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 No.1174040[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1723614074598.png (344.54 KB, 2204x1798, 38:31, 3226676.png) ImgOps Google

Welcome to the /b/ & Friends thread! It's that time once again.

Keeping the spirit of friendship and kindness burning all the way. <3


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Hello sir.  I used to hang in threads like these.


Am I fren?


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I shall take that as a "yep"


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Have ya watched the latest PreCure season yet, or do you just like the kitty?


File: 1723649160105.jpg (30.94 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Wonderful.Precure!.600.414….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I actually haven't watched any of Wanderful PreCure yet.  I just like the cute images.


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Makes sense. Why you probably post BA too~
That smug neko is great


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Elon is going to make catgirls real!


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I bet within two decades there will be a medical facility somewhere in the world where you can get functional, bioengineered cat ears grafted onto your head.

にゃーにゃー 😺


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miaw miaw

woah, can finally become a cat boy for real!


Couple o Chatty Cathies in here!


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I'm wondering about the practicalities of getting a surgically added fluffy tail.  It might make sitting difficult in seats that weren't designed to accommodate tails.

Do you like cats?  


File: 1723657816309.png (1.54 MB, 850x1257, 850:1257, image.png) ImgOps Google

I think having to cut a hole in all your underwear and pants, would be even more troubling, really.


File: 1723658730420.jpeg (85.19 KB, 736x724, 184:181, GTgIOyDa8AAN5L5.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Oh yeah, that would be a problem too!  Maybe best to stick to just the ears.


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Touching a fluffy tail would be very nice!


I am more of a dog person, but yeah I like cats. Family has always had a cat and  I adore the lil bastards


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Do you have a pet inu?  And if so, do you say "wan wan" ("ワンワン") to it?


File: 1723661836678.png (646.26 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 3411959.png) ImgOps Google

Hello Sweetie!
Yeah G4 was still kicking about then, heheh
Though still seeing some pony toys crop up at work, which is definitely good for the motivation ^w^

You are fren, Esh ~w~

Meow! I see an Ivy <3



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Cute lil kitten


File: 1723662511929.jpg (256.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, af9ec981fe9ea4d7da88d97a45….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

A neko is the purest form of love!


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Nekos are lovable, although you gotta be their servants more than not haha


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>your post looks automated
It's alright when the neko is cute


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Hu confirmed android neko uwu


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File: 1723664473976.jpg (340.05 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, young-tabby-and-white-main….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I want to get a Maine Coon with a big fluffy tail!

Hello, anon!


File: 1723664585525.jpg (525.1 KB, 1200x1100, 12:11, 730628.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Time for bed :3

omg same..
they are the best kind of cats one can have ><


File: 1723664682997.png (901.14 KB, 850x1265, 170:253, image.png) ImgOps Google

How's Finland?

Already in bed. Maybe moving to laptop did it. Ah well, just gotta grab the trip again tomorrow


File: 1723664820009.jpg (95.88 KB, 632x569, 632:569, origin.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

So fluffy!

Finalnd has Norwegian Forest Cats, which are also rather fluffy!


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Fluffy nekos best nekos


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Bedposting it is
Don't stay up too long on the videogames or alcohol now


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Not during weekdays, so no worries~
Gonna sleep now. Oyasumi


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Pleasant dreams!


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And you too, gonna wind down ^w^


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Have a good sleep!


No, I have never had a dog and it makes me big sad.


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I have never had a dog either, but my family had a pet cat when I was growing up.



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Got some chores outta the way, finally
What's new with ya?


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Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


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Not too much on my end. Finally weekend!

Or just use a Pure Functional language and avoid monads. No mutability ever!


File: 1723821955152.png (233.96 KB, 1280x1120, 8:7, 1302388.png) ImgOps Google

W-what kinda wares?!

Yay for the weekend!
Gotta work Saturday, but free afterwards. Maybe binge some more bullet heaven games and watch Loki.


File: 1723822129362.png (1.01 MB, 850x1193, 850:1193, image.png) ImgOps Google

Dammit work :<
Watch Train to the End of the World


File: 1723822661228.jpg (377.33 KB, 850x1136, 425:568, sample_ac70305ec6edd6d60ad….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What language do you use the most?

>W-what kinda wares?!
Fluffy tails!


File: 1723823310159.gif (1.58 MB, 600x600, 1:1, __mari_and_mari_blue_archi….gif) ImgOps Google

Danish. Just because my project is completely Danish-based.
If I didn't speak at work, it would probably be English


File: 1723823430032.jpg (152.07 KB, 850x1535, 170:307, sample_284f8102d5d7004ddb3….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Silly Hu, I meant programming language!


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Cause work


File: 1723825290957.jpg (471.04 KB, 850x1225, 34:49, sample_582f2d1629e91a162c7….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Maybe I should learn C# sometime.  I mostly use C++ and Python.


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I like the language. Could do with better documentation as it's severely lacking.
Although I guess it's to be expected from Microsoft.
Language itself is nice though. I really love EF and how they've incorporated the functional paradigm


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So this is actually a short video with a short song. I came across this very randomly. Too bad the pony only exists in the land of AI imagination. I'd bet they'd sell: It drives like an electric scooter!


>Put it in Your Gas Hole


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toadstool girl?


