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 No.1170975[Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:


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Good morning.
I'm just about to start my day, my dude.


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Did you sleep well?

Got any big plans for today?


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Yeah, I slept well enough. I just hope this month passes quickly.

I'm anticipating another package and it turns out that little device works pretty good. Also got some books I want to read that are computer related.


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But it's only just started!

What did you order now?


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July is one of the hottest months here. Shit starts getting better by August.

More of that Boka Nano Hydroxyapatite whitening toothpaste.
And something else more personal, but you wouldn't wanna hear about that.


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Ah, I see. Here August is just as bad as July, often worse.

I've heard Americans are really into whitening their teeth!

If you say so.


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The majority of us find it more appealing.


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Here it's considered "fake". Dentists all adivse against using it.

Is anything else new?


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Oh wow. I'll never quite wrap my head around that reasoning.

Nah, not really. Just wish I had more trading capital though. And I'm craving for some cod ghosts gameplay as of late. Hope you have a good day.


There are tooth whitening procedures, and then just your ordinary toothpaste with whitening ingredients. The former likely has no dental health benefit, while the latter is just... brushing your teeth? So I'd guess that it's the procedures that dentists advise against. The toothpaste has never helped with my teeth color though.


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I hope all those stocks are performing well!

I'll be watching some football.

Well, that's one reason - and the fact that it's simply not the natural color teeth have, especially when you get older.  Like, when you're an old leady and got pearly whites, most people will roll their eyes here.



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I wonder what that video was?



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Oh no, not John Madden!


File: 1719999120344.png (196.74 KB, 416x405, 416:405, a brony!.png) ImgOps Google

It doesn't link through to youtube?

It was bapkat, the joke is some youtuber/tiktok-er has his cat picking Cards Against Humanity card answers to questions from th audience.


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Twili thread.


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Not for me, it says the user has deactivated the video.

Hi Scoots, how are things? Yes it is!


File: 1720006392897.jpg (4.33 MB, 2300x3200, 23:32, 21dbda13f3c9f0a12f0da79e08….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I get to get shot with lasers today and it's going to be very painful.

I am getting my facial hair lasered off.

How's you?


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I never had something like that done. I guess you'll never have a proper beard now!

I'm okay, working from home. Not too busy today.


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Wait, it has to be painful?
I use Braun Silk Expert Pro5 IPL with cooling gel and it's rare that it's ever painful. To be fair, I have to spread my sessions for a span of several months. Maybe you're doing yours under a professional and pain is a requirement.


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How's it going?


Doing good. Got some sleep last night and roughly woke up an hour or two after midday, which is better than three or four.


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Two hours before midday is what it should be, and that's late!


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I'm at least getting some semblance of a bedtime and waking hour.


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Speaking of which, I need to be off to bed! Night night!


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Good night.


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Ugh, couldn't get any sleep again.


That’s not good. Gotta stay up all day now!


I'll try but I doubt I'd last until midday.


You need to occupy yourself!


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Home at last. Time for books.


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While Twilight is reading about pornography, I wonder what books you'll be reading.


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also pornography

get it while it's still legally available


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It's educational!


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Good morning.


"I can't wait for Factorio 2.0 and the DLC. I should play Satisfactory in the meanwhile to scratch that itch."


"This is ok, but it mostly makes me wish I were playing Factorio"



Dancing for old Saint Nick to help him cope with the fact he only comes once a year?



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It was worth a reply in the video!


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Santa may not understand anime, but he tries!

I'll give a watch when I get home!

Yay! Thank you<3



It's a song so hey, you can also give it a listen on the way.

I need to find something else other than Stupendium though. I feel like thayt well's running dry for me.


He's a good guy like that


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Good morning.


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Good morning, how are you?


File: 1720243539310.jpg (64.37 KB, 540x540, 1:1, tumblr_pjzo4lDEhs1ws5448_5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

tired, but otherwise good

it was an insanely busy day at the park, with close to 2000 attendants. so a lot of us are feelin a bit drained ><

how bout you?


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Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. Are there usually a lot of people during summer?

I'm alright, meeting friends later today. Just finished breakfast.


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kids are out of school, so summer tends to be busy because of that. Also, it's 4th of July weekend, so lots of people are on vacation with family, which just compounds it ><

friends and breakfast sound delightful ^_^


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Oh yeah, that was too. Did you see any firworks?

Still got some weekend chores before that though.


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sadly no, i was busy working on stuff, plus my town had a strict no firework thing due to fire danger and we live in a forest :PP

chores are always annoying, but makes the time off so much sweeter! what are your plans with friends?


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Ah, a shame. But it make sense, better not let the sparks fly around.

I guess we'll go to an open-air bath mostly.


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don't misunderstand me! if i had the arsenal of fireworks in my possession, they would have glowed like the sun yesterday!

>open-air bath

my interest is peaked


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Well, maybe next year you can light some.

The bath should be relaxing. It'll be hot today.


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hopefully! maybe we'll get to a firework tent in missouri when we visit family on thanksgiving

what kind of bath is it? is it a hotspring?


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It's kinda like a thermal spa.


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oh god i need to go to a day spa...

but for now, i must sleep!

goodnight ^_^


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Sleep well!


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Good morning.


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Go to sleep.


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But the sun is out, it's time for breakfast!

How are you?


File: 1720326071136.png (1.4 MB, 1243x1978, 1243:1978, 276436.png) ImgOps Google

Well that's a shame.

I'm doing fine lately. Just occupying my free time with some Hitman Absolution. Forgot how incredibly fun that game can be.
I think I'm in love with 47. I would love for him to tell me to hold his Silverballers and say to not lose them directly towards me.


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The Hitman games can be pretty fun, you get to be pretty creative.

I'm not sure 47 is someone who would appreciate it.


File: 1720326521085.png (1.06 MB, 1813x2172, 1813:2172, commission2.png) ImgOps Google

Aw, he'd break my heart.
Easily, I believe.
And I think he's immune to persuasion and flattery, which is also why he's so legendary.


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Ah, so that's part of what you like about him?


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Maybe. Maybe not. Heheh..


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Do you have any plans for Sunday?


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Super secret plans?


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Not really. But I would prefer to not elaborate. But hey, I'm still trying to expand my knowledge with computer science material lately.


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Did you read any new books on it?


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Why yes. And I'll never stop learning. Goodnight!


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Good night!


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That's right, go to sleep ;)


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Soon! How are you?


