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 No.1172552[Last 50 Posts]

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We are all humans on a big blue and green ball, and while we may all fall into certain preset stereotypes, we all have those little things that make us different.

so what are those things for you? What makes you different? Why does it make you different?

also I hope you have a great day wherever you are!


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WHat makes you differnt and why does it make you different?


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What makes us different? Our experiences. No matter what mold I fit into, and no matter how similar my own life experiences are to others; nobody can truly know what it's like "On the inside." Nobody can truly feel what I feel from that inner experience from my own perspective other than myself; as I cannot do the same for anyone else. Even if you were to try to describe them to me in detail that feels like I am there, living in your past; I will always be an outsider and never truly know what it is like to be on the inside of your conscious.

There are so many untold stories that we hold; so many life experiences I've seen but can't quite put into words without sounding like the ramblings of a madman. There are so many things I've seen that I wish I could share with all of you.


That being said, there are only so many personality types, traits, and interests. Think of it like tropes and archetypes. Every trope has been around for thousands of years; existing before the notion of storytelling was ever even entertained by our mammalian brain. We are shaped by the world around us. To think anyone is truly unique without ever having picked up certain fleas from others is a ridiculous notion. We are social creatures that learn from one other, both good habits and bad, benevolent ideologies, malicious ones, and all in between.


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A little off topic, and yet quite interesting. This piece of audio touches up on what I am trying to get at. I'd highly recommend giving it a listen if you are laying down and have half an hour to kill. It was a lecture on death, and how we as human beings cannot ever truly understand what it means to die. We can never truly imagine what death is like. It is impossible because there is no experience in death. It is the absence of death.

Think about it: what was it like before you were born? There was nothing. And then suddenly there was everything; an everything that we can't even truly remember until a certain point in our lives.

<"It’s important here to draw some distinctions. I can certainly picture being ill. There I am on my deathbed dying of cancer, growing weaker and weaker. I can perhaps even picture the moment of my death. I’ve said goodbye to my family and friends. I’ve the — Everything’s growing greyer and dimmer. It’s growing harder and harder to concentrate. And then, well, and then there is no “and more.” The claim, however, is not that I can’t picture being ill or dying. The claim’s got to be, I can’t picture being dead. Well, try it. Try to picture being dead. What’s it like to be dead?"

<"I start by trying to strip off the parts of my conscious life that I know I won’t have when I’m dead. I won’t hear anything. I won’t see anything. I won’t think anything. And you try to imagine what it’s like to not think or feel or hear or see. And you don’t do a very good job of it. So you throw your hands up and you say, “Oh, I guess I don’t know what it’s like.” So it must be a mystery."

<"It’s not a mystery at all. Suppose I ask, “What’s it like to be this cell phone?” The answer is, “It’s not like anything,” where that doesn’t mean there’s something that it’s like to be a cell phone, but different from being anything else. So it’s not like anything else; it’s a special way of feeling or experiencing. No. Cell phones don’t have any experience at all. There is nothing that it’s like on the inside to be a cell phone. Imagine that I try to ask myself, “What’s it like to be my ball point pen?” And I try to imagine, well, first, imagine being really, really stiff, because you’re not flexible when you’re a ball point pen. You can’t move. And imagine being really, really bored, because you don’t have any thoughts or interests. No. That’s completely the wrong way to go about thinking what it’s like to be a ball point pen. There’s nothing that it’s like to be a ball point pen. There’s nothing to describe, nothing to imagine. No mystery about what it’s like to be a ball point pen. No mystery about what it’s like to be a cell phone.

<"When you’re dead, there’s nothing happening on the inside to be imagined."

I like how he compares death to dreamless sleep.


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I would say that I have been through a lot, and just want people to have it easier than me

Also I like Christmas a lot

Hey pinkie! I am glad you hopped on board ^_^


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Nothing! I am afraid I belong quite squarely in the "30-something nerd loser" stereotype!


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We're two peas in a pod then!


Nuh-uh, I don't do pot!


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i don't do pot either?


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The fact I find things that others consider exciting kind of boring and things others find boring kind of exciting


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gimme an example of both!


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Not a clue.


And definitely not two pieces of pot!