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One that need headpats at least


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I am craving cheese and it's driving me a bit nuts ><


File: 1724002978528.png (88.71 KB, 425x441, 425:441, Screenshot 2024-08-18 1842….png) ImgOps Google

There we go ~w~
Don't mind if I pinch a bit of this


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Cheesy nuts?


File: 1724003963369.png (1.31 MB, 3336x2843, 3336:2843, c8150d6200d79806eef5469960….png) ImgOps Google

You'll be heading straight for that shower now, mister


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File: 1724005372182.png (852.15 KB, 1440x1286, 720:643, 3421355.png) ImgOps Google

vibing here rn, don't be shy to join <3


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Close to bedtime


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Isn't your bedtime just an hour or so off? no worries if you gotta wind down and such ^^


File: 1724006560198.png (1.32 MB, 850x1206, 425:603, image.png) ImgOps Google

Just about. Little less. But that's still soon pretty much


File: 1724007524880.png (169.09 KB, 733x704, 733:704, Screenshot 2024-08-18 1957….png) ImgOps Google

Fair play, get plenty if you can uwu

I'm raving my butt off, just near the stage :3
It's on the event server


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Monday tomorrow, and a long one of them too. So might not


Heck yea!
I'm not sure what you look like tho


File: 1724008337094.jpg (306.58 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 3421216.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I had a feelin that one might be you :3
Glad you could join even for a sec, myah


File: 1724008610207.jpg (571.88 KB, 2394x3446, 1197:1723, 3393439.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

yer welcome <3
enjoy the rest of your day


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Bamboo being silly


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I am not sure what happened, don't think it was Bambi
Hope she's okay, regardless


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I just don't know anyone else who deletes their posts afterwards


File: 1724079341805.jpg (135.35 KB, 1687x1327, 1687:1327, 3288115.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hmm weird. I won't judge anyone's decision to delete their posts though

Reminds me, I have never actually played Limbus Company, but I just remember Ishmael posting to an extent


File: 1724089180002.png (1.87 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, image.png) ImgOps Google

Still silly.


File: 1724093836715.png (581.19 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 3028803.png) ImgOps Google

You're silly. :3


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File: 1724104657706.jpg (93.59 KB, 600x849, 200:283, Iochi.Mari.600.4062576.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>Bamboo being silly
I hate it when tests pass on my local machine but fail on Bamboo!


File: 1724104759958.jpg (56.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, medium.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Am I a silly pony too?  :3 :aj4:


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AJ always a silly pone..!


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File: 1724177279396.jpg (47.58 KB, 480x720, 2:3, Cat-Facts_-Why-Are-Calico-….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Nekos are the purest form of kawaii!


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Fluffy nekos


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Scientists need to start working on genetically engineering a cat or fox with 9 very fluffy tails.


Need Pokemon to be real.


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Ed, put down the gun


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If you could pick five pokémon to become real, which five would you pick?


Oh god, that is difficult. Out of a goddamn thousand or so?

I mean, I guess realistically, I would pick ones that would just make for cute or cool pets. There's certainly  a few Bird Pokémon I'd love to see in real life. Cause, yanno... I am not trying to actually start superpowered cockfighting up here.

Shit, I would have to like, reaaaaally dig through the dex to decide on this.


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File: 1724280375813.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1113, 360:371, Screenshot_20240821-184630.png) ImgOps Google

My quick picks are: Ninetales, Gardevoir, Espeon, Eevee, Vulpix.


File: 1724280435015.gif (9.17 KB, 30x37, 30:37, cutie luvdisc.gif) ImgOps Google

Unown I, Unown A, Unown R, Unown ! and Luvdisc.


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Any reason for those particular Unowns?


A lotta doggies, I see.

Off the top of my head, I think I'd like Pachirisu, Rowlet and Chatot. Those three are just straight up adorable.




File: 1724281358952.png (561.65 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, _c__chatot_and_banana_rowl….png) ImgOps Google

>Rowlet and Chatot
Kawaii birdies!


File: 1724281456840.jpg (2.53 MB, 3500x4500, 7:9, Iara and the Vortex Team.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

They can be used to spell my name. If you create a Pokémon, you make the whole species.


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Would you eat a Waffleon for breakfast?


I actually do fear I wouldn't be a great bird owner, and I don't plan to whenever I can have pets. But I do think they're very very cute.

Oh, I somehow completely failed to consider names rather than words.

I am idiot.


File: 1724283323214.png (335.96 KB, 1079x1349, 1079:1349, Screenshot_20240821-185209.png) ImgOps Google

How about a luvdisc or other fish?


Not much of a fish guy.
Ther eare other water pokemon I like, though.


File: 1724287526258.jpg (416.14 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, psycho sponge bob 1.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Psycho spongebob with a knife was the ai prompt. Not sure what the ai was thinking.



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*Urge to fuck shit up intensifies*


File: 1724336997197.png (879.51 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, image.png) ImgOps Google

Sylveon, Espeon, Glaceon, Vaporeon and Eevee holding an everstone


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Sylveon will be the first to become real.


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All 'Vees are great


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File: 1724384138714.jpg (112.7 KB, 935x1200, 187:240, FwVJi8OaMAEouHX.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I will cuddle my Glaceon plushie tonight and y'all can't stop me.


