No.1388[Last 50 Posts]
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I'm offering unlicensed therapy to you
Now tell me 'bout them problems you gots. I ain't got all day.
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>>1388Hey, back off! This is
my turf!
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You're not someone I'd wish to receive advice from.
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serious question tho
i often wonder if i self-sabotage myself away from success
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>>1389Can't we co-exist then? Or must I actualy back off?
>>1390Uhhh.... Wh-what?
>>1391Hm. Fair enough.
>>1392What do you mean? A fear of success?
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>>1393i guess so
like, i do very well in a lot of things, but when there is a chance or opportunity to do something important, something inside me just feels that it's instantly doomed, and often becomes reality because of that.
i feel i have the skills and competency to do awesome things. but this strange barrier of anxiety prevents me from upward movement...
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>>1394Maybe it's complacency in where you are with life and a fear of the responsibility that goes with further success?
>>1395Awww. It's okey. Um, message me if you ever need anything.
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I would take up your offer, but I'd worry about your own mental health in the process.
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I'm having this red spot on the inside of my calves, which kind of itches and when I try to scratch around it, it gets kind of stingingly painful..
Like, it kind of gets sore as well when i walk around too much.
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>>1399Uh no. I'm doing psychiatry not phisical therapy
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how about you, kadenza? dear friend, how do -you- feel?
I had a spooky dream a few nights ago where I was laying in bed and there was this big window in my room. It was nighttime, and about ten different people were standing outside of it and just staring at me. It couldn't move or say anything, and it spooked me so badly that I ended up crying out from my sleep.
What does it mean?! Ahh!

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>>1401I feel overwhelmed with everything the holidays have to offer. Verry sleepy. Just want to relax. All is weird. Need a break or to sleep as a statue for a thousand years or something. This lifetime is giving me the creeps. And this timeline we're on is just going to get weirder. Which is funny, because it was semi-normal for a while.
>>1402Maybe it means you have a fear of being raped and killed?
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>>1402Poor Ella!!! gosh, what a spooky dream!!!! goodness :c
maybe it means, you are under so much external pressure? and feel like many people are judging you?
but, do not be afraid, because you are the best!
>>, Kadence... i can understand that feeling. i hope the holidays themselves may be restful, dear friend. i know i often wish i could just sleep a thousand years.
>hugsDon’t be sleeping beauty!
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The last thing I would want is advice from a two-faced vixen.
Fenneko is far too honest for someone as fake as you are.
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>>1400>Oh?I have like, a bunch of mental disorders, like Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Complex PTSD, and right now I am also in bereavement
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>>1403*panicked running around and screaming*
>>1404Oh, actually, maybe. I had also missed my thyroid pill for a few days, so maybe that had something to do with it too
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I'm afraid of leting people down. Like, really afraid. Even people who i shouldn't really care too much about how they think of me!
what should i do? is there anything i can do to help get over the fear of letting people down?
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>>1404Yeah, but given time, I'm sure things will be more even in time. I'm just trying to get through the holidays ♥️
>>1406I was speaking from the heart, honestly, in that last thread, but I don't feel like that's worth mentioning. I've never gotten along with you, and what do you expect? Two faced? Well, yes, I suppose I do hide my true feelings when I find them to be politically conflict-inducing or problematic in the way of civil respect.
But with you? In that last thread? My thoughts couldn't be bottled anymore. Besides, I stand by what I said. Granted, I may have your selfie from efchan confused, but truthfully, I don't think so. I honestly believe what I said was valid
>>1407Sweetie, go for it. Just tell her. If not, you'll loose her. That girl is going places. And a stagnant friendship won't either the turbulence of her coming career if you don't establish your love strongly.
But that's my opinion
>>1410Well, maybe I can give you unlicensed solutions to unlicensed problems. Like when the bank can't give you a loan but the mafia can.
>>1408Lord, that's heavy. But all them letters don't have to keep you down and limit your potential. Sometimes, doctors give out all these "diagnosis" and the patient becomes overwhelmed with the prospect of having officialized names for their problems.
But ya know what? All that stuff is just labels for problems. You can't let it hold you back.
Talk more though! I'm curious how you're doing? Are you okey? Are you safe?
>>1409Bad! I'ma hit you with a newspaper! Bad bad! Now sit down.
Do your math homework now. Okey?
>>1411Honest advice? Stop caring. Just let go of caring so much for their opinions. Success is found in the mirror, not in the approval of others.
It's yourself you gotta worry about. Don't let the person in the mirror down.
