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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:


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Those stories used to get posted on EqD too. I remember I once had a dream of getting posted there


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The first two were posted on Equestria Daily. I think I was the one who brought them to their attention.


Just the first two. Interesting.

I also remember being asked to read one, back when I did Fanfiction readings. Pinkie Pie and the Snow Weasels or something like that


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They stopped posting stories after that, cause they received too many of them.

I see, I didn't know ther were readings, except for that Rainbow Dash guy.


It wasn't specifically for the story thread, but I had a thread on Ponychan where I asked for suggestions and someone grabbed something from the story thread one time


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Really? I don't remember that.


I'd called it Rainy Readings. Don't remember if I had it on /pony/ /chat/ or /oat/.
Lemme see if I can find one of the videos.


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Gosh this was terrible. What even is that voice I'm doing?


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No, that wasn't the one!

I meant "Rainbow Dash Presents".


Oh yeah I knew that. I think Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla was their best one


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I don't remember any of the stories really.


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Remember that one time when Bleeding Raindrops read Twilight's Molestation Celebration?


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I remember


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I'm kinda glad I don't.


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>violent coughing fit


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Hi Scoots, how are you?


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Bored and listless, which serves me right for getting up at a normal person time and not like 8pm when all the Americans are around. How are you?


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It's almost bed time for me. I had a nice day though, thanks.


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I'm glad to hear it.


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Thanks. Posting Roll I see?


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For the moment. I wish I had more art of her, but it's kinda hard to find.

I also wish she had a game. 37 years of Megaman, 11 main games, innumerable spinoffs and crossovers, and she's playable in... I think seven or eight games, two of which are actual honest-to-god Megaman games and both of which are ports or remakes of Megaman 1. It's an incredibly poor show.


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Another story thread?
You're really dragon these on, aren't you?


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Well, she rarely takes center stage. Usually just hanging around in the outro.

You could try the Megan Mang Rock N' Roll fan game. It's extremely hard but well made.

It never ends.


I don't actually remember much. Just that the punchline was Mole Station Celebration. In all caps.


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Yeah and that sucks. I know she's a housekeeping robot but I'm pretty sure Megaman himself started out as a lab assistant robot before he was a super fighting robot so it's not an excuse.

>You could try the Megan Mang Rock N' Roll fan game. It's extremely hard but well made.
I'm not good at Megaman. My experience is that I played like a third of Megaman X with savestates and most of Megaman 2 with an emulator's rewind function. If it's hard by Megaman standards it would kick my ass.


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A shame, in this game Roll is the heroine (along with her brother). But yeah, it's extremely hard - and I consider myself a well versed Mega Man player.

Ah, I thought it had Molestia in it.


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Celestia comes to town for Ponyville Molestation festival and Twilight wants to take the opportunity to show off how good she is at the sex stuff, for the molestation,  so she goes to about everypony to get a quick bit of experience.
Then the festival takes place and Fluttershy launches a tiny train that carries moles.


Fr this evening, I have been rethinking on the concept of Twilight's Molestation Celebration
and the line between straight up clopfiction and naughty humor.

Kind of like whether American Pie and stuff is too sexual explicit or lies between a border.

Anime kind of dares to also be very weird about sex in their comedy skits.


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Hm... that has potential fun in it.


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I have

encountered worse.


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I'm glad it exists, at least.

Maybe I should be looking at the Roll-chan hacks for the classic Megaman games instead. Made by one Filipino guy in a shed who meticulously spritehacked Roll into like every Megaman game on NES and Game Boy. Instead of playing the actual versions.

I don't understand this meme and I get the feeling I don't want to.


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Well, that works too. Mega Man 2 was the easiest of the bunch I think, along with Mega Man 3.

I've learned that two extra holes ar fun for some, but not for everyone.


There must be some cartoons that allow screencaps for Roll.

It is an unspoken fact that finding images readilly online has become a lot more difficult in the last few years.


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I know 2 got the difficulty turned down in the west, as in the 'Normal' difficulty didn't exist in Japan and you could only play on 'Hard'. But honestly I was having more trouble with Precision Platforming Dragon Funtimes. They really didn't hold back in the 80s.

As far as canon-accurate classic-series Roll goes I think there's literally just the three-episode OVA they made way back in the Before Times.

...which got a dub and Roll was voiced by Andrea Libman. Apparently.

>Mega Man and Roll jump back to the past
To play the shitty games that suck ass? Holy shit this OVA sounds amazing what the fuck.


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I actually played through Mega Man 2 only past Sunday. I fell to my death at the Mecha Dragon once. But all in all it was a breeze. But then I've played a lot.

Best time for me. Night night!


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It's on switch online now.

But I am just not cut out for it.


I went back and watched American Pie after I'd already seen How I Met Your Mother and I will never see Alyson Hannigan the same way again. Also apparently she was on a game show with Penn and Teller


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I knew her as Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

And I also think she played the elder sister in Veronica Mars


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Nooooooo let me pretend to be forever in my twenties



2011 - this guy just finished college like me and is now playing video games for an income. That's neat.

2024 - I'm still watching a 40 year old playing video games for fun.


Well yeah.
That'll happen. ANd I dun care


I can accept I'm in my mid-thirties.
Because I am.


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what's that sonny?

you gotta speak up! gramma's hard of hearin!


Outta here, you OLDIE


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oh quiet down you old fart!

now let's get down to the lunch hall! i think they are serving pudding!


See, you say this like getting pudding is somehow bad.


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I could go for pudding


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there we go

and let's make sure you take your meds. and if you get a little eepy, we'll take you back to your apartment for a nap


Joke's on you, I DID take my meds today!


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those were your am meds, Ester

gotta take your evening pills too, less we have another accident while watching Murder She Wrote again


I've been taking everyone elses meds.

Now where's the pudding?


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you took ALL the meds? half of those were laxitives!


So no shortage of pudding, then?


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Alright, see you in ten years.
>but minxy i remember you being on ponychan in 2011 in the Before Times
Yeah well joke's on y'all I was on Ponychan at age 12 and now I'm one of those transbian trainwrecks you see on Twitter sometimes.


Don't you Get Smart with me, or I'll put you Jeopardy and Risk Your Life!


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>ducks for cover

well good news! we need a head nurse to take care of us old people

and half of us are trans, so you'd fit right in!

oh dear, you're getting cranky again

do you need somebody to give you a spongebath?


I'd rather watch Spongebob.


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where's my bleach?


See? THere you go!

So how does Youngster Noelle do anyway



That does not answer my nice, social question!



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Do I get a cute nurse outfit?


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>Just wants to talk to friend
>Friend ignores you
>Cry forever


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Aw yeeeeee.



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Ah, this rain sounds just lovely, if only I didn't have a load of laundry to deliver. I think I'll double bag them for transport


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you said you wanted to watch spongebob, and i was just being a good friend and sharing :P

eh, i'm okay. still got the coco roco and trapped at home, but i've been using the extra time to sleep in, work on projects

and i discovered a band that my highschool self would have adored


so i'm at least dying happy :PP

how bout you?

help me nurse! i'm feeling sick ><


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Oh jeez.

