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 No.1172377[Last 50 Posts]

Seeing as I asked about Pokemon a short while back thought I would ask answer one;

What was your favorite Pokemon era?

I'm going DS era. Probably quite underated, and given the Gen4 remakes flopped hard thankfuly they will remain unsullied. So many good memories, the first era to have online battles and trading too which was so much fun at the time.

I remember the dreamword and how you could get Pokemon with secret third abilities when Gen5 came out and the GTS was full of Japanese mons with them which were easy to get. I always remember all you had to do was put up either a version exlusive mon or a mon that evolves via trade up and you could get whatever mon you wanted within an hour or two as there was always someone wanting one of those two things

Oh, and HG/SS were (almost) the perfect remakes. Sadly in hindsight much as Gen2 is a total vibe and peak asthetics it is very flawed in many ways which I won't get into as there are countless videos on Youtube for you to watch about that but man, HG/SS were so much fun


DS era was great, but 3DS era was amazing.


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SS and HG were pretty stellar.

those games could really use an upgrade in terms of mechanics, newer gen approach to making neat gyms was there, having your first pokemon follow you around at all times with ability to interact, which has never since been properly re-introduced in the main series.7

The game had that pretty fun Pokeathlon where you could compete in minigames with your pokemon...

Gen 2 didn't have the best of storylines, but that remake made so many great choises.

Anything before Gen 4 is kind of ruined since I know of the physical/special split.
Your pokemon becomes that much more versatile if you know that you can use its typing to maximal benefit, rather than having a special type with a high attack making same type attacks pretty useless.

When it comes to content / features of the game, HG and SS are peak. I also miss the Gen 5 B/W2 gimmick of having  interactable NPC to boost the music in the games.

B/W2 were also pretty great games with lots of content TBH.

While later gens aren't that terrible on their own, it seems like certain great things just slowly got lost across the games.


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I'll always be partial to the OG Red/Blue/Yellow Kanto era of Pokemon, with the TV series of Ash, Misty, and Brock. A lot of nostalgia there.

Barring that, Gen IV was usually my favorite. I loved a lot of the designs that came out of the Diamond and Pearl series, with Piplup, Turtwig, and Chimchar. And my Absol-ute favorite dark pokemon besides Haunter. It also has Wynaut, who was my go to cute contest bombshell. Seriously, it was like a no contest with that thing, plus it's my favorite pun name. Why not.


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whatever ones that had the first two era of pokemon dungeon era and the pokemon ranger era.


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Absol is G3


Mystery Dungeons and Pokemon Ranger were both a mix of Gen 1-4. Explorers of Darkness/Time focused more on Gen 4 but did feature some Pokemon from earlier gens.


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What?! N-no. How could my memory fail me like this


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>Absol being a strong phiscal sweeper
>First introduced in the Gen without the phiscal/special split
>In this Gen the dark type was special

They did not have to do my guy dirty like that but they did

Still thankfully this was fixed one gen later and in the Gen3 remakes they want and gave it the fantastic Mega form which is true kino design


Physical / Special split really makes Pokemon more awesome later on.

There's definitely tricky pokemon out there to remember which generation they belong to or even to remember they existed.

Now, Gen 4 did have my favourite dark type.


Such a gorgeous pokemon


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My favorite Pokemon era is right now.  Scarlet/Violet and Legends: Arceus are incomparably good.

Second favorite goes to Gen 3, though.  Not only were Ruby and Sapphire quite good, but we got great remakes of Gen 1, as well as two full console adventures that were focused on double battles and a unique catching mechanic.

And firm shoutouts to the Gen 1 and 2 eras for starting it all, Pokemon fever was at its peak, the Stadium games were amazing companions to the actual games that we still haven't gotten good modern examples of, we even got some great digital versions of the card game.