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I will cuddle my Ivy plushie tonight and y'all can't stop me.


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Hu is now a racoon.


File: 1724473541689.png (236.88 KB, 1057x1144, 1057:1144, Screenshot_20240823-090819.png) ImgOps Google

Maybe I should get a Pokémon plushie.

Blessed are the cheese-makers!


File: 1724476861651.png (67.9 KB, 920x1062, 460:531, png-transparent-human-beha….png) ImgOps Google

I'll behave. I'm a good little bitch. I'm sorry for everything.

I just get roasted a lot and I don't deal with it well. Sometimes I say things out of hate that isn't properly managed. But hate is a normal emotion, I'll direct it somewhere safe, I'm learning hate and anger management.

I love you guys 🥷☮️✌️


File: 1724487999806.jpg (250.79 KB, 2030x2491, 2030:2491, 3033387.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What's so good about the cheesemakers?


File: 1724594810578.png (791.12 KB, 850x1278, 425:639, image.png) ImgOps Google

I'm now a racoon apparently


File: 1724599170560.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1500, 18:25, 737c99ed7a853852ab4ba29d63….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You'd make a great racoon x3


File: 1724599978455.png (1.2 MB, 850x1379, 850:1379, image.png) ImgOps Google

Nah. They often steal things in cartoons, and I never have~
But being fluffy wouldn't be too bad


Stealing moshy's heart


File: 1724600326891.png (1.06 MB, 850x1135, 170:227, image.png) ImgOps Google

No stealing!


File: 1724602221231.png (770.34 KB, 700x1180, 35:59, 95df35973c1632e9ac6c554c88….png) ImgOps Google

You'll have to get extra fluffy sometime!

Are you a racoon out to steal my heart? OwO
Or maybe if you say the magic word I could share :3


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Might not be too fluffy, but could still keep you warm


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Do you like carrots?


File: 1724604851440.png (1.32 MB, 850x1440, 85:144, image.png) ImgOps Google

It's good in some dishes


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Not particularly. I'd keep my distance



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wan wan


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The very definition of "If I fits, I sits"


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Helo, anyone here?


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Whoa mama.


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Best smile


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and a stlye to boot.


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All these smiles to brighten the evening ~w~

now kiss :3

Henlo, Esh, bringer of bleps and mlems
What's new with ya?


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Any time of the day


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But, I haven't bought anyone dinner yet.


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I also nevered kissed.


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You'd like that.

W-where are we going for dinner?!


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/pat pat

Uwah I became a plushie!


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So sofff for a Glacie plushie.

How're you doing, silly little critter? :3


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Maybe we can change that?

maybe a pinic  with some homecooked meal under the  light breeze of falls fallen leaves.


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Of course!
Who wouldn't like having these smiles any time of the day after all?

Sounds too lewd. Moshy just being silly


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I do be soft and cuddly!

I feel like I could use a quick nap, to be honest. Big eeper.

Meow are mew?


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Some tea on the side would be great too. And a handful of nuts and other snacks after dinner, mebbe.

They say smiles go for miles, yup ;)

Perfect moment for a nap
Summer is really an eepy part of the year ><

Feeling as meow as can be, Ivy
I will be out rock climbing tomorrow, so hoping I've got enough water and other supplies ready!


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Can we at least still smash?
I make pretty decent banjo main.


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Along with some freash made bannana bread
and ice cream.


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Oh my, banana bread is a personal fave
Nothing beats the sweetness, especially with ice cream of choice~


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I dunno. It's more or less bedtime now.


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I think I'll definitely nap once I get home and then maybe get a nice work in afterwards once Im all rested.

Have you gone climbing before? Is it indoor or outdoor!

May I be invited for bread?


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One of these days we gotta keep you up for dinner


I've done indoor climbing before and it served quite fun and challenging then
This time it will be outdoors, around Whitesands Bay, and maybe a bit of beaching afterwards.


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sweet dreams.

you may.


I make a reappear

Eh, namach. Not gottan a lot done today. Mostly played some games,


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wan wan


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*kon kon*


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Outdoor climbing always seemed like it'd be scary... I never knew if it would be as secure as indoor haha. Hope you had fun time going, dear. Lemme know how it went!

Dog bless

Good bread is so good, I need to go to the bakery again this week...


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It was quite scary, actually. Indoor tends to be more constructed from my experience, whereas we went for a more natural landscape near the coast.
And it went pretty well thanku, Ivy. Did some abseiling downwards and got a lovely view of the sea. Then did the climbing up and down part, which really was taxing on my energy ^^;
I'll get some photos up soon mebbe

And what did Ivyy get up to this weekend?

want >///<


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Yeah I've only gone indoor, and only a few times at that. I'm still pretty novice, but it being all artificial helped make it feel more controlled, I guess

Still, it sounds like it was a fun time! Glad you went and enjoyed yourself. I'd probably try it at least, would be more comfortable with someone who's done it before, too!

I mainly was continuing to get stuff done for apartment, planning on having someone stay over in a bit so wanna have things at least good enough haha. Did go for a night hike on Friday, and a board game night this evening...


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So I spent most of my day in a waiting room just so I could spend 3 minutes haivg a sling put on my arm.

How yall?