...I have no medical training. Paracetamol solves everything, right?


You were being mean! On purpose!

Myeah, the coco roco sucks. I am FINALLY doing spme work on a bigger video myself.

Actually was considering trying a "6-hour work day" tomorrow. Like, two hours in editing, an hour on drawing, repeat. See if that gets me to do shit.


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i have no idea! what is paracetamol? is it a pain killer or somethin?

all i was doing was playing into your love of spongebob, and you were having fun :PP

and it really does! and i seem to be getting it every year it seems, and that's just not great! i was sick multiple days at work too, so i've become the very thing i despised too ><

hey that's awesome! i found for me, working with a structure definitely makes being productive a lot more attainable! so i hope that new schedule works for you too!


Well, ain't much you can do about the sickies.

S'just that when I TRY to work with a structure, it works... for like two days and then I instantly fall offw ith no good excuse. And I haaaate it.


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I think Americans call it Tylenol? Or acetaminophen? It's a pretty standard painkiller/fever relief thing.


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aint that the truth >< but cinnamon flavored capn'crunch helps!

alarms and timers help me! so if you pay for my ticket, i'll come over and shake you awake and bother you till you work :D

ahh okay! well i already got a bottle of acetaminophen, so i think i'm squared away there!


Lately, alarms barely get me out of bed. Even when I set several. I dunno what the fuck is wrong with me.


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If paracetamol doesn't help then I kinda got nothin'. Herbal tea? Sleep? Decapitation?


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hmmm, i've heard they got alarm clocks that you specifically put under your pillow, and they shake violently

maybe that could help?

ahh goin full Midras treatment eh?

dunno if the flame of frenzy will help with my health :PP


The issue is I keep going back to bed.

And somehow, lately, I at some point end up doing that for another 2 hours. It's ridiculous.


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you can do what i do, and put your alarm across the room, forcing you to get out of bed

and then the key is just not to go back to bed!


I have found myself doing that... and ending up going back anyway. Barely even managing to think about it.

Maybe I am just actually the complete hopeless moron I always said I am.


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when you get up to go turn off the alarm, pour water all over your bed

nobody wants to sleep on a wet bed, so you'll be up to change your sheets!


That seems like a LOT of drying!


how's your sleep hygiene?
Are you going to bed the same time every night?
Turning off screens 30 minutes before bed?
Is it pitch black in your room?
Maybe a quiet fan for white noise?
Getting up the same time every day (even on weekends) ?


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Everybody loves deep-fried Finnish memes for breakfast
:pinkie1: :pinkie1: :pinkie1:


The main problem with sleep hygeine right now is just that it's pretty friggin warm around here.

I am admittedly a nightowl.

I do tend to read for a bit after lying in bed to rest screen eyes.

For the most part it's dark, yes.

I have tried the white noise / podcast advice and whatnot, and I usually end up paying too much attention.



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Good morning.


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No.  Night.


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Is it bed time soon?


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No, I'm nocturnal


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I see. So what's on the agenda? I'm heading to work soon myself.


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Nothing.  I'm being lazy.  I'm in the twitch stream watching a dinosaur die over and over.  I am an unproductive little pony.


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That's alright, you don't have to be productive all the time.

Are you watching some video game?


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Yes, the stream in the thread below.  A little green dinosaur is trying to carry dynamite but keeps fallings.  The player is very quiet.  I wonder if they're using a PS5 controller.  When I plug in my PS5 controller, the microphone in it overrides my default one.


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Now the little dinosaur is getting it's head crushed by swinging logs.  It's like watching a Saw film.


Ah, I guess the stream is over for today.


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I'm actually using a keyboard. This is an old ROM game. and I'll see what I can do about the volume issues next time. The annoying thing about the ROM is that I can't access my cursor when the game is running.


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did a lot of work today, and just got done watching a pretty scary movie

so my nerves are a tad shot, but in a good way


Which movie is it?


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the movie is called "Where Evil Lurks" which is a Shudder exclusive! It's a horror movie that takes place in Argentina, where these two brothers learn that a "Rotten" is in the village, which is a possessed person, and they must act before all their loved ones are possessed and destroyed by the demon. It's a real harrowing movie and definitely got to me ><


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Mulberry update - after absolutely refusing to recover post that one cold night in the Spring, my removal of all the dead wood which left basically just a tiny stump (seen on the left here, the stick in the middle is just a marker), me replanting it outside the fence just in case it recovers on its own while I replaced it with the raisin tree, and and then it spending months as a stick-in-the-ground, it actually is growing again.

By which I mean it completely started from scratch. The old trunk is still a stick in the ground while the new green growth is coming from near the root. But hey, maybe it'll actually make it after all.


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Try Alt+Enter to reduce it to a window and back.  Works for some of my emulators.

I like spookies.  Maybe I should get Shudder.


Is the kind with a bad ending and everyone dies?


"...... And so all the evil things dedicated their lives to money, drugs, guns, and pussy."


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Shudder is pretty awesome! i recommend doing the trial and seeing if you want to do the subscription. it's a yearly thing, and it's not a bad price for a whole year

not everyone dies :P


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I bet most do though!


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i'd say it has a 25% survival rate amongst named characters :P


That's not too bad! I have certainly seen plenty of movies where it's considerably less than that


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if we ignore the fact that they probably also wanna be dead, i'd say that's a great success!


What about the ones that suffered a fate worse than death?


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depending on what you define "fate worse than death" that's probably between 0-5% don't have that fate


What about the ones that only end up dead inside?


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oh that's everyone

everyone is dead inside at the end


Hah, get on my level



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well time to collect that life insurance, boo


Bold of you to think my broke ass has any kind of insurance

I have ASSurance

As in, assurance that I will worsen the mood of anyone near me!


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and a big ass!

folk linin up round the block for some danishes at that bakery!


Please, I'm as flat as my actual country


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What's all this about asses?


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what's up gamers


How I have none and get none

Sup broooo


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The isssue with the frogs is making me sad.


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whats up with the frogs


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frogs rule!


Is the water turning them gay?


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i hear some rivers have been found to have a chemical called 'dihydrogen monoxide' in them... when tested, people who were gay were also found to have high concentrations of the same chemical!!! coincidence????


It's the gay chemical! The gaymical!


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Good morning.


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Hey there, what's new on the North Pole?


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dunno! haven't been back there since i caught covid

been doin work at home, and getting my butt handed to me in Elden Ring, so at least i'm keeping myself occupied


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Oh, I hope you'll get well again soon!

Elden Ring... I never played that one. I don't have time nor patience for such games.


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well i think i'm on the mend, i still have a sore throat, but i feel overall better. but none of that matter unless i get a negative test for work. so until then i'm stuck at home

oh it's a great game! and i adore the DlC. FromSoft games are ones that demand that you sharpen your skills and adapt, or you will suffer.

which can be a pain when you get stuck on a boss for 5 hours. but that moment when you get that final hit in and they fall...

pure uncut ecstacy!


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I'm glad I never caught Covid.

I prefer old NES games. They were hard (often due to unfair programming), but once you knew how to do things they were rather short.