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Tired and bored. Also had an interesting night that I would prefer to not talk about. I'm going to make some white tea here in a bit. I decided to get a different type with pomegranate flavor. And I guess I'll cook myself some sirloin for lunch. I decided to do a sort of fasting and skip breakfast.


File: 1720377295093.png (457.22 KB, 755x527, 755:527, twi33.png) ImgOps Google

Sirloin is very tasty, what will you have with it?

I'll get some coffee myself.


File: 1720377588391.png (209.47 KB, 527x600, 527:600, medium-774397425.png) ImgOps Google

I don't know, some supplements?
I always try to take some omega oil and ginkgo everyday.


File: 1720377863760.gif (763.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, other18.gif) ImgOps Google

Why not have some taters?


File: 1720378620557.png (1.02 MB, 1500x1200, 5:4, 659698.png) ImgOps Google

I suppose I'll add some of that Noosa lemom yogurt I've got. I usually get Chobani, but now it's a different brand.


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That's a daring side for a sirloin!


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Good night.


File: 1720410605166.png (251.01 KB, 1092x626, 546:313, twi251.png) ImgOps Google

Time to get up.


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Is it though

Is it really


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The answer is yes. I hope you're all doing well.


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Born to sleep
Forced to bathe and work


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Another sleepy head?


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Oh wow... That's a big dog.


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it was a very big dog!

and let it be known that this is why you invest in bear-proof trashcans!


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Makes sense if there are bears around!


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yup! it's funny when you get people from city or non-mountain regions come here, and the moment they learn that bears live around here, they freak out as though they will be attacked at any moment! in reality they are just spicy big raccoons

anywho, gotta hit the sack!



File: 1720421714512.gif (9.5 MB, 960x540, 16:9, twi276.gif) ImgOps Google

Well, I guess you can shoo aways racoons more easily.

Sleep well now!




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Beg your pardon?



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That's not a thing to say.


I was bored on the train and make noises when I got nothing to say




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Well, I guess that explains it.


>Pokes your nose


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Good night.


Whoops! Musta accidentally hit the sleep mode button.


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I had a dream about the cannibal ghost of Tombland, Norwich. (Which is a real thing, I visited the Tombland alley myself.)

I wish I knew her name, because a name was mentioned in my dream which I doubt was hers. Then again, they had weird names during Victorian times.


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And what happened in your dream?


I dreamt I went to Tombland because I was on a field trip with Mr. Pedelty, a teacher from my High School years who I looked up to. I told them about the cannibal ghost only for Mr. Pedelty not to believe me. Then there was some modern underground place that was not there in Tombland completely built over the old house (which is a Norwich preserved building). Mr. Pedelty didn't believe me then the ghost messed with his hat. I tried to calm and appease the spirit in which the ghosts name was "Elder Flower". We sang her a song to appease her.

FYI Elder Flower isn't the real Tombland grey lady's name/ I don't think anyone knows who the little girl was in life, just what she did before death.


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was she hot?


The ghost in my dreams or the actual ghost?

I've been to the actual Tombland Alley, but it was only a brief visit. I didn't see any ghosts.

As for the ghost in my dream, I didn't get a good look at her. She sounded young, but that's about it.



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What kind of song?


I dunno... I can't remember. A sort of sappy happy song to let the spirit knows it's remembered and can go in peace.

It was just a weird dream. I doubt the actual girl's name was Elder Flower, even if Victorian names were weird back then.


Found a video for Epic.


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What are those kids doing in school? They're clearly dirty and unwashed so they're not upper class.

This is the Victorian era we are talking about; Those kids need to be working at once! Lazy freeloaders, being educated when they could be up a chimney or down the mines..



File: 1720554561749.jpg (48.75 KB, 800x529, 800:529, twi29.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Sorry, one Sonic video per year is enough.


Thre's never enough Sonic!


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Makes me fall asleep! Night night!


If Sonic makes you tired, that means you'll fall fast asleep.



Ah Japan, you and your commercials.


I think only the rich could afford schooling.


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Good morning.


>Long Long Man
How about
long long int


I dunno what that is? Something to do with C++?


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It's super hot today... what a bother.

I bet Noel would love it.


File: 1720632592351.png (155.69 KB, 603x603, 1:1, Wet mane, oh Steve.png) ImgOps Google

It's rather cool on my end. It's been raining.


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Nice, rain would be good now.


Cool things down.


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If only there were a way to.


True, if it's "muggy" weather it's just hot and dreary.


File: 1720633594426.gif (129.12 KB, 360x360, 1:1, dash20.gif) ImgOps Google

It'll only cool down on Saturday.


Even if today is 14°C, would appreciate it being cooler.


File: 1720633921289.png (544.82 KB, 825x1023, 25:31, twi101.png) ImgOps Google

Hm, nah, 14 is a very good temperature. I wouldn't want it below that. But rather lower that higher.


Well, a light chill is always welcoming. I'd rather be cold than hot. At least I can put a blanket on if I get too cold. Takes more effort to cool me down.



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Good morning all.


File: 1720684027456.jpeg (53.52 KB, 309x498, 103:166, 1712718365087.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Good morning, nerd.


No ur the nerd, nerd!


File: 1720688029114.jpeg (95.9 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, 1713677887440.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Ahw, Esh called me a nerd! Uwu
I'm gonna sleep here in a bit.
Just currently running a DS emulator before I doze off.


I calls en as I sees en.

Watcha emulating?


Hope you're doing well! Busy times at work here.


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Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. An oldie but a goodie.
Never thought I'd be playing it on my phone. Hell, I didn't think Black Ops 3 would work on Linux..and yet it does my dude. I enjoy testing compatibility in my spare time.




Bowser's Inside Story was very good, it's always fun seeing Bowser as a quasi hero.

Night night!


I'm alright. Getting up a lil late, but what else is new.

Never did finish a Mario and Luigi game past Superstar Säga, but I hear good things. Hope yer having fun.


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Well, today's the day I exchange bedrooms, moving the computer and chair will be a hassle.


File: 1720731702597.jpg (42.78 KB, 576x576, 1:1, 48361536848362623d.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Must be a heavy computer.
I'd be interested in hearing about the specifications, if you don't mind that is.


It's not that heavy, just a hassle for a number of reasons, such as the fact it's under a high-riser bed I don't use and moving it across the landing.

Eitherway, I'm pretty much set up now.


File: 1720740973379.png (1.14 MB, 2560x1596, 640:399, 2024-07-11_16-27.png) ImgOps Google

This is what I'm running and it only weighs about 3.7 lbs!
I could get out and about within seconds.