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Now you're all prepared for Goliath!


Wrong type of sling


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Bit late, but I still admire this view


swim it!


Would've loved to go for a splash there
Maybe there would be more seal pups and dolphins :3


That would  have made it exponentially better.
Thinking about it makes me glad I have a furry friend of my own here. It's almost brushy time for her so she don't get a hairball. She's got 3 human years before she can start to collect social security so she's getting up there in age.


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Mm! Maybe even get to that island if I'm hardcore enough >_>

I'm glad you have furry friends you know locally. Not many around here. There was actually a fursuiter in my county, but not sure if they're still active.


Sorry for the big delay. I forget what I'm doing often.
It was actually a pussy cat. I'm not personally into fursuiter thing much myself but to anyone that is, get on and go for it since it's your thing. Kayaking.


We havent gotten round to kayaking yet in our activities. There's one last session coming up on Friday.

I'm not sure if furry is the correct way to describe myself lately. Get a sense that I may have a phantom tail following me around, but still learning more about the possibilities.


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I kind of want to buy a moist nugget, especially a Finnish one.


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Well you better get to it then, they're only going to continue appreciating in value.


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I paid 60 dollars for my mosin and that was about right.
I sold it for like 450.

Unless you have a historical collection reason to buy one, its really not worth the money imo. You could have a much better and more practical rifle for that money.
The heart wants what it wants though.  


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pRO tIP:
RD met AJ off of craigslist. Thats how she's on the show.


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The wonders that can happen through a random encounter on a seemingly normal site.

Dashie couldn't turn down the offer for a good time of friendship at Sweet Apple Acres.


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About time. It's a surprise it took them this long, really


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They would have to eventually. The patent claims are quite serious actually, but we'll see if Nintendo pulls it off this time.

This comes just as Nintendo may be gearing up to reveal the Switch successor. But other players feel like Nintendo needs to step up their game and do better with their own offerings, as they now have competition from third parties.


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So long their consoles are just plug&play, the competition will be beat any day.
I'm too big a casual to really care, tbh. I'll keep buying their "meh" consoles


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Well at least they are the most affordable offering as of now.
There is also the Series S, but the Xbox offerings just aren't appealing, even with gamepass. And Sony's current gen consoles are going in a more overpriced direction.

And it's more the Pokémon games that some feel Nintendo need to do better at, but as long as most players are happy, then not a big issue.


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Pokémon games are fine if you're still a casual baby like me~
Although Legends;Archeus was a legitimate great experience. Definitely looking forward to the next Legends game in early 2025


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Makes us even, then.

I dunno, I found Legends: Arceus hard to get into myself, despite being fun. Sword/Shield was the most recent one I've played extensively.

Still remember getting my Switch for my birthday and having a lotta fun with it. Once I get round to cleaning up my library, I'll make it a routine thing again.

What are you most looking forward to in the next Legends title?


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Didn't play Scarlet/Violet?
Game got lots of shit, but I dunno. Didn't really find it to be as buggy or crappy as the internet would have you believe.

Your library?

Know nothing about the next game. I can't even remember its title



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Oh right, taking place in Kalos


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Here there be demons. :3


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I wonder what the pug is worried about?


they always look like that. they are pretty nice dogs. thats saying a lot coming from me.


It's 2AM, my bus home doesn't leave for another half hour and I won't be home till 3:30 AM.

Good thing I am a night owl ND would probably be up till then anyway

How you folks doin'?


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>they are pretty nice dogs. thats saying a lot coming from me.

I take it you're more of a cat person?

ah you know, same old same old.


Why yes I am the same old mana s usual, ut how are you doing?


Yeah, something quiet and clean.


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Doing fine, just listeing to warhammer tyranids lore. Got home safely?

They are nice.


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Love and Tollerance from Kursidia


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Ready for your weekend?


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My cat returned yesterday and she was looking very sick
But she is recovering and starting to eat again


Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

aw, poor kitty. Speedy recovery, I hope


You're not doing the weekend shifts are ya?

She lost weight, but is still on the mend luckily


I'm unemployed. It's a song lyric.
I am going to my nephew's 18th birthday tomorrow tho.

Well that's good. Give her a bit of extra love from the 'chan


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Aww, poor kitty. Give her plenty cuddles and snacks


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Doing the best I can with that
She is still tired and maybe something is wrong with her jaw
But still going. I lost count of how long we had her for, but it's been a long while now


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Could get her checked up at the vet too, see if everything's okay


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We took her to the vet twice. Got her some fluid and antibiotics
Everything's okay for now


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Good. Just need pets now


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I could do with pets too


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*pet pet*


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I want to be a better person


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It takes a lot to be a better person, there are some things I'm still working on myself.

But small things, such as the little acts of kindness and showing empathy, can be a step in the right direction.
And don't forget to have time for yourself too.


Hi needs some pussy in his life


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True facts
Then again, I'm sure a few of us do :3


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I actually get pussy pretty often when I put my mind to it. (Get horny) It's not that hard really.


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It's not hard indeed!


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Do you like, my car?


I’m in a Jose.

You know what would break it? Pussy.

Let’s be done with the jokes.


I've come for all your mommas. That's not a threat, that's TMI.


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It's been 3 weeks since the last post was made here by a core user.  Good job, guys.