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The only thing that put me off about Mega forms was the lore implications thanks to their Pokedex entries they gave them in Sun/Moon that implies that mega evolving is pretty much torture for a lot of Pokemon and wipes their memories and control and turns them into mindless killing machines. Here's just a few

Mega Gyarados: Mega Evolution also affects its brain, leaving no other function except its destructive instinct to burn everything to cinders.

Mega Houndoom: Its red claws and the tips of its tail are melting from high internal temperatures that are painful to Houndoom itself.

Mega Aerodactyl: When it Mega Evolves, it becomes more vicious than ever before. Some say that’s because its excess of power is causing it pain.

Mega Tyranitar: Due to the colossal power poured into it, this Pokémon's back split right open. Its destructive instincts are the only thing keeping it moving.

Mega Salamence: Mega Evolution fuels its brutality, and it may even turn on the Trainer who raised it. It’s been dubbed “the blood-soaked crescent.”

Mega Garchomp:Its vaunted wings become scythes, sending it mad with rage. It swings its scythes wildly and slices the ground to pieces.

Mega Lucario: It readies itself to face its enemies by focusing its mental energies. Its fighting style can be summed up in a single word: heartless.

Mega Scizor: It stores the excess energy from Mega Evolution, so after a long time passes, its body starts to melt.


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S/V was the most miserable experience I've had with a pokémon game, I honestly can't imagine what someone could like about it...


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I thought the area zero / crater area was pretty neat. First time I felt the game had something like a "final dungeon".
Driving around, recovering the spikes is neat too.

I thought the final Nemona battle was pretty tough and Clave was funny sometimes.
Also, salary man gym leader / Elite 4 member carrying birds.

The game did fail at what it was supposed to do.


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All the annoying progress locks got out of the way and the game just let me go around catching pokemon and discovering stuff, it was fantastic.  And it did that while honestly having a better story than it usually does.  I'm hesitant to say the story was good, just better then usual for Pokemon.

It really set up for some amazing organic moments, too, like figuring out how to unseal the legendary pokemon, something that you actually run into very early on to pique your interest for the whole game, and then finally opening the door and finding the legendaries with that music playing?  Just a superb experience.

There was one moment where I had found like an Umbreon or something, and it was kinda tucked away and a higher level than me, but I wanted this Umbreon, so I'm in there doing the usual catching pokemon stuff, and it's whittling down my team and finally I've got just one hit left on my final pokemon, I throw my ball, it fails, I consign myself to my fate...and then my pokemon "toughs it out because it didn't want to see me cry".  So I got to throw one more pokeball, catching the wild Umbreon with a single hit point left in my party.  And then I did cry, because that was beautiful.

Also has just a lot of fun characters.  The team leaders were a fun punk youth take on the "bad guys", we were given a few really memorable gym leaders, like Larry, the relatable adult.

Also think it just had a really nice stable of new pokemon.  Gen 8 was a harsh letdown in that department, where I just kinda hated most of the designs, and that isn't really the first time.  Gen 9, though, I like almost the entire roster, and again just spent my entire playtime with this like wonder and joy at all the new monsters.  A dog made of dough, a dog made of gravestones, a dog that's like kinda mean I guess.  There were also pokemon that weren't dogs!  Clodsire and Varoom were both big favorites, and the legendaries were really good for the first time in a long time, even aside from having definitely the best quest to find them since probably gen 1.  The ancient and future versions of pokemon were also a very cool idea.


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I realise that in the game you can build a team entirely of dogs and get some decent type coverage while you're at it.


Talking about the DS games

Shoutout to the village bridge theme and that random guy that sings over it if you find him under the bridge



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i have a special place in my heart for ruby and sapphire, as that was my youngest sisters real first pokemon game... sapphire, that is. and we played it together. that was the best.


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>I also miss the Gen 5 B/W2 gimmick of having  interactable NPC to boost the music in the games.
Yeah, that's what I meant there.

It's a pretty nice concept to have interactibles that add to the atmosphere.


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Gold and silver as far as story and whatnot go. I bought the most recent game for the switch, but it was kind of disappointing to be honest.

