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It's like liking my little pony and then being asked to join the fan club that worships Hitler and plans to exterminate the jews.

Christ is an okay dude.
But Christians are steadily becoming insufferable trashbags of human beings.



This %1000

American Christians are some of the biggest fucking greedy Pharisees. Cherry picking the Bible to justify being as unchristlike as possible and use a really fucking convenient "faith alobe" theology as a 'get out of jail free' card


I'd posit that it's the same qualm, between the both.
Idiots who didn't actually read the book, or watch the show, presuming something based upon one line.
Both, presumed to be a 'love everyone'.

Jesus sat at the temple ground and crafted a whip.
He then used that whip to assault those who were perverting that temple.
He said directly, if you have a cloak and no sword, sell your cloak.
He isn't some peace-loving hippie as folk describe.


As opposed to the people who aren't even christian, cherrypicking the Bible to justify browbeating political opposition with definitions and rules they are never beholden to in the first place...

Again, see >>15173



And that's exactly why the Bible should stay far away from politics and policy.



>said without any self awareness

and that comic is just wishful thinking by right-wingers. There exist leftists progressive Christians afterall. Don't pretend to think Christianity is some monolith with only one denomination, or that the bible is one book written by one person at one point in time. Ever heard of red letter Christianity? The denomination that addresses the contradictions between books of the bible by prioritizing what jesus says in the gospels above everything else in the bible, you know, the text often printed in red ink to contrast with everything else in the bible?


>Jesus sat at the temple ground and crafted a whip.
>He then used that whip to assault those who were perverting that temple.

Yes, and who was he assaulting, specifically?

Talk about cherry picking!


>they are never beholden to in the first place
It isn't about us being beholden to any of the laws of Christianity or any other religion it is holding the people that make the claim they are of said faith to them.

Lower your gaze or pluck them out.


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Sure they exist, but the folk preeching this kind of shit never are actual Christians.
Moneylenders, shady dealers, and general dishonest crooks?

I really don't see your point in the slightest.

The trouble is, it's not actual principles of Christianity that you hold folk to.
It's an idiotic presupposition built upon a surface level understanding, at best, that frankly has no weight whatsoever.


What a great projection.

You should pluck out your eyes.


And you should play in traffic. Would do the world a favor.


I figured you would enjoy the reference.

Hurry up and die of alcohol poisoning  


>Sure they exist, but the folk preeching this kind of shit never are actual Christians.

That's a no true scotsman fallacy right there. And quite a delusional one

>Moneylenders, shady dealers, and general dishonest crooks?
>I really don't see your point in the slightest.

Yeah, cause you're a fucking hypocrite. Jesus also said it's easier for a camel to move through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. He didn't turn his whip against the people you personally hate, he didn't turn his whip against people for being queer, foreigners or adulterers (he actually defended them from hypocritical Pharisees). Calling  them just 'those who were perverting that temple.' Is really fucking disengenuous giving yourself a floating signifier to include whomever you want in that category.

And no, jesus wasn't some entirely peace loving hippie, but the only people he was violent towards were the greedy in the temple. Otherwise he did say the most important of God's laws was to love they neighbor as theyselves and when asked who was one's neighbor, gave the parable of the good Samaritan to make the point that everyone god created is one's neighbor.

But you fucking hypocrites twist that shit aroubd to try and justify fucking fascism by completely ignoring the most important details about the only people jesus was violent against.

Jesus's whole point in his opposition to and criticisms of the Pharisees was that the spirit of the law was more important than the precise letter of it. People who twist the imperfect language of that law to justify doing things against the spirit of the law that the rest of the stories make clear are best described as Pharisees, which includes a good chunk of hate-addicted evangelicals who are ultimately worshiping themselves for being native born Americans and who label themselves Christian as a 'get out of jail free' card with a really fucking convenient 'faith alone theology'.

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