Especially since I feel no ecstacy at all when beating a tough boss. It's more like I get angry for it having wasted my time for so long.


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yeah, it's not great. but if you are up to date on your boosters, you should be okay. but this is my 3rd time in 3 years ><

that's cool! there is a joy to knowing a game in and out and being able to pull out all the tricks to beat it ^_^ those oldschool nes games were good at that

ah, fair enough! if it brings you no joy, then that's fair!


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Actually I'm not... I think I got three booster in total, but the last was in early 2023.

Yeah, everyone likes different things.


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might be time to go get a new booster then! fortunately, after i get better, i guess i'll technically be up to date :P

variety is the spice of life!

what games are your go-to? what says "Clarity" to you?


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Yeah, if my work place still offers them for free.

When it comes to new games, it's often story based games lately. Often walking simulators, or some RPGs.

Clarity was the only thing I could come up with when trying to think of a pony name.


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well gee! ensuring your employees health is not worth the extra money to keep them up on their boosters? that's silly ><

i do love me stories and RPG games. I don't remember the last walking sim i played, but i definitely am a hearty devourer of RPGs on the regular!

any particular one that you like?


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Covid is getting rather ignored here nowadays.

I like Baldur's Gate 3 a lot. I also enjoy spoopy walking simulators. Some Lovecraftian stuff.


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ignored but not gone it seems! it still lingers where you least expect it!

i still have yet to play BG3, but i've heard nothing but good things! and i know i'd probably love it myself, but i got priorities

ooh i love lovecraftian things! Bloodborne, Amnesia, Call of Cthulu

cosmic horror is a blast!


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I put BG3 off for a long time myself cause I really didn't like the original BG at all. But BG3 was so good, I played through it twice, and I might give it a third go.

Call of Cthulhu is always good. Amensia was a bit disappointing to me. Creepy first two levels, then it kinda fell apart.


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well one of these days i'll join you in trying it out!

but for now, i must head to bed!

goodnight clarity!


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Sleep tight!


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I'm pretty tired after work.


Work is pretty tiresome over all.
Hope yer good though


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It's alright. Also, weekendi s approaching fast. How are things with you?


I'm okay.
My sleep scehedule is a joke lately, but I am making very good headway on a video I wanna release this Sunday.

Been too long since I released a bigger video.


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I expected this
Honestly, the opposite really.

Well, this weekend I got a note from some neighbors that the frogs were too noisy and it's my responsibility to do something.

And I don't know any fun options.
For now I stuck the male into a plastic container to pass the night, but Monday I felt like living in a cartoon trying to grab him. (failed)

And it is very unclear what exactly the rules are in regards to wild frogs. The particular frog is kind of a protected species. On Dutch websites, it is mentioned that you're not allowed to capture, harm or move the frogs and the only way to get passed this issue is to talk to the neighbours and get them to accept the noise. If need be, get rid of the pond completely in the fall.

On Belgian websites I haven't found any direct rules regarding the teatment of frogs, except that they are protected.
And that there are plenty of benefits for having wild frogs in your garden.
But since I don't want to get shanked over this, maybe I have no choice than to get rid of them. Perhaps catch and release them on some public property.
But like, will I risk being fined / arrested for releasing frogs somewhere out in the open?

It's a headache.


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Suggest to them to keep all windows closed!

What will the next one be about?


S'Batman related, what with Caped Crusader coming out on Amazon prime this month.

Shoulda been out like a week ago ideally, but I am a moron that never does work in a timely manner if at all.


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Is it this Batman?


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It's summer so on some days they need to keep the windows open to beat the heat.


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That's why I suggested it. ;P


It is not that Batman, although that Batman does get a brief mention.


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Hey hey, there are a lot of good Batmen out there!


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For me there'll only be one.

Good night for now.


As a Brit and the fact Galar is the Pokémon version of UK... I still can't get over the "villain organization" of the game was just a bunch of hooligans.

Like, past games, we had Teams who were terrorist (Rocket), eco-terrorist (Aqua vs Magma), tried to reset the universe (Galactic), tried to divide humanity from pokémon (Plasma), drip (Flare) and punks (Skull). yet the villain team of Galar is just... hooligans.

We could've had a parody of punk anarchists, Peaky Blinders, or Just Stop Oil or something.


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I love Marnie but hearing her voice actress use lower-class British vernacular in a flawless American accent gives me unspeakable psychic damage.


Well, given most regions in Pokémon games are based on a country, the anime could've at least made an effort to at least give accents to characters of various regions.

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh all take place in Japan so 4kids would probably just give them gneeric American accents at the time.

Unova is based on the New York metropolitan area where American accents would make sense.

Kalos would have French accents.
Alola would have Hawaiian accents.
Paldea would have Spanish accents.

As much as I agree anime depictions of Galar should have British-English accents, the Pokémon anime never bothered with giving characters regional accents in the past.


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See, I can excuse it in every other case, but not only is Marnie an important character, her coming from a crappy place is vital to her backstory and she speaks with an accent in the game's script.

>"I know you all are terribly curious 'bout the other Gym Challengers, but you gotta show a bit of restraint. Sorry 'bout them! They're just a bunch of my fans. Call themselves Team Yell and follow me around, cheerin' for me. I think they've let it all go to their heads a bit... Come on, you lot! Back home with you now!"
>"They're just so caught up with wantin' to support me and all that they tend to get a bit shirty with other Gym Challengers. Sorry if they caused you any trouble."

Her voice actress in Masters at least tried.


Yeah. I do appreciate Galar at least tried to get the British motif down.
Though, calling Isle of Armor without a U is a yellow card from me.🟨


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Serena's into it, at least.


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Good morning everyone.



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Quiet day today.



In the thread orrrrrr...?


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In the thread. IRL it was busy enough for me.



Well, my last activity in the thread was the Mulberry Update, but it doesn't seem to have gotten any interest at all, heh.

Here's some activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW6CX2ErMM8


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I read it but forgot to reply.

I had mushrooms growing in my ivory pot plants last week.



Deliberately, edible ones? Because I've seen kits for growing some nice ones at home.


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No, it was Yellow Houseplant mushrooms. I have no idea how they ended up in there (and only in one particular pot). But I removed them, now I check the soil every day for more.



Welp! A mystery indeed. These things don't just appear, there had to have been spores involved. And yeah, the
"mushrooms" as we know them are just means for the fungi to spread through, the actual fungus is an organism living in the ground. No idea what you can do with this information.

But yeah, on my side, the mulberry actually revived, now that it's spent months replanted and outside the fence. Also the raisin tree is growing nicely. It's just about to peek past the little plastic cover I made for it out of 5l bottles and shashlik sticks. I plan on leaving the cover in place anyway, it might help it with the first winter.


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It's strange cause I used the soil in other pots and only in this one the shrooms popped up. I remove any tiniest shrooms re-growing now so they won't produce any more spores.

How long will it take for the mulberry to grow to a proper size?



Clearly the play is to saturate the space with beneficial mushrooms so toxic nonsense like this gets crowded out in all the pots.

