp in the ruins of the city and pay little attention to me. I will keep watching them.
20. PER 863
One of the Holbercs, as they call themselves, is very inquisitive and friendly. I manage to communicate with them reasonably well because they speak a strange mix of Common Tongue and the rough language of the orcs. His name is Shed. They seem to come from far to the south, from beyond the Thasch Mountains, from a town they call Ohort.
4. PRA 864
There almost was an accident. The locking charms on the crypt had lost their effect years ago, but luckily the amulets are still doing their job. One of the Holbercs had opened the crypt and I got there just in time before anything worse might have happened. The Feylamia is still vegetating in the coffin. I have to tell the Holbercs to avoid the old graveyard. A few ghost stories and supporting spells should do the trick.
3. PHE 864
After Yanis‘ passing I will say farewell to Shed and spend the final days before the completion of my masterpiece down here. It is almost done: a hall of mirrors that can open gates to strange worlds. Perhaps I will find a better world among them ...
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>>18215 a gentleman
and a scholar. cheers!
>drinks No.18217
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>>18216"Oh, not a scholar, I just remembered reading about something a long time ago..."
He watches the elf being busy with the diary.
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>>18217 have you searched around the place for secret rooms and wizardly stuff?
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>>18218"I think there is no wizard stuff left. I mean, some of the books are in a language I cannot read, so maybe they are... but I never found any magic items or secret places here."
>>18213((That's fine. I appreciate the time you took to write all this.))
>>18211>>18214"Oh my gods."
He mutters as he reads through the journal.
"If I think this is what I think it is, the same feylamia that ruined Aumond was the same one mentioned in this journal.
A priest known as Kairon used to live here in Thuna when it was a town. He rallied the people against wizards, kinda similar to what Gashok is going through with non-humans, only this priest Kairon sacrificed elves to the Feylamia which he had under his control.
He reread some of the entries.
I think Artherion and Regina defeated the feylamia however, or so they thought and a group from Aumond heard their plight and come to aid them by attacking the people of Thuna, just as the stories go of elves driving away wicked people who lived here, I'd never thought it would be elves from Aumond."
He looks over some more.
"Either they believed to have killed the feylamia or they did ad Kairon eventually became a feylamia himself... but Artherion didn't kill him and instead sealed him up somewhere in the graveyard."
He looks up from the journal and ponders.
"They feylamia I remember looked like a woman, it might have been they thought she dead... or Kairon decided to take the form of a woman after his transformation."
He continues reading tidbits.
"I think Regina may have sealed the feylamia somewhere in Thuna's graveyard. The seals may have worn off but the amulets are still holding it. Regina might have added something else down there. Some sort of masterpiece involving a hall of mirrors, maybe a safe guard?"
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"I hope the book was helpful to you..."
>>18223"Very much so, thanks."
He hands the book back to him.
>>18222 I mean is its home here somewhere? Why not just kill him there?
>>18223 very, thank you
>sips drink No.18226
>>18225"It appears that the crypt where the feylamia was sealed is somewhere in a graveyard in Thuna. Though it might no longer be there. But Regina claims she was working on something elaborate and that if whatever she was working on is there then it maybe a lead. We might even find this lantern that maybe needed to vanquish the feylamia"
He turns to Edsel.
"Edsel, do you know if there is any graveyards here in Thuna? graveyards older than before your people settled here?"
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>>18226Edsel nods, explaining that there is a graveyard indeed, very old. They still use it themselves though there are still stories that part of it was haunted.
>>18227"I wouldn't be surprise if actual spooks and ghost have taken residence in the graveyard since that journal was written but I ain't afraid of no ghosts."
Turns to Naz.
"I know what we're gonna do today."
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"You are welcome. Drop by if you need anything else."
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>>18227 are there any guards who might be willing to accompany us?
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>>18233"Uh... we have only a few hunters... nothing you could call 'guards'. But the graveyard is just north of the old town hall if that is where you are headed. There is always someone not too far away from there."
>>18237Vin and Naz head on outside to the town square of Thuna.
"So, you ready to head straight to the graveyard? Or you wanna ask around if anyone wants to help our cause?"
They head over to what they deem the creepiest place in all the ruins.
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>>18240They went through the ruins which in town center have been made relatively homely. Beside the white temple made of marble the townhall was the biggest building in town and apparently home to many families.
Many of the Holbercs pointed and them in surprise, some children even running after them for a bit.
Due north of the town hall was the old cemetery. Some old signs were still there but most of it was overgrown and has not been used in a long time. An entrance to an old, crumbling crypt, closed by a metal lattice door its entrance.
The Holberc's own burial grounds were close by but in a separate lot as if they did not want to approach the graveyard.
>>18241"Here it is."
Vinifera approaches the crumbling crypt and inspects the entrace.
>>18244"Woah hey! Let's take a look at it first before we yank it off it's hinges."
He wanted to check for any of the seals or amulets mentioned in the journal.
>>18249He grins, "sure".
He then examines the bars, the hinges, the lock and the stones the bars were fixed into.
d20 = 1 No.18251
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>>18250Oh, natural success.
Vinifera notices that the lock to the door has been forcefully broken - likely not too long ago, given that the rust was scraped off doing so.
Afterwards the door was with much forced 'pushed' into it's current position, making it hard to open even in its unlocked case.
>>18251"The mystery deepens. What if the feylamia did not escape on it's own accord?"
He then proceed to pull open the door, trying to do so in the opposite way it was jammed shut.
d20 + 3 = 11 No.18253
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>>18252While having the right idea, Vinifera couldn't open it either.
Maybe you should try it together...
>both roll Strength -2 No.18256
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>>18254>>18255With a loud creak the door comes loose and falls into your direction. You jump out of the way in time. The way lies now open.
>>18258"Oh right"
Turns his lantern on.
>>18260Hw looks down into the darkness and feel a compulsion to go down as he takes the first few steps ahead.
He had to know...
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Step after step the duo descended into the darkness, the lamp illuminating the old walls, then after a few meters the bottom of the crypt.
It seemed well built, surely it was made for a wealthy person at the time. Symbols and pictures of Travia, the Goddess of Family and Home were carved into many stones. But the paint seemed to have scraped off long ago.
Then before their eyes was a big coffin - open. It's lid lying on the floor. Inside it was padded with velvet.
>>18263Vinifera looked at the coffin.
"Well. Ifigured much... but what about Regina's mention of mirrors? Could it be around here somewhere?"
>>18264Also looks around thoroughly for clues.
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>>18264As you examine close you find two old silver amulets lying close to the coffin. They show depictions of a fox.
The walls are old and crumbling, the bare earth visible in many spots where the bricks have come lose. In a few decades the whole crypt will likely have collapsed.
>>18265For a moment... you thought there was something moving further back...
>>18266Pick up one of the silver fox amulets.
"Maybe we should both hold onto these?"
He pockets the one he had picked up.
>Added to ivnentory.He looked at the further back of the crypt.
>>18270He was startled and was taken aback.
"What is that thing!?"
He hurridly draws his sword to defend himself.
>>18270Attack Nazom:
1d20 = 7 1d6 + 5 = 11 damage
Isopod defends:
1d20 = 5Isopod attacks:
1d20 = 16 1d6 + 3 = 9 damage
Parry Nazom:
1d20 = 12 No.18276
>>18274((Can you post a picture? Or is it as google image shows me it is some sort of shelled bug))
I try to attack it in panic!
>>18275Attack Nazom:
1d20 = 20 1d6 + 5 = 7 damage
Isopod defends:
1d20 = 18Isopod attacks:
1d20 = 7 1d6 + 3 = 5 damage
Parry Nazom:
1d20 = 3Attack Vinifera:
1d20 = 19 1d6 + 6 = 11 damage
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>>18278Nazom stumbled during his attack and drops his axe!
Luckily he can still evade the isopod's attack.
Vinifera, too, misses!
>>18279Now that the fright has passed, Vinifera tries to get smart.
>>18280"Good idea!"
While Naz attempts that, he tries to flip the creature on it's backside and stab it's underbelly.
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>>18282You hurl the lid at the isopod! It didn't see that coming and cannot evade the large piece of wood.
1d6 + 6 = 11 damage
>>18283>>18282Even though it has a thick 'skin', the lid sure hurt.
>>18283Strength+2 and Dexterity +4 required!
>>18286While having the strength to flip it over, the many-legged isopod escapes your grip and its pincers are close!
Isopod attacks:
1d20 = 12 1d6 + 3 = 9 damage
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>grabs his axe and attacks again!
