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File: 1722055599100.jpg (89.14 KB, 803x801, 803:801, sailor garfield.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

We are all humans on a big blue and green ball, and while we may all fall into certain preset stereotypes, we all have those little things that make us different.

so what are those things for you? What makes you different? Why does it make you different?

also I hope you have a great day wherever you are!
72 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1722739819251.png (692.33 KB, 1000x1159, 1000:1159, XALfVwC.png) ImgOps Google

Holy shit is that motherfucking Hannah Neopets? I feel like my childhood just punched me in the face.


File: 1722739991105.png (282.41 KB, 800x523, 800:523, dariroo edit.png) ImgOps Google

yes it is! hannah neopets is very fun to draw


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And she has like no good art that I can find, so it's a good excuse.


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I would never dare insult someone's ass by comparing it to their face.


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wish i had more doodles of her now! that one is the only finished piece i have...
my ass seems to be broken... it has a big crack in it!


File: 1722740688944.jpg (25.36 KB, 270x270, 1:1, Neco clap.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

As long as there isn't a hole in it you should be fine.


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okay... uhm.. so... hypothetically... if there was a hole as well as a crack... what would that mean...?

asking for a friend, of course!


File: 1722741282633.png (534.39 KB, 734x675, 734:675, Neco arc biting into a lem….png) ImgOps Google

It would mean we need to fill the hole immediately! Oh my god, anon! Don't tell me you have a hole back there, do you!?



File: 1722741863778.png (47.73 KB, 744x1016, 93:127, lilu for the gif 2.1.png) ImgOps Google

f-fill it with what? what's that noise?? what do i do??


File: 1722742002499.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Neco arc pickles.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Nobody move a muscle! I've seen this before. It starts with a crack, and then a hole, and before long it begins to change you from the inside out and then the outside in. It'll spread to the entire channel and before long we'll all have it.

S-Stay back! Stay back I say!


File: 1722742105551.png (1.46 MB, 1068x1200, 89:100, dragonlord2.1.png) ImgOps Google

no wait! it's fine! i'm fine!! it's nothing, really, there's no hole! i can clench and you can't see anything! nothing contagious! everything's fine!


File: 1722742339504.jpg (636.82 KB, 2490x4096, 1245:2048, 45adaa3221599640da7d0c954b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>Nobody move a muscle! I've seen this before. It starts with


File: 1722742967768.jpg (104.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Neco arc screaming into a ….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Clenching your.. Dear God, it's attempting to blend in with the rest of us. It's even beginning to change shape!
HYAAAH! No! Please, don't come any closer!

It's beginning to spread, from asses to faces! Before we know it, we'll all end up with cracks and holes.. And soon, I'll end up with a face-hole..


File: 1722743568986.png (998.92 KB, 993x1000, 993:1000, moe kobold.png) ImgOps Google

look see! nothing! nothing but pants down there!! i'm not spreading anything, especially not butts!!
n-no, wait, that didn't come out right!!


File: 1722746200335.gif (114.5 KB, 220x131, 220:131, Danny Devito Glove snap.gif) ImgOps Google

I'm not quite convinced. I'm going to need a stick of room temperature butter and a latex glove that stops at my shoulder.. Looks like we're going in..


File: 1722747501241.png (269.13 KB, 800x779, 800:779, TING!.png) ImgOps Google

good luck, god speed!


This thread is a JOURNEY

Eh, don't worry about it, for some of us both parts are equally hideous.


Journey to the center of this booty hole


Journey to the center of the Behind*

Come on, it was right there


File: 1722830492281.jpg (127.9 KB, 1188x1075, 1188:1075, GNncXfVXIAAINxe.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

try finger

but hole


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The Painal That Wouldn't Die


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Splendor in the Ass


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well i'm not having a great morning so far :/


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I didn't even realize you could get pregnant.


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i'm still trying to figure out who the father is!


Cartman's Mom.
Or Jack Tenorman.


File: 1722884295491.png (145.81 KB, 800x711, 800:711, mew egg thing.png) ImgOps Google

one of my least favourite 'vids of all time...
i'm sorry noelle!! hope you recover quick!