It's... complicated. I also have a black mulberry which I use as a reference. It had fruit the second year after planting (not many but still). This red mulberry I had for much longer than that, but every year something keeps happening to it that basically makes it die all the way to the root, and then it starts growing almost from scratch - except for the ever mor developed root system. So maybe I'll see some fruit next year. Or in 5 years. Who knows with this thing. Too bad the black mulberry got wrecked by the sudden night of spring cold too. It recovered way better, but no fruit this year at all.


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It's still impressive that it never fully dies but continues to sprout.

Bed time for me now. Night night!



See ya


Sorry, I spent most of my evening playing with LEGO for the first time in years


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"When seed oils are heated, especially to the high temperatures required for frying, they can oxidize easily due to their high PUFA content. This oxidation process produces harmful compounds such as aldehydes, which are toxic and have been linked to a variety of health issues, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases."


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I sold my old Legos a few years ago. Did you build something fun?


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Well these are new sets made for adults. But yes, I did. Got twos eta for my birthday last month since I finally figured "screw it" and started asking for some.

So I built this Piranha Plant. He is my son now and I love him.


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Hm, that's a nice looking plant.


Isn't it just? And I don't even have to water it!

Just feed it a little blood every now and then and sing duets with it about how much murder I have to commit to keep it growing!


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I've got good news!


Does that mean you're clear of Covid?


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Are you healthy again?


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oooh congrats on testing negative!! and cute nails!!


Your pregnancy was succesful?


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Good morning.


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mornin clarity!

although it's 11pm for me, i can at least give you that much ^_^


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How are you? Feeling all better again now?


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eh, i'm sorta bleh physically

i got a negative on my covid test, so i went back to work today. but i can tell my body hasn't fully recovered, especially my throat ><

but i survived!

how bout you?


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I hope you'll fully recover soon.

I'm alright, hot week ahead of us and not looking forward to it. Just taking it easy for now.


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me too, this throat and chest thing is not idea for what i need to do! but only time will fix it ><

hot week huh? gonna be nice and toasty eh? well make sure to stay cool!

i think we are supposed to have rain every day this week, so it's gonna be pretty chill :3


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Chill is not good for a bad throat.

Staying cool is the hard thing if there's no AC or anything of the like.


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i dunno, i had some ice cream and it felt great on my throat :PP

ah that's not good! would it be possible for you to invest in a swamp-cooler?


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I've heard that many times that ice cream is great for a sore throat. But not sure if chilly weather is the same.

For now I only use fans. Or I just go to the mall.


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well it's rain, so it should be fine. not like it's actually chilly or antyhing!

ahh the mall is lovely for a hot day!

but i would definitely invest in a swamp cooler! those things are so nice on hot days <3


Can you suggest a particular brand?


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i have no idea :P never had to get one myself :P


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Ah, shame. Cause I checked for those before and many people say they are just loud and don't cool much better than a fan.


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well alternatively, you can get one of those styrofoam chests and fill it with ice, and aim a fan down and in on that, so that it blows the cold air around the room!


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I've seen those before, they look fun.


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there ya go! now you have a fun project while it gets hot!

now i must head to bed! goodnight, clarity ^_^


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Sleep well now!


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Good morning.


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Well, you are here!


I'm just trying to ignore the sweat and warmth.


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Not for long.

the longer you ignore the more it pushes.


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The heat is real bad, I couldn't sleep much myself. And it's only getting worse.


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Get a fan.  Sleep with fan is nice.


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Too loud, I need it quiet or I can't sleep.


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You get used to it.  It will become a comforting drone after awhile.  You're not sleeping anyways.  What do you have to lose?  Also, tasty Zzzquil.


Maybe I'll try it at some point.

What's a zzzquil?


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This nummy stuff.  It's like Nyquil without the cold medication (cause people were already using Nyquil to sleep.)  It has this thingy Diphenhydramine HCL


I've never heard of it. Is that some kind of sleeping aid?


It looks like a grape soda shot.


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Yes, I drink it regularly.  Helps derail my train of thought so I can sleep.  I was too thinky to fall asleep before.  Is very helpful.  Then all you'll need are some My Little Pony pillows and you'll be all set.


Finally! A mildly cool day!


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Finally... 31°C! Tomorrow we'll have 35 again.


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>Diphenhydramine HCL
Be careful!  "Chronic use, particularly in higher doses, can lead to significant risks, including cognitive decline, an increased risk of dementia, and other anticholinergic side effects."


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Good morning.


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I would be more worried about the nightmarish hellscape of delusional hallucinations you're likely to get if you take DPH in high doses.

Phantom cigarettes, spiders, and shadow people


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None of that sounds so bad!


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I guarantee I qualify as chronic.  I'm been using this stuff for like a decade.  I don't feel my cognition declining.

Just use the proper dose.


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Good morning.



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How are you this morning? I could barely sleep last night, I'm pretty knackered.


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hey, it ain't morning for another 11 minutes. until then, it's night time!

oh i'm in a fantastic mood!

i just beat the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, and i'm on cloud fuckin 9 right now!


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Sounds like you've been up all night then.

Nicely done!


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ya girl Noelle was able to conquer the hardest souls boss to date, so i feel unstoppable! (if you disregard the 8-9 hours of my ass getting kicked)

hows your mornin so far? do you got any plans for the day?


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What will you tackle next?

Tired, without being able to sleep. No plans really, it's a day off.


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i have no idea tbh. i could finish the game in total, but i already did that once, so i don't know if my motivation will be there

i got other games i can play too, but also there's just stuff i need to work on in general

i'll figure it out later!

sorry about the lack of sleep, but just more time to enjoy your day off!


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I'm pretty much out of games to play, and with the 95 °F we have all week I feel no motivation to do anything really.


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woof! 95f is not fun! stay hydrated out there, and wear sunscreen so you don't get cooked!

maybe get an ice cream and chill out!

alas, i need to head to bed! so have a great day, stay cool!


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I guess I'll meet a friend later today.

Sleep well now!


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Hmmmm, fresh out. I can, however, offer pats.


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Pets will not suffice!


Okay okay, a few pats and a pet!


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Nice, that's better!


Oh thank God


How are you?


I'm okay. SPent most of the day doing research for the podcast tomorrow and playing Crime Scene Cleaner. So for now I am just kina chillin


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What's the podcast about?


It's the X-Files Podcast me and my friend do. We're about halfway through season 7.

basically, we go through it episode by episode. And we dig deep - behind the scenes stuff, who wrote and directed... and I research pop culture references not everyone in our country might understand, as well as wether or not the scentific theories / folklore that are brought up are accurate.

So for this one, I have done a LOT of reading on Voodoo / Hoodoo, since it's about a doctor whose family is being taken out one by one by a Hoodoo practitioner.


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OH, that's a well known shows. And yet, I never watched it myself.

Is there a gris-gris involved?


There is not. There's Poppets and Charms and good ol' Granny Magic medicines and whatnot though.


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I see. Well, I hope you'll have fun doing the podcast!

I'm off to bed now, night night!


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Good morning.


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Another quiet day.


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You wanna ride the ferris wheel?


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I guess that could be fun.