>>18290Attack Nazom:
1d20 = 3 1d6 + 5 = 7 damage
Isopod defends:
1d20 = 10Isopod attacks:
1d20 = 18 1d6 + 3 = 8 damage
Parry Nazom:
1d20 = 13>>18290No, it wobbled away before you could roll it over!
>>18296Alas, Vinifera lacks the strength!
Isopod attacks:
1d20 = 2 1d6 + 3 = 9 damage
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>>18297Ouch, that hurt! 6 damage! Luckily Vinifera has some armor.
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>>18296 stop getting hit!
>flips the lid back at the isopod No.18301
>>1829826/32 HP?
Kicks it as hard as he can.
d20 + 4 = 21 No.18303
Vinifera's kick has no effect.
>>18302There comes the lid...
1d6 + 6 = 11 damage.
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>>18303The large isopod gives a shriek and scuttles away in pain, one leg limping. As quick as a weasel it disappears in the loose earth.
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>>18310All was quiet once more.
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>>18312Darkness. There was no sign of the isopod nor was there any sign of e.g. other rooms being back there. Just a natural, animal-made hole.
>>18316 you think you can fit?
>>18317 ((ok, good night!))
>>18318"I dunno if I should. I can't see anything."
>>18317((Okay, see you later.))
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>>18321Vinifera would have to crawl into the narrow hole on all fours, he'd be at the mercy of the isopod if it attacks, unable to really attack or defend... you'd be on its turf. So following it is not a prudent idea.
>>18322"Mmmmh, I'd rather not."
He turns around.
"Let's get out of here, Naz."
>>18324"Oh, uh yeah, good call."
He searched the place with Naz.
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1d20 = 8
>>18332"Yeah, I figured feylamia are the long-lasting kind of undead."
They leave the tomb.
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As you return from the crypt you notice no Holbercs anywhere in the vicinity... you're pretty much alone.
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sure seems quiet. back to the tower?
>>18335"The tower? Yeah... Good idea."
He had a suspicion and they head back to the tower.
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>>18335>>18336As they came closer to the old town again and walked through the broken streets they found that the Holbercs were in fact not gone... only gone into hiding. They seem scared and look out of the windows or from behind doors.
>>18337He approaches one of the doors with a Holberc peeking out.
"What's wrong? Why is everyone inside?"
He looked up at the sky to roughly see the time of day.
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>>18338>>18339They explain they had heard weird sounds coming from the old haunted graveyard... they thought there were ghosts and quickly went into hiding.
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>>18345They heard it might have just been Vinifera but decided to stay indoors a bit longer, just to be sure.
>>18346>>18347"Yeah, they're probably better off staying in doors. With "it" still out there they're better off."
They head to the tower.
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>>18348>>18347As you reach the tower they find Edsel still in his robe and wearing the wizard hat. He wiped his hands in the robe after opening, apparently having started to prepare supper.
"Oh, you're back! Are you hurt?"
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>>18350Edsel blinked but asked no further questions in that regard and let them enter.
"So, did you find anything interesting?"
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>>18352>>18353"The crypt? Well, we never go down there... nor that old part of the cemetery really. It's haunted! I remember my grandfather telling me about it."
He listened to their story.
"So... it's gone, whatever's been there. That's good, hopefully it won't return."
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>subtly looks to see if anything seems off in the tower or about Edsel
>>18354He gives a groan.
"Actually... you're better off wit hthe opposite. You see, you
knew it was down there, and now it is not. So it could be awake and anywhere."
His wounds ache.
"Say you don't have anything for this don't you?"
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>>18355You don't notice anything out of the ordinary for the time being.
>>18356"Well, I didn't really know what was down there. I only remembered the diary when you mentioned some things. I've ready it so long ago and only understood half of it..."
"So... what will you do next?"
>>18357He ponders for a moment.
"I was wondering, this tower, did it once belong to Regina?"
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>>18358"Oh, so you hurt yourself after all? Well... I have some ointment. Let met get it!"
>>18359"Mirrors? Uh... why would mirrors be down there? I've never been down in the crypt really. Only Seto went to the haunted graveyard sometimes."
"Actually, I think Naz wa asking if your tower here has a basement. Or the very least loose floor boards. That is, if this is the same tower Regina once lived in."
>>18361>>18358"Oh! The tower? No, it doesn't have a basement, sorry, I misheard you there. And... yes, this was Regina's tower. She gave it to great-grandfather. I think she went away afterwards... grandpa told stories about her sometimes but it's been so long"
>>18362>>18364"Seto? A young Holberc, headstrong and rather bold, as youths tends to be."
Edsel went upstairs to get the ointment, leaving the two friends alone for a moment.
>>18365While Edsel was upstairs, he talked to Naz.
"This Seto guy. You thinking what I'm thinking?"
>>18366"So you are thinking what I am thinking. Yeah... but let's see how this ointment works. Then there is the matter of finding the hall of mirrors which could be over this tower."
>>18368>>18369He watches Naz snoop around on the floors.
"I imagine if you find a gap in the floors and see yourself looking up at you through the gap then you're on the right track."
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>>18368The diary did not go into detail but it must have been over a dozen, man-high at least.
>>18369>roll for Perception No.18373
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>>18372You notice one thing soon enough (and as a dwarf you have a keen sense for that), there's solid rock under the tower. No basement or hall underneath.
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Edsel returns with the ointment which has a very unpleasant smell and looks just as bad. He dips two fingers into it... "Here we go, hold still!"
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>>18377 wow, what is that!! looks... effective
>>18376>>18377"Well, I see two options here."
He winces as Edsel applies the ointment to his wounds. But still goes over the options for both Naz and Edsel to hear.
1. We need some sort of silver lantern to defeat the feylamia for good. It's located somewhere under Thuna and I pressume Regina set up some safeguards to protect it, a hall of mirrors be one of them. If we go and try to find the labyrinth first then if Seto was the feylamia then who knows what he'll get up to while we're underground. It could result in further deaths.
2. We go to investigate Sato. He could be the feylamia. However we wouldn't be able to defeat him without the silver lantern underground so we probably won't be able to efficiently kill him. Maybe we could try and ward him away from the town or trap him somewhere with the amulets we got but that would be difficult.
"Ouch! -anyway, those are the two options. From what we know feylamia are weak against silver. I dunno if it needs to be regular silver or holy silver."
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>>18383You get
1d3 + 1 = 3 health back.
>>18384"A... store? No, no we don't have that here. We trade with others."
>>18385"Doesn't seem to do much, but eases the pain."
"What about... sewers? Or underground entrances other than the crypt we were at?"
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>>18386Edsel thought for a while... the word 'sewer' he had never heard before. And it would make no sense for such a small hamlet to have one (with only really big towns in Aventuria having one).
"Uh... wasn't there something in the diary?"
>>18388"Will it be alright if I read it again? The parts I haven't read that is."
>>18387"You want to investigate Sato first?
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>>18389As you read it once more, you notice one particular entry:
"10. TRA 863
I have become like an old hermit in Thuna. I had almost forgotten this diary. I found Kairon's hiding place shortly after the recent events. It lies deep under the temple and, contrary to expectations, is not a dirty hole, but rather carefully built and comfortably furnished."
>>18390"Ooooh... I thought the Crypt we were at was."
He facepalmed.
"Alright. So I need to find the building that was formerly the temple around here."
He looks over to Naz.
"Unless you want to investigate Seto first before checking the temple."
>>18392Rereads the journal.
>>18211I thought the hiding place was the crypt, given Kairon became the feylamia... I think... Heck I dunno anymore. I know Kairon had control over a feylamia."
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>>18391>>18392"The temple is easy to find, it's the big white, marble building in the middle of town. We go there sometimes but it's always been a bit creepy, dunno why."
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>>18394 Anyone could be the feylamia
>>18396 that works
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>>18396>>18397"Seto lives at the edge of town with his old, blind mother. A small hut, hard to miss."
>>18397"True. We dunno if it's keeping it's current form as Seto, or if Seto knows something about the feylamia already."
>>18398"Thanks. I guess we'll check with him."
>>18398 thank you once again!
>>18399 ready?
>>18400"Yeah, let's head out."
As Naz and Vinifera went out, Vinifera looked at the sky.
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>>18400>>18401It was slowly getting dark, the sun setting. Dark, silvery clouds were moving fast across the sky. It might mean snow was coming soon.
As they reached the edge of town they saw she small hut, the only Holberc-built building they had seen so far. It was crooked and looked like the next storm would blow it over. Light could be seen inside.
