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Welcome to the /b/ & Friends thread! It's that time once again.

Keeping the spirit of friendship and kindness burning all the way. <3
231 posts and 198 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I paid 60 dollars for my mosin and that was about right.
I sold it for like 450.

Unless you have a historical collection reason to buy one, its really not worth the money imo. You could have a much better and more practical rifle for that money.
The heart wants what it wants though.  


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pRO tIP:
RD met AJ off of craigslist. Thats how she's on the show.


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The wonders that can happen through a random encounter on a seemingly normal site.

Dashie couldn't turn down the offer for a good time of friendship at Sweet Apple Acres.


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About time. It's a surprise it took them this long, really


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They would have to eventually. The patent claims are quite serious actually, but we'll see if Nintendo pulls it off this time.

This comes just as Nintendo may be gearing up to reveal the Switch successor. But other players feel like Nintendo needs to step up their game and do better with their own offerings, as they now have competition from third parties.


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So long their consoles are just plug&play, the competition will be beat any day.
I'm too big a casual to really care, tbh. I'll keep buying their "meh" consoles


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Well at least they are the most affordable offering as of now.
There is also the Series S, but the Xbox offerings just aren't appealing, even with gamepass. And Sony's current gen consoles are going in a more overpriced direction.

And it's more the Pokémon games that some feel Nintendo need to do better at, but as long as most players are happy, then not a big issue.


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Pokémon games are fine if you're still a casual baby like me~
Although Legends;Archeus was a legitimate great experience. Definitely looking forward to the next Legends game in early 2025


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Makes us even, then.

I dunno, I found Legends: Arceus hard to get into myself, despite being fun. Sword/Shield was the most recent one I've played extensively.

Still remember getting my Switch for my birthday and having a lotta fun with it. Once I get round to cleaning up my library, I'll make it a routine thing again.

What are you most looking forward to in the next Legends title?


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Didn't play Scarlet/Violet?
Game got lots of shit, but I dunno. Didn't really find it to be as buggy or crappy as the internet would have you believe.

Your library?

Know nothing about the next game. I can't even remember its title



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Oh right, taking place in Kalos


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Here there be demons. :3


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I wonder what the pug is worried about?


they always look like that. they are pretty nice dogs. thats saying a lot coming from me.


It's 2AM, my bus home doesn't leave for another half hour and I won't be home till 3:30 AM.

Good thing I am a night owl ND would probably be up till then anyway

How you folks doin'?


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>they are pretty nice dogs. thats saying a lot coming from me.

I take it you're more of a cat person?

ah you know, same old same old.


Why yes I am the same old mana s usual, ut how are you doing?


Yeah, something quiet and clean.


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Doing fine, just listeing to warhammer tyranids lore. Got home safely?

They are nice.


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Love and Tollerance from Kursidia


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Ready for your weekend?


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My cat returned yesterday and she was looking very sick
But she is recovering and starting to eat again


Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

aw, poor kitty. Speedy recovery, I hope


You're not doing the weekend shifts are ya?

She lost weight, but is still on the mend luckily


I'm unemployed. It's a song lyric.
I am going to my nephew's 18th birthday tomorrow tho.

Well that's good. Give her a bit of extra love from the 'chan


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Aww, poor kitty. Give her plenty cuddles and snacks


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Doing the best I can with that
She is still tired and maybe something is wrong with her jaw
But still going. I lost count of how long we had her for, but it's been a long while now


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Could get her checked up at the vet too, see if everything's okay


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We took her to the vet twice. Got her some fluid and antibiotics
Everything's okay for now


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Good. Just need pets now


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I could do with pets too


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*pet pet*


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I want to be a better person


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It takes a lot to be a better person, there are some things I'm still working on myself.

But small things, such as the little acts of kindness and showing empathy, can be a step in the right direction.
And don't forget to have time for yourself too.


Hi needs some pussy in his life


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True facts
Then again, I'm sure a few of us do :3


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I actually get pussy pretty often when I put my mind to it. (Get horny) It's not that hard really.


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It's not hard indeed!


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Do you like, my car?


I’m in a Jose.

You know what would break it? Pussy.

Let’s be done with the jokes.

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