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Alright, make sure to watch your step

Take a seat, buckle up

We're gonna go around 5 or 6 times

If you feel sick or scared, give me that thumbs down and I'll stop the ride for you

You'll be up in the air for 20 seconds, so enjoy the view!

And enjoy the ride!


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How fast is the ferris wheel? We have a pretty big (but slow) one in Vienna. I think the oldest one that still operates.


Quick question, did Pchan Ferris wheel shipping pre-date the pokemon one?



Wait, do people actually get scared of ferris wheels? They're not things that are known for going fast, so I guess the only way that comes to mind for it to happen, that a person who doesn't know they'd get scared gets scared, is if the ride becomes an Important Experience where they discover they're actually afraid of heights.


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I wonder about that too, I mean, beside the height issue.

That was shipping?



I do not put it past the Median Parkgoer to go to an attraction where they know they'd get scared, and then get scared (and blame the attraction for it). But still, I wonder how often it happens.


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it's not that bad, and you get a gorgeous view of the pass!

oh man the pchan ferris wheel!

that's some ancient lore right there!

oh yeah, lots of people get afraid when they are up and the fear of heights kick in

it also doesn't help that i run the "highest ferris wheel in the world" which is on the side of the mountain, so you see very far down from the top :PP

it definitely happens, i get a couple crying children and freaked out adults whenever i run the ferris wheel


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Good morning.


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mood gorning


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Hey there, hope you're doing well!


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i think the ferris wheel is gonna kill me

2 days in a row on it is a lot of work! i really hope i get an easier ride tomorrow, but i fear i'm gonna be on the wheel again tomorrow ><


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What's so rough about the ferris wheel?


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1. it's technically more difficult than the other rides. it's not hard, but the little details add up over the day, and if you screw something up, it goes off in a weird arrangement and you have to put it into manual

2. there's a lot of walking involved, from the seat to open/close it, to the gate to let people in, to the computer to run it. and you have to repeat that sequence for every car for the ride, since you load it 1 car at a time

3. everyone wants to ride it, so it's busy all day, so you never have a moment to rest ><


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That does sound like more work - and responsibility. I guess you're doing a good job at it though, so you are the chosen one for the wheel!


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i wheel and i deal :PP

how bout you? how's your mornin so far?


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Well, it was a short night. The heat wave continues... it's a real bother.


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cookin alive huh?

have you ever thought about just turning off the sun?


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Hot and really high humidity... it's a bad combo.

I would if I could.


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well hang in there, and keep searching for the off switch for it. you should be able to find it if you reach around!

anywho, i gotta go to bed!



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Sleep well now!


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Good morning everyone.


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Hey there, how's it going? Did you have to do the ferris wheel again?


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yup! and just as i predicted, i feel absolutely worn down >< 3 days on the wheel is too many!

how about you? are you currently melting still?


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I hope you get to relax properly!

No, we had a thunderstorm last afternoon, so at least it cooled down tonight. But we'll be back to 90 °F later today.


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i basically never left my chair when i got home, and i ripped through a small container of sherbert to cool down

and i have work tomorrow, but fortunately i think somebody else is gonna have the wheel, so i just hope i have a decently easy ride to deal with

nice! thunderstorms come in clutch some days! i'm glad you got some percipitation!


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Mmh, sherbert is nice. I usually just have plain old ice cream.

How many attractions are there anyway?

Yeah, it's a nice refreshment.


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i do love ice cream, but when you need to refresh on a hot day after doing a lot of work, i tend to prefer sherbert cause it's a bit more refreshing. but ice cream slaps!

i think its like 22-ish rides, although i haven't formally counted myself!

do you have a favorite amusement park ride?


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That's quite a few. I haven't really been in an amusement park in a long time.

I always preferred the slower rides though, like the ferris wheel or the bumper cars.


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well dang! if you ever find yourself at the north pole, and i haven't burned down the ferris wheel, i'd be happy to give you a ride!

in the meantime, i gotta hit the sack



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You sleep well now!


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Good morning. Back to work today.


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the cogs of the machine never cease!


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Until it falls apart.

Which ride did you have today?


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dismantle the machine! burn it to the ground!

today i had "The Shuttle" which is a viking ship type ride that swings in a big arch! I love that ride cause it's easy to run, and you sit down most of the time, which was much needed!  Then half way through the day, i did "The Divebombers" which is a spinning ride where the cars are suspended by wires, and you control them with sails; it's also rather easy to run

today was a good day! we got to leave early due to a thunderstorm!


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Oh yeah, we had such a big swing too in our park when I was little. It was a pirate ship.

Glad you had an easier day today!


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they are quite fun, but a lot of kids get sick and scared on it. makes their tummies feel weird :P. i like it tho!

thank you! i reaaaaaally needed it XD

what's on the docket for you today?


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Yeah, I remember you could feel your stomach after a while.

It sounded lik you deserved a break.

Working from home today, not really sure what else will be going on. I think it'll be an easier day.


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cheers to easier days for both of us!

what is something you wish you found out sooner?


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That's a tough one, I really can't think of anything in that regard right now.

What about you?


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i got 2 answers for this

one is that hotels offer month long residential rates

and the other is the popularity of Honest Trailers

had i known either of those 2 sooner, i'd be much further along in life ><


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What's Honest Trailers?

I guess there are some work related things that I would have done differently had I known things earlier. But I don't dwell on such matters.


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it's a youtube series that create trailers for games and movies, but describe them literally in a comedic fashion. they are really quite good! i actually met one of the guys who worked on it in a VA group once before they were really well known. had i known what they would turn into, i would have pursued them more. (although i had issues going on in life at that time, so it may not have worked out regardless). it's been one of my biggest regrets tbh

but you're right, can't change the past, just learn from it and work on the present to make a better future

anywho, i gotta go to bed!

goodnight ^_^


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Sleep well now?

How is your script writing going by the way?


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I don't recall seeing that before.



Perhaps it's by now a forgotten gem of ages past. It's truly ancient in internet years. Still good tho



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Good morning.

Oh, I played that last week.


Where can you find it nowadays?


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One of those competitive review for pokemon videos did mention the competitive use of gems in Pokemon:
* boosts attack power of a move for a single turn
* doesn't get wasted on reflect
* is more powerful than standard boosting items

Apparently the use of gems in competitive pokemon is referred to as "Smurf offense".

I remember that question a bit from dulset in a pokemon thread some time ago.

So, it was a competitive niche for a while


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I played the remake on the PC. But I got the NES version too.

"Smurf offense" sounds like a chess opening... the Papa Smurf Gambit.


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Good morning.


Nice quads bruh!


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Oh look at that, thanks!


It occurs to me that I've not yet played Dwarf Fortress on this new laptop that I have. I should change that, see how the hardware handles it. Anyone have any requests for my fort?


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Beer, where there's dwarfs, there must be beer. And mushrooms.


Beer I understand, but why mushrooms?


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In the RPG system I play, dwarfs have big undergroud mushroom gardens cause they like to eat them. It's their favorite veggie.



I mean, that's a given. Beer. Mushrooms. Wine made of mushrooms. The works.