Them other peoples? Fuck em.
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>>1412>>1412>But ya know what? All that stuff is just labels for problems. You can't let it hold you back.More like the "closest fit" labels. Excellent for communicating my problems quickly and succinctly. I don't really have a problem with labels when labels are good for communication, or at least getting the gist of something.
I just fit a classic profile/stereotype of a generally neurotic person and often feel like unless you're specifically trained for it, then when I am at my worst, you
will have your own emotional resiliency put to the test. I can be a massive downer sometimes.
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>>1413No, I'm doo much of a Southern girl for that. Just uh, unlicensed practices with all the effect and non the officiality, ya hear?
>>1414Aww, sweetie, don't project so much of a negative expectation of how others will process an interaction with you, luv. I'm talking to you now, and I feel fine.
But luv, are you doing alright tonight? For the holidays? Need any help or friendship? I'm always here. And you can always reach me on my discord.
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>>1415>>1415>Aww, sweetie, don't project so much of a negative expectation of how others will process an interaction with you, luv. I'm talking to you now, and I feel fine.Ah, but I was referring specifically to
sharing problems, like you asked in OP, not interactions in general.
I am finding those much easier to share with a licensed therapist rather than an unlicensed one, much less a random person.
But if you want a slightly more detailed list of problems. Well ... my mother passed away from congestive heart failure last month and the bereavement of that triggered a depressive episode I am kind of really only keeping a grip on things now because of effective antidepressants. Also on the verge of a midlife identity crisis related to that milestone of finally becoming parentless as all people eventually become, and having less than a year left of my 30s ... all that plus gender dysphoria bugging the shit out of me lately.
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>>1416>>1416Then you is a silly pie and should just sit back and accept my magic
>>1417Ohmuhgawsh, that's horrific. Hey, I think I want to talk to you privatly. Have a discord?
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>>1418>>1418Sure: Andrea B#1554
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>>1393There can be two psychiatric practices here, but it won't be long until the market undergoes a correction.
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>>1419Check your Discord, luv
>>1421Hmmmmm, is that a threat?
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>>1422Just an economic forecast.
>>1423You did ❤️. Sorry if I'm textwalling too much.
>>1424Care to contend my right to be here? Sure, I'm a ponychaner and this ain't ponychan. But lots of people cross-boards all the time and post multiple places. Not like I'm being intrusive or problematic.
Besides, the psychiatry services I offer speaks for itself. My product is premium. Real lil big whore fluff. Straight from the source.
Care to join hands in prosperity and become allies in pony board psychiatry?
All love and ponies, sweetie.
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>>1412just stop caring? well... i’ll try! though it’ll be tough...
thanks kadyluv
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>>1425I leave it to you, but I'll be back--you'll see--when people look for frump and frippery!
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>>1426>>1426Always welcome, sweetie pie~
How are you doing these days?
>>1427I don't even know what that is, silly filly. Care to educate me? Or care to help me put saracha on my popcorn? Or care to smile for me?
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>>1428>sweetie pie>i'm doing pretty well! working as a registered nurse! trying to hang in there.
how are you? well, i hope!
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>>1429>>1429Okie Dokie, I'll use magic then! Eventually. In good favour!
>>1430Oh dear, you're cute. Uhm, yeah, kinda sorta. At night I feel the urge to Textwall my issues but usually it's random who gets the recipient of it though. Oh well. Life moves on, yea?
How do you like being an RN? It suits you, cookie, you were talking about that job years ago and now reality is made! Beautiful ❤️
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>>1431>cute>mfw>Life moves onmhm... at least,it sure seems to, anyway! hopefully it's moving on towards a better place. goodness nows the whole world is due for some goodness after this year...
>nursingso far it's been very interesting! very rewarding, too. though i've been doing some pretty atypical nursing gigs... things such as COVID swabbing for movie productions and clinic nursing at a big industrial camp! haven't had much time in a hospital...yet. four years of school led to this! I'm pretty happy about it all!

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>>1433I'm haply~
And why burning? You are cute!
Yes, I remember when you were still in school. Awww, you were cute back then.
And as for forward momentum, yes I trust it will go to a nice timeline with fun for all.
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>>1432>>1435Okey. You can have popcorn. And for spells? I need you to think very deeply about the magic of friendship for me. Okey?
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>>1436Deep deep in thought
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>>1437>>1437Great! That's a good first step. Then, use the power of friendship to fuel my green light. And we'll go to the universe with all our ideas! And configure the meta and functionality of our ideas to apply them all to the spacetime contiuum and shift all our positions in the world.