It felt both too repetitive and vast at the same time. The battles are also insanely easy. I didn't really like the encampments either.

The 'rival' was pretty cool though.





Like I said G/S/C have a fun story and the johto region is my favorite in terms of asthetics, design and music

But just sadly they have not aged well as the level curse, game balance as well as many other factors are rather silly


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I think I'm going to reinstall Palworld. Hopefully there's more to do in game now that a few months have past.


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HGSS were everything Pokémon remakes should be and they've never hit those heights again. With a couple of exceptions, they took every element of the originals and elevated them while adding more stuff as well.

And the originals were pretty fucking good as they were, y'know? It's 2024, Pokémon games are on the Switch, and we still don't have another game spanning two regions where you can fight a past protagonist. They did that shit on the GBC in the year 2000 with 710KB of space to work with. Insane to think about.

Honourable mention to Gen 3, I want to marry May.

Mega Mawile stays winning.


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I mean Gameboy Emulators have been around since at least 2004 beacause I do remember being a young teen and seeing a friend on his windows xp back then playing silver on one and as somebdoy at the time who had no idea what an emulator even is that did rather blow my mind

But either way these days you've like so many countless ways to play Pokemon


Good on you for getting that far at least. There wasn't a chance in hell I was going to be forced into that god awful gym challenge in a so called "open world game" just for a neat area.

>All the annoying progress locks got out of the way and the game just let me go around catching pokemon and discovering stuff, it was fantastic.
Damn, lucky you I guess. My game on the other hand decided that I wasn't allowed to fight three star raid battles, or attend classes at school, or learn sandwich recipes, out go to the auction house, or any of that fun new stuff the game promised, even when I'd explored the whole region with a team of level 70 mons. Which by the way, I trained up while only earning 25% exp. Seems like my run was nothing BUT arbitrary progress gates.


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While not spanning 2 regions, B/W 2 was pretty good with all the extra content and you get to fight Alder and N in the post game.

I don't know about the Miltank there. She might make it in my 6 pokemon signature team.


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Lots of ways to play Pokémon but surprisingly few viable ways to play Pokémon legally. Shell out for the original consoles and cartridges, or buy an entire Switch and an online subscription, or fuck around with backwards compatibility and peripherals and still have to buy the original cartridges, many of which have dead save batteries by this point...

Honestly you should be able to pay video game companies like $20 and have them email you a ROM of your choice to use in your favourite emulator. It'd solve so much.

Also what's with this Gen 2 slander. First of all Miltank is great, y'all are just salty Whitney (quite literally) rolled you as kids. What's wrong with Chikorita? Mareep? Espeon and Umbreon? Heracross? Skarmory? Slugma? How about you Slugma?

I've heard nothing but good things about B2W2 to the point where they must've saved all the good content for it because B1W1 were not enjoyable for 10 year old EMF.


Heracross and Mareep fanclub member present.

...also always thought Whitney had a very cute look.

These threads really do make me wanna do something pokémon related again...


I keep hearing the same thing as well, apparently the reason people can't stop raving about Gen 5 must be in the sequels. B1W1 just didn't do it for me, the region and designs and animations all felt a bit grody to me, and the lauded story was all a big nothing in the end. I put a surprising number of hours into it, and used the online dream world a lot. I did enjoy it at least, which is a lot more than I can say for SV.


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>always thought Whitney had a very cute look
That's because she did! She's underrated, probably because she's older than the internet and gets overshadowed by Jasmine.

Yeah. I beat the game but even with the benefit of hindsight there's only a couple of things I can pick out and say I really liked, like the gym leader's final Pokémon music and a couple of the character designs.

The region was too urban, I thought the graphics were ugly, needing to refight the Elite Four to fight the champion was bullshit, only a couple of the new Pokémon stood out to me in the generation where you're forced into using them until the postgame...