What else?


I guess also makes sense as a source for nourishment given dwarves live underground and some fungi thrive underground over regular plants that need sunlight.

I imagine the world of dwarves a lot like Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne.


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Traps against dragons and other critters at the entrances.



No way I'd expect to survive without them. The plan as-is, is to basically use a drawbridge, except the drawbridge falls ONTO the entrance and the invaders, turning them to paste.



It's mostly good for goblins though. Dragons are uh, tricky. And rare. But if one appears, the plan is to capture it whatever the cost, then tame it.


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You can tame a dragon in it? That sounds fun.



Sure. You can technically even breed dragons if you happen to capture and tame a pair of them (super rare), but it's uh... the timeframe doesn't make it 100% gameplay-viable. They're considered "adults" in the game very quickly, but it takes 1000 years for them to reach their full size, with a year passing ROUGHLY in an hour of real world time. And there's a few pitfals that make handling dragons Extra Fun, like the fact that they can never be fully domesticated, just tamed, and that means they can go feral. And even if they don't go feral and are "friendly", if they stumble upon something they consider hostile they're very liberal in their use of the flame breath. And this is a game that simulates all sorts of things getting on fire and the fire spreading.

But yeah, if a dragon happens to roll by my fortress, I will try to capture it and tame it anyway.


I wonder how many folks ever watch Chubbyemu here sometimes.

I think Moony does.


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What's Chubbyemu?


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i sometimes do! it is a show about medical stuff on youtube c:


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Hi Moony, hope you're doing well!

Is it a fun show?


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It's like watching House MD, but a doctor youtuber specialising in toxology.
"This man accidentally drank cologne, this is what happened to his kidneys"

There was that reference on the Moonchannel about people presenting in the emergency room., what happens next?


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the show can be kind of scary! but it is almost like a podcast one can put on while one works c:

there was a reference to that in a video! gosh, you have such a good memory, artee! have you been watching videos?


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Since the pandemics, I have been watching some long form youtube content in case I don't have to focus too much on the task I'm doing.

Sometimes I put stuff on when I'm grinding some video game.

I have seen a few Moon channel videos, but not yet all of them.
The one with the fighting gods theme was for now one of my favourites.
The last one I remember watching was the Fallout video.


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i am glad you enjoy the videos! it is quite an honor, old friend. the fighting gods one is one of my favorites too.


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I have to woder how you manage to keep up such long form content.
Have you always been thinking about these subjects a lot?


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..sort of. a lot of these videos are questions that people have asked me before, but that i simply... haven't had the time to organize my thoughts about and explain.

i have thought about many things and written thousands of pages of stuff that i cannot publish, because it's not professional enough, and that really is also not that interesting

but, it turns out, it has been good stuff for youtube! i am always thinking a bit too much, but i usually keep my thoughts to myself.


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I am glad we still don't have a video how Baldur's Gate 3 links back to the Belgian attrocities in the Congo.


Comes with being clever, talented and producing content.


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At least you’re sort of known for other things like waffles and Tintin.


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very clever and very talented person for sure!

it also helps that he picks topics that resonate with a large internet viewing audience too

it's a beautiful venn diagram of talent/skill and need :3


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...you are both very clever, i would say c: and make great stuff.

i learned from both of you!! it is very specific.


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you're too kind! i think the audience speaks for itself though, and you definitely have a finger on the pulse of what people want way more than i

i do love my cartoons, and i love my repeat watchers tho! and i'd love to see it grow more in time, even if it feels like an eternity at times ><


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Good morning.


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morning guvnah!


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Hi there, how are you? What's new on the North Pole?


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doin good! got a lot of work done today on projects, and just vibing

today was super slow at the north pole! now that school is back in for most kids, we had very few people at the park. i was on a traditionally super busy ride, and even i had many times through the day where i had very few people, which was nice

and then it rained and thundered at the end of the day, and we got to go home early, but not before getting a nice long break while waiting for that final call

overall, very good day!

how bout you?


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Nice, we still have another week here before school starts again.

Will there be another big season at the park, or was that pretty much it for the year?

I'm alright, about to start my work day. A friend will come over later in the afternoon and we'll play some games.


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hey moony! what are your thoughts on the brazilian miku meme goin around right now?

gotta enjoy the summer while it lasts! although as an adult, the lack of kids is very nice ><

the weekends will still pop off, but not nearly as bad as summer time; and it will be slowish from now until the end of october. then thanksgiving will be INCREDIBLY BUSY again, and then it will be super busy from then until december 24th, cause that's the holiday season, and will actually be christmasy for the rest of the populace

that sounds like a good time! what games will you guys play?


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Is it hard working with kids at the park?

What's planned for Thanksgiving?

Most likely Risen, it's a 15 years old (or so) action/RPG. We play it on the Nintendo Switch. I've beaten it a couple of times on the PC, but it's still nice getting back to it now and then.


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depends if you are good with kids or not. for me, i've had many years of experience with teaching kids kung fu, and have a lot of skills in getting kids to listen to rules. plus its easy to get a group of new kids to listen for like 3 minutes, than a group to kids to excersise for an hour

but some people are not very good at customer service, or are socially awkward, or don't know how to act around kids; so for those people, it's probably much harder to manage

traditionally, i go out of town for a week to visit family, but we are planning on an earlier get together, so i am staying home for thanksgiving, and i'm dreading that experience at the park ><

nice! i know nothing about it, but i do love action/rpgs!


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Oh, you taught kung fu? I've never done something like that.

What's the park like during thanksgiving? Isn't it just about food with the family?

Yeah, action/RPGs are a fun genre indeed.


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still do, but at a much lesser amount. i'm a 3rd degree black sash. the pandemic really threw a wrench in things; and i kinda got burned out on the business side of things. i still love kung fu, and maybe i will teach again, but that's not where my heart is right now

one day is about food and family, but thanksgiving week is swamped! it's sorta the unofficial beginning of the christmas season, so everyone takes advantage of the christmas theme park :P

any particular one your favorite?


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That's a shame; still it's something you can get back into at some point. How many degrees are there?

Ah, I see! What's there to see? Reindeers and Santa?

I think Risen 2 was very good, so was Gothic 2, or the first Witcher.


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depends on the system. our school went up to 5th degree; however 3 and above is the level which people can open their own schools up to teach

oh yeah, we got our own resident santa, and deer a plenty, along with other christmasy stuff, and a robust little christmasy store too!

haven't played any of them unfortunately >< but heard good things!


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Wow, very impressive! And did you have your own school or were you working in someone else's as an instructor?

That sounds fun. Will there be a big Christmas tre as well?

They are all pretty good games, but already quite old.


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i sorta adopted the school, as my sifu basically retired. He still taught the senior students for a while, but i was in charge of the whole shindig. i do currently freelance at senior homes and some schools, but not nearly as much as i used to

there is actually a ride called the Christmas Tree. it spins around and the ornaments lift in the air!

respect the elders! they are the foundation for which modern gaming relies upon!


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Maybe you'll open the school again at some point! No real tree? That's a shame.