>>18402((Oh right, I forgot it was the colder seasons.))
He wondered if the moon was up and looks yonder.
>>18404Vinifera couldn't tell if it was a full moon or not.
Oh well.
He and Naz approach the door but yet to knock or enter, he whispers to Naz under his voice.
"Wait, what exactly should we do here? We can't exactly knock and ask if they are an evil vampire ghost or not."
>>18405"Oh... so you're gonna knock anyway. Okay."
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>>18405>>18406"Hello... who there? Come in." an old, shaky female voice could be heard.
>>18407He sighed, knowing full well hey could be walking into danger.
"Alright then."
He opens the door.
"Hello Miss..."
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>>18407>opens the door and entersHello; my friend and I are looking for Seto. Is he around?
>examines the surroundings No.18410
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>>18408>>18409A blind Holberc in her 60s was sitting at a small table with a cup of herbal tea.
"Seto? Oh... Seto was here yesterday. Such a good boy."
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>>18411>>18412"Such a good boy... he visits me every few days, brings me food. Oh, I don't know where he is now... maybe out finding himself a wife." she giggles. "would be time, he's old enough."
>>18413"Ooh, tell me more about him. I heard he had quite the adventure a few days a go, which is why we're here to talk about."
Vinifera knew she was a nice old lady, and that if he keeps praising her grandson she will talk more about him.
>>18414"Oh, meat, rabbits mostly. And sometimes a hen. Oh no, dearie, I'm blind but I know my way around."
>>18415She didn't know what adventures that could be but she knew he would sometimes to go the cemetery. He was a 'brave boy' after all. Yesterday had been the first time in a week that he visited her. She had started to get worried.
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>>18416"Of late? Oh, he went there since he was little. To prove he's bolder than the other boys. Also, he's alone there and he likes to daydream by his lonesome."
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>>18419"To prove he's bolder than the other boys. Also, he's alone there and he likes to daydream by his lonesome. Aren't you listening?"
>>18420Vinifera tries to ponder... wondering if there was anyone else at the cemetary when he was there.
"Where else does he go, other than the cemetary?"
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>>18423((Let's go on for a bit more, I need to call it quits myself soon.))
>>18422"Hmmm... the temple I think. He likes the big statue. He does some cleaning there now and then, such a good boy."
>>18424>>18422maybe we can find him there?
>>18424 thank you for your time!
>>18424"Hm... I see. It's all coming together."
He turns to Naz.
"Naz, we;re going down to the temple... And I might have a rough plan."
>>18426 your plans...

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She bids them goodbye, wondering who these two fellows actually were. One sounded like an elf at least.
>>18430"Ain't, let's head to the temple... but before we go inside it, I want to quickly check the perimeter of the temple. I want to make sure there is only one entrance and exit. If not we'll see if there's a room or something of the like inside."
He fondles the silver fox amulet in his pocket.
"You still got your silver amulet, do you?"
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((I think it's a good moment to stop. Here's a rough map of the temple.))
The two S' are statues. To the left are the old room of the temple staff, to the right the rooms for guests.
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>>18433As they look around what's left of the temple they noticed how rather sturdy it is in compared to the rest of the city. The windows however offered various means of escape so trapping him in the entire temple will probably not work.
Vinifera then remembered that Kairon had a hidden chamber to himself.
"Naz I have a plan. A plan so cunning you can stick a tail to it and call it a weasel!"
As for what the plan is, that's for next time.
>>18431 got it right here!
>takes out and shows the amulet>>18434 must be a good plan~
>>18432 ((ok, good night!))
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>>18434Let's hear the plan.
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>>18439 this can't possibly fail
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The temple is made of white marble, the semicircular dome consists of blue, translucent opalite. The entrance portal of the temple is broken.
A huge, elaborate image of a wild goose was carved over the entrance door of the temple. Their spread wings rise protectively over the gate.
>>18442"Yes. If what is said in Regina's journal is true then there is some sort of hidden chamber where the feylamia is. If we can trap it in there that might buy us some time to find the lantern without it harming the holbercs.W
>>18443They enter the temple and look around the main hall.
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>>18444>>18445As you enter you see...
A four meters high statue of a motherly woman (the goddess Travia), who extends her hands in greeting. A hand-wide crack runs the length of the statue
The temple walls painted in bright colors show scenes of city life (e.g. people laughing at a dinner, large families and old couples, pictures of wild geese).
You notice that the floor has been swept but it certainly is not spotless.
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>>18449Alas... you find nothing of interest.
The crack that runs from the top to the bottom of the statue makes it eerily look like it was smitten by lightning.
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>>18453>You forgot the +3 but I'll let it slide. :P You rolled a 10 taking it into consideration.You have the feeling that there is a very thin gap between the floor of the cella (the temple hall) and the statue. You think... the statue could perhaps be moved in some manner.
>>18451 seems that their goddess was unpleased
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>>18460>>18461You put all your weight into it as you push... and for a moment you think you can actually feel the statue move for half an inch but no further than that.
There has to be a mechanism of sorts.
I look around the statue. For anything that looks like a button or a lever.
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>>18466Your dwarven sense tells you that there's a mechanism of sorts that makes it possible to move the statue. You can even tell into which direction it would swing to the side. And as you double check you can notice a spot or two of fresh oil. This was used and maybe even fixed not long ago.
>>18467You examine the statue thoroughly... but to no avail. There is no button, nor a lever.
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>>18468 checks the area for a switch
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>>18469Which area specifically? The cella? It's floor, the walls, the columns holding the dome? Or somewhere else altogether.
Checking the entire temple would likely take days, you know that much.
>>18469"I can't find anything. Maybe if I find something to pry it open with, like a lever."
Checks the ruin for a long piece to use. Maybe a candleholder, a rod or whatever.
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>>18471Which rooms will you check, the ones to the left, the ones to the right or the bigger one at the bottom?
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>>18470>cella and checks the columns>>18471 there's a mechanism somewhere...
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>>18472Didn't know there were other rooms. I figure just whatever rubble or ruin is lying around. Instead I will check the room on the right if Naz is checking the one at the bottom.
>>18473"Is there?"
Goes to look around.
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>>18473You head over to the pillars to examine them more thoroughly. They too are made of white marble, easily 15 feet tall. Well built though not even close to the wonders dwarfs can perform with stone...
>roll for Perception +2 twice No.18478
>>18475Well, you saw two doors leading into hallways and you saw the windows from the outside and noticed none in the hall so you figured there have to be other rooms.
The room was swept (though not properly) and no rubble remains. The Holbercs - though not keen of the temple - tried to keep it in a sort of decent shape.
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>>18477>oh my, such bad rolls!Alas, you find nothing there... you're not sure you could focus properly though or if there really was nothing.
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>>18480Through a long hallway you enter the sole southern room. Most likely the high priest of the temple had his quarters here.
There's a window made of orange stained glass.
You see...
- a fluffy carpet made of sheep wool
- a Large, round, unmade bed with pillows and sheets in orange tones
- a smaller version of the Travia statue in the cella on a pedestal (5 feet tall; made of marble)
- a desk with expensive carvings on which lie some books
- a low oaken table with two upholstered chairs
- an oil painting, showing a tall, old man holding a staff overhead with three wild geese circling above him; underneath is a plaque stating: "Kairon, in gratitude for his services, from the citizens of Thuna"
>>18483>admires the painting ah, so there he is
>looks over the booksthis one's not broken...
>checks the statue No.18485
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>>18482As you look into the rooms you notice their windows were made of thick glass and were dusty, inside there are orange curtains that are closed.
You further see (all rooms are identical):
- a coarse wool carpet
- a big cupboard
- a wooden chest
- a made bed (with a wooden relief hanging over the headboard)
- a desk with a drawer and chair
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>>18486The cupboard were empty. The chests contain bed sheets and a spare pillow. The desks contain some rolls of parchment, writing feathers, a small, thin knife to sharpen them, and ink.
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>>18488You notice that one of the arms of the statue is slightly inclined.
>>18489"Well, this isn't much. I guess I'll check the rooms on the other side of the temple"
Rince and repeat, but at the Gastezimmer side of the temple.
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>>18491As Vinifera walks along the hallway to the other side of the temple...
>>18492... Nazom pulls the lever (turns the statue's hand)!
And both can hear the soft rattling of gears, counterweights and old chains in the floor... and the sound of a very heavy object slowly starting to the move in the cella.
>>18493"Oh Naz! You done it! I think..."
Waits in the cella for Naz.
