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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:
459 posts and 337 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






What a good wisdom


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I barely slept. And the heat wave continues.


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And here I am bemoaning the gradual drop of temp asit gets closer to september



33*C with 55% humidity combo outside right now. I say bring on the drop.


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We're having that for the next 8 days...  just 80 % humidity next to the temperature.



Oof. At least I can still actually DO something outside, even if I don't exactly enjoy it.


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the minute a flake of snow hits the ground, i will be begging for 33c and 55% humidity back

fuck the cold!


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Not me. When it's really cold I think "It could have 30 °C!", and then i feel better right away.

But then, it's not getting cold anymore anyway. Maybe three days of snow when we're lucky.



Summer: too hot
Winter: too cold
Autumn: too wet
Random two weeks total in the Spring: hah, nice


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I've been watching nickelodeon while dogsitting,  and apparently Dora is commentating on the NFL football games


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She does? I thought she was only into exploring.


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Hola! Soy Dora! Me gusta mirar el partido de futbol!


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I don't speak Spanish, but I still understood it. So that's something.

Everything ok with you?


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How's it going?


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i'm doin great! got paid today, and gonna sleep in tomorrow, then go to a concert later! so i'm in a good mood!

how about you?


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Yes, end of the month is always good money-wise, hehe.

I'll watch the new Alien movie today at the cinema with friends.

Other than that, bothered by the heat as usual.


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came at the perfect time for me to overpay for band merch!

oh nice! i haven't seen Romulus yet! is it good?

can't do nothing for the heat for you, unfortunately :PP


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For which band did you get stuff?

I'll let you know once I've seen it! =P I've heard it's so so. Which is all I expect from an Alien movie.


the band i'm going to see is called Powerwolf! they are a german powermetal band, and they got this gothic werewolf aesthetic to them and they are a lot of fun!

oooh i thought you already saw it! i was confused ><


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Oh yeah, you mentioned them! I had one of their albums in hand because of that. But I didn't get it after all.

No, I'll see it this evening.


oh you wound me! well maybe next time! in the meantime, you can listen to this one

coolio! are you gonna get that wild looking popcorn bucket with the facehugger on it?


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Well, it's not really my kind of music.

Nah, I never get popcorn, it gets stuck in my teeth. I always have M&M's!


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>having M&Ms


I always get the crispy blue ones.


Those are my fave as well!

But I've also been indulging in the new packets of mini M&Ms.


Blue M&M‘s rule!


I like to take two same-coloured crispy M&Ms in my mouth so that I can crunch them on each side of my mouth.

And sometimes leave two of each colour for last so I can eat them in order of spectrum.


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I usually stuff five at once into my mouth and just munch them. My M&M's were gone again before the movie had even started.



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Fany pony music.


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Good morning.


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mornin to ya


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Hey there, how was your weekend?


it was great! i had an excellent time at the concert, and Unleash the Archers and Powerwolf were incredible <3

i am very sore and physically feel like shit, but it's an accomplished feeling, so i'm good!

how bout you?


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Nice, sounds like you had a great time!

I'm fine, slowly getting ready for my work day. Weekend is was good too; watched the new Alien movie and had table top RPG with friends yesterday.


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oh it was a blast! even the pain that was trying to find parking turned out great cause an event parking lot opened just as i showed up, right across the venue. everything fell in line perfectly!

ah yes! you told me about that the other day! how was the new alien movie? was it good?

and what game did  you play?


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Nice, how many people were there in total?

I think it was pretty good, one of the better Alien movies. Wasn't overly long either.

We always play The Dark Eye, which is a German system.


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I have no idea, but it was a sold out show! And it was packed in there! (Pic related)

That's good! I do plan on watching it one of these days!

Oooh never heard of it! Is it like DnD or is it a different genre style game?


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Ah, I thought it might have been open air.

It's a bit like DnD and the genre isn't too different either. It's a fantasy setting.


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Not this one! Although we do have a few open air venues like Red Rocks Amphitheater and Fiddlers Green

Ah fun! Did any shenanigans happen?


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Looks pretty good. There's a spoopy man singing!

No real shenanigans, just a road trip really right now.

Gotta start my working day now, have a good one!


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that spoopy man is Attila Dorn, and he's been the front man for the band since it's creation! and he definitely sells the spoopiness!

and have a great day at work!


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Good morning.

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