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>>1439Sigh. I'll simplify it then
>Step 1Think deeply about the magic of friendship
>Step twoUse the magical essence of friendship you gather from the hearts
(unfortunately it needs to be reiterated because hentai has perverted this; but the magic comes from your friends hearts and not their genitals) to focus on a goal
>Step 3Map out that goal by formulating a plot
>Step 4 Transfiguration and alchemy
>Step 5"Oh shit, sweetie, I think my brain is melting and my body is changing"
>Step 6Go back! Fuck, we did something wrong.
>Step 7???
>Step 8We all rich and famous
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>>1434fire is life! passion! and being called cute fills me with GUSTO!
ahw, hehe, well thank you! it was a long time coming!
yes please! i love popcorn! do you like butter on popcorn? or the different kinds of seasonings?
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Sorry I can't illiterate the instructions like on a Lego set for you
I joke I joke I kid I kid ❤️ you funny beautiful person ❤️>>1442I like to put Saracha on my popcorn. Makes it spicy. But lately I've wanted spicey things allot.
Anyway, I'm happy for your career, sweetie.
Use that gusto to be the best you can be, pretty little cutie pie ❤️ you're a gem on this site, yea!
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>>1443ooo! that sounds good... how much do you put on? how much to coat? i'd love to give it a try!
and thanks! i'm happy with it too!
d'aww gosh... youre too kind Kadyluv! you're quite the cutie gem yourself!
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>>1444>>1444I really like the Danish National Anthem>>1445Oh, silly cookie crumbs. I just pour lots on till it's soaking with saracha. That's about it. But yeah, do I have you on Discord?
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>>1446soaking in it?? gosh... that'd be a lot!
i'm not sure! i don't think so... shall we exchange 'cords?
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>>1448sent! mine is the "rasupdoo" one!
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>>1449Do you have me on discord?
I loved the letter you sent us btw No.1451
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>>1450not yet, i don't think! peep my email field in this post c;
eeee, i'm glad! it's been a long time since i make letters! it was a lot of fun to get back into it! No.1452
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should i go to atlanta instead of LA?
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>>1412>I was speaking from the heart, honestly, in that last thread"Speaking from the heart" doesn't give you license to come out of nowhere and spew nasty insults at someone, especially when you're completely off base as a factual matter. You apparently confused Iara with the other Peruvian poster who was on efchan, and yet even after you were proven to be objectively wrong w.r.t. Iara's BMI, you still refuse to apologize for anything you said. I can only hope that one day you will realize you acted wrongly and give Iara the apology that she deserves.

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>>1453Wait, so the rest of the stuff they said would have been ok if the BMI had been different?
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>>1456>Wait, so the rest of the stuff they said would have been ok if the BMI had been different?lol no, of course not. It's just that the BMI claim was definitively proven factually incorrect, strongly suggesting that Kady had confused Iara with someone else. But regardless, the insults in the post were completely unacceptable in any case.
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>>1458Just seemed a weird thing to mention!
Like someone saying "You ugly, fat freak!" and then responding "Hey, I'm not fat!"
But anyways, while I don't think all that was appropriate to say to anyone regardless of how I feel about Iara, the site may not be the best place to air personal grievances.
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>>1459hate to be that person but the whole "it's not the place for it" argument doesn't really work when she in fact said it to her first, publicly, on the site in front of everyone
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>>1459> the site may not be the best place to air personal grievances.I wouldn't have spoken on the subject if Kady hadn't tried to justify what she had said by claiming that she was "speaking from the heart" (
>>1460Was it THIS site, or was it the other one with nazis? I'm confused.
>>1461Just a suggestion, do what you feel you must.
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>>1462It's not like the two sites are totally distinct from each other. They have a common lineage and have a significant overlap of userbase. And Kady brought it up on
this thread by trying to justify what she had said on the other site.
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>>1388>shrink>problemThe cops are getting closer to finding my last therapist. Can you help me?
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>>1465Just because you're allowed to say something doesn't mean that you should. People should refrain from saying such hurtful things even if they won't be punished for saying them.
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>>1464>>1461>>1458>>1453How about I put it like this;
Saying I'm speaking from the heart isn't meant to justify the comment. It's just saying that I stand by the comment.
Do I take it back? Nope. Nor do I justify it. I just flat out don't like her.