You know, /b/ & Friends was literally half the reason I started working on ponychan.co, formerly notponychan?  That's because the moment they announced Old Ponychan was shutting down and people started saying everyone should move here, I realized that certain threads could not exist here in their Ponychan incarnations.  Porn is explicitly banned here, and no amount of being "more lenient with regards to the rules... as everyone settles in" was going to change that.  And so, you guys moved here, with your PG-13 version of /b/ & Friends, making neutered /b/ & Friends just another generic serial thread in pool of generic serial threads.

It's cool to know that despite setting up the entire site, and you guys being half the reason I did it, that not a single person from here even bothered coming by to say "hi" at any point.  Somehow you guys must have missed the memo on that thread that was stickied over on Old Ponychan for weeks.  And then after the denizens of ponyville finished dancing on the grave of Old Ponychan, celebrating their windfall of new users...  and I cordially invited people from ponyville (including those who moved here from Old Ponychan) to come check out the site once I fixed the major problems with it, within a thread that was still stickied for over a month here after I posted it...  not a single person bothered coming by to say "hi".  You find out who your friends are, I guess.

And then the icing on the cake, is that people affiliated with /b/ & Friends, when they did finally come by, accused the site, and by extension, me, of promoting pedophilia.  That's fucking rich coming from the /b/ & Friends crowd.

People affiliated with this thread don't like the way Ponychan is run now.  Yet they and anyone could have become mods and moderated it any way they wanted.  They would have had full authority to recreate Old Ponychan down to the boards, rules, and threads if they wanted.  They could have literally molded it into a carbon copy of Old Ponychan if they wanted to.  And yet, they didn't, but they want to complain about it after the fact.

I assume at this point you've all fucked off to Discord - a place where porn is allowed and where you can post the sorts of things that characterized /b/ & Friends of old, content which as you all know is not allowed here.  I don't know for sure where you've gone, but what is certain is that babby's /b/ & Friends is a failure.  The only people still posting in it now are people here trolling you.

I'm not here to ask you to come check out Ponychan.co.  I'm not here to catch up with people I used to be cool with.  

I'm just here to say I fucking told you so.


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Not around enough to have heard of that site. Wasn't part of my browser history either until right now


Don't know where everyone went or what they are doing or if they lost interest. I've heard of that site a long time ago i think.
no thanks. the only thing good about kids is their mommas. I like mommas.


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...sailboat, my dear friend, my old friend. it is... difficult to see you so upset.

you know... one of the foremost reasons that old Ponychan died was because of the focus on the site's popularity. It was a problem that started with Orange, all the way in the beginning. it lasted through every single iteration of Ponychan, from admin team to admin team. it followed through to each and every single one of the splinterchans. And, as many of the posters here can attest to, i carried it with me too, to Ponyville.

it is only in the past few years that i have come to let go of this mentality: this poisonous mentality, that has so deeply hurt our little, and ever shrinking community.

people come, and people go. you know, way back in the day, i also used to post in /b/ and friends. and can i tell you, when it moved here, i basically didn't recognize a single person. such is the nature of things.

people don't want to mold a carbon copy of old Ponychan... old Ponychan is gone precisely because it always looked backwards to a glorious past, instead of at the humble present.  

i cannot say Ponyville is this great, active site. But it is a home for many, even if it is not a fast site, even if it is not anyone's perfect garden... it is a place for many, and a place where many are welcome.

as you know, our site staff never prohibited you from promoting Ponychan.co -- it is for that reason... our shrinking community is past the point of hungering after popularity, or building walled gardens. i have realized altogether too late... that whatever brings peace to people in this difficult world is good enough -- and if that means people will find peace on Ponychan.co, instead of ponyville... that too is ok with me, as long as they find what they seek.

i pray that you will not be upset, dear friend. perhaps we can talk more even in private... i am a terrible recluse, but i do care, as i hope you know!


You build a community and people will come. The trick is to build an actual community. It's what old ponychan never got. Too quickly, it devolved into a high-school personality club, and started fracturing as consequence. Especially towards the end.
Turns out people aren't gonna come for drama and infighting, especially when they can see double standards at play.

In the case of nuPonychan, I think it could still climb, though I've a level of personal distaste for 'ponychan' as a whole that leaves me some distance in truth. Were it not for some of the intentional sabotage, though, I think Boat's plan of decentralization would've been perfect to its continuation, since frankly throughout its history it was moderation problems that drove the wedges and made splits.
To be fair I don't really know how big a difference the ".com" and some of the other stuff would've made. Though I do think at least passing it along to those willing to continue it would've kept those who were still there, at least.

But I digress. I've too much baggage with Ponychan to really know. It's somewhere that could never be my home again, now. Though in my case the same applies here, to be fair.
Looking back, my experiences were mostly negative. So for all my talk of community, it's not as though I can really find myself fitting into that anyways.


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>I'm not here to ask you to come check out Ponychan.co.  I'm not here to catch up with people I used to be cool with.  
"Just put the fries in the bag, bro"


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I'm sorry, but is this about me?  I seem to remember a conversation one night this could refer to.  I never said your site or you promoted pedophilia.  I asked your mod why there was CP on your main board while they were inviting us to come visit.  I then explored the topic further, wondering what the CP guy didn't come to Moonychan when Ponychan shut down, but did go to New Ponychan.  I made a suggestion that a possible reason might be inadequate moderation compared to Moonychan.  I did NOT accuse you of supporting pedophilia.