>Who's that Pokémon


File: 1722884737415.png (Spoiler Image, 359.85 KB, 619x800, 619:800, weedeino.png) ImgOps Google

close!!!! it's actually weedeino


File: 1722884881262.png (504.96 KB, 1161x656, 1161:656, uber fear.png) ImgOps Google

it was actually the 1997 Denver Broncos

thanks cooki -_-

i actually have felt sick the last couple days, but not so much that i didn't go to work.

so now i feel kinda guilty, cause i've interacted with a LOT of people ><

>pure unparralleled horror


Has Pokémon Infinite Fusion finally gone too far?

I appreciate this reference


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as your resident Coloradoan, i'm obligated to complete south park jokes, especially when the Broncos are involved


And here I thought you were just showing appreciation for my videos.

But I should have known better.


File: 1722886183918.png (158.48 KB, 454x606, 227:303, Loona_-_Loonie_Toonie.png) ImgOps Google

i always love your vids dude

but i was there when the ancient magic was written, and thus will speak in the tongue of Elway and Davis

Atwater and Zimmerman

the Shanahan tree's seedling rooted here to grow the great West Coast Tree

It is for those who remember Bowlen and his fur coat and cigar, "This one is for John" later echoed in 2016 as  "This one is for Pat" blessed be thy name


Yeah yeah, nice save!


That was meant for you. I have shown myself as incompetent once more!


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cooki?? who est this cooki? i am ms. terious 'cognito!

and aahh that's a bummer... but so it goes these days. it's best to be extra cautious whenever you feel sick, but that's completely unreasonable in our current work climates... at least covid is much more milder as a general rule these days... not much any of us can do! no need to feel to guilty about it... even if it's easier said than done to not feel guilty...
never! we yet have more discover and dark, dank depths to explore and plunge into


I definitely saw some manmade horrors beyond my comprehension when I played it last year.

God I loved it.


File: 1722888185181.png (111.07 KB, 800x762, 400:381, bellbone.png) ImgOps Google

i haven;t done pokefusion in a long while, but i had a period of drawing practice where i would draw out some of the best fusions i got! was really fun


Yeah, I was planning on doing the same with my playthrough, and Brav was nice enough to screenshot 'em.

I, uh, just haven't really scrolled back to find them again after he died.


File: 1722889892548.jpg (40.57 KB, 447x595, 447:595, 1671869892090176.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

was wondering why you were talking to yourself :PP

capitalism is the real plague!

pokemon fusions definitely flirt with lovecraftian creatures too horrifying to even comprehend!


File: 1722891628980.png (207.84 KB, 1103x753, 1103:753, ponychan, I choose you.png) ImgOps Google

You could make Ponychan in pokemon fusion


I think you know me well enough to realize I am kind of bonkers.

Yeah, about the time I saw a beedrill with a giant Weepinbell mouth-oussy where the stinger shoulda been I realized I had gazed upon the Old Ones.


File: 1722897034586.jpg (201.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, blush sweat.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Show me what that mouth do 🥵🥵🥵🥵


File: 1722907410407.png (882.66 KB, 1200x1048, 150:131, gothic hoppip2.png) ImgOps Google

it IS! but what's the cure...??
they really put the mon in pokemon, boyhowdy!
oh, yeah, that's right! but can there be a ponyville??
it's nectar filled... well... i *think* it's nectar...


File: 1722922021628.jpg (120.15 KB, 850x1264, 425:632, 1666620062524.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

gojira, guillotines, and furry smut!

gotta catch em all!


File: 1722925881991.png (181.73 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, guilmos and mew.png) ImgOps Google

guillotines remind me of my favourite digimon! furry smut i know a thing or two about... from friends of course! and gojira i've heard about too, but haven't listened to much! i heard they played at the olympics!

or so they say


File: 1722927470138.png (3.57 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 77.262.png) ImgOps Google

Closest I can think of right now is Ponyvile (Ponyta + Weavile), although the one generator I found for pokemon in later generation chose Ponvile. But it also created Ponmonchan instead of Ponychan.


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That is so cool

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