>>18494"Hey Naz! You did it!"
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>>18494>>18495The massive, heavy statue has swung to the side, revealing a 7 x 7 feet opening into the darkness below. A staircase leading down...
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>>18498"Uh... I never thought of an incantation of the like. I haven't thought of that. They were made to keep in the feylamia in the tomb yet it still manage to get out and pass these amulets. All I can think of is... prey to Travia?"
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As you return to the office...
You see...
- a fluffy carpet made of sheep wool
- a Large, round, unmade bed with pillows and sheets in orange tones
- a smaller version of the Travia statue in the cella on a pedestal (5 feet tall; made of marble)
- a desk with expensive carvings on which lie some books
- a low oaken table with two upholstered chairs
- an oil painting, showing a tall, old man holding a staff overhead with three wild geese circling above him; underneath is a plaque stating: "Kairon, in gratitude for his services, from the citizens of Thuna"
>>18502"Yeah, across the entrance of this hole. Just in case."
He places his amulet on the opposite side of the gap and follows Naz.
>>18503He looks through the desk with expensive carvings on which lie some books
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>>18504The desk has no drawers. There's only the books, two small and one thicker one.
>>18505You roll the quite heavy carpet aside. A thin layer of dust was underneath. You see nothing out of the ordinary on first glance.
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>>18511While you find nothing at all you notice that this bed - unlike all the others in the temple - was unmade. Someone has slept in here, not too long ago.
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>>18512... you shake your head, must have been nothing.
Do you want to check the thick book?
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>>18515Dust bunnies!
>>18516No book shelf. You open the big book, it contains a list of the marriages, births and deaths in Thuna as well as giving a list of the names of all the guests of the temple.
>roll for Intuition No.18520
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>>18518You follow your intuition, not sure yourself why, and give the book a good shake to see if any pages comes loose.
Suddenly, out falls a rather big, folded piece of paper that seemed to have been glued in at the back.
>>18520"Ooh! What's this?"
He checks the mysterious new pages.
>>18519Well made, but old and dusty chairs. They creak quite a bit as you examine them further.
Generally everything in the rooms has a layer of dust on it but certainly not as bad as could be expected. The Holbercs indeed tried to keep it at least sort of clean.
>roll for Intuition No.18524
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>>18521As you unfold the paper it turns out to be a map of sorts. Blueprints with lots of revisions of what appears to be an underground facility including a passage leading from the temple all the way to the town hall.
>>18523You follow your intuition as you find nothing interesting about the chairs... footprints on the ground...
>roll for Perception -4 No.18526
>>18524He examine the map. he wanted to know if
1. The passage from the statue that opened up goes directly to Kairon's chamber, without any other means of an exit or escape if they attempt to trap the feylamia in their with the amulets.
2. Map to the mirror labyrinth and hall of mirrors mentioned in Regina's journal.
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>>18525You notice your own footprints... and Vinifera's... but you think you see parts of a third pair there, half trampled over by yours.
>>185261. No, it doesn't. There is no apparent underground passage to Kairon's chamber (which you are standing in right now) at all.
2. There is no mention of any mirrors there.
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>>18527well, someone's definitely been in here
>points to the footprints>examines the painting for amulets and the like>searches behind the painting No.18530
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>>18529The third pair of footprints seem to lead into and out of the room. They are older than yours - but certainly not by more than a day or two.
No amulets are depicted on the painting. And there was nothing behind it either, just the boring wall.
>>18528Vinifera decided to rip the detailed pages from the book and pocket the map into his inventory.
"Well, we might need this later on."
>>18529"I wouldn't be surprise if the feylamia, or Kairon was underneith us right now."
He then proceeds to investigate the oilpainting.
"From what I understand, this elf here is Kairon. He manage to have some sort of control of a feylamia in the past. I read Regina's journal and I couldn't quite understand if the feylamia he had still lives while he died, or if the original feylamia had died and passed on it's curse to him."
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>>18531One set of the footprints leads to the entrance, the other to the statue in the cella. You deduct that someone entered the temple, went straight to the High Priest's room, pulled the 'lever' and then went into the cella and headed downstairs.
>>18532You take the map (which had already fallen out so there was no need to rip anything out).
As you examine the oil painting you almost feel like Kairon is looking back at you.
Vinifera attempts to lift up the painting. See if anything is written on the back or sticking out of the frame.
>>18536"The map didn't tell me anything about the passageway underneith the temple or any underground labyrinths that Regina might have set up."
He returns to looking more closelier to the picture.
>>18538No symbols or details or anything?
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>>18539Nope. Time to move on!
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>>18545>>18546I'll shorten this. There is nothing else of relevance you can find upstairs.
>>18546"I really dunno. I'm hoping that if anyone who knows how to defeat the feylamia or it's crucial weaknesses, no one else but the feylamia themselves. And hoping I'd find their secret... diary..."
He checks under the pillow on the bed. As if some teenage diary can be found there.
>>18547"Y'know what, let's just go downstairs and hope for the best."
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>>18548 who knows what horrors lurk below
>>18549"I will admit..."
He stands next to Nazom.
"I'm... kinda scared... a little."
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>>18549>>18550Roll for Courage!
(And don't forget a light.)
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>>18551Vinifera remembers that day, the ghostly woman standing at the edge of the woodland, staring at him.
d20 = 2He knew he will soon be facing the same monster he encountered all those years a go, the monster that took everything away from him as quietly as she could.
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>>18552>>18553The horrors below better take heed, for you are not daunted!
>>18556"Let's leave the amulets at the entrance. If we get chased to the exit, we should be able to pass through them... and hopefully will keep the feylamia at bay."
>>18557d20 = 20"Hopefully."
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>>18558>>18559... light! It's pitch dark down there.
>>18563"Pikachu use Flash!"
He lights up the corridor with his lantern.
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As you reach the bottom of the stairs you stand in a short hallway. There's a door to the right and the hallway turns around a corner to the right at the very end.
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>>18571Before reaching the door you notice a well concealed switch at the wall at the bottom of the stairs.
>>18572"Shall we press it?"
Reaches over to push the button.
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>>18574>>18575What anticipation! You click the button... and nothing happens.
>roll for Intelligence +2 No.18579
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>>18578No clue...
>>18577Critical success!
Verily, this switch 'opens' the Statue from this side.
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>>18583Two more doors on the right! And a smaller hallway branches off to the left.
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>>18589>>18590Another hallway, ending at a door. There's a door to the right.
>>18591"Hold on..."
Vinfiera checks the map he opbtained recently. While he was sure there was no underground passage shown underneit the temple he wanted to make sure.
>>18592He followed. Getting seperated seemed like a bad idea.
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>>18593?? The maps shows nothing but the underground passages. And yes, you find them on the map though they look a bit different cause it's an often corrected blueprint.
>>18592A normal wooden door, no lock. Looks exactly like the one before.
>>18596"I figured it just be a direct tunnel from one end to the other."
>>18597Stops looking at his map and looks over to the room.
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>>18597You enter the door and find something resembling a library.
There is..
- a comfortable wing chair
- a small desk
- a brazier on a brass tripod
- a long bookshelf filled with books and some bottles with a red liquid
But first he goes to the brazier to light it.
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>>18600>>18601You light the brazier and the shadows flee from the room, making it more comfortable right away.
Books! Magical books even, most written in some language you cannot read.
The books you can read are
- an encyclopedia of magic (seven volumes; "Encyclopedia Arcana")
- a book on creating artifacts ("Advanced Ring Lore")
- part of a book on magic to control other beings (three volumes; "Trilogy of Control")
>>18602He turns his lantern off and goes over to the books. He even considered stealing some of them given the information they hold appear very useful, though lugging around a whole collection of encyclopedias would be a hassle. Instead he picks the encyclopedias A to look for amulets and, if he can't find what he's looking for, S for silver.
>>18603"I dunno, I'm kinda tempted to steal from the guy."
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>>18605You skip the pages to A for amulets, finding some basic information on the most popular metals to create them. Moon silver being one of them.
As you check for Silver you find the information that were-creatures hate silver. Vampires too. And it's a good for creating artifacts or several alloys.
>>18606"There's too much of them to lug around. I'll just try and find out what I need to know... and maybe take the book on rings."
>>18607Look up Moon Silver. Especially silver fox amulets.
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>>18609Fox... the symbol of Phex, god of thieves and commerce. Sometimes (though rarely) used as representation of the moon itself.
Moon Silver. A rare form of silver, well suited to create artifacts.