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I find spectator sports boring and uninteresting, but youtube video essays about the origins of popular soft drink brands quite fascinating


If somebody clocks me as straight, cisgender, mellow, religious in a Christian way, and generally kind of quiet and reserved in a personality sense, all of which is certainly understandable in person, then they're going to maybe be shocked my hobbies and interests as well as my individual identity in many ways. When they figure out that I'm bi and trans alongside a lot more. Like everything involved with the furry fandom could seem weird. With yaoi and other kinds of hentai also seeming weird should I be the one talking about them. Like all sorts of countercultural things, truly, such as my love for a lot of dark abrasive metal songs such as:



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you've got a mysterious aura around you, and i like your pics!

we should grow somethin in our pot!

oooh i can vibe with that!

tell me something about the origins of popular soft drink brands!

ooh i totally relate to this!

for my tai chi classes, i wear a black uniform that sorta vaguely resembles a priest robe, so i get so many "Hello Father!" or "thank you Father"

little do they know i have a satanist shirt underneath it :P


>little do they know i have a satanist shirt underneath it :P

Here's another hardcore sounding metal song:



>Satanist shirt
Fondly remembering the time I politely listened to the entire spiel given by a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep and took their pamphlet, told them equally politely that I wasn't really a fan of organized religion but respected what they were trying to communicate... And then realized when they left that I spent that entire conversation wearing a horror film festival t-shirt covered in blood and vampires and there was a Jason Voorhees mask hanging in my room in plain view from the door.


Oh. Huh. Interesting. This honestly seems like something that you would see on a late-night comedy TV program in Denmark rather than a real thing that happened to you.

I suppose in my old apartment basically nobody ever knocked for anything. Now that I'm remembering back.


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they always say hello father or thank you father they never say how is father


Random strangers by me: "He's zoning out while playing video games on his phone."

Other people when looking at me: "I wonder what he thinks about the latest football game, with him checking NFL rumors?"

Even more people when looking at me: "He looks weird... he's on drugs? Right?"

Me in reality: 'Hitler's greatest pilots went on to serve with joint American, British, and French air forces for decades. They literally still wore their iron crosses. Does this mean that if I was taken to an air show back in the very early 90s that I'd be a little enby / little girl gawking at one of -Hitler's aces-?'


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>None of these people actually think these things
>They aren't even paying attention to you at all


I'm not the center of attention?

How... interesting to hear...


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Do love me some Annihilator!

Honestly, if they played some horror movies at the kingdom halls, I'd be more up to going!

Tasty! And it eats you as you eat it!

Father needs a hug T_T

That's a number 1 summer time jam!


Now  I am curious what a Jehovah's Witness horror movie might be like...


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Jehovah's witnesses can be surprisingly chill.


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They tend to be nice and friendly but there's a lot of weirdness the more you dive into it. I mean them being overly kind and friendly to those who are not Jehovahs is a tactic for recruitment.

However it's worth pointing out that regardless of how nice they are to you they will never and cannot under any circumstances be friends with you nor will they want to. The majority of JW (I'm going to call them that from now on as it's easier) are barred and banned from making friends who are not JW and only allowed to be friends with those who are in the religion.

They are also pretty much a doomsday cult who seem convinced the world is going to end next week. They have claimed in the past that the world is set to end with the rapture in 1799, 1874,1878,1914,1918 and 1925.

Even though those dates came and went they are still fully convinced and are told by all those in the church that doomsday is coming and is always right around the corner but they have learned to not give a date now least they look silly when that date passes and nothing happens for the thousandth time.

Rather interesting however despite it being named doomsday and armageddon they think that when this day comes the world will not end but instead all the sinners will get sent straight to hell while they and all the JWs worldwide will get to inhert the Earth as god declairs this new JW filled Earth to be his kingdom.

Also they reallly hate the United Nations for some reason as they claim that one of the signs of the end times is the United Nations banning and killing off all the followers of religions across the world.

And have I mentioned that many JWs will refuse to follow the laws of the countries they live in as they bealive only the bible and their local "elders" (aka the oldest JWs in their local community) are able to give out rules and laws. Oh, and they don't do blood transfusions or surgarys of any kind. So if you get a bad infection that's going to kill you well too bad you can't go to the hospital as it's gods will that you got that infection and getting it cured would be to go against his plan and would make him very angry so you best just hurry up and die as you don't want to annoy god do you?


Yes, aware of all of this. There's a reason I don't really care to actually join in any way. And recently, when they started actually just straight up calling people rather than knocking on your door, I had no trouble just hanging up.

But there's no reason to be rude in person, at least. And mostly I just find the mental image of me decked out in horrific, blood-soaked monsters while smiling and nodding at their spiel very funny.


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>Tasty! And it eats you as you eat it!

Wait. What?


We talking about horror film style monstrous eating here? Who? Consuming whom?


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they climb up the tower of light, only to realize they climbed up the wrong tower

for the most parts the ones that i met have been okay

although unfortunately the one that i knew well ended up being arrested for something that i am not gonna mention here

i mean, jahova witness zombies knockin on your door would spoop me!

pineapple is the most terrifying fruit for that reason!


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>tell me something about the origins of popular soft drink brands!