Sorry if that conversation isn't what you were referring to.  I'd like the record to be straight.  Good luck in your endeavors.


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>/b/ & Friends
Enjoy your 5 seconds of activity before the thread dies again.  You're welcome.

>>1178696  I'm not mad.  I'm way past being mad.  I'm amused at the collapse, which is yet another one of my predictions that came true.  I'm just here to point and laugh.

No, I was never concerned with the popularity.  I assumed from the get-go that most people would turn up their noses at ponychan.co, since most of the cliques, including those that have entrenched themselves here behind the scenes, wanted nothing to do with it.  And that includes some of the people who were themselves directly responsible for the collapse of Old Ponychan.  I was however a bit surprised that none of the people I would have considered friends here bothered to even stop by, after the many many many hours of slamming square pegs into round holes required to get that broken and obsolete version of Ponychan available online to work at all.  But like I said, you find out who your friends are.  I'm also not particularly fond of seeing my old home having been taken over by people who won't give me the time of day, but that's not my problem any more.

While you might not care about popularity, your users very clearly do, especially when they come to Ponychan and direct anyone new to come here instead.  Since ponyville is so desperate for new users, I will be sending anyone who's auto-banned your way as part of the upcoming site changes.  I'm sure your crack dev team will be able to deal with them.  You're welcome.

>>1178698  Like Moony said, wallowing in the past is, was, and has been a mistake for Ponychan.  I am looking to the future, and I have been making plans and coming up with ideas accordingly.  Even if every single person who's currently on Ponychan decides to leave and come here, never to return, that won't change much in my estimation.

>>1178700  Enjoy.  I licked them.

>>1178701  That was the conversation, but I'm not referring to you.


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Why would you do that to me?


Fries're only good for about 5 minutes after they've been made, anyhow.
Then they start getting soggy.


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Oh, phew.  I was worried.  Carry on!


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God my fingers hurt



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excuse me?


them fingers. What might you have been doing with them? You an old nonnie?


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Am I old? I'd say my age suggests so, but I don't really look old, nor do I act old.

It's a blessing and a curse really.

As for being lewd.. Well, let's just say there are a few people on these pony channels that can attest to my lack of innocence.


sorry for the length of this but I'll bite on the subject.

i asked because maybe arthritis.
Old is relative too. Some people say 30 is old. Once they turn 40 and get around 80 year olds they'd change their tune though.

Age seems neutral sometimes, depending on the person. I don't wanna think how i did and don't wanna go through some of that stuff again. The youth is nice though.


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Arthritis? No, no. My fingers are hurting because of work. My job is quite physical.


Oh my. Hopefully it goes away soon. I dunno. Sometimes people give themselves like afoot bath with epsom salt water. maybe it would help on the hands too.


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That might be a good idea. If you could do me a favor and chop my fingers off, that might work as well.


You might have to find a different job if it's really bad.


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I'll be fine. I just wanted to complain about it.


I'mma complain now.
I don't like that your fingers hurt either. It would hurt worse if you punched my face. I can give you ice first.


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Skrt Skrt, no curtsy!
I need all racists to report to this thread!
Calling all potential street racers to the thread.
I need only the most hardcore racists to report to the front!


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Pocky time

Pony time


Ivy time. What have you been up to for all this time? Keeping busy and happy or bored and lonely? adjectives.


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Sorry for the late reply. Been keeping busy relatively. Moved into the city from the suburb, which I like a lot better, been going to a few different groups and trying to connect with people. Still a bit of the lonely, but it's been palpably better after moving.

How have you been?

What's your favorite flavor?


The more time keeping busy, the less time to think about bothersome things. It's great you are in a place you like better! It's nice to have people to talk to and and friends and good friends even, if you can find some of them. You might find a way to get rid of most of the lonely doing what you're doing, hopefully.

I've been not busy at all and just doing whatever I find that needs to be done. Just essentials. A lot of time to think about stuff I'd rather not. But we'll see what happens.


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Matcha green tea pocky does it quite well for me. I wanna try em all!


I did finally get to try some pocky a lil while ago. Good stuffs.

Just too bad it's rarely in any danish stores, and expensive when it is.


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Coffee I suppose. I don't like sweets


It's not too expensive here, but still a bit hard to find the extra flavours outside of London, et al

Looks like it's my cue to smuggle more Pocky over to Denmark ~w~


I would certainly not complain


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Moshy should smuggle herself over here instead


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Wouldn't rule it out..!




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I am unsure whether this means you or I are the rizzler.

Also henlo.


So that explains why the Gryffindor dormitories stink of weed


Room for one 1 Moshy next to 1 Ivy at Hu's.


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Thank heavens for modular PSUs
Gonna take my 6-yr old tower in for service, hopefully just needs a new PSU


File: 1732031061584.png (165.9 KB, 1128x1593, 376:531, 866926.png) ImgOps Google

>random Steam invite
>only games on record are Banana and CS2
>mostly in Russian Dota 2 groups


File: 1732032974688.png (933.98 KB, 850x1063, 850:1063, image.png) ImgOps Google

Dead PSU can be a catastrophe though.
Really should replace mine. It's 13 years old now


File: 1732034491068.png (925.5 KB, 1880x1830, 188:183, 2412839.png) ImgOps Google

13 years is a lot, hopefully it's well maintained.