I need to be off I'm afraid. Have a nice evening and sleep well!


Yeah, it's no wonder that first Nintendo video blew up. Very right time, right place.

That's nice of you to say.

Well, kids at a theme park, AND I la fine most of them fairly little kids, are certainly gonna be more of a handful.

I usually teach slightly older kids (preteen/early teens) and in much smaller numbers, and that's not much of an issue at all. I'm not Mr. Kids show host entertainer, but I like to think I am pretty good with the ones I have.


Oh, you're teaching children too?


Sometimes. I run art classes. Or more like, workshops really.

I help them sketch characters, let them borrow entry-level art tablets and show them how to use simple digital art programs like FireAlpaca.


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Wow, that's pretty cool.



Well I think so at least. Living as rurally as I do, though, it's really hard to get anyone to actually find out it's a thing I do, let alone sign up and pay for it.

But oh well. It's nice when I get to do it.


What do mermaids smoke to get high?


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You should feel ashamed!


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everything's better

down where it's wetter!


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Hey there, what's new?


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i bleached my hair!


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Oh? As a fashion statement?


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actually it's for cosplaying!

i'm cosplaying charlie tomorrow at colorado springs comicon! i can't wait to go ^_^


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Oh, nice, Is it your first time cosplaying?

I've never been to such a convention myself.


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nah, i've cosplayed plenty of times! but usually shoestring budget style

i got a red blazer, red and black makeup, and with my hair bleached, i'll be able to pull it off

you should go! they are an absolute blast! and you meet so many cool people and see so many great things <3


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Nice, maybe you can share some pics of it.

I've thought about it but I think I'd just be the guy standing alone in a corner at a party.


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i'll try to get some pics! it will be a blast <3

conventions have plenty of corners and plenty of people that would do the same thing, so you got people you could chat with!


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Well, that gives hope.


File: 1724477146570.png (81.03 KB, 1258x720, 629:360, 3aslum7b7zic1.png) ImgOps Google

there ya go! it's fun to see the artists, the celebrities! the pannels, and the cosplaying, and just the general energy of people having a lovely time!


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Maybe I'll find someone who will go with me. Anyway, I need to be off for now - time to do my weekend chores.

Have a good one!


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bye byeeee!


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I feel like mermaids wouldn't know how fire worked.



Have you heard about the two phones that were getting married?
One gave the other a ring!

They'll probably blaze it on the rocks


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I don't trust stairs, they're always up to something.
But I've been taking steps to get over them.


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What are they up to?


You know, I was gonna respond to all of this by making a joke about lazy employees, but I don't think they will work


Nothing good, the bastards!


I dunno, they think they're higher up than me.



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Good morning everyone.


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good morning ^_^


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How are you this evening?


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i'm doin great! got back from hanging out with friends at the convention, and just winding down from a fun day!

i spent too much money, but that's a convention for ya :P


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Did you get some compliments for your cosplay? I'm glad you're having a good time!

What did you get?


File: 1724563178790.png (64.95 KB, 755x1024, 755:1024, pride.png) ImgOps Google

i did get some compliments! but there were so many awesome cosplays out there today, it was so much fun <3

i got a few keychains, a couple of prints, a few pins

but my most favorite things i got were an autograph from Kimiko Glenn, who voiced Horse from Centaurworld, Izzy Moonbow from gen 5 mlp, and also Nifty from Hazbin Hotel; as well as the autograph from christina Vee, who voiced Verosika mayday as well as Shantae, Miraculous Ladybug, and a bunch of other voices!

it's been a blast!


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I can imagine. Don't forget to share pics.

Oh, I didn't know she also did Izzy! Centaurworld was fun. I enjoyed the first season at leat.


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Yup yup! I even showed her my little animation I made with her voice in it!

And I gotcha! I didn't get a lot of pics, but I got a couple. Here's my kimiko Glenn autograph!


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Here's my Christina Vee autograph with Verosika Mayday!


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Oh, nice, that's her best pose I think!

Are you putting them up somewhere?


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Here's an amazing charlie I found!

Ready to crush those skulls!

And the prints will go up somewhere, but the autographs will go into a secure folder!


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I LOVED this Lucifer pic! The art history buff in me loves the reference


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They look pretty cool alright!

You should take good care of them.


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Here's a bunch of keychains, pins, and some mini prints I got too


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I did find this buff paimon! I didn't buy her, but datum!

Will do!


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Those are cool!

That's a weird looking figure, hehe.


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This was a cool one! This was a group pic with some avatar VAs including Dante Basco (zuko), tophs VA, irohs  Va, and I think Aangs VA

I regret not buying it :P


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I don't know any of those series I'm afraid.

It will live on in your heart, and i the pic.


File: 1724565507441.png (241.26 KB, 400x346, 200:173, 18uf4kphyppc1.png) ImgOps Google

oh i definitely recommend Avatar the Last Airbender! it's one of the best cartoons ever made with a gripping and compelling story, wonderful characters, and brilliant kung fu fighting and lore!

and i will absolutely remember it as long as i am alive!


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I think it came out when I stopped watching cartoons, except ponies.


File: 1724566036368.jpg (110.76 KB, 1194x1129, 1194:1129, GIP45hSXQAAywqU.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well nows a great time to shift gears and get into a new series!

they are all available, both ATLA and Legend of Korra, and it's absolutely required viewing for all living people!


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I guess I'll have to put it on my to do list then.


File: 1724566837929.jpg (1.01 MB, 2200x1988, 550:497, GKmz9v_aYAAuWYE.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

good! i expect the report in the morning!

as for me, i need to head to bed! goodnight <3


Sleep well now!


Huh, I somehow missed that Kimiko Glenn voiced Niffty, but yeah, thinking back to any of her lines, that is totally her. Not sure HOW I missed that.

Man I need to draw Verosika sometime.


File: 1724609232964.png (555.71 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, spike8.png) ImgOps Google

Hello again.



File: 1724639730582.png (893.74 KB, 2048x1372, 512:343, GRYRIfMbsAAkoVI.png) ImgOps Google

I've always been a sucker for cartoon/realworld cross overs.

Too bad they don't do those offten anymore.


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Good morning.


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File: 1724731450910.jpg (53.73 KB, 1012x590, 506:295, spike11.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hello everyone.


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File: 1724732783068.png (331.74 KB, 851x467, 851:467, spike23.png) ImgOps Google

Oh no! Have a good one!


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Some day we will both say hello.

goodmorning night.


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One day! Sleep well now!


Some fresh cooling rain! Maybe I won't need the fan on all day!


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We got week long heat wave again, 30 °C ever day.


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Good luck.


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Good afternoon! :shy1:


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It's just not ending...

Hello there, how's it going?


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Never ending heatwave!


At least the day are already much shorter.


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True, gradually turning towards autumn.


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Time for summer 2.0.


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We have to find Princess Celestia's thermostat!


Well, for you autumn seems to be coming at least.


Good. Tired of nights after nights of uncomfortable heat!


Luckily the nights aren't that bad anymore, even now.


Same here.
Before, I had to leave my bedroom door wide open to let some heat out. I find it a bit uncomfortable sleeping with the bedroom door wide open. I don't have to do that anymore.