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>>18610That's the life! As you glance at the bottles you realize it's wine. Sitting here with a glass next to the brazier, reading a book...
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>>18612>grabs a bottle and takes a swig>>18609 find anything useful yet?
>>18611Vinifera skims through the encyclopedia more, hoping to at least find a picture of the silver fox amulet. He doesn't understand why Phex of all gods would be ideal for warding amulets for keeping the feylamia in.
"...unless, they were not made to keep the feylamia in, but to keep theives out?"
>>18613"I don't know. I'm not finding enough information on the silver fox amulets. I'm starting to even wonder if they were more made to keep other intruders out than the feylamia in."
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>>18615You find no such information. You find an image of the Phex symbol though and it's the 'fox' on the amulet.
>>18617"Hm... it still doesn't tell me much, other than those silver foxes could be to keep out burglers."
Vinifera puts the encyclopedia back and turns his attention to the book on creating artifacts.
"But what if I figure out a way to... I dunno, melt down those amulets and make new amulets or anti-feymalia weapons out of them?"
>>18618d20 - 2 = 6 No.18620
>>18618 I've had worse
>>18619 sounds like a lot of work. where would you do that?
>>18620"I dunno, a forge? Town might have one."
Books books books
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>>18619You recall that Artherion told you that the Moonlight is a Feylamia's bane.
The amulet of silver (which vampires hate) is engraved with a symbol of Phex as moon-representation to further increase the amulets power against a Feylamia.
>>18622With some intervetion, he figured it out.
"Oh! So phex is also a moon god, So that increase the power of the amulets... yeah, they're made to keep in the feylamia. Or at least suppose to . Why did they fail recently?"
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((Sorry guys, it's getting late. Gotta stop for now. I think next time we will wrap up the adventure!))
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>>18624"Oh uh... yeah. But before you do I need to tell you something..."
He puts down the book and goes over to Naz. He kneels down and get's rather uncomfortable close to Naz, right next to his ear. Vinifera whispers softly and quietly as he could so that Naz and only Naz could hear.
"Before the feylamia came to aumond, my very first crush was to an elf girl named Ribena."
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>>18625 ((good night!))
>>18626 Ribena?
>>18627"Yes. Ribena."
He gets up and speaks in normal quiet tones.
"I'm telling you this because if the feylamia is somewhere down here with us and takes your form to try and trick me, I will ask you who my sweetheart was. The feylamia can't know that."
>>18625((Okay. Good night. We stop for now.))
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Night night!
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Here the part of the map you've explored so far.
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ready to go?
>walks out to the hallway
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>>18633You find no more information regarding the amulet. Unfortunately they are of elvish origin and the encyclopedia mainly focuses on human wizardry.
As for the Feylamia, the only note is that they are fabled elven vampires. Little is known about them.
>>18632"Oh uh, yes. I think I read all I can around here."
He follows Nazom outside and turned on his lantern for them to see.
"Shall we check the other door before heading back to the main corridor.
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>>18632>>18636So, which way will you go? To the door north or back into the big hallway?
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>>18638>>18639North it is... you try the wooden door and realize it is locked. There is a key hole - but no key.
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>>18642"Okay. Let's heade back to the main corridor and check the other end of it."
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You stand in the big corridor, two doors to your right which you have not tried yet. A small corridor leading off to the south.
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>>18646As you look down the corridor you see two more corridors branching off of it, one to the east and one to the west. There also seems to be something like a water basin at a dead end.
>>18648He calls out to Naz.
"Let's stick together and investigate what we can than risk splitting up. Unless you want to borrow my lantern if you do."
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>>18647The door opens to a room, it is pretty dark inside but luckily you have a light with you.
The room has a round carpet in the middle and various colorful tapestries with different patterns line the walls.
There are also:
- a large sofa with pillows
- a chest
- a slight open wardrobe
- two oil lamps hanging from the ceiling
- a very simple drawing of an old woman with a pointed hat and a robe (like a children's drawing with a lot of color)
- a big mirror hangs on the northern wall
>>18650>>18651"Looks like... a living space. Oh look lanterns!"
He offers Vin one of the lanterns.
He then shines his light over to the picture to get a good look of it.
"You think this is her? Regina?"
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>>18652 thanks
>takes both the lanps 
you think that's her? what makes you say that?
>checks the wardrobe No.18655
>>18654"I dunno who else it could be."
He inspects the picture more.
>>18654You notice that there is still some oil left in the lanterns. But of course you need some fire to turn them on.
Inside the wardrobe you see:
- a number of different old, wide garments for a woman; one of them a magician's robe
>roll for Perception +1 No.18657
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>>18655Definitely a child's drawing... or maybe a Holberc's? The hat and robe match - at least color wise - the old pieces that Edsel was wearing.
>>18659Alas, you find neither. It's a very old drawing.
>>18658You think you have found all there is to find in the wardrobe.
As you examine the robe more thoroughly...
>roll Perception No.18665
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>>18662It's a two meters high (6.6 feet), rectangular mirror in a frame made of solid larch wood.
An elf looks back at you. It's perhaps the first time you have seen a mirror ... mirrors are rare and valuable, particularly when they are made of glass like this one.
>>18665I take a good look at myself.
((I never got round to drawing a proper picture of Vinifera.))
>>18669I look at the reflection of the room around me.
I then look at the room itself.
((In case of a mysterious inconsistancy.))
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>>18671Spooky! You see yourself and Nazom who has found a key.
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>>18672With confidence you walk up to the chest. There's a lock there indeed! And the key seems to fit at first but you cannot stick it in fully and turn it.
The key must be for a chest, but a different one.
>>18674He stopped looking at himself and turned to his friend.
"What you found?"
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>>18676You don't even have an axe, you carry a sword as your weapon of choice and you have a rusty scimitar too.
>>18681I need:
>Dexterity +2 (to fit it in properly)>Strength +6 (to pry it open, this is a solid, reinforced chest)Also, you notice someone had at some point tried to crack open the lock - you still see the marks.
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>>18684 1d20 + 2 = 21 1d20 + 6 = 22>>18683 looks like someone else tried and failed
>points to the marksbut I don't see any piles of bones here so I think we're good
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>>18685... and now you have failed too!
The scimitar cracks into two pieces under your reckless strength!
>>18684>>18685"You want me to try?"
He goes over to the chest, he waves his hand over it and whispers
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>>18687>>18688Success, the spell opens the lock, you hear it clicking.
>>18686 they don't make 'em like they used to
>>18687 would that work on the door down the hall?
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>>18689He grins, rather proud of himself and lifts the lid.
>>18690"I... haven't thought of that. But it does cost me some of my power to do so."
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>>18691Inside the chest you find...
- a silver bangle with some strange symbols engraved
- a wooden lantern with beautiful decorations depicting trees, leaves and the moon; inside are reflective metal plates, which in turn look like leaves
There is neither a candle nor oil in the lantern, but indentations like holders for something specific. What that is, you cannot tell.
>>18692Vin gasps.
"Could this be?"
He picks up the wooden lantern to inspect it more closely.
>>18695"Hm... Maybe my Flim Flam lighting spell? I dunno."
He picks up the silver bangle and inspect the symbols.
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>>18700Definitely an elvish piece, leaves and trees... that's not what a dwarfish lamp would look like. There's no compartment for oil, no candle, no wick, nothing. Something is missing - the light source.
>>18703"Oooh! Good idea."
See's if Naz is on to something.
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>>18710>>18711Easy enough... they say 'mirror'.
>>18711 it says "mirror"
>holds the bangle up to the mirror and examines it in reverse No.18715
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>>18713You see the reflection of the bangle, but nothing special about it.
>>18714A reflection of the lantern, but nothing special about it.
>>18717"Yeah. And if we can't find a key I'll try magicking it open."
He pockets the lantern and let's Naz hold onto the bangle.
"Maybe whoever had the key sat down on this sofa and it slipped into the cushions?"
He proceeded to check the sofa cushions.
d20 = 20Perc.
d20 - 2 = 10>>18721"That too."
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>>18722Oh my... you sit down and a cloud of dust raises from the sofa on which no one has sat in likely two hundred years.
>roll for Strength to suppress a sneezing fitOn the positive side you find 3 copper pieces that someone lost here long ago.
>>18725I would of held my breath to prevent sneezing.
Vinifera wipes the dust off. "No keys in there."
He ponders to himself.
"Wasn't there another door that neighbours this room? We haven't checked there yet."
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>>18726>>18727You head there and see a door twice as big as the previous ones. There doesn't seem to be a lock.