I dunno how heavy my computer is. It's not super-heavy, given I can lift it up. Just a hassle moving bedrooms.

I dunno how to check my computer specs.


File: 1720741742841.jpg (91.63 KB, 736x1133, 736:1133, 382725462727362627724.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You guys are adorable.
Are them Triple-A games working good enough?


Yeah they're fine. Plays games well.


File: 1720751623192.jpg (31.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi82.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good morning.


Good mornin' there.


File: 1720751803685.gif (411.79 KB, 150x150, 1:1, twi126.gif) ImgOps Google

How are things?


Good now that the room swap has finished, though may need to move a few things around for me to get comfortable with.


File: 1720752004466.jpg (81.18 KB, 629x339, 629:339, twi164.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, now you can try your VR again.


It's more spacious than before, bot not that spacious. But yes, I would like to reinstall my VR headset.


File: 1720752441462.jpg (205.87 KB, 1912x1080, 239:135, twi12.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, you can try how it works.


I will later. I've yet to go to bed yet.


File: 1720752562082.png (132.38 KB, 945x945, 1:1, hh23.png) ImgOps Google

Off you go then. It's late.


Nah, not yet. No point going to bed if I can't fall asleep.


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Well, I'm off to work myself.


See you later.


Looks like a quiet day at work. But at least it's not hot in the office.


>video mentions 1980s nostalgia in the past tense

Hah, you know what, they're right. It IS finally over! We're doing 1990s nostalgia now. I can't wait until we hit 2000s nostalgia so I can figure out what that even would be. 2010s even more so, I have no idea what would go into that.


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My ass was born in 1999 dude, but for some reason I feel nostalgic about "Feels Good" by Tony! Toni! Toné!


>Born 1999
A tiny bebbe is among us



Well that's one item that's "'90s nostalgia" by a technicality, heh.

Seriously though, being born in 1999 means you lived through 2010s. What will the nostalgia for that even look like


File: 1720785005689.jpg (72.91 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 38463652747262.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh please.
Shit I dunno.. Sly 3 on the PS2?



PS2 is from 2000
PS3 is from 2006
PS4 is from 2014

So that's like 1.5 gen off. But maybe indeed something from the PS4 era? It's got to be an Aesthetic though. Like the '80s thing, with its neon and hot pink.


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I barely had a life after the PS2 days.



Well, I guess that still leaves predicting the 2000s nostalgia. Because I have no idea what that could be. The big event in the English-speaking was that War On  Terror, but I can't quite see how you can make nostalgia out of that. Not in the same way the '80s got their Fabulousness and fresh and new electronics, and the '90s got their grungy end of history optimism. The '00s have performative hyperpatriotism, terrorism, the early modern internet (which was still relatively niche so not good fodder there) amd Brown for the
"realistic aesthetic". The whole decade feels very "we'd rather forget this ever happened" in terms of nostalgic culture, like the 1910s or 1930s.


Look, I'm 10 years older than you (tomorrow, at least), so let me consider you a baby for a bit.

Humor an old man.


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Home at last.


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A'ight, reinstalled my Oculus Rift S... though my Window (C:) drive isn't happy about it, even with all the crap I deleted. (I couldn't install it on my other spacious drives. I now only have 1.05GB of free space left on it.)

Now I'm waiting for the controller batteries to recharge.


Ude godt, men hjemme bedst


File: 1720796896377.png (299.8 KB, 1040x637, 80:49, twi80.png) ImgOps Google

I hope you can install it all.


It's installed, I'm just waiting for the batteries to recharge for the controller before setting up the VR.

If I push some stuff toward the wall, I might have some space for a play-area but for now I'll just make sure it works once the batteries are charged.


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You need some space to move.


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The bedroom I have now may not be as spacious as the bedroom I had in the previous house, but it has more space than I had in the previous room. Just gotta make do with what I got, I'm thankful for the room swap.

Also, I finally got a proper bed! I don't have to sleep in my recliner anymore. As comfortable as my recliner is, even I was getting tired sleeping in it every night.


File: 1720798948591.png (53.82 KB, 250x188, 125:94, dash310.png) ImgOps Google

I've slept on a sofa bed my entire life.


A sofa bed is still a bed though. Just one that folds out. I once had a sofa bed.


Dont knock sofa beds.


I honestly woud prefer a sofa bed, if I had the room for it.


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The lack of space is why I sleep on one.


Yeah but they still gotta fold out, you need space for that.


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Yeah, but much less so than a bed, plus a sofa.


Yeah but when it's night, you have to move stuff around and fold it out.


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That's like two minutes of work.


You really want two minutes of hassle just to get into bed?


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Look out this one is up to no good


The VR headset seems to work fine, but I forgot how stuffy it is in the visor.


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Good morning.


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Hi Noelle, how's it going?


File: 1720846293190.png (291.92 KB, 606x666, 101:111, consider shutting up.png) ImgOps Google

i'm exhausted!

i spent 7 hours in 33c weather running a ride in direct sunlight that requires a ton of walking to run

i did 11 miles of walking in the sun, and i feel like my life has left my body ><


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I can imagine, sounds really rough!

That's why cooler temperatures are best!


File: 1720846495354.jpg (83.41 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 5a87373a8581c350107dbd3086….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'd take 33c over 0c

rather be too hot than too cold


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I'd take 20 over both. But always 0 over 33.


File: 1720846713408.jpg (50.83 KB, 850x701, 850:701, 57b0fae3fb3e564356767671ef….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

id also take 20 over either of them

but 33 over 0 for me

anywho, how are you?


File: 1720846897512.png (128.61 KB, 403x314, 403:314, twi73.png) ImgOps Google

I just had breakfast, now just watching youtube before doing my weekend chores.


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sounds like a good way to start your day! what chores do you got on the docket?


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Cleaning and doing groceries, that's what I do on Saturdays.


File: 1720850466224.jpg (24.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, lAz5FGQL_400x400.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

clean them groceries!

scrub those potatoes!


Ew, I woke up a year older.


File: 1720850732535.jpg (480.37 KB, 822x1280, 411:640, F8QaE0EXIAAuKuK.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Happy New Year, Esh! time to pop the champagne!

>hugs <3

may this year be better than the last!


For now I'd settle for slightly nicer weather. But oh well, it's early.

Gonna go eat breakfast with my family, some friends pop by later for dinner and then we hit a bar in the evening. Should be a nice day.