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Just got home from work. Power is back on, but my internet is going through my 4G connection, until my broadband is fixed.
Thinking of just hanging out on Pony Town for a while.

How's it going with you?


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Eat any muffins recently?


File: 1724769495446.jpg (619.22 KB, 2598x2362, 1299:1181, 399234.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Not recently, nop. Maybe could do tomorrow
I already had a Belgian bun as part of today's breakfast


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They also have Triple Chocolate and Cherry Bakewell muffins at Greggs, but I'm more one for Blueberry myself, so miiight hunt around


File: 1724774252139.jpg (55.07 KB, 929x558, 929:558, bg179.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, did you have power issues?

I'm fine, thanks, taking it easy after work. I didn't know Pony Town was still a thing.


File: 1724775810656.png (177.96 KB, 652x873, 652:873, 3382032.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah there were some this morning. Only just got the landline fixed now.

And yeah it's still a thing, even went to a big event thingy on it not too long ago.


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Good morning.


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Be careful, most commercial baked goods contain seed oil!

Are there any varieties of apples that you are particularly fond of? I like golden delicious, honey crisp, Fuji, and gala.


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Not a particular variety, except that I prefer big red ones.


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What about peanut and olive?


File: 1724857557581.jpg (219.16 KB, 620x877, 620:877, fa7d3b0d0fe7c45175d17b8c19….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Olive oil is not a seed oil; it is a fruit oil.  Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is healthy in moderation.  Avoid frying with it at high temps, though.

Peanuts are botanically seeds.  About 33% of peanut oil is PUFA.  If you want to occasionally drizzle some cold-pressed unrefined peanut oil on a salad, it's probably okay in moderation.  I wouldn't eat anything deep-fried in peanut oil, though.


'Red Delicious' apples kinda suck, though.


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I like the taste.


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Will keep it in mind
Might consider just trying to bake them myself. Hopefully the oven can get fixed or replaced soon


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Good night.






What a good wisdom


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I barely slept. And the heat wave continues.


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And here I am bemoaning the gradual drop of temp asit gets closer to september



33*C with 55% humidity combo outside right now. I say bring on the drop.


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We're having that for the next 8 days...  just 80 % humidity next to the temperature.



Oof. At least I can still actually DO something outside, even if I don't exactly enjoy it.


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the minute a flake of snow hits the ground, i will be begging for 33c and 55% humidity back

fuck the cold!


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Not me. When it's really cold I think "It could have 30 °C!", and then i feel better right away.

But then, it's not getting cold anymore anyway. Maybe three days of snow when we're lucky.



Summer: too hot
Winter: too cold
Autumn: too wet
Random two weeks total in the Spring: hah, nice


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I've been watching nickelodeon while dogsitting,  and apparently Dora is commentating on the NFL football games


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She does? I thought she was only into exploring.


File: 1724995545625.png (1.67 MB, 1752x2103, 584:701, 1723614868946.png) ImgOps Google

Hola! Soy Dora! Me gusta mirar el partido de futbol!


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I don't speak Spanish, but I still understood it. So that's something.

Everything ok with you?


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How's it going?


File: 1725086912759.jpg (7.65 KB, 302x167, 302:167, images (3).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'm doin great! got paid today, and gonna sleep in tomorrow, then go to a concert later! so i'm in a good mood!

how about you?


File: 1725087067256.png (123.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, spike13.png) ImgOps Google

Yes, end of the month is always good money-wise, hehe.

I'll watch the new Alien movie today at the cinema with friends.

Other than that, bothered by the heat as usual.


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came at the perfect time for me to overpay for band merch!

oh nice! i haven't seen Romulus yet! is it good?

can't do nothing for the heat for you, unfortunately :PP


File: 1725087389854.jpg (33.69 KB, 600x338, 300:169, spike5.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

For which band did you get stuff?

I'll let you know once I've seen it! =P I've heard it's so so. Which is all I expect from an Alien movie.


the band i'm going to see is called Powerwolf! they are a german powermetal band, and they got this gothic werewolf aesthetic to them and they are a lot of fun!

oooh i thought you already saw it! i was confused ><


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Oh yeah, you mentioned them! I had one of their albums in hand because of that. But I didn't get it after all.

No, I'll see it this evening.


oh you wound me! well maybe next time! in the meantime, you can listen to this one

coolio! are you gonna get that wild looking popcorn bucket with the facehugger on it?


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Well, it's not really my kind of music.

Nah, I never get popcorn, it gets stuck in my teeth. I always have M&M's!


File: 1725107356184.gif (1.59 MB, 500x381, 500:381, Raccoon_clapping_paws_toge….gif) ImgOps Google

>having M&Ms


I always get the crispy blue ones.


Those are my fave as well!

But I've also been indulging in the new packets of mini M&Ms.


Blue M&M‘s rule!


I like to take two same-coloured crispy M&Ms in my mouth so that I can crunch them on each side of my mouth.

And sometimes leave two of each colour for last so I can eat them in order of spectrum.


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I usually stuff five at once into my mouth and just munch them. My M&M's were gone again before the movie had even started.



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Fany pony music.


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Good morning.


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mornin to ya


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Hey there, how was your weekend?


it was great! i had an excellent time at the concert, and Unleash the Archers and Powerwolf were incredible <3

i am very sore and physically feel like shit, but it's an accomplished feeling, so i'm good!

how bout you?


File: 1725252213551.jpg (55.07 KB, 929x558, 929:558, bg179.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

Nice, sounds like you had a great time!

I'm fine, slowly getting ready for my work day. Weekend is was good too; watched the new Alien movie and had table top RPG with friends yesterday.


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oh it was a blast! even the pain that was trying to find parking turned out great cause an event parking lot opened just as i showed up, right across the venue. everything fell in line perfectly!

ah yes! you told me about that the other day! how was the new alien movie? was it good?

and what game did  you play?


File: 1725253071799.png (181.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, spike35.png) ImgOps Google

Nice, how many people were there in total?

I think it was pretty good, one of the better Alien movies. Wasn't overly long either.

We always play The Dark Eye, which is a German system.


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I have no idea, but it was a sold out show! And it was packed in there! (Pic related)

That's good! I do plan on watching it one of these days!

Oooh never heard of it! Is it like DnD or is it a different genre style game?


File: 1725254705953.jpg (91.12 KB, 427x342, 427:342, twi204.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Ah, I thought it might have been open air.

It's a bit like DnD and the genre isn't too different either. It's a fantasy setting.


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Not this one! Although we do have a few open air venues like Red Rocks Amphitheater and Fiddlers Green

Ah fun! Did any shenanigans happen?


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Looks pretty good. There's a spoopy man singing!

No real shenanigans, just a road trip really right now.

Gotta start my working day now, have a good one!


File: 1725257224445.jpg (7.8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, attila dorn.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

that spoopy man is Attila Dorn, and he's been the front man for the band since it's creation! and he definitely sells the spoopiness!

and have a great day at work!


File: 1725332043465.png (331.74 KB, 851x467, 851:467, spike23.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.

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