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/rock/ - Rock Farm

Break out that sledge!
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Good evening, my little ponies! As part of a staff initiative to be more transparent and accessible to users, we are publishing our Ponyville Transparency Report!


We will try to do this monthly! The thread will be open here for a week, and then moved to Canterlot for further commenting.

This month, we welcome the return of !!Trixie, Zeke Roa, who is helping us develop gochan.ponyville.us, as well as assisting us in moderating!

We are also seeing the departure of Savvy, Brazie, Abby, and Peppermint... whom shall be dearly missed. They are all taking a break from administration.

This month, we are also sharing the results of our poll, as well!

Please take a look, dear ponies: what we do, we do for all of you. <3
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Ignoring Staff Warning; Previous Offenses


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I'm ready for spring time loving(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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I'm currently dating a mtf trans catgirl/boy. Strange how life works that way.

I share my sheets with a troon. Lol


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I would never drink this faggot shit


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i am frankly sick & tired of the absolute degeneracy and dysgenic ways of perversion in the my little pony fandom.


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Can't even clop in peace with all the wholesome images going around.

And I'm sick and tired of always being sick and tired.


OP should try looking in a mirror.


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has this ever been debunked?


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Considering it's completely stupid, i don't think anyone really bothered. Kinda like asking if anyone debunked whether the moon was made of cheese.


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Religion thread! Why aren't you converting to the Floridian Catholic Church?


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Cause there is no god


>*Reads screenshot*
This has to be a troll thread.

 No.1388[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I'm offering unlicensed therapy to you

Now tell me 'bout them problems you gots. I ain't got all day.
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>It seems to me that Kadence only cares about being seen as a nice person,
And herein lies the reason why our talks fell. Lack of wanting to get to know and understand one another.

I don't actualy care about appearing kind. I just am, most of the time. The people on ponyville can gladly know what I said to you and it doesn't affect me.

Yes, I can be a bitch and totally mean sometimes. Especially if I'm intentionally being mean to so.eone for [reasons].


I think Iara is a horribly cruel person who lacks any sort of empathy. It still doesn't justify the things you said. You should really reconsider your whole outlook of "it's ok to be mean when someone is bad", because not only does it make you no better than they are, that's only going to lead to more mean people existing. Having a "reason" to me mean is not a justification for that meanness. All mean people think they have a "reason" to be mean to people.(Banned for insulting and degrading another poster.)


Gonna go ahead and lock the thread, this conversation isn't helping anyone.  Try not to bring up off-site drama, that's not what this site is for.


Oh man, you guys! I kinda feel like celebrating! Why? No particular reason! And certainly not for any reason relating to anything political!

If you feel like celebrating for no particularly politically-related reason, then come join me!
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We can't be friends anymore.


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i didn't expect anything else if being honest


Cheeto dust successfully licked off.


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hugbox thread!!!1!


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Now that the creator of Harry Potter has outed herself as a terrible person, can we all finally agree that Harry Potter was never good? That you were all just easily-impressionable kids and that with the hindsight of adults the whole franchise kinda sucks? Can we make this the official stance going forward? It would really hinder J.K. Rowling's ability to say bigoted stuff AND be listened to.
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Yeah, it's kinda wild. Dude took a full nosedive.



Don't they understand how I interpret reference to myself in others actions? Don't they know I am going to get needlessly defensive for not having a taste for something very popular and interpret them as judging me poorly for it?

edited* cause somethings wrong with my brain today.


Moved to >>>/townhall/5957.


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< Look at me
< So edgy
< no one will disrespect me
< lol, catch me if you can
< I raped and assaulted a list of people because fuck you I'm untouchable
> gets caught
< no fair
< misstrial
< jury and public is against me
< I'm so young
< Please, I have medical conditions
< file several appeals, even though the evidence shows guilt clearly

It's a world we live in.


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At this point I'm venting.
If this is deemed /townhall/ bound, it may be moved. But I don't really have a serious plan to join a highly political discussion on the subject.


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Always have


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You ever listen to yo n*gga that sounded so wack, you thought he must be smokin' crack?


Rule 2


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**** I would like to make it clear that trolls or mentally ill people(with the exception of OP...lol) are NOT allowed in this thread. Thank You****
Could ultrasound treat benign disease and cancers?

From high-intensity focused ultrasound(HIFU) to Histotripsy, these advanced revolutionary technologies/techniques could one day be the future of treatment for people with tumors, cancers or simply....just to control bleeding. Fortunately, sufficient evidence exists on the efficacy of these treatments. Histotripsy is one type of an emerging and revolutionary technique, which is a non-invasive ultrasonic approach to the treatment of benign disease and cancers. Histotripsy is an experimental focused ultrasound technology where acoustic energy generated by an extracorporeal transducer is focused on a target volume inside the body. Conceptually histotripsy is more similar to shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) than to high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Histotripsy was initially conceived and developed at the University of Michigan; so much of the refinement and pre-clinical translation has originated from these laboratories. More recently, other groups have begun to experiment with histotripsy both along technical and translational lines of research which serves to validate the concept of histotripsy and further enrich the potential therapeutic value of this new technology.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) is also interested in the practical applications of ultrasound. Elisa Konofagou, professor of biomedical engineering, received a $3.33 million grant from DARPA to work on developing a new way to use focused ultrasound for stimulation of peripheral nerves that will ultimately be able to control organ function.

Reputable sources:
https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/m/mr-guidePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This is moved to Townhall but people are still posting in it here?


it got moved back, I guess, but it's also on townhall, only it's locked there.


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That's basically a euphemism for the fact that the US military is the largest healthcare provider in the country. Government funded healthcare is a touchy political topic here, as is the quality of VA care, so saying it too directly risks pissing off the people who control the purse strings. Politically it is much safer to point out that wars have been won and lost due to quality of health care.

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