Dr. Pepper's launch precededed the launch of Coca-Cola by a year. Making it the first 'proprietary' soft drink brand in America

It was named not for the pharmacists who formulated the drink in a pharmacy in Waco Texas, but for the father of the fiance of the first store owner to sell it, who chose the name to flatter his fiancé's dad.


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John Green would be so proud of you <3

that is fascinating tho! coke is sorta the default go-to for everyone, so to hear that Dr. Pepper preceded it is wild!

i've always liked Dr. Pepper more myself, but still wild to think about


Also Gojira opening for the French Olympics at the Bastille with a bunch of decapitated Marie Antoinettes and raining streamers of blood is one of the greatest olympic moments i've ever watched <3


I feel like this should happen to me too. Sometime soon.


A Jehovah's Witnesses branch establishes itself in a community, and for the first time ever, they ALWAYS get invited inside... But every time it happens, they come out having been converted to other faiths themselves!!!


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i'm... not sure... i know there's quite a few things. probably most all of my things! but i couldn't say which in particular...


While I very much need to look like this... I also very much need to spend time with people like this too...


somebody was able to get a version with just the audio and no commentary and it's so fucking good <3



well you are cute, cuddly, and at most times very slimy!

them hips don't lie!


The climax comes when all the new born-again Flying Spaghetti Monster worshippers summon the entity itself.


>them hips don't lie!


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cute, cuddly, AND slimy?? gosh, that sounds like a pretty good trifecta!


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It's heretical, maybe, to say out loud, but I prefer Barq's over both Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola... yeah... I truly do...


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not a quirk with me, but an interesting observation i've noticed since working at the North Pole

there must be an Indian community or Hindu temple near us somewhere, because towards the end of every day, we get a LOT of Indian families that come in and ride the rides.

but i ask some of my fellow coworkers and even management, and none of them know where they come from, and i find it so interesting! They have a good time like everyone else, but it is the most interesting thing to me

if you want to find the indian community of colorado, come to santa's workshop at the north pole :PP

now THAT would be a twist!

all hail the flying spaghetti monster!!!


you are the trifecta!

oooh spicy take! i do love rootbeer tho, so i get it!


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I make booze.


I do kind of want to see this movie no----


>Knows what that pic is


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that must be so fun! have you made anything recently?

a man of culture! i expected nothing less!




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Mead a few weeks ago. I have a few more gallons brewing in laundry room.


Who else is weird and gets into a lot of videos just like this to pass the time?


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I'm above average at problem solving and tactical thinking, and am much less impacted by peer pressure and the desire to conform than average.

That makes me different because most other people aren't that exact same thing.


Ooooh, beat.

Sorry, I'm genuinely not posting this to make fun of you, but you made me think of these guys


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Maybe, i like to exist to make the conformists suffer too.


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ooooh <3 i love meaddddd! is that your favorite alcohol to make?

i've fallen down video rabbit holes in the past. in fact, recently i followed a person who covers different floors of the backrooms, just cause it's so fascinating!

i'd like to think i'm on the same wavelength as you!

and i try to be as non-conforming as can be

and you can be non-conforming too

if you dress just like me!

make them squirm! realize that they are muppets!


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Depends, beer's faster and arguably cheaper to make. Less abv though. I think it's a good gift.


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true, beer is easier to make. my dad loves to make beer himself

but i imagine that making different stuff has it's own joys as well


And all you gotta do is dress exactly like these guys and listen to the same music they do!

Feelin' like a freak on a leash~


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Speaking of personal attitudes...

Requesting Ryan Gosling giving dual middle fingers to the criminals trying to play him, with him just utterly not giving a shit... somehow becoming a meme... because I so love this image...


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Takes one to know one!!


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OOOooowAAHAHAaaoog brrrbbbbr pawaAAAOOOAA!

hell yeah! that's a vibe for sure!

important pictures are important

i don't remember being slimy, but give me like 10 minutes!


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>Does anal feel like reverse shitting?


That's what she said

Oh yes bro


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I mean, it's a legitimate question to the uninitiated!


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No! No! NO! Enough talk about anal! The only sex allowed is sex from the front-butt.


Hey now, stop calling people ass-faces


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Sounds like a plan to me~


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pray tell, how does one do the sliming?


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This is blatant disrespect.


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with gusto!


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Holy shit is that motherfucking Hannah Neopets? I feel like my childhood just punched me in the face.


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yes it is! hannah neopets is very fun to draw


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And she has like no good art that I can find, so it's a good excuse.


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I would never dare insult someone's ass by comparing it to their face.


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wish i had more doodles of her now! that one is the only finished piece i have...
my ass seems to be broken... it has a big crack in it!


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As long as there isn't a hole in it you should be fine.