I came into it fresh out of HGSS, which was a better game with more features, and while I beat it because I was a kid and didn't have depression like I do now I was pretty underwhelmed by the whole thing. The fact that it's probably getting a good remake because Gen 4, my first Gen, got a zero-effort cash-grab and pissed everyone off infuriates me.


Gen 6 on the other hand did nearly everything right! If you turn off the exp share that is. Though I do admit, after all these years I'm still not sold on fairy type.


I mean say what you will about Pokemon but there are some pretty ace character designs to be found


I do not have a favourite, but anything after 5th generation is a bust in my eyes.


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Play Rogue Emerald

I have a bunch of Gen4 experience thanks to ROMs.
I do notice that ROMs have become much harder to find lately.



It's amusing everyone is going on about Gen5 as Gen5 is the reason the fairy type exists

Or rather Hydreigon is the reason it does as by that point Dragon had become way too OP

So then fairy type was introduced in the very next gen and Hydreigon shed a tear as it gained an all new 4x weakness

Anyway Black2/White2 are great, they really did improve all the issue the first game had


Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon with the Team Rainbow Rocket was pretty fun

And I liked the idea of a victorius Giovanni from another universe gathering up a team of all the past team bosses and villans we have seen from alternate universes in which said bosses won

Plus there was some pretty dark implications. For example not only do we face a Giovanni who won and took over all of Kanto in his universe but this Giovanni has Mewtwo as his ace Pokemon BUT to make matters worse said Mewtwo can mega evolve. In order to mega evolve a Pokemon needs to have a full max friendship with you, you know in the same way some Pokemon need full friendship to evolve.

This version of Giovanni not only has Mewtwo but has a Mewtwo that he can make mega evolve. This Giovanni is a version of Giovanni who is somehow best friends forever with Mewtwo. That's pretty dark.

Oh, and we meet an alternate version of   lysandre you know the goofy ahh villan from X/Y who was building a super mega weapon which he planned to fire which would wipe out and kill ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET

Well guess what? This alternate version of lysandre is from a universe in which he won. He did indeed do that. And the super fucking up neat part is his new remixed song in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon..

In X/Y his theme song started with the sound of a gun being loaded. In Ultra Sun/ Ultra Moon this alternate universe lysandres theme..

It starts with the sound of a gun being fired instead. Yeah.

Goofy ahh villan no more


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X and Y were fine. Kind of nondescript and generic in the context of everything before and after, I guess, but they added dress-up and mega evolution and I thought Kalos was pretty. ORAS I found completely underwhelming though.

Correct. And half of them don't even get talked about because people are too fixated on the protagonists and Cynthia.

Like Mars! Nobody cared about Mars until they put Arezu in Arceus. That was a real 'I told you so' moment for me.

It depends on the ROMs, really. Newer ones are always going to be harder to find than older ones.

If all else fails use archive.org. The No-Intro collections have the vast majority of games.


Maybe, but the features were unsurpassed. Roller skates, the PSS system, O-powers, the miracle of making EV training fun... And loads of great designs. It's the only time I had more pokémon I actually wanted to use than I had slots on my team.


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Pokémon Amie too!


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X and Y did give us fashion and clothing changes for the first time which was neat

You could tell the game was rushed sadly though and it not getting a third version which it very clearly needed did not help things

It did also give us some cool new Pokemon too like one of my favorites like Heliolisk

A surfing water running electric type lizard? Hook it into my veins


Let's jus say the Waifu list is loooong when it comes to Pokemon.


That one at least came back in some form or another afterwards.


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Bro wtf is god asking me to do


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>X and Y did give us fashion and clothing changes for the first time which was neat

That's been the really big miss for me in gens 8 and 9.  Why are the fashion options so gutted?  Forget the limited pokedex, I want clothes again.


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>Forget the limited pokedex, I want clothes again.

