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A place for civilized animals
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Are you proud to be an American where at least you know you're free?


It's been nearly 20 years since I watched Idiocracy.

Now I have the privilege to see how it plays out in real life.


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I just hope the movie industry won't be impacted as it was in the movie.


The existence of the state itself is a barrier to freedom.
Doesn't matter if they wear blue or red ties. Each contest is a political football of which side will preside over pumping more carbon dioxide into the planet.


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Never thought it'd happen.
We won, bros.



And you're actually going to cram "illegal" immigrants, unwanted criminals and leftist protesters indefinitely in an offshore prison known for detaining and torturing terrorists.

The price for freedom.



If America no longer stands for human rights and civil liberties, then it is a failed state by all accounts.

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