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>>18728Also peeks through the door to see.
>>18733My instincts tell me to draw my sword, with memories of that bug from the tomb possibly lurking around here somewhere.
I open the door more widely and protrude my other hand with the lantern.
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>opens the door
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>>18734>>18735The big hallways continues past the door it seems. You see it continuing left and right and up.
>>18737"Yeah. I['d rather not. Plus it might go all away round anyway."
He follows Naz back through the corridors back to the locked door from before.
"Alright then.
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>>18737>>18738>>18739>>18740Nazom tries the key - but it's way too small, certainly belonging to a chest.
As Vinifera touches the lock and speaks the magic words he hears it unlock.
>you have 17 magic left No.18743
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>>18742A room! It is lined with a carpet and various colorful tapestries with different patterns.
There are two braziers, a big table and a mirror exactly like the previous one on the western wall.
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>>18744>>18745As the braziers are lit you see a bit better.
On the table lie:
- a book called the "Codex Dimensionis" (thick book with 500 pages, you cannot read the language it is written in)
- some parchment pages with notes taken from the book
- blank parchment pages
- a complete set of writing utensils, ink and Indian ink
>>18751It sounds extremely complicated... all you can make out it's something about short and long ranged 'transportation magic'.
>>18749It's very firmly secured.
>roll Strength +6 if you want to move it No.18753
>>18752"Wait... could it be?"
He calls over to Naz.
"Hey Naz, I think the mirrors are connected. Maybe like a magic portal or something?"
H noticed Naz trying to move the mirror and see how that goes.
>>18752 nah that's ok
>>18753 I imagine there are two more, facing the other directions and on the other sides of these walls

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>>18756>Perky d20 + 4 = 14>Inny d20 + 3 = 16>>18756>>18757As Naz pronounced the dwarven words, maybe those were the magic words to activate the mirror portals?
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>>18757>>18758Nazom notices the flame in the braziers flickering gently for a moment, as if there were a draft of sorts. Then they burn quietly once more.
>>18758Alas, nothing happens as you say the word.
>>18760"My elvish is rusty, but I think its...
>>18761"Good point..."
He observes which way the flames were swaying and tried to find the source of the breeze from there.
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>>18764>>18765Don't roll so badly!
Everything's quiet. And the draft seems gone too, the braziers burn quietly.
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>>18772The bracelet (made of moon silver by the way) touches the cool surface of the mirror... but nothing happens.
You have the feeling you're doing the right thing... but not quite right.
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>>18774As you touch the mirror you feel yourself falling forward... the world around you begins to spin for a moment, then you find yourself in another room.
Vinifera sees Nazom touching the mirror, falling right through it - and he's gone.
Vinifera then remembers something...
3. PHE 864
After Yanis‘ passing I will say farewell to Shed and spend the final days before the completion of my masterpiece down here. It is almost done: a hall of mirrors that can open gates to strange worlds. Perhaps I will find a better world among them ..."Could these be the mirrors mentioned in Regina's journal?
>>18775N-NAZ! NAZ!
Goes to the mirror and quickly touches the glass.
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>>18777Another room with a round carpet in the middle and various colorful tapestries with different patterns lining the walls.
Three mirrors, one each on the southern, western and eastern wall. Similar to the two you already found.
- another brass brazier
- a reinforced chest
- an unmade bed with dusty sheets and pillows
- a big table, on it once high-quality alchemy equipment (old, brittle glasses) including a magical alchemy bowl and a mortar made of dark blue metal, various bottles with dried substances, a few ounces of raw silver and other strange metal and various precious stones
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>>18779HE is coming... you can feel it.
>>18782The shadows flee, the light mirroring in the mirrors and the old glass vials.
The key fits!
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>>18785You hear a door being closed (marked red)... footsteps... coming closer.
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>>18784Inside the chest are:
- various sheets for the bed
- simple protective clothing for alchemists (goggles, cap, leather apron, gloves)
- a small box made of moon silver, inside
1. two pastilles with a small paper marking them as "anti-hypnotica"
2. A carefully cut, clear crystal wrapped in a piece of fabric
>roll for Intelligence -5 No.18790
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>>18788As you examine the crystals shape and edges... yes, it would fit perfectly into the lantern that is with Vinifera. Something moves inside the crystal, a pale light.
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>>18789Someone enters... the door is closed.
>roll for Dexterity to take a sneaky look>>18792... as someone entered the other room, Nazom was examining the crystal... will he be in time?
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>>18794It was Artherion... slowly stepping towards the desk. He looked at the papers...
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>>18798Suddenly he took a step back, looking under the table... then he got back up, stretching himself. His head turned... towards the chair, a thin smile on his face.
>>18799Just then, Nazom came falling through the mirror.
>Nazom roll for Dexterity -3! No.18801
>>18800Vinifera felt a pit in his gut and stood up.
"Y-You're not him... I know you're not."
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>>18801>>18802"Am I not?" Artherion said... then his head turned as Nazom stood behind him all of a sudden, just a few paces away.
His eyes showed confusion for just a moment... then disgust. A dwarf.
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>>18803 oh hello! we were just leaving
>walks carefully toward the door No.18805
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>>18803Vinifera was afraid but tried to keep his cool.
"Y-your friend... your friend in Gashok. What was her name? No way you would forget the only nice person in such a horrid town."
>>17788When Naz reappeared in the room.
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>>18805 I've found
that thing you lost. it's
>palms the crystal No.18807
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>>18804"Leaving already?" He said, his eyes shimmering dangerously... there was something in his eyes... Nazom had to look at them. There was no looking away from them... ever again.
>Nazom: You have one chance to do something before you have to make a test.>>18805... silence ...
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>>18808If by candy you mean the pastille... well done! You feel the gaze having no effect at all.
"Why you little... Impossible!"
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>>18806"Quick! Throw it here!"
>>18807"Here's another question Feylamia... Was it you I saw at the neck of the woods that day? You took everyone is Aumond away from me, I was the only one. Why was it I saw you that day?"
((I don't really have any idea, reason or why, so I'll let you make one up.))
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>>18810 catch!
>wraps a pastille into the paper and tosses it and the crystal to Vin No.18812
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>>18810"Aumond.... I remember the name. I lived among them for months. And once I knew them I slaughtered them like a wolf among sheep. Tasty morsels, all of them. I don't recall you though."
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>>18811He catches it, and following Naz snacking example from
>>18808 was quick to consume the sweet. He held the crystal in his hand as it shimmers brightly.
>>18812"You murdered them all, the elves, my neighbours, my family... You disgust me. You tried to scare me with that ghostly woman form you had. Not anymore! For Aumond! For Regina, For everyone you killed!"
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>>18813Suddenly Artherion's face turned into one of... fear? He gazed at the pale light of the crystal... it was dim though, not yet inserted into the latern.
Artherion rushed towards the southern door!
>>18814Vinifera shouted.
He hoped those silver fox amulets will hold him as he persuit, all the while he fumbled trying to stick the crystal into the lantern.
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>>18817You feel the sword (your rusty scimitar lies broken on the floor somewhere) glancing off even though you hit him right in the back and he wore barely any armor.
Artherion opened the door!
>>18816>roll Dexterity +2 now No.18823
>>18821"Dammit!", he tries again.
d20 + 2 = 14 No.18826
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>>18825There was no holding him, he escaped Nazom's grip and out the door he went.
>>18823You fiddle around with the crystal some more and after yet another attempt in it goes!
>>18826"Silly me, had it upside down. Should work now."
He ran after Naz and the feylamia, the silver lantern glowing bright.
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>>18827Artherion crashed through the southern door, it flew open. Nazom hot in pursuit. The elf headed down the hallway to the west and his legs were longer than the dwarfs.
>>18828(It's actually still shining dimly though less so now.)
"You will regret this!" Artherion shouted.
>>18829"I've been regretting since Aumond. No longer!"
In hot pursuit.
Oh no! He's running the wrong way, he's leading us further in than to the exit.
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>>18829>runs to see which way Artherion goes>waits for Vin to catch up>>18830 that's right where we want him!
Vinifera ran to the east to get the fox amulets.
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>>18833Nazom saw that Artherion was heading through the big northern door at the end of the hallway.
>>18834Now you know what the draft was... the way up to the temple was closed.
>>18835((Wait, so the statue we came through is now closed?))
"Dammit, what am I doing! I have no time to back-track and I have the lantern!"
He quickly runs back to Nazom.
"By the time I get the amulets, he might have found another exit. Let's finish him now!"
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Find yourself and Artherion on the map.