>I want clothes again


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Only thing that was funny was that the best clothes in X/Y straight up cost like 100,000 PokeYen (or whatever its called) per piace of clothing and you had to do all this stupid tedious stuff to unlock it so if you wanted a fancy outfit it would cost you around half a million to get it

But it was so, so worth it just to flex on people online during battles and such


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Pokemon gave that fun tamagotchi like feeling, which was nice and got me to buy my first Pokemon game in decades + a 2DS.

While I like the concept and like that pokemon interaction in battle upgrades, with special text and even the pokemon looking back at you when battling.

It's only such a shame that it kind of breaks the game, with all the benefits it gives you.
I wish you could get the flavour text and the interactions without reaping the mechanical benefits.


Didn't see this till now, and Iunno what that is


Nobody plays Pokémon for the story.


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It's roguelike, but Pokemon.

You have to beet the 8 gym leaders of Gen3, you get that roguelike feature where you have to select a path - a section of a level where you can catch a pokemon of choice and battle trainers for money.

Healing pokemon is possible, but very expensive. Like in a Nuzlocke, a fainted pokemon is lost forever.

Your pokemon does instantly grow to a level cap per gym leader and gym leaders get increasingly challenging levels.

When you faint, it's game over and you must start again, but you get a bunch of money so you can expand your village and get some extra starting items and a "safari" zone where you can go an select a new starter from the pokemon you've caught so far.

It's pretty difficult.


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And on the subject of X and Y don't forget they (for better or worse depending on how you view it) introduced the Fairy type

And the Dragon type has never been the same and it's said Hydreigon has still not forgiven Gamefreak as it now has nightmares of a flying egg, a sentient keyring, a dog made out of dough and a ball of gas wearing a top hat.


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Above all else I just wish fairy type had any kind of conceptual cohesion or thematic consistency.


>you had to do all this stupid tedious stuff to unlock it
Oh, hah, you got a competitively viable shiny version of your favorite Pokemon with a hidden ability and perfect EVs and IVs? Well, I've got some ballin shoes!


Yeesh. Much as I occasionally like to do a Nuzlocke, I am not sure how much I'd enjoy this.


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Shinoh was my favorite, but they originally didn't have good fire pokemon, which are my go to.


>Liking fire pokémon
Feh. Basic.

I kid of course


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Well fairy types are supposed to be tricksters, trolls, goblins and cute 'lil beings and tend to be based on classical old fairy tales and fables.

Plus their weakness just like all in Pokemon do have an ingame LOREEE reason.

Immune and super effective to dragon as it's a classic "good vs evil" with the faires being good and dragons being evil and good always winning over evil and old legends of fairys being able to tame and calm down dragons

Super effective against fighting as their cute, timid nature puts off fighters

Super effective against dark for similar reasons to dragon; Good vs evil, fairys are light vs the dark.

Weak to posion as posion corrupts and is often used as a counter to good in old fables and fairy tales like the posion apple in snow white and Tinker Bell drinking posion almost killing her

Weak to steel as theres the age old tables of Iron being a fairys weakness and the weapons used to kill them, and probably something about the modern world and modern tech being cold, unfeeling and logical all of which goes against what fairies stand for


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Heh, I somewhere got that same idea.

I've heard some good mechanical reasons for not picking Fire but fire type pokemon have been a solid entry to some of my teams so far.

Gen4 did have a very central fire type elite 4 member whose team did not in fact contain all Fire types.


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>Not liking fire types

My counter argument using some of my fav fire types


>tricksters, trolls, goblins and cute 'lil beings
And the poster boys of the fairy type, Xerneas and Sylveon, factor into this how?

>Plus their weakness just like all in Pokemon do have an ingame LOREEE reason.
You... do know none of that is in the games, right? Like NONE of the weaknesses have in game explanation aside from an NPC saying water conducts electricity.


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Sylveon is a cute little guy, what you on about? Also it has bunny ears, which is partly based on the concept of the moon rabbit (of which many fairy tales were wirtten) and of which Azumarill is also based on which surprise surprise is also a fairy type

It's English name comes from the word sylph whcih is an ancient word for air and was often used to describe a type of air elementels that were.. faries.