But would you want me to go on a tangent about why? And Textwall my grivences and get dirty with my words? I thought this ain't the place for that. So the polite way of saying "go fuck yourself, Iara, I said what I said" is to just say "it came from the heart"
Stop saying I'm trying to justify anything. I'm not.
>And Kady brought it up on this thread by trying to justify what she had said on the other site.Iara posted in
MY thread and I responded
POLITLY. How is that
me bringing it up?
>>1466How can I help?
>>1454Welcome ❤️
>>1452Go to LA. It's better
>>1465I'm trying to be polite to Iara who posted in
my thread. So I just said "it came from the heart"
Trying to avoid conflict. I said the screencap on ponychan.
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>>1471Oh, I'm sorry, did I give the impression I'm a good person?
Let me start over
Hi! My name's Kadence. I'm the
kind one. I say nice things to people and cheer them up and ask about their days.
Am I a good person, though? No. I said I'm a
kind person. Not exactly the same thing.
>>1473People fuck up and say dumb things all the time. Beating someone down for their transgressions puts you down on that same level. No, lower because you perpetuate the negativity.
You’re no saint. None of us are, so get out of this thread with your high roading, kid.
>>1478You only high road for your own personal vendetta, and you air out the dirty laundry at her expense. Everyone can see that and you’re making worse for yourself.
Besides, for all we know this Lara person could be fictitious just to gaslight her... You know a thing or two about that I bet.
>>1482I hold out the belief that people have the innate desire to be good, even when they aren’t in a good place in their life.
>>1479I even hold out the belief that this guy is good.
People make mistakes and they get over it. We don’t hang onto them, because it’s unhealthy and it’s immature.
>>1483I'm not really invested in the history of these two. I have my own personal history with Iara that makes me not like her personally. But I still think the things said in
>>1453 were crossing a line.
I'm not sure how well you know Kady, but her comments in
>>1472 seem to indicate that they are only pretending to be nice to people while holding malicious and cruel views on them. Which is something people should be aware of, if at any moment the veil might be dropped and we get the same kind of verbal lashing.
>>1484I would say, that it's probably safer to call yourself an irrepentive jerk and be polite most of the time, than claiming to be the epitome of kindness and lashing out against others.
I dunno.
I wonder what makes people tick or act in certain ways.
I mean
In theory I don't want to be extra vile to people, but what would make me think that I can be nasty at some times? We're only human, I suppose.
>>1481>>1480>>1483She's the one who said this stuff just over a month ago, this isn't like something she said years ago or anything, plus she's said she
stands by what she said, which includes the invalidation of Iara and the accusation of a sexual fetish.
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Instead of responding to everyone, how bout I just say this:
I'm kind. No, it's not fake. I can also be mean. No, that's not fake either.
I'm a multi-fauceted human that can show multiple emotions other then just kindness
>>1487There's no excuse for being
that mean. And this is coming from someone who does not like the person you directed that cruelty towards.
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>>1488I disagree. I can be cruel and own my own crualty if I see it as worth it.
>>1489Uh, no. I can't lift more then ten pounds and have the build of a gogo girl.
I was talking with Kadence on Discord and I am just gonna post my last response here.
I already apologized about any seemingly misunderstanding, but my points still stands:
No matter how much you, Kadence, perceived any offense from my part, the reality is that I didn't mean to offend you the way you felt, at all. I didn't go out of my way to maliciously affect you or make you feel sad.
You, on the other hand, did attack me with the sole intention to hurt my feelings. It is far too different.
As for the whole "kindness" thing... News flash. Anyone can be kind sometimes and spiteful other times. I am exactly the same as well. That doesn't mean I get to call myself "kind"
EVERYBODY is genuinely kind sometimes.
It doesn't mean jackshit.
It seems to me that Kadence only cares about being seen as a nice person, rather than how I might be feeling or how you might have made me feel, Kadence. Specially now that the people on ponyville saw it and some called her out on it.
>>1473>>1475>>1484You guys seem to forget that what she said were lies.
That's the part that offended me the most. She mistook me for someone else entirely.
>>1478>>1480Dude what the fuck. I'm right here.
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>>1492>>1492>It seems to me that Kadence only cares about being seen as a nice person,And herein lies the reason why our talks fell. Lack of wanting to get to know and understand one another.
I don't actualy care about appearing kind. I just am, most of the time. The people on ponyville can gladly know what I said to you and it doesn't affect me.
Yes, I can be a bitch and totally mean sometimes. Especially if I'm intentionally being mean to so.eone for [reasons].