>>18840((Oooh, Was worried he went downwards.))
>>18841Vinifera quickly caught up with Naz.
"Look! He left the big door open! He went that-a-way!"
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>>18841>>18842As you follow you stand in a hallway... which way will you go, left or right?
Or do you wish to listen for footsteps or do something else?
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>>18844Nothing's there, but the hallway turns around the corner and goes north.
>>18845You're already through that door.
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>>18847>>18848The hallways ends up ahead. To the left is a heavy, reimbursed door, closed. To the right yet another mirror.
A pile of elvish clothes lies at the end of the hallway!
>>18851"Damn. Either he locked the door behind him or he is capable of using the mirrors."
HE quickly looks through the pile of clothes for a key.
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>>18852There was a dead end ahead with a water basin.
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>>18853Suddenly he heard Artherion's voice again though he saw no one... FULMINICTUS!
Vinifera loses 15 Health Points!
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what the hell was that!?
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>>18858Filthy, muddy water... you cannot see the ground. Once it was probably used as water supply for the underground facility.
But you heard Vinifera screaming in pain at the other end of the hallway.
>>18860It was obvious. The Feylamia was an elf. A cursed elf perhaps, but elf nevertheless. And as such he could use elfish magic.
He had undressed because he had made himself invisible with the VISIBILI magic and was now attacking.
>>18862Vinifera had to think... the magic lantern was bright but was not bright enough. It was elven made though. He had an idea, a stupid idea..
"FLIM FLAM!", he held the lantern up high above his head where he expected the lighting spell will appear.
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>>18862You see the pile of clothes, Vinifera standing next to it, moaning in pain. There was no one else.
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>>18863As Vinifera said the spell, a small light sphere appeared above his head, illuminating the area as a good lantern would.
>>18866>>18867Nazom saw it right away! A shadow, there was someone there though invisible - but he cast a shadow for a moment as the new light source appeared.
Vinifera only saw it at the second or third glance! He felt a hand grabbing the lantern, trying to wrest it from him!
>Nazom: You have one free chance to do something before everyone else as you rolled 1. No.18871
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>>18869>roll for StrengthAnd roll well, it's match point!
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>>18870>>18872Nazom tackled the invisible figure which gave a curse, the lantern was still firmly in Vinifera's hand. Suddenly it began to glow, illuminated by the light sphere... the crystal began to gleam in a bright light that jumped from one metal plate of the lantern to the next, then shot out and hit the invisible figure as if by an unseen aim.
There was a desperate scream, Artherion became visible once more, his face melting. In a horrible to perceive moment it seemed as if his face changed form again and again, taking for the wink of an eye the shape of everyone he had ever killed before collapsed... and only ash remained.
>>18873VInifera concentrated the light through the lantern. Seeing everyone, even old faces burn through by the light.
"By Travia... it's... it's over."
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>brushes off the ash>>18870 are you ok?
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>>18874The lantern went dark, no light in the crystal remained.
>>18875"I... I don't know."
He wondered if he was asking about the wounds cut with feylamian magic, or how he was feeling now that the bane of his life was gone.
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((Well done, we can continue next time. It's past midnight and I should be in bed!))
>>18878"Uh... sure, sure. I guess we're done here, but no harm to check the place once over."
>>18879((Thanks for staying up and continuing it this long. would of been irritating to cliffhang it during the battle or so.))
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>>18880 how badly did that thing get you? also, watch out - it's a bit disorienting
>>18879 ((ok, good night!))
>>18881"Mmmhh, pretty banged up. Honestly I thought I'd have to personally escourt him to hell myself that moment."
((And thanks for staying up and playing ⛵))
>>18882 (( my pleasure

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The vampire has been vanquished. Only dust remains.
What will you do now? You are where the red X is on the map.
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>>18885"Before we leave, let's explore more of this place. I'm curious what's on the other side of it is."
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>>18886Well, you can certainly take a peek... and you see yet another door, and what appears to be a very old, brownish curtain as you check the first hallway.
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>>18887"Huh... wonder what's down there?"
He turns to Naz, who he asume is taking a quick break.
"I guess I'll explore down here first, unless you want to check the over there while I look down here."
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>>18888And looking down the other corridor... another door, but a set of metal bars blocks the way to it. And more bars block the way down the other path.
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>>18888 sure, I'll check over here
>checks the door to the northwest No.18896
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>>18894It's... locked. You try all the keys you have found and none fit. It's a sturdy door, strengthened with metal. Breaking it down will pose quite a challenge (and could hurt a lot).
>>18895Alas, your Intuition fails you.
Now only a Perception check +5 can save you.
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>>18897You see no way to raise those bars and you can certainly not squeeze through...
>>18898(I kinda don't know where you want to check now... I had you check the door next to the big marked X... is that where you are?)
>>18899"Hm... I'm guessing beyond here was where Karion was imprisoned... but how did he get out?"
He checks the walls carefully for a mechanism.
((I think Naz has my lantern while I still have my magic light.))
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>>18900Ah yes... there's quite a bad stench there. It's a very large water basin that was once used to provide water, no doubt. But now it's all stale and moldy. You cannot see to the ground.
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>>18907The pool is a good 3 feet wide. On the other side you see a crumbling old wall. Behind part of it you see the ground, even a root sticks out...
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>>18909 I mean here

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Vinifera left the hallway to look for Naz, he looked over here.
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>>18913It's filthy, stale water that gives off quite a stench...
How do you wish to further investigate it?
>>18914You see a curtain and a door. But no Nazom.
Checks behind the curtain.
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>>18917You hear Nazom calling it from somewhere to the North...
As you look into the room you see it's a bathroom of sorts.
There is a tub, two old buckets and a shelf with several bottles that used to have liquids in them but they are all dried out.
>>18923... for nothing!
(terrible rolls today)
>>18926"Disgusting pool? All I see is a bathtub."
He leaves the room and enters the corridor.
"You in the other room?"
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>>18927>finds Vinthere's a locked door up there and a stagnant pool. anything over this way?
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>>18926>>18927You meet just as Vinifera is about to enter the door.
>>18928"The corridor where I pressume the feylamia resided, is barred off. Can't get through."
>>18929"What about in here?"
>>18932"Hm... gut feeling..."
He opens the cabinet, using his sword to open it with to put distance between him and whatever traps and tricks the cabinet may have for intruders.
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>>18933>>18934You open the cabinet, ready for everything!
Inside are:
- dried, crumbly remains of food and spices
- old plates, mugs, forks and knives
You seem to be standing in a larder or storeroom of sorts.
>>18935"This must be Regina's larder. Can't imagine feylamia eatting mortal food."
Goes over to check the chest.
"Maybe there's some pork and beans somewhere."
>>18937"That food has long expired. probably expired during our grandparents time."
>>18938"Hm... do you still have that key on you that you found awhile back Naz?"
He attempts to lift up the chest to see if there was a key underneith it.
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>>18940The key won't fit unfortunately...
>>18939You use all your strength and are indeed able to lift the chest just a bit... but no key was underneath.
You can try to crack the old rusty lock open with either Strength (roll for strength) or with skill (and a bent knife from the cabin; roll for Intuition).
>>18942You tug at the lock with all your might and indeed it literally tears off and falls to the ground. Inside the chest are:
- a dog bowl, a leash and muzzle made of leather
- an old, rolled up black coat
- various old bottles and jugs, all empty
- some strangely bent, half-melted amulets
- a pair of spectacles with broken glasses
- an old long dagger with a fox-symbol
>>18943"Oooh! Regina had a dog!"
He picks up the rolled up black coat, expecting to find a dog skeleton inside it.
>>18946"An old long dagger, I'm guessing made from the same silver used to fight feylamia with."
He rummages in the trunk.
"There's also what looks like half-melted amulets and... some broken glasses."
Vinifera pockets the amulets and the dagger (Added to inventory) and put the glasses on his face, expecting them to do something magical.
>>18948d20 - 3 = 4>>18949"I'm thinking that too. The glasses could be enchanted to reveal things to those who look through them."
He places them on his face.
"As for these amulets and dagger, along with the Moonsilver lantern and the fox amulets we left upstairs, I want to collect all weapons to be used against the feylamia. I plan to move them all to Aumond so that when we're long and gone then elves and others will have the weapons needed to stop feylamia.
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>>18950The fox symbol is the coat of arms of the city of Gareth, capital of the Middle Realm. You remember it well as you spent quite a few time in the town.
>>18949>>18950You put on the glasses... but you see everything as you always do. Perhaps Regina had them on her nose a long time ago.