And it's Japanese name Nymphia comes from the word "nymph" with nymphs being classical old english faires

Xerneas is an interesting one I'll give you that. Pure fairy is an odd one when there are arguments to be made it could be part psychic or grass. Either way it's the very embodiment of life and purity. A bright, shining beautiful being that brings life and nature everywhere it goes and can bless those it loves with the gift of eternal life. Sounds rather like a being from a classic fairy tale, no?

And as for the types not being explained.. I mean, so? Gamefreak and devs have said they based the type weaknesses on realistic scenarios to make them eaiser to understand. Like psychic types being powerful masters of the mind. Relaxed and focused. Yet what could put them off of their meditation?

Fear. And what are the most common fears? Spiders, the dark and spoopy ghosts. Aka the bug type, the dark type and the ghost type being what the psychic type is weak too.

Or the rock type being weak to fighing due to fighters and warriors smashing rocks to both train and show off.

Or fire being weak to water beacause.. Do I have to keep going? It's pretty obvious.


Oh my god. Please get some sleep, you're embarrassing yourself.


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Not sure how answering a question that you asked me to answer is embarrassing but ok, you do you.

Like I get you're trolling now but what's the point? I'm wasting my time even replying but seriously what do you get from this other than shitting up the thread?


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>Or the rock type being weak to fighing due to fighters and warriors smashing rocks to both train and show off.
And Fighters are weak to birds, because have you ever tried to punch a bird?>>1172581
I think you did well


We all know at least one black belt fighter who was helplessly pecked to death by a pigeon.


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>Steel is immune to posion as you can't posion a machine
>Grass is weak to ice as the cold kills plants


Poison pokemon would absolutely gunk up some machinery, though.


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I suppose you have a point. Guess it would be more of a stalemate really.

Like a Muk vs a klinklang would just be an endless Mexican standoff


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Mawile my beloved.


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>Be Mawile
>Be a Mon with a really cool design but sadly below pair stats
>Get rarely used and when you are it's only people using you as a baton pass mon
>Gen6 and megas come out
>You get one of the most busted and broken megas with the new fairy type added to you and a base 105 attack which is doubled to 210 thanks to you getting the huge power ability causing you to get the highest attack stat of ANY mon in the entire game
>You are so broken that you end up in competative either being placed only in ubers with legendaries or just flat out banned

One of the biggest glowups Pokemon has seen


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Steel type honestly, may be the reason why fire pokemon have their advantage.

Because there's nothing really unique about burning plants / bugs and ice.

Mawhile was kind of chosen to just make Fairies seem invincible. Since it is the dark/ghost combo of the Fairy type.


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All I have to say is that with all these megas and regional varients being released and being cool is..

Why has Parasect not seen any respect? My man has been clowned on since Gen1 with his infinate number of weaknesses and slow as a snail pace

I mean nowadays he does get much better moves and coverage and if you're not into competative and just casual playthroughs he can be fun as a swords dancing (if very slow) sweeper

But he feels like a Pokemon even Gamefreak forgot about and it rather sucks. Someone needs to do my cool zombie bug justice and give him a regional varient or mega or something. Maybe some kind of like ghost/grass version? Implying that not only has the mushroom taken over the bug but that said bug has died or something? Bit dark, but could be neat

Or maybe a regional dark/bug type Parasect that adapted to live down in dark caves rather than in forests or something?


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Yeah, lucky enough to get a glow-up, too. Too many good Pokémon get forgotten.


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It's the tragedy of having Mega evolution a single gen gimmick.

That's a certain part where I feel like Pokemon went off the rails.
Up until Gen5, most mechanics rely on the established mechanics, nothing too crazy.

Then Gen6: Mega evolution
I hated it at first, as it was such a Digimon thing to do.
But later on, I liked the idea of having your favourite pokemon mega evolve in your party.