File: 1720851234409.png (123.68 KB, 900x580, 45:29, pinkie169.png) ImgOps Google

Happy birthday!


File: 1720851533584.gif (9.49 MB, 626x440, 313:220, 89b5291c70cb2bd6ef86d74c46….gif) ImgOps Google

tomorrow is supposed to be like 33c, so i can send some degrees your way if you want

all in all, sounds like a lovely time! i hope your birthmas goes swimmingly!

as for me, i need to hit the sack


>hug <3


File: 1720852325061.jpg (114.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hh41.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Night night!



Please do.

Hey hey, be nice to your sack.


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I cast a level 17 fireball, dealing piercing damage to anyone immune to fire outright.


Shadow wizard gang



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And they call themselves wizards, for shame.


If I was a wizard with the power to get away with practically anything, wouldn't you have fun with it?


I do love me some Mall Wizard



Saw 'em both
It gud sheet


File: 1720916777809.png (5.54 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, 11199bc1322ee2f7da2a1eea33….png) ImgOps Google

Well I woke up this morning at my dad's and watched the second half of Beverly Hills Cop 4 which we started last night, then like the second half of Ghostbusters because it happened to be on TV after we finished.

Neither of which were the most 80s thing to happen today, because someone just shot the Republican (ex-)president of the United States. Go figure.


It makes a good premise for a TV series of sorts.
A Gandalf-like wizard who makes no attempt to hide the fact he is a wizard, in everyday normal life and activities.

I binged-watched the first three movies before watching BHC4.


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Good morning.


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damn, that pic is really cute and funny



File: 1720940070721.png (122.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3372133.png) ImgOps Google

I happen to be up, but now I should sleep.
Much too tired now.


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Good morning.


File: 1721015748643.png (939.81 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3394305.png) ImgOps Google

Heya, I'm drinking some white tea with pomegranate flavor.


File: 1721015892828.jpg (13 KB, 308x219, 308:219, twi69.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What's white tea?

I should get some coffee myself.


File: 1721016227112.png (3.4 MB, 2400x1970, 240:197, 3332529.png) ImgOps Google

Tea made from leaves of the Camellia plant, in a way typically less processed than green tea. I thought people knew that.


File: 1721016352054.png (128.14 KB, 333x329, 333:329, twi145.png) ImgOps Google

Nah, I don't think I've ever heard of it.

Did you have a nice weekend?


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It was alright. Had a weird morning, but it turned out pretty awesome in the end.


File: 1721016722003.jpg (81.18 KB, 629x339, 629:339, twi164.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good good, I hope the upcoming week will also treat you well.

Did you play any games lately?


File: 1721017403231.jpg (313.65 KB, 1080x1357, 1080:1357, 287461847251.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hardly. I was planning to try TF2, but an individual named Laila made me an interesting offer... Jesus christ, I was talking about hypnosis and she showed her true colors. Amazing how lewd people can be when you act like a pet. Even more shocking when she claimed to originally be asexual holy shit. I'm still trying to come to terms with the offer since I'm a good person at heart. Other than that, I need to tinker with some Linux stuff.


File: 1721017527464.gif (1.96 MB, 849x385, 849:385, twi282.gif) ImgOps Google

Sounds like an 'interesting' kind of roleplay.

Is TF2 still a thing nowadays? I haven't played it in ten years I think.


File: 1721017800068.png (939.81 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3394305.png) ImgOps Google

Very much so. I mean, there's lots of bots, yes. But the community is very much alive. I prefer Skial servers in order to get decked out without much hassle.


File: 1721018138373.jpg (95.14 KB, 633x346, 633:346, twi163.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Sounds good. Are hats still an important feature of TF2?


File: 1721018576912.jpg (225.4 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, What in gods name is this ….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yeah, but not as much nowadays.
I really only try to get the best weapons for getting the intel.


File: 1721018758144.png (420.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, twi265.png) ImgOps Google

Well, it's cool the game is still around and has its base.

I have to head to work now, take care and sleep welll!


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Oh, it's the big news!


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it was easy to find, but hard to catch


Hope all is good with! Work's calling.


File: 1721019324047.gif (9.49 MB, 626x440, 313:220, 89b5291c70cb2bd6ef86d74c46….gif) ImgOps Google

well tell work to suck an egg!


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That seems an inefficient way to consume an egg

Why so worried about the glass


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I just can't help it.


Hopefully it ain't poisoned


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Good morning.


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And good morning to you.
I agreed to Laila's offer, but she's having fun on my terms lol. But hell yes I wanna get fucked eventually..

So anyways, had myself some more of that tea and played a bit of Black Ops 3 Moon zombies. Rest of the day was uneventful.


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I hope that you find joy there!

Zombies are on the moon now? I wrapped up the RoboCop game, it was pretty good.


File: 1721099444842.png (3.15 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 2729745.png) ImgOps Google

Gonna need to. Life's much too short, especially around these times.

>Zombies are on the moon now?
I still wish you would play the Black Ops series my man. My favorite is Black Ops Cold War. I'm sure it'll be quite fun at a discount. But there's much gore so I dunno.


File: 1721099883842.png (189.88 KB, 473x333, 473:333, twi206.png) ImgOps Google

I'm just not that much of a shooter fan.


File: 1721100077256.png (3.45 MB, 1700x2338, 850:1169, 2345736.png) ImgOps Google

Aw, so what games do you play these days? Battlefield or COD and sometimes GTA are so incredibly fun for me.


File: 1721100213008.png (628.76 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, twi36.png) ImgOps Google

Usually I just play old classics, RPG, action/jump 'n runs, action/adventures... in the past years more walking simulators, games that generally are more story heavy.

But of course other stuff too now and then. RoboCop was also just a shooter really.


I've been playing Blade & Sorcery of late. I'm not that sold on the "Crystal Hunt" mode, but fun to mess around in VR.

Plus, I find the headset useful as a sort of private recording studio. Well, not that private but still quality microphone.


File: 1721100436016.gif (327.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi110.gif) ImgOps Google

Nice that you're trying your VR again.

I'm off to work now, laters!


File: 1721100670191.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2148201.png) ImgOps Google

I was never quite sold on those VR headsets
Bye now.


I'm even gonna give Unity another go at it, but I'm not gonna make promises.

(Plus, my brother needs to sort out my system drive. It only has 26.6MB of free space left.
I dunno what's chewing up the space nor know why it can't compensate from the other drives which are hundred-times more spacious.