>NOTEYou have found everything there is to find in the dungeon unless you somehow manage to get past the bars or open the door in the northwest.
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>>18953As you failed your tests earlier:
>Perception +7>>18954>roll for Intuition -2 No.18958
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>>18956No luck...
>>18957Your Intuition fails you too (by 1 point).
>roll for Perception +1>Last chance with the bars really! No.18960
Grabs the bars and tries to shake them out the walls.
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>>18960Sturdy, strong bars, made to last. There was no getting them out.
>>18959Nazom finds a well concealed button.
>>18961He refused, he decided to ram at them at top speed. He backs away and gets ready for a running start.
Also, Naz found a button, hilarity ensure?
Runs at the bars at top speed.
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>>18963Gears and chains rattle in the wall and slowly the bars right behind where Nazom found the button raise up. The way further to the west ist open - but the bars blocking the way to the door remain down.
>>18964Vinifera charges towards the bars for some reason and almost hits them with his head as they go up...
... luckily he stops just in time before he hits the wall, too.
>>18965He rubs his head.
"Ha! See that Naz! I showed these bars who's boss!"
He looks down the turn in the corridor to see what was beyond it.
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You follow the corridor which goes south and north and then south once more. You pass a caved in passage leading west... and after turning east the corridor ends at a large hand wheel.
>>18969Strong, sturdy metal bars, made to last. They too can be raised but you don't know how.
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>puts all his strength into raising the bars by hand
Turns the turn wheel.
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>>18972You turn the wheel, it creaks loudly...
>>18971And lo! Nazom with his dwarven strength raises the bars by hand!
Even as he can no longer reach them they continue to rise and finally lock in place in the ceiling.
>>18973"Well... no traps, drowning or the like... That was pointless."
Goes to inspect the caved in passageway.
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>>18973 Hah! that's how we do it...
>opens the door and looks inside No.18976
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>>18974>roll for Intuition>>18975The door was not locked. As you open it you look into a cell in which lies the dead, bloodless body of Artherion...
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>>18977You think the caved in tunnel goes in the direction of the town hall.
Checks the rubble, dirt and whatnot for anything particularly interesting.
>>18980He decided to just leave it and go back the other way.
He noticed the bars on the other side are gone and proceeds down that way.
>>18981He see's Naz running up to him.
"What's wrong?"
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>>18982 sad to say, I found what's left of Artherion
>>18985"More bars! Dammit..."
He walks up to the room.
"Should we collect his remains? Give him a propper funeral? If Regina is buried at Thuma's local cemetary we could probably lay him to rest there."
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>>18985>>18986The bars were gone (lifted by Nazom)... you saw Artherion lying on a patch of straw in the cell.
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>>18986 don't worry, I removed the bars!
we could do that, sure. I don't imagine he weighs very much.
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>>18988"Yeah... I think we found everything we could down here. We got the moonsilver lantern, we got some moonsilver. Let's take him back upstairs."
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((Alright, time to call it a day...))
Next time we can wrap everything up and you'll get your exp and level ups!
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Once you have brought Artherion outside, what will you do?
It is late at night, the starts are out. None of the Holbercs are in sight.
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>>18996>>18997You make yourself comfortable on the sofa and bed in the dungeon and fall to sleep soon enough.
As you awaken the morning has come.
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There as a blanket on the bed.
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>>19001I remember an old coat in one of the chests.
And I'm cure we saw a wardrobe somewhere. We could look there.
>>19002Or we could use a blanket.
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>>19002>>19003yeah that will work better
>wraps Artherion in the blanket and makes ready to help carry him back No.19006
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Where will you be heading once outside?
>>19007>>19008So, which will it be?
Through the forest or trying to sneak through town?
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>>19010>>19011let's sneak through the forest
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>>19016>>19017While Vinifera is a real sneak, Nazom takes the time to step on every single cracking branch and causes a ruckus.
Still, it is early enough for most Holbercs to still be asleep and the few that notice the two at the edge of the forest pay them no heed.
>>19018"Keep going Naz, I think there are a few more fallen branches in the entire forest to step on."
>>19019"We just don't wanna spook the townspeople carrying a body. Though I imagine being spotted because of the sound of breaking branches would be more scarier for some."
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>>19023>>19022Luckily the tower is well hidden by trees at it is at the edge of the forest, so no one notices you there now.
Edsel opens the door. "Oh! Hello again, what do you carry? Come in, come in!" He lets you enter, not waiting for a reply.
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>>19024 thank you... Vin?
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>>19025>>19026Edsel notices the feet sticking out from under the blanket.
"W... who is that?"
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"I see... So, this... Feylamia... is gone. That is good..."
He ponders for a moment.
"Regina? She is not buried here. Grandfather mentioned she had said her farewells and left town."
>>19036 alright
>>19032 can we bury him in the local cemetery then?
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>>19037>>19038"Of course you can use the cemetery. Just be sure not to go too near to the crypt. There's ghosts there for sure."
>>19039 oh, of course
>>19038 let's go look
>>19040As they take the body over there, Vinifera tells him how elven funerals go, or at least to his rough memory given he never attended any elven funerals before.
"What we do is usually put them in a hammock, kinda like a cocoon, and instead of burying them into the earth we hoist them high up to the trees. Dunno if Artheriorn would want a traditional elven funeral or a standard mortal funeral."
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>>19041 sounds easier than digging
>>19042"A'ight then, I never done this before."
Looks around for the tallest, sturdiest tree in the graveyard.
>>19044>>19045"Ah thank you. Was concerned I didn't had rope."
With the blankets already drapped over Artherion and with the rope, makes a makeshift cocoon/hammock for Artherions remains.
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>>19046It takes quite a bit to make a sturdy enough hammock for Artherion and after some more work you manage to properly lift it up onto the tree.
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>>19046 how long do you leave him up there?
>>19047"Phew, that was a hassle."
>>19048"We just.. leave him up there. How long do you leave your dead buried?"
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>>19049 longer than your hammock will survive the elements. what happens when the hammock falls apart?
>>19050He looks over to Naz ans shrugs.
"I'unno. This is just elven ways."
Looks up to the tree.
"Kinda unethical and a health hazard really."
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>>19054 he seemed like a nice fellow.
shame we didn't reach him in time.
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To be frank, at this point there is little more to do for you. You have slain the Feylamia and survived.
If you want we can stop the adventure at this point and you'll get your experience points and level up.
>>19059>>19060"Yeah... I guess we can go and see what the future holds."
((I dunno where else to go with this either. I'm ready to end this and tally us up.))
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>>19061 ((ok, I need to leave soon anyway))
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You both get 350 experience points for successfully finishing the adventure.
Enough for both of you to reach level 4 (1,000+ exp).
>>19063((I'm already on Lvl4.)
Level: 4
EXP: 725
>>19062((Let's level you up quickly then.)
Courage 11
You can increase one of the above stats by 1.
You can increase either Attack or Defense by 1.
Roll [1d6 ] to increase your Health Points.
>>19064You're right, it's level 5.
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>>19065 +1 dexterity and +1 attack
1d6 = 4 No.19068
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At last, as a bonus, you can try to increase your Courage for facing the Feylamia.
Your Courage is 11. Roll a d20 twice, if you roll above 11 it goes up by 1.
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>>19069No luck unfortunately.
I hope you enjoyed the adventure!
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>>19070>>19064it's been fun! gotta run; have a nice night!
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>>19071Thanks for playing!
>>19071Thanks. I hope there will be an epilogue of sorts. I'm curious what will happen between hoisting a dead guy up a tree and returning to Aumond.
>>19072Ability? You mean my statistics?
Attack +1
d6 + 3 = 6d20 = 14d20 = 14 No.19075
>>19074Yes, that's right.
How many of those 6 will you give to Health and how many to Magic?
Nice, Courage up by 1!
>>19075Is this right?
Health: 35
Mana: 36
Courage: 11
Intelligence: 11
Intuition: 13
Charisma: 12
Dexterity: 13
Strength: 9
Attack: 11
Defence: 11-1
What would my Lvl and Exp be?
>>19076Attack is 12 now.
Also, you still need to increase one of the six abilities. The Courage increase was a bonus.
Health/Mana is fine.
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>>19080The -1 is from your weapon, it's a big two-handed scimitar.
>>19081Ah OK. That makes up for it.
What about my Lvl and Exp? Will that change?
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Your total exp are now 1075 and your level is 5.
Next level up is at 1500.
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>>19084Thank you for playing.