No.1179708[View All]
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i'm so lazy, it's been months (maybe) since i've done one of these! So time to get off my butt, and then back on my butt as i sit down and write this!
the rules are simple:
you roll a 1d10
then you do/answer the prompt!
(to roll a 1d10, you type <1d10> but replace <> with [] )
so let's begin!
1. Ye and verily! we are starting our new DnD campaign! Who is your character? what is their roll/race/alignment?
2. If you had to permanently alter your accent, which accent would you go to? you cannot choose your current accent!
3.time for a nap! zzzzzzzzzzzz
4. when you need to wake yourself up, what do you do/consume to do so?
6. think of the 2nd place you'd want to be in. where would that be?
7. What is the last earworm to enter your mind?
8. what do you do after a particularly exhausting day?
9. Roll a 1d20! based on what you roll, what happened?
10. What is a quote that you go back to time and time again?
now commence to rolling! or take a coffee nap! either or is fine!
72 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.1179978
d10 = 2>>1179976Wasn't there ball game championships in the Aztec times where the winners would have the Great Honor of being sacrificed to the gods? I think I'd want to be the 2nd place there, not the 1st.
...unless I'm misremembering this completely and it was actually the losers who got the Extreme Pyramid Trip after all!
>>1179977so for this one i'll go with Assault and Batteries from Ice Nine Kills
specifically the chorus, which is basically just the Toys'R'Us Jingle!
"You won't ever grow up
You won't make it past six
'Cause this two-foot tall demonic doll will make you his bitch
You won't ever grow up
He'll toy with you 'til you die
To prove that evil comes in every size"
>>1179977Mesoamerica I guess! It's the only way to go with the subversive theme of the question asking for the "2nd place". Otherwise I currently don't feel like going anywhere, so if we interpret it as "for travel" my 1st choice would be staying right where I am... and therefore the 2nd choice is a regular "where would you like to travel" question!
Ooooh yeah, when talking about the LOTR trilogy. With the Hobbit it's not really a question of it being "improved" but "salvaged" but adding them would still be worth a shot!>>1179978Which language are we talking though? Because for English any accent that's native would be an improvement in letting me be understood better. Something from around Liverpool sounds like a nice and hipster choice while still being clear maybe? And for Polish, well, there are a few regional differences so I could go with that and basically stick to the letter of the question while completely avoiding the spirit... unless we go with the distinction between "generic country wide" vs "deep deep rural", but that's not much of a choice in terms of options available, and boy is the deeeeeeeeeep rural hard to understand. I had some family who spoke with it, had no idea what they were saying half the time.
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>>1179975Of course! Though I think I need to revise his attributes, and maybe figure out his spells at some point.
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1d10 = 10
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>>1180017>10. What is a quote that you go back to time and time again?"And that, I think, was the handle, that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting, on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."
-Hunter S Thompson, reflecting on the counterculture of the 60s
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1d10 = 3
hoho yeaaahh, let's roll!
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>>1180023ah, perfect! this was legit going to be the last thing i do before catching my nightly honk-shus!!
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1d10 = 1
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1d10 = 9
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>>1180047>10. What is a quote that you go back to time and time again?Generally double-quotes. Unless I need a char, of course
1d10 = 2 No.1180066
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>>1179972In that case I use it to seduce Harlo.
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1d10 = 9
rolling again before bed!
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>>11800731d20 = 5! i'm rolling for... seduction... *blush*
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>>11800745, eh? oy... that's not so good...
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1d10 = 7
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>>1179983Mesoamerica would be so much fun!
As for accents, I leave that up to you!
>>1179987I look forward to seeing him fleshed out!
>>1180022Ooh I love hunter s Thompson! Gonzo journalism
I have fear and loathing in Las Vegas and motorcycle diaries!
>>1180024Nap time zzzzzzzz
>>1180026>>1180027Hey! We can always use more tricksters!
>>1180045Waking up with socials can be a bit of a gamble for mood!
Showers tho, always good for the soul!
>>1180050Radical dude!
>>1180073>>1180074>>1180075Your spaghetti falls out of your pockets, and you cry
>>1180080I dream of snails too ^_^
>>1180083If I wasn't at work, I'd give it a listen
>>1180087Playing DnD is half gaming, half scheduling :P
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>>1180092>I look forward to seeing him fleshed out!I've got a bunch of other stuff to finish first, but I'll get to him eventually. I also created a character based on Raoul Duke, Razael Darkwood. He's a bardic sorcerer tiefling, but where most bards use music, Razael uses the written word, with his giant quill (basically a quarterstaff with flavor text). He's another one I want to flesh out more at some point, though I probably need to be blasted in order to capture Thompson's essence and make it feel like a recognizable expy.
>Ooh I love hunter s Thompson! Gonzo journalismSame! Though Thompson is admittedly my main experience with reading gonzo journalism, via Fear and Loathing, and Songs of the Doomed (a collection of short stories and passages).
I eventually want to read Motorcycle Diaries and Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
>Radical dude!I grew up in Cali, so I already occasionally use "dude" and even "man" as gender neutral pronouns
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1d10 = 1
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>>1180092All I know how to do. Would be handy having some physics breaking tools to help out.
1d10 = 2 No.1180147
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1d10 = 5
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>>1180147>5. CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON!A sword, of course!
>>1180101Hey! I already answered that!
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1d10 = 1
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>>1180100ooh a bardic sorcerer tiefling that writes with a magic staff is an interesting idea! Hunter S Thompson in DnD would be a wild experience!
i need to read more of his works, but i adopted his training to get better at writing, and for that i am grateful for him!
my mom's from cali, so i picked up a lot of that from her and from visiting cali ^_^
>>1180103so much of life would be much easier if physics didn't keep getting in the way!
>>1180104it is pretty cute! i got a few friends from sweden, and i love hearing them speak
and when they do fake swedish, it's hilarious!
>>1180148a classic!
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>>1180264A raiding party of six dog sized roach soldiers!
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>>1180265>>1180264oh damn! i better do a saving roll
1d20 = 7 No.1180267
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>>1180266welp, i'm fucked!!! death by dog sized roaches was not on my prediction list!
1d10 = 6 No.1180268
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>>1180267for me, the first on is a tossup between japan and taiwan; so if i'm goin for my 2nd choice, i think i'm gonna go to Thailand!
it's such a unique and breathtaking area, the food is famous in both flavor and extreme heat, and i would love to try some muay thai and muay boran!
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1d10 = 10
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>>1180321Let them eat cake.
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>>1180347>Lord of Ultramar. My last hope.. My last tool.. My sonnnnn. Saviorrr. Hope! Thirteen. Faaaailure. Thief.. BETRAYER! Liar! Guillimannnn.. Lord of Ultramar."What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you.
To them. Look what they've made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance.
Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this!"
It unironically put me in tears.