I'm simply not computer-smarts, but my brother is, and I'm thankful for him.


I wanna try making a Puyo Puyo VR fan game. I got the gameplay in mind, just making it is another matter.

I think what went wrong with my first attempt is that I've been hung up trying to make functioning models for working hands when I should've kept it barebones and do fanct stuff like models and presentation until last.


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Heh, that sounds adorable.
I wish you well in your endeavor.
I believe in you!
Though if you ever consider making a shooter, you should ideally learn a programming language.


I really should learn C++ which I think is the language Unity uses... or maybe other game developers use? I dunno.

I'm not much of a shooter-person, but making a VR shoting game would be somethin'. I'll need to come up with a decent story though. I think zombies are a bit done to death.


I think unless you have the tools/skills to make it in the first place, the story is irrelevant.


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I have to wonder

What's up with the many Lily Orchard counter-argument videos nowadays?

I know Sailboat once dropped her Steven Universe retrospective.
But in the last month I am getting lots of recommendations with a lot of countervideos on a large set of reviews she made.


File: 1721125442057.jpeg (60.53 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 6ccb53ec-790e-48ef-be3f-6….jpeg) ImgOps Google

>Sailboat once dropped her Steven Universe retrospective
Come again?

Also I've never heard of Lily Orchard, pardon me.


I haven't really watched her videos myself, so take anything I say about it with a grain of salt

But she's apparently rather infamous for just... blatantly ignoring things that are plainly written in-text for the sake of her arguments,  deleting or snapping back  rather harshly at any counter-arguments, and basically berating shows not so much for what they are, but for not being whatever she decided it had to be before she turned it on.

But again - don't take my word for it. This is just what I gathered from a thread I red somewhere.


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There was a point on the Steven Universe video that does keep bothering me, where I kind of thought it would make for some reflective thread on Ponyville or so. But I can't push myself yet to make it.

It has to do with the concept of protagonist characters that are (blatantly) flawed as a "good" person.
To what extent a character flaw keeps them eligible to have the status of being a "good" character and even being a good character from a narrative point of view.
Things to do with Lapis Lazuli being damaged and very defensive that comes to the detriment of others in the narrative.

Makes me happy at least if it's just really about critique itself and not some underlying political kind of thing.


I mean I Just generally have a disdain for "let me take whatever is popular right now and make a several-hour long takedown with titles like "THIS IS SHIT AND YU ARE BAD FOR LIKING IT I AM RIGHT THIS IS WHY". It's a very transparent grift that I don't want to engage with.


File: 1721126859650.png (154.96 KB, 340x420, 17:21, up I go.png) ImgOps Google

There's a part of me that also dislikes the entire discussion topic where some item is just described as "objectively bad" while I myself can still enjoy it.

Then again, I may also be guilty of it with stuff I really dislike.

At the flipside, maybe it is a prerogative as a youtube ententainer to kick up some dust with some hyperbole.
It's what makes the classics like AVGN and the Nostalgia Critic so Entertaining.


The difference being those two are playing deliberately exaggerated characters that aren't specifically supposed to reflect themselves fully.

James was, from the beginning, making fun of the exact type of critic people think he actually is - vocalizing insane takes you'd see on message boards back when.

Watch any video where he drops the Nerd persona, and he's much, much more nuanced, chill and open minded. And even when he's being the Nerd, you'll usually find genuine video game history lessons sprinkled in between the FUcks and the Shits.

It's true that YouTube does reward hyperbole, because that's just human psychology - intense emotion elicits a response, and YouTube promotes things that get interacted with. But don't think for a second there aren't people who just blatantly take advantage of this and make titles and thumbnails specifically made to elicit an outrage response, preferably with as long a runtime as they can manage because that is also how YouTube monetization works - it's based on how long people stick around, not the amount of views.

So yeah - hyperbole is a tool. I personally try to avoid it and make it very clear I am just a nerd with a camera joking around, personally, though naturally an occasional hyperbolic statement or question may show up in Thumbnails or Titles.

But I like to think I don't come right out the gate kicking down doors and calling everything everyone enjoys shit just for the sake of a few extra views.


File: 1721137499661.png (787.63 KB, 750x770, 75:77, Guns.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, sorta, I mean I could probably download pre-made FPS gameplay, either from the UnityStore or follow Tutorial etc.

Plus... with AI such as ChatGPT, you can find programs that can write scripts in coding languages for you, which would be a huge time-saver. And even if the AI can't script properly, as long as I can recognise the problems, then I would still appreciate it.

Bu-u-ut if I were to make a FPS game, I would rather it stand out from the shooters we have now.

I mean, I did had an idea for a Sonic fan game FPS where you play as a GUN agent, but that was more of a "spit ballin'" idea than anything serious.


While it's true that calling something "objectively bad" does tend to come from a lack of properly deep investigation into it, more than anything I feel that people need to just own the idea of liking bad things. It's so strange to me when people take it as a personal insult when something they like is said to be just bad, as if only stupid people like bad things.


File: 1721142659745.png (207.94 KB, 425x422, 425:422, wel this is awkward copy.png) ImgOps Google

I mean, people are still judged on their tastes.


File: 1721145714804.png (88.53 KB, 373x277, 373:277, twi20.png) ImgOps Google

Hello again. What's the story?


People are judged on everything :P


File: 1721151925015.jpeg (41.73 KB, 627x627, 1:1, 4827636462762.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Too exhausted to give my story.
And good morning.


Good morning
Good morning
We've talked the whole night through
Good morning
Good morning
To you


File: 1721156395020.jpeg (80.46 KB, 564x864, 47:72, 221c2721-6d82-4c3f-8993-5….jpeg) ImgOps Google

About to be high noon in a minute.


File: 1721159309947.png (445.99 KB, 990x1078, 45:49, twi97.png) ImgOps Google

No problem!

And good night from me!


Shall we face off outside the saloon with our pieces drawn?


File: 1721167676957.jpeg (56.25 KB, 474x845, 474:845, 720eb48c-b387-4d2b-b1f3-9….jpeg) ImgOps Google

I would prefer to not see you in pain.
I'd much rather give you a massage in the saloon.


Oh my.
Now I just kind of want to hang out and have a pint at any saloon, really.


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Hope you'll sleep well! I'm dead tired myself.


File: 1721195084432.jpg (194.38 KB, 800x1132, 200:283, 28ebe4b6613417a01904d5441a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i think i'll survive :P

what are you up to, clarity?