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okay... uhm.. so... hypothetically... if there was a hole as well as a crack... what would that mean...?

asking for a friend, of course!


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It would mean we need to fill the hole immediately! Oh my god, anon! Don't tell me you have a hole back there, do you!?



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f-fill it with what? what's that noise?? what do i do??


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Nobody move a muscle! I've seen this before. It starts with a crack, and then a hole, and before long it begins to change you from the inside out and then the outside in. It'll spread to the entire channel and before long we'll all have it.

S-Stay back! Stay back I say!


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no wait! it's fine! i'm fine!! it's nothing, really, there's no hole! i can clench and you can't see anything! nothing contagious! everything's fine!


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>Nobody move a muscle! I've seen this before. It starts with


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Clenching your.. Dear God, it's attempting to blend in with the rest of us. It's even beginning to change shape!
HYAAAH! No! Please, don't come any closer!

It's beginning to spread, from asses to faces! Before we know it, we'll all end up with cracks and holes.. And soon, I'll end up with a face-hole..


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look see! nothing! nothing but pants down there!! i'm not spreading anything, especially not butts!!
n-no, wait, that didn't come out right!!


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I'm not quite convinced. I'm going to need a stick of room temperature butter and a latex glove that stops at my shoulder.. Looks like we're going in..


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good luck, god speed!


This thread is a JOURNEY

Eh, don't worry about it, for some of us both parts are equally hideous.


Journey to the center of this booty hole


Journey to the center of the Behind*

Come on, it was right there


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try finger

but hole


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The Painal That Wouldn't Die


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Splendor in the Ass


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well i'm not having a great morning so far :/


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I didn't even realize you could get pregnant.


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i'm still trying to figure out who the father is!


Cartman's Mom.
Or Jack Tenorman.


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one of my least favourite 'vids of all time...
i'm sorry noelle!! hope you recover quick!


>Who's that Pokémon


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close!!!! it's actually weedeino


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it was actually the 1997 Denver Broncos

thanks cooki -_-

i actually have felt sick the last couple days, but not so much that i didn't go to work.

so now i feel kinda guilty, cause i've interacted with a LOT of people ><

>pure unparralleled horror


Has Pokémon Infinite Fusion finally gone too far?

I appreciate this reference


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as your resident Coloradoan, i'm obligated to complete south park jokes, especially when the Broncos are involved


And here I thought you were just showing appreciation for my videos.

But I should have known better.


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i always love your vids dude

but i was there when the ancient magic was written, and thus will speak in the tongue of Elway and Davis

Atwater and Zimmerman

the Shanahan tree's seedling rooted here to grow the great West Coast Tree

It is for those who remember Bowlen and his fur coat and cigar, "This one is for John" later echoed in 2016 as  "This one is for Pat" blessed be thy name


Yeah yeah, nice save!


That was meant for you. I have shown myself as incompetent once more!


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cooki?? who est this cooki? i am ms. terious 'cognito!

and aahh that's a bummer... but so it goes these days. it's best to be extra cautious whenever you feel sick, but that's completely unreasonable in our current work climates... at least covid is much more milder as a general rule these days... not much any of us can do! no need to feel to guilty about it... even if it's easier said than done to not feel guilty...
never! we yet have more discover and dark, dank depths to explore and plunge into


I definitely saw some manmade horrors beyond my comprehension when I played it last year.

God I loved it.


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i haven;t done pokefusion in a long while, but i had a period of drawing practice where i would draw out some of the best fusions i got! was really fun


Yeah, I was planning on doing the same with my playthrough, and Brav was nice enough to screenshot 'em.

I, uh, just haven't really scrolled back to find them again after he died.


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was wondering why you were talking to yourself :PP

capitalism is the real plague!

pokemon fusions definitely flirt with lovecraftian creatures too horrifying to even comprehend!


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You could make Ponychan in pokemon fusion


I think you know me well enough to realize I am kind of bonkers.

Yeah, about the time I saw a beedrill with a giant Weepinbell mouth-oussy where the stinger shoulda been I realized I had gazed upon the Old Ones.


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Show me what that mouth do 🥵🥵🥵🥵


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it IS! but what's the cure...??
they really put the mon in pokemon, boyhowdy!
oh, yeah, that's right! but can there be a ponyville??
it's nectar filled... well... i *think* it's nectar...


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gojira, guillotines, and furry smut!

gotta catch em all!


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guillotines remind me of my favourite digimon! furry smut i know a thing or two about... from friends of course! and gojira i've heard about too, but haven't listened to much! i heard they played at the olympics!

or so they say


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Closest I can think of right now is Ponyvile (Ponyta + Weavile), although the one generator I found for pokemon in later generation chose Ponvile. But it also created Ponmonchan instead of Ponychan.


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That is so cool

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