I'm hoping all my other components are intact. Can't test the CPU, GPU or mobo yet.
RAM modules might be okay.


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Ah! My shoulder!


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muh niggah!!!! “alright I’ll remove it if if you’re* going to be too pissy about it”

* vague and ambiguous


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Happy TG. None of that around here. just traditional stuff. I'll trade you.


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Sorry, are we boring you?


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nah. It's just fast paced in here.




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Evening, y'all. I'm sorry for not being as active here lately.

2024 has been a mixed bag all round. Some bright moments, others not so much.
But I will keep moving forward and learning from mistakes on my part, building new bridges and whatnot.

I won't make this too long, but I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas as this year comes to a close.
And to thank those of you out there who matter and are still around. <3


File: 1734899085018.jpeg (119.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, C336FE61-F959-4B3D-8D8A-5….jpeg) ImgOps Google

Have a Merry Christmas Moshy mosh

A message from the local lolicon

Also where everyone at?


File: 1734900737519.png (2.86 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 2532552.png) ImgOps Google

Thank you Mikie ^w^

I am at home. Sadly feeling a bit ill, so I will be calling off work tomorrow. The plan was to just go in on Monday for the next 2 weeks, but I'll be needing plenty of rest instead.

What're you doing this holiday?


Damn hope you feel better soon. I’m going to be spending time with my family mostly and then I’ll be back on the internet shitposting until I have to go back to living my boring life


Name fell off..


You too!
Get well! Hang in there.


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Marry Mari


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Hopefully Endchan will find way of fighting off the attack...


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It reminds me of DelayClose. Think they're got a bot set up which looks at boards with recent activity. If there's been recent activity, it's hit.
Happens for new posts as well as deletions


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RIP Endchan :'(


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Only so much you can really do when you're busy during weekdays


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I wonder if Endchan will implement a whitelist approach like >>>/canterlot/7459 ...


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Hop on IRC and find out


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Time for me to hop into bed...


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Good night!


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Don't forget to marry Mari


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Seems like the spam dies down through the night


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Oh, is Endchan usable again?


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Looks like it is!


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It should be criminal to make me have to have to get up at 5 AM, but here we are.


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That's very early.  I've been getting up around 6:30 AM local time, but usually I get up around 7-9 AM at home.


Yes well, that's film shoots for ya. It was a a whole away, and I live in the boonies and had to take public transportation.

It's fine. I am a night owl normally, but I have no issue getting up early for appointments and such.


Sleeping til 12pm for me, because the dog keeps waking me up.


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A Ca(n)taloupe!


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Looks a bit dead here.
Is it time move on to Discord?


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It's livelier when Hu is around.


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Remind me to buy a pair of handcuffs for him.


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Is Hu going to dress up as a police officer for Halloween?  


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So he can stay by my side!
I'm not sure what he would dress up for on Halloween.


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Touching the ears of a cute catgirl or foxgirl must be a nice experience...


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Mutual ear touching is a true sign of love regardless of species.


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How you do?


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Doing as well as you can on a Sunday afternoon, I suppose.
Holding up alright?


Editing podcast episode, which is why I am being slow as ass to respond. I am at a friend's place and just spending some time on this. A very chill weekend aside from that.


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Eggplants? For me? Ya shouldn't have!


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Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


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Chill, slow and cozy weekends are the best



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no vids, no nekos


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Watched it yet?


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Not yet...


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I hope to find time to watch it...


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Got time now~


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Now I'm off to invade Finland!  TTYL


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Take care, be safe


Jokes on you, I never hVe coin

They are. Bout to get some chicken and just watch some stuff.

I was gonna draw but couldn't think of anything, SO I just did research on a future art video  


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Yes, very good, that's a beach ball!


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Go to Crayola museum in Philadelphia  


There's also a cute catgirl!  Or is she a foxgirl?


File: 1737340984323.jpeg (203.74 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, random_30.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Oh, there is a crayon museum?


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Seems geared towards kids, as might be expected.


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Good news.
Pennslyvannia has a lot to do and you can drive everywhere pretty quickly.
Did you know there's a garden where you live?


File: 1737341423229.png (494.21 KB, 900x1267, 900:1267, random_19.png) ImgOps Google

>you can drive everywhere pretty quickly.
Eh, it takes 6.5 hours to drive from one end of the state to the other.

>Did you know there's a garden where you live?
Yup!  I've been there a few times.  Many beautiful flowers!


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>Museum of Material Failures
I unironically want to go there!  Lots of mechanical engineering knowledge!


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Kinda strange to see that in the North East.
I think you should mull through what's in NYC.


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I'm a bit wary of the crime in NYC. Hopefully NYC will become safer under the new administration starting tomorrow.


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Being paranoid about crime will just make you more sheltered!
Take the leap of faith and experience new things~


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I've already been to NYC a few times.  Plus hotel rates are super expensive there now.


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ppssssttttt, just drive in from Newark.


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>in NYC
Too much traffic!  And didn't they add a congestion fee too?