File: 1721226179228.png (191.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, twi23.png) ImgOps Google

Sorry, couldn't post from work.

Finally home though, time for some supper.


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Good morning.


File: 1721273607725.png (903.34 KB, 1364x1147, 44:37, pony loona.png) ImgOps Google

mood gorning!


How are you? I just arrived at work.


I didn't get any sleep.


Why is that?




Nice new video!


Too hot to rest and screwed sleeping time. I just woke up from an eight-hour nap.

I bet this is Discords doing, sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon.


Oh, thank you! It seems to be doing quite well so far, too, for the tiny channel it is. Good thing i already have the sketch for a sequel ready.


File: 1721325210100.png (146.75 KB, 405x265, 81:53, twi213.png) ImgOps Google

Eight hours isn't nap!

Will you be doing another drawing one?


Well yeah. But also soon one of the main big channel ones, cause it's been months. Just still gathering material on that.

But I have 2/3 drawings for next drawing video done. And alreadya  sketch ready for another "villain swap".


File: 1721355833070.png (582.76 KB, 835x635, 167:127, twi34.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds good there!


Da-a-amn! I hate this warm weather!

Turn down the thermostat, Celestia!


File: 1721359710778.gif (7.47 MB, 922x518, 461:259, celes68.gif) ImgOps Google

We got another day of 90 °F here... at least tomorrow it will get cooler.


I guess I'll just die.


File: 1721361282954.png (873.44 KB, 1077x1449, 359:483, Screenshot_20240718-183429.png) ImgOps Google

I'll not be going out there.


Next week will be reasonable here, only 27 °C at the most.

Good idea.


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So according to everyone at the park, I sound like David Spade. I don't know what to do with this information


I am working entirely too slow on... well, everything I do. But it'd be nice if the art channel gets somewhere. People definitely seemed to like this one, at least.


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Does anybody know anything about how an alternator works on a car?

It looks like this very early morning that, while I'm safe in bed, my nice black sedan is now at a specialist place to have that fixed.

Image somewhat related.


It provides electricity. The battery doesn't have enough capacity to crank the engine more than a few times or to provide enough spark to keep it running forever, so a big electric generator is bolted to the side and powered by the engine itself whenever it is running. It is why you don't need to plug your car in to a charger every weekend. Alternator problems often look like battery problems. If the alternator is damaged or worn out then you won't be able to hold a charge and even if the car does crank it may stall during normal operation as the battery runs dry.

Alternating current generators are relatively difficult to repair but cheap to manufacture so mechanics almost always just buy a new one.





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He has blessed us!

Praise Weird Al <3


Okay, the Alberquerque guy getting in on this is fucking fantastic.

And I am always happy to see Bill Plympton. Always found TMZ and its video underrated.



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It truly is amazing <3

The only thing I don't like is seeing Travis kelce, but other than that it was great!


I do not know who that is and you have given me a Confus


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Good morning.

Nice, new Weird Al!


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he's the star Tight End for the Kansas City Chiefs, and one of the reasons why they are so dominant in the NFL.

He is also the guy who is dating Taylor Swift at the moment

the reason why i don't like him is that the Kansas City Chiefs are in the same division as the Denver Broncos, which is the team i support

so it's a pain when you are constantly reminded of a team you hate in spaces that are otherwise non-football related, solely because he's dating taylor swift

he's also a bit of a tool

mood gorning!


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How are you this morning?


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it's evening for me, so i'm winding down

i'm good, 2nd day on the Big Wheel. and got to close it down early due to rain and lightning which was good!

then i hung out with a friend of mine, and just vibing on youtube

how bout you?


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Sounds good, I hope you'll find some time to relax.

I'm fine, meeting friends today to play pen and paper RPG.


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i'm vibin right now, just watchin youtube, so i guess that moment is right now :P

ooh fun! whatcha playin?


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What's on Youtube?

We play The Dark Eye, a German RPG.


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well right now, i'm watching some clips of a David Spade special. apparently, according to the people at the park and my fellow employees, i sound just like him. so i'm getting a taste of what i sound like apparently

never heard of it, but it sounds badass!


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Do you like hearing your own voice?

It's got it's 40th birthday this year come to think of it.


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i've heard my voice hundreds of times while recording myself, so i'm perfectly used to it, but i guess i never heard the "david spade"ness of it all

happy birthday The Dark Eye! may you have many more fun times <3


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Ah, nice! I'm not used to hearing my own, and I don't like it much, heh.

I hope it will be around for a while longer.


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that makes sense! nobody likes their own voice at first, but once you get used to it, it's just like any other voice!

we will will it into existence! it will last eternally!

anywho, i gotta head to bed!



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Sleep well!


Sports drama. Got it.

Jokes on you, I still hate my own voice.


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Another hot day?


Yeah, rather muggy, but better than it was yesterday.


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Then it's way too cold
Then it's way too hot
Then it's waaaay too rainy
and then there's waaaay too much sun.

We are a grumpy bunch.


We are a country of groaners.


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I have an issue, though.

The plce i'm renting came with a little garden pond.
There are some goldfish in there.

Now this year a bunch of frogs from the neighbourhood found it.

So yesterday in the night I got a neighbour at the door asking me to do something to the frogs as in these warmer summer nights, they are noisy.

But, technically i am not allowed to do anything as the frogs are protected.
And even if I ould ignore that and do anything, given there are frogs here, they can always come back, or new frogs can take the place.

I don't like conflict, though.

I could get rid of the pond altogether, but that seems like such a shame.


Why not just put chicken fencing over the pond?


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It's never too cold or too rainy!

Bummer, here it was nice for a change. Tomorrow it'll be very hot again.


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Perhaps, it's pretty lat, though, as frogs are already in the pond.

I was able to scoop the frog out for a brief moment at night.
They don't seem to notice me creeping up, so maybe I could have some sort of gay baby jail ready for the evening


Well, if it happens every Summer, you can prepare during Winter.


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Good morning.


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It's way too hot today.


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That's not a breakfast food!

How's it going?


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it has rained for 4 days straight, which is awesome! but it makes shutting down a ferris wheel in the lightining quite a harrowing feat

how bout you?


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Are there even many customers when it rains all the time?

I'm alright, getting ready for work here.


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not as many, which makes it nice, but you'd be amazed at how many people still show up. I think we had like 550 people today, which isn't a lot, but still enough to warrant keeping the park open in the rain

and many kids and parents will ride no matter what, so unless the supervisors tell you to clear a ride and close it, you just gotta keep it running :P

keep up the good work!


