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 No.1170975[View All]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:
452 posts and 299 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I always like the idea of taking scientific thought theories and making them into fantasy characters.

Such as a "Laplace demon" being a demon capable of reconstructing reality at an atomic level. Or a vampire lord or lich king owning a pet undead cat named Schrödinger.


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Maybe some day I'll say hello and you'll say goodbye.


The ceiling, ya doink



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ceiling? you have a ceiling?


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I posted that already!

Hey there, hope you're doing well!


Random thought of the day: if a piece of old media is set in the FAR OFF FUTURE YEAR 201X (or whatever else, the point is the "future" is our past) and obviously getting a ton wrong, but in a way in line with what the people of the time it originates from would have imagined the future to be like, is the setting in this piece retrofuturistic? Still just futuristic? Or some third thing entirely?





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That's how it is!


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Good morning.


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well i have nothing in my head, so they are spot on with that already!

buenos dias! how's yous?


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Sometimes in life we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Life is a vast desert; composed of boredom that makes up the sand and broken by pockets of horror that act as an oasis from the stagnant static. It never gets better. At least not unless you are incredibly lucky and somehow wind up rich, and even then; it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

You know what I feel right now? Worthless.


:bell1: Eating a muffin for breakfast on even-numbered days of the year :derp1:


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Hey, sorry for not replying, work is blocking Ponyville again. All good here, hope you're too!

I hope you'll feel better again soon!

Is that a breakfast food?


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> ads for a blood drive
> decide to try another time to donate blood
> you must make an appointment on the site
> you must login to the site to make an appointment
> I made an account apparently but the password is now completely forgotten of course
> request reset of password
> reset mail never arrives
> create new account with another email
> new password must be at least 15 characters long, should have a mix of numbers and special characters and such
> confirmation email of registration is sent but never arrives



I guess they don't need blood that badly.


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Good morning.


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Not again!


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A fate worse than death.



I've been day-sleeping again. Nights are just too hot.


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How hot are they?


Muggy, sweaty, need a fan in my face to at least cut down on sweating.


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Sounds really bad. I hope it'll cool down soon. But isn't it even hotter during the day?


I have to close the window at night because I don't want spiders.
My computer produces a lot of heat.


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I'm pretty sure they come in during the day as well. So, turn off the computer at night.


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>So, turn off the computer at night.


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Turn it off?



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If I tun my computer off, I'd have nothing to do.


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You could sleep when it's turned off.


Oh, I do turn it off to sleep. It's not on 24/7. I just don't want to turn it off at nightfall.


I live still.

Does the thread?


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It never dies, even if it's slow sometimes.

I see. I thought you had it on 24/7.



Well I kind of disappeared so I had to make sure. I've been playing Satisfactory and wishing I were playing Factorio, but otherwise setting up nuclear power.

I don't even remember when I started. It's been A Bit Of A Project.


What kind of games is that?



Never heard of them? They're kind of well known.

Basically both put you on a planet and then you craft stuff on it from the local resources, but the catch is it's super inefficient to do it by hand so instead you gradually build up factories that do everything for you automatically.

Factorio is 2D, Satisfactory is 3D. And from what I can tell having played both, Factorio is more gameplay driven (and really drives home that heavy industrial feel), whereas Satisfactory is more of a sandbox for making cool looking things in.


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No, I've never heard of either of them. They look a bit like Sim City.



The gameplay isn't at all similar to that. In both Factorio and Satisfactory you have a player character that you run around with. It's not a top-down "hand-of-god places zones and a simulation runs" sort of thing.

A full typical run of Factorio starts with you digging up coal and ore by hand, then you make some stone smelters also by hand and put the coal and ore in to produce plates. Then you figure out how to automate the mining, and automate the processing. You'll also start to make some devices, which you can do by hand, but you'll instead start to figure out how to automate that - like place a grabby arm thing to move wires onto a conveyor belt from a building that turns copper into them which will then take them to where you have another grabby arm thing take them off the conveyor belt and place them into another building that you tasked with making electronic chips out of the wires but also iron plates that you get there with those conveyor belts from yet another place and so on. You do this to produce science vials which then you use to do research, which gives you improvements as well as unlocks new things for you to make. Trains for example. The resources aren't infinite so it starts to make sense to transport them long distance by train rather than with conveyor belts. And in the meanwhile you also have to fight the highly aggressive local fauna, which very much doesn't appreciate being hit with pollution (it depends on your factory's activity and you can see its spread on the minimap). This defense too can (and should) be automated, but it's another piece in an ever-expanding logistical puzzle of your own making that will hopefully end with you building a spaceport and launching a spaceship to win.


Not my kind of genre really, but I hope you find lots of fun with it!



Factorio is great. I'd recommend everyone give it a shot, just to make sure. I'm not playing it mostly because a highly anticipated DLC is supposed to be released soon-ish and also because I've probably played it too much already.

What I was playing instead was Satisfactory. 3D game, much easier on the "design the factory" side, much more forgiving with design errors, the resources never run dry, and you don't fight waves of native life that can destroy it. Instead the focus is more on sandboxy doing of bespoke projects. I prefer the former but eh, setting up the massive nuclear power plant with all the inputs required - it turns out the inputs aren't just uranium but a ton of iron, copper, Magic Wire Material, oil, limestone and lots and lots and lots of water, and all of this needs to be repeatedly processed in some ways for the power plant to work. The whole complex ended up being just massive. I feel like I'm just about done with the game now that I was able to make it work.


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Maybe I'll do that at some point.

For now I have to head to bed. Night night!



See ya


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Good morning.


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It seems like it's almost time for a new thread.


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I slept really well today.

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