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*aims for you shin*


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How is driving where you live?


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Not bad.
The speed limit is 75mph and it takes me about 40mins to get to work.
I usually go about 85mph and get there in about 30ish mins.
I'm in a decent location here because I get to see the whooping and Sand Hill Cranes in the winter time.


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When I was in Florida, I would see the Sand Hill Cranes a lot.


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They're really big and make funny noises.
You should eat one.


I want to try Peking Duck sometime.


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I think....
You should watch more vampire anime.


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Vampires are kawaii sometimes!


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It has nice OP music.  Also, does she transform from a turtle into a girl?


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I think the OP is meming on the underwater castle.


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Is Moshy still around?  We are going to need a new thread soon.


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I'll make a new one when this falls off p1

But before that, ice cream sundaes and desktop ricing with Satania ~ω~


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You make it


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Hi Moshy!  Glad to see you're still around!  Eat any good ice cream lately?

Kawaii neko!  I think I'll defer and let Moshy make the new thread.


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If we have a Princess Svenningsen, does this make Hu royalty too?

I'm still around, just not in a super talky mood lately ^^

It's kinda cold for it haha. But I have taken a liking to honeycomb flavours.


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kneel before your king, bby


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Only if you would bestow upon me the knighthood I desire.


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I shall await this glorious day, in any case.


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No you're cute. <3


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I guess everyone left this place.


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Different timezones and schedules.  Leave a message today, get a reply tomorrow.


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seems like you need some new people.


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>Square Enix Cafe closing at the end of March

New people are always welcome, especially of royalty


I awaken


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Arish, Esh.


I am already arisen!
I was just off unsmellying myself


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About the same here. Freshly shaven and ready to do bidding in the outside world.

For me it's Lynx Ice for unsmelling, but I like to try plenty of different ones.


I just meant I took a morning shower. I have a bit of a long day ahead.


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Whatcha got involved for your long day?


Going to record podcast stuff with a friend in about an hour and a half. Gotta take an hour long train ride for that and that usually takes 3-4 hours to do (setting up, meeting our guest, lunch, recording, etc). THEN I gotta go meet my tabletop gaming group in the evening, unless things are canceled for some reason.
I won't be home till about 10 PM.


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You have quite a long one ahead of you.
Good luck with the tabletop exploits if you get the chance.


We'll see. Part of me almost hopes a player or two cancels so I can suggest playing a board game I got for christmas instead.


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Fluffy tails are the best!


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Marry Mari


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Eat any burgers recently?


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Bøfsandwich, hai


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Like this?


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Plenty meat and sauce!


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1 burger in a roll is enough for me
2 is kinda pushing it ><


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3 burgers
2 "regular" sized ones
1 bøfsandwich
10 MickyD


I'll burger your roll


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You can't have all that in one day, Hu!
Best be working off all that meat somehow

Not if I burger your roll first, homfff


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Working it all off using the head


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Oh yeah? Well then maybe I'll just roll your burger before ANY of that. What then, smart guy?

He wolk


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I guess we're the only Americans?


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I suppose so.


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Make more Americans pls!


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I wish I could...


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Sperm bank is a way.


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Eh, I don't think aspie sperm is in high demand.


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Muffin has a demand it seems.


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I just ate a chocolate-raspberry muffin now.


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"In Arctic foxes, these adaptations are taken to an extreme - their tails are particularly thick and fluffy, helping them survive in temperatures as low as -50°C (-58°F) by providing extra insulation and acting as a face muff when they sleep."


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Do you enjoy any products imported from Denmark?  I like Danish Butter Cookies.


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I loved those! They were a staple when I was little, haven't had (or even seen) them in ages now.


They tend to be a little dry for me, but they do taste nice


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I sometimes buy them on Amazon.

Try them with milk and/or tea.

I mail-ordered some karjalanpiirakat.




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It was supposed to be Finland, but I guess without colors it is ambiguous.


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Could be Denmark too.
Still keeping Greenland


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Nice sevens!  Do you like Danish butter cookies?


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Too sweet. Hu can't into sweets.


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Cats don't like sweet things either.  They only like meaty things.


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Hu not much different!
They also like dairy. And I've not had a cat that didn't like chips


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Oh yeah, they like both protein and fat.


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They know what's good for you. Just eat what neko does, and you'll be happy


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I also like apples.


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Watch it~


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Maybe tonight I'll try it.  Now I'm back to working.  TTYL


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Have a good one


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Less hags and more cute and funny. That’s the way; the only way.


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She's a nun too


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hi my ni... um, friends! you especially, the least likely and 3rd most likely to reply.
what does your waifu like to eat for a snack and listen to?

and uhhh hmmm. how does she scratch her ears?


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>what does your waifu like to eat for a snack and listen to?
Muffins!  They are yummy, and if you listen to them carefully enough, they will tell you the secrets of the universe!

Fluffy neko/kitsune ears are the purest form of love!


Yummayyyy! What kind of muffins?

Those ears are the best!


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All sorts of muffins!  Apple cinnamon, carrot, banana nut, blueberry, chocolate peanut-butter, pumpkin, lemon poppy, and more!


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Time for a new thread!


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You make it


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I'll wait another day or two for Moshy to make one...


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His hardware died




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