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Well, it's still a couple of people, more than I would have thought when it's raining that much.

I feel pretty lazy today though!


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we live in a place where people will go out in feet of snow and subzero degree weather, so a little rain ain't gonna stop them :P

well, what's stopping you from being lazy today?


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As long as they enjoy themselves!

I got a meeting later on and should handle some stuff. I mean, I could also do it tomorrow...


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I try to let them enjoy, but some days are easier than others :P

What would be the consequences of putting it off till tomorrow?


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Just that it will add up with tomorrow's potential work I guess.


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then that will make tomorrow potentially more work!


That it would, yes!


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so if you had to choose to work a little today, or a lot tomorrow, what would be the ideal choice?


I'm at work already, looks like I'm working a lot, heh.


File: 1721629322863.png (34.7 KB, 427x640, 427:640, photo.png) ImgOps Google

ahh well looks like that choice was already made then!

don't work to hard! alas, i need to hit the sack!

goodnight ^_^


Sleep well now, I try not to work too much!


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Work's done, all went well.


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Good morning.


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That's the saddest corndog!


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corndog jesus died for your sins



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Home at last.


Ude godt, men hjemme bedst!


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Hey, how's it going?


It goes. Trying to ride the high fro mrecent art video's success and already got about a third of the next one done.


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My brother helped sort out my computer. Lucky I kept my username and code written on a scrap of paper.


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What was wrong with it?


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I can't remember where that's from.


Earthbound, but more recently Undertale,which referenced it directly.


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It's the world's worst porno.


Or the world's best tease and denial scenario


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Isn't it from that one poem? First they came for the socialists, and then the socialists patted them on their heads and called them obedient little subs?

I'm pretty sure that's how it goes don't look it up.


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Oh yeah, it was from Earthbound!

I hated that game...


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*lights shit on fire*


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But why though?


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Whats in it for me?


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You can see the sun come up.


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Will it go super nova?


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I cannot make that promise!


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Then wwake me up when you do.


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But sleep is for the weak!


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Does this look weak to you?


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Weak in spirit perhaps.


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Lucky guess.


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No gains to be had. No dwarven beard. Not even a single pint of booze.

Take the dwarf pill already lad


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Off to work I go.


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Ah bless it be your heart ya sweet saint, but i'd be the sister who only takes a pint of what the lad above provides every sunday.

Remmber to have a light meal before ya be off and have a lovely time.


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I have a confession to make.. I'm an addict. I'm addicted to Dota 2. I've been getting MVP's all fucking week. I don't know what it is; if I unlocked my hidden chakra, but I've been winning games left and right.  


I'm having breakfast at work now!

That's a pretty old game by now, isn't it?


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Yeah it is. The last patch (which I didn't like at first, but now love) was kind of a revamp of the game. It's hard to explain, but there's a lot more to do in the game now. The passive 'facet' (abilities) that they added to every character, and the choice between 2 or three other facets makes each character feel more 'customized' now. Not to mention the new comics and story lines; and throwing out a shit ton of free skins, voices, emoticons, ect. Is making everything feel fresh and new.

It feels more like Dota 2.5 now rather than an outright dota 3 or the old dota 2.

I'm not trying to shill. This is one of my favorite games and I get passionate about it.


Do you have any favorite heroes you use?


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For some reason, my Oculus Rift S headset won't set up.

It worked before my brother rebooted my PC, but now it doesn't work.


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Hoodwink, Undying, Dragon Knight, Luna, Wind Ranger, and Ogre Magi come to mind. I also like playing Phantom Assassin, AXE, Sven, Techies, and Lina

I find it's good to have several characters you're good with to organize better teams


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Does the PC recognize the USB ports in general?

Nice one!


Yeah, it shows up on the Device Manager.

I don't get it, it was fine before my brother rebooted Windows.


And other USB devices work?


Yes, PC's Device Manager and Meta Link's set up acknowledges the USBs, just for some reason the sensors don't work.
I tried other USB sockets, even the one of the front ones, which the cables shouldn't stretch that far.

I don't want to believe something broken in the headset, given it was working fine before my brother rebooted Windows.


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You'd better get ready to die!


Easy there, Andrew WK


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Well, I guess you have to talk to your brother.

My last meal will be pancakes.


I hope it's not some sort of "software rig". The Oculus Rift S I had lasted quite a long time for discontinued software. I hope this isn't some sort of underhanded software by Meta to make the device inoperatable after while.

Don't get me wrong, the Meta Quest 3 looks attractive, but the Oculus Rift S got the job done after all this time.


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The software cannot just stop working 'after a while'. Have you tried plugging something else into the USB port? Like an USB stick.


Well, no, but I don't see why all the USB ports would stop working.

Plus, the set-up says it detects the USB and Display is inserted into the computer. Just the sensors won't work.


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You shouldn't trust the readings and just plug something else in already.


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Good morning.


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Another hot day here.


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How hot is it?


Eshbaal wearing speedos.

So Europeans are all at least requiring a fan and a seat towel.


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Around 85 °F... it could have been worse.


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Excuse me what


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Good morning!


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NUH-UH! I am right here!


Nice new video again!

Hope all is good on your end.


Thankye. I hope people like them. I certainly like making 'em. I do need to actually start doing some design challenges again soon though...

It is. Getting ready to spend my afternoon playing some spoopy games.


File: 1722257976900.png (246.36 KB, 618x496, 309:248, twi203.png) ImgOps Google

Is it time to get spoopy already?

What are you playing?


I get spoopy all the time! I like spoopy! Especially indie spoopy!

Well, I have a top-down pixel shooter called "Feed" I bought a few days ago, and a whooole bunch of indie game demos. Particularly curious about Uncle Chuck Incorporated, Nocturnal Relics and The Transference.


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You could try Still Wakes the Deep. That was pretty spoopy.


So I hear! Sadly I don't exactly swim in money, so I tend to buy a bunch of smaller games whenever I get spoopies. But it is absolutely on the list.

Plus, I should get around to playing some of the backlog of games I somehow never got around to...


That's a good idea, I have some games that I had for a good ten years now and I never played them.


Yyyyeah. Same with movies for me.

It dat collector gene in us, I swear


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Ah, interesting. I've seen all movies that I have on DVD.


Well, back when movie stores were still even a freaking thing around here, I DID love digging in bargain bins. You build up a fair bit of a collection over time that way


I exclusively get films that I have already seen on on TV or at the theater before.