Then Gen7: Z moves
Just less impactful than mega evolution, but it did boost some attack with extra effects

Then Gen8: Dynamax
Aside from Gigantamax, it's just a way less interesting version of mega evolution (timed rather than single use, not a lot of specific designs) and destroyed the nice aspects of Z moves.

Now gen 9 has Terra forms, which kind of boosts attacks, but I honestly also never bothered to using them.

It would heve been better to just keep adding a couple dozen of extra mega evolutions with each consecutive generation, rather than throwing each new concept into the garbage bin.


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I always loved megas. Thankfuly they are bringing them back in the new Kalos based Legends game it seems so here's hoping we get some new megas for some mons that deserve it

Thankfuly gamefreak have been nice to some older mons. I mean recently we have had a bunch of Jhoto mons in Legends get some fun new regional varients and evolutions

As one of around one in a billion who liked Stantler I really love Wyrdeer

Prehaps Flygon will get the mega everyone has wanted for so longer? The fact it did not get one in Alpha Saphire/Omega Ruby was a joke and Gamefreak even said they planned for it only to not agree on a design.. Which is nonsense as you can clearly do a simple Google search and find a thousand fun mega flygon fan designs


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Gen 5 had the uh... crystals? Not exactly a big new mechanic I know, but didn't they end up getting banned wholesale?



gen5 was Black/White. The only real "this game only" gimic was seasons and the dream world.

It was Gen 7 with Sun/Moon that had the silly Crystals with the Super Saiyan Pokemon powers with funny aniamations

Although some were fun like this one



There is also this one in which Mimikyu just straight up murders it's foe


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Gems, that's it! You let your pokémon hold a chaos emerald and it powers up a move.


you must also make a funny little dance

or it won't work


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This is Gen 5, humans only have 3 frames of animation.


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Back in my day there was only 150 Pokemon and they was all black and white.



No, no Grandma they were GREEN and black, not black and white! Is your eyesight playing up again?


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Actually come to think of it wasn't they actually red and blue?


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One ex colleague of mine tried to convince me that Gen1 didn't have dual types, Poison was only a status condition, not a type and actually the only types there were were grass / fire / water / Normal (no type).
She's an avid gamer otherwise too.


The Gems
are from
Gen 5!

Your friend though... maybe she only played the card game? That would explain half of that...


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Oh wait, you mean the held item that is one time use only?


Exactly! Did those ever come back in later games? Man, what's the point of consumable held items anyway...?


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Apparently, only Normal gem appeared later.

> what's the point
I assume it may be like with Pocket sand, a one time surprise attack to give you an edge with a certain type.
Perhaps if you want the benefits on your pokemon, but don't have enough permanent items.

Honestly, there's good use in many held one time consumable items, because a lot of them grant a benefit not yet covered by permanent items.
But gems are probably a bad example, since there are permanent items out there that do what they do anyway.

There could be small reasons, like using attacks to steal / swap in items off your opponent when desired.


One per battle maybe, but when the battle is over you lost that item forever. Seems like bad design.


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So you stack your inventory with gems, which are generally widely available.
Besides, the game has potions despite having Full restores as well, but that's not necessarilly bad designs.

To be honest, the PvE for the games itself don't really rely much on these kinds of held items. The competitive scene is where you can experiment with these sort of things.


Widely available?


You go to one of the first caves and farm them from the rumbling spots.


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Ohhhh we are on about the elementel gems that boosted your moves powers not the Z moves..

my bad


Yeah you could find them from like a dustcloud in the ground shows up. You also had a chance of finding a rare ground type Pokemon but the chance was always low like 5 to 10 percent so you would almost always be getting lots of gems


Huh, that makes sense. I never bothered going back to farm.


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>  You also had a chance of finding a rare ground type Pokemon but the chance was always low like 5 to 10 percent so you would almost always be getting lots of gems
For B/W2, Drilbur is only available at the other end of the tunnel in Driftveil.

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