I saw the latest episode of Tell Your Tale (S2E17 Tiny Trot) It's just... weird for me.

Ponies that actively take part in magical age regression. I know there are some full-0grown adults who take part in "age play" out of comfort, just seeing it to the extreme in this episode is just... weird for me.


I honestly haven't been keeping up with it.
I did have like interesting thoughts for myself on when Starlight made her and Starbust foals again, but never made a thread on it.


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trying to brainstorm something here. a filly who doesn't exist manifests a hypothetical 4th dimensional library to display all the versions of her and others that never came to be. I'm imagining her interacting with the Ponyville denizens but I'm coming up blank.


For some reason, I'm imagining this filly as some sort of Laplace's demon.
She doesn't exist, but her library provides her information of the machinations of the multiverse.


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Good morning.


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you know, I might just include that now. it's up her alley, after all.


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I always like the idea of taking scientific thought theories and making them into fantasy characters.

Such as a "Laplace demon" being a demon capable of reconstructing reality at an atomic level. Or a vampire lord or lich king owning a pet undead cat named Schrödinger.


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Maybe some day I'll say hello and you'll say goodbye.


The ceiling, ya doink



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ceiling? you have a ceiling?


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I posted that already!

Hey there, hope you're doing well!


Random thought of the day: if a piece of old media is set in the FAR OFF FUTURE YEAR 201X (or whatever else, the point is the "future" is our past) and obviously getting a ton wrong, but in a way in line with what the people of the time it originates from would have imagined the future to be like, is the setting in this piece retrofuturistic? Still just futuristic? Or some third thing entirely?





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That's how it is!


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Good morning.


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well i have nothing in my head, so they are spot on with that already!

buenos dias! how's yous?


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Sometimes in life we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Life is a vast desert; composed of boredom that makes up the sand and broken by pockets of horror that act as an oasis from the stagnant static. It never gets better. At least not unless you are incredibly lucky and somehow wind up rich, and even then; it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

You know what I feel right now? Worthless.


:bell1: Eating a muffin for breakfast on even-numbered days of the year :derp1:


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Hey, sorry for not replying, work is blocking Ponyville again. All good here, hope you're too!

I hope you'll feel better again soon!

Is that a breakfast food?


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> ads for a blood drive
> decide to try another time to donate blood
> you must make an appointment on the site
> you must login to the site to make an appointment
> I made an account apparently but the password is now completely forgotten of course
> request reset of password
> reset mail never arrives
> create new account with another email
> new password must be at least 15 characters long, should have a mix of numbers and special characters and such
> confirmation email of registration is sent but never arrives



I guess they don't need blood that badly.


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Good morning.


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Not again!


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A fate worse than death.



I've been day-sleeping again. Nights are just too hot.


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How hot are they?


Muggy, sweaty, need a fan in my face to at least cut down on sweating.


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Sounds really bad. I hope it'll cool down soon. But isn't it even hotter during the day?


I have to close the window at night because I don't want spiders.
My computer produces a lot of heat.


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I'm pretty sure they come in during the day as well. So, turn off the computer at night.


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>So, turn off the computer at night.


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Turn it off?



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If I tun my computer off, I'd have nothing to do.


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You could sleep when it's turned off.


Oh, I do turn it off to sleep. It's not on 24/7. I just don't want to turn it off at nightfall.


I live still.

Does the thread?


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It never dies, even if it's slow sometimes.

I see. I thought you had it on 24/7.



Well I kind of disappeared so I had to make sure. I've been playing Satisfactory and wishing I were playing Factorio, but otherwise setting up nuclear power.

I don't even remember when I started. It's been A Bit Of A Project.


What kind of games is that?



Never heard of them? They're kind of well known.

Basically both put you on a planet and then you craft stuff on it from the local resources, but the catch is it's super inefficient to do it by hand so instead you gradually build up factories that do everything for you automatically.

Factorio is 2D, Satisfactory is 3D. And from what I can tell having played both, Factorio is more gameplay driven (and really drives home that heavy industrial feel), whereas Satisfactory is more of a sandbox for making cool looking things in.


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No, I've never heard of either of them. They look a bit like Sim City.



The gameplay isn't at all similar to that. In both Factorio and Satisfactory you have a player character that you run around with. It's not a top-down "hand-of-god places zones and a simulation runs" sort of thing.

A full typical run of Factorio starts with you digging up coal and ore by hand, then you make some stone smelters also by hand and put the coal and ore in to produce plates. Then you figure out how to automate the mining, and automate the processing. You'll also start to make some devices, which you can do by hand, but you'll instead start to figure out how to automate that - like place a grabby arm thing to move wires onto a conveyor belt from a building that turns copper into them which will then take them to where you have another grabby arm thing take them off the conveyor belt and place them into another building that you tasked with making electronic chips out of the wires but also iron plates that you get there with those conveyor belts from yet another place and so on. You do this to produce science vials which then you use to do research, which gives you improvements as well as unlocks new things for you to make. Trains for example. The resources aren't infinite so it starts to make sense to transport them long distance by train rather than with conveyor belts. And in the meanwhile you also have to fight the highly aggressive local fauna, which very much doesn't appreciate being hit with pollution (it depends on your factory's activity and you can see its spread on the minimap). This defense too can (and should) be automated, but it's another piece in an ever-expanding logistical puzzle of your own making that will hopefully end with you building a spaceport and launching a spaceship to win.


Not my kind of genre really, but I hope you find lots of fun with it!



Factorio is great. I'd recommend everyone give it a shot, just to make sure. I'm not playing it mostly because a highly anticipated DLC is supposed to be released soon-ish and also because I've probably played it too much already.

What I was playing instead was Satisfactory. 3D game, much easier on the "design the factory" side, much more forgiving with design errors, the resources never run dry, and you don't fight waves of native life that can destroy it. Instead the focus is more on sandboxy doing of bespoke projects. I prefer the former but eh, setting up the massive nuclear power plant with all the inputs required - it turns out the inputs aren't just uranium but a ton of iron, copper, Magic Wire Material, oil, limestone and lots and lots and lots of water, and all of this needs to be repeatedly processed in some ways for the power plant to work. The whole complex ended up being just massive. I feel like I'm just about done with the game now that I was able to make it work.


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Maybe I'll do that at some point.

For now I have to head to bed. Night night!



See ya


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Good morning.


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It seems like it's almost time for a new thread.


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I slept really well today.

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