No.14877[Last 50 Posts]
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I've been hanging out in the ponychan/ponyville community for 12 years at this point and despite all my best efforts to share my experiences with being transgender the entire time I've been here, it really frustrates me how people here (mainly in /townhall/) will still regurgitate bullshit about transgender people like myself despite everything I have ever shared about my experiences.
I mean, from my perspective the situation is an absurdity worthy of Camus, what I experience is a part of my private subjective experience of being myself and by the nature of entirely subjective experiences, it produces no physical evidence I can share with anyone. It's a feeling of dissonance and incongruity between what seems intuitive in my mind and what I recognize and experience 24/7 with the body I have. I'm not delusional, I don't believe I was literally born female nor do I believe I have a female soul or anything like that. I know I was born male and that I have a male body complete with a deep voice, facial hair, thick body hair and male genitals ... all of which has always been unnerving to me for reasons that I have no explanation for and it makes as little sense to me as it would to you. And yet, those here who would oppose my right to the pursuit of happiness and would demand I produce the empirical evidence to justify what I am doing to mitigate the pain of that dissonance, seemingly unaware or unconcerned that such a standard is literally impossible and instead continue to repeat the most bad faith strawman narratives about me and others like us here that get passed around in all sorts of transphobic echo chambers all over the internet.
I'm not going through transition for ideological, philosophical, or religious reasons. I've been on hormones for nearly 2 years now and the benefits have been much more than 'merely cosmetic', before I went through any visible changes, I went through very welcome psychological changes, it's literally for the sake of my mental health and I don't care if that creeps you out or disgust you cause it doesn't make sense to you.
You aren't omniscient, and maybe people outthere experience things you do not or cannot experience, just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't give weight to your paranoid solipsistic narratives about it, and your paranoid narratives about it don't justify your support for any politician or their policies to rob us of the right to become comfortable in our own skin for the sake of your personal disgust.
>>14877Do as you please. I don't really care. I'm all for individual liberty for plenty of things far weirder than a mere sex change. Hell, if you feel better giving money out to Big Pharma, that's your prerogative, too. If it helps you it helps you, that's your business.
I'd feel a little hypocritical if I critiqued someone for feeling out of place in their own skin, or for desiring the form of something different, anyhow.
My qualms are by large just when it's getting pushed on kids.
Now I've issues around the general demand everyone else accept the stuff, and I might well think putting biological males in female sports, is unfair... But these aren't anywhere near as big an issue as that big one.
Frankly, I doubt the matter'd be talked about much at all save the fringes, were it something left to adults who're choosing to live their lives according to their own wants.
But, I digress... I'm sure my mere mentioning of such things qualifies as a "paranoid narrative" to you, anyhow, so I doubt you're gonna change the victim mentality...
Believe what you will. I do not need your approval of the politicians whom I support.
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>>14879No one is pushing surgeries on children on a whim despite what certain demogogues needed you to believe, it's not even legal to get any surgeries for gender reassignment until one is legally an adult. Gender affirming care for minors is mostly psychological, and puberty blockers aren't just handed out on a whim either.
Trans kids exists, I was one of them, and I knew it before I had a word for it, and given my age, probably since before you were born. Most of us struggle with the dysphoria most of our lives. No one pushed it on me, when I discovered trans people existed my literal first reaction was realization I wasn't alone, no one had to convince me of anything. It's the same for most transgender people, we just discover we're not alone, contrary to the transphobic narrative
And I don't care if you're "fine" with whatever I choose to do, I am not dumb to what the transphobic demogogues consider "pushing it on kids", it typically includes being little more openly transgender in public. Which given that I have to have a job and go shopping for food to survive, is something I have no choice but to do daily
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Finally someone with a good fucking take on this cesspool of a board.
I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to all the transpeople hiding on the board. Your body's your own. Don't let chuds who don't know or care how you feel tell you what you can and can't do with it. What's the point of living if you can't be comfortable in your own skin while you do it?
>>14882I don't care if it's a "whim" or something they thought about for a month.
That it's happening at all to children is horrible.
>it's not even legal to get any surgeries for gender reassignment until one is legally an adult.Good. Hopefully it stays that way.
This should also apply to the drugs, though.
>and puberty blockers aren't just handed out on a whim either. Again, whether a "whim" or something they thought about for months on end, it doesn't change the issue.
These things should not be given to kids, full stop.
>, I am not dumb to what the transphobic demogogues consider "pushing it on kids", it typically includes being little more openly transgender in public.Good for you.
I'm not responsible for whatever retarded strawman you fabricate for me in your head.
Like I said; This conversation's been brought up many times from other folk, and you always do this bullshit.
You simply lack the capability to engage with this topic honestly.
>>14891>You simply lack the capability to engage with this topic
lamo even.
>>14879>it's getting pushed on kidsYou mean like...
>kids getting circumcised against their will>kids being forced into religious programs against their will>kids getting denied the vaccines that they want against their will>kids receiving physical punishment as discipline against their willAnd so on?
Funny how MAGA thinks that giving children badly needed healthcare if they're transgender, in order to save those children's lives by preventing anxiety, depression, and more, is a problem, yet it's a fine idea to literally smack your child in the face if he or she says something you don't like. Or to snip part of their dick off while they're screaming for you not to. Both of which because tradition says so. No problems with those activities in the eyes of MAGA. Eh.
>>14895>kids getting circumcised against their will100%, totally agree that kids should not be getting permanent changes like that at birth. The practice of circumcision is disgusting and barbaric, frankly, and I am fully opposed to it.
>kids being forced into religious programs against their willNo chemicals or surgeries involved.
>kids getting denied the vaccines that they want against their willWhy the fuck would it matter what the kid wants?
Should I have gotten a ton of tattoos because I wanted them as a kid?
Kids wanting something is a horrible reason.
>kids receiving physical punishment as discipline against their willThe very concept of punishment rather requires it to be against your will.
I'm not really sure why you're focusing on "against their will" here as though it was a significant factor besides.
I don't care if a kid wants something. I'm not giving them a beer just because they want it.
>>14894Man literally went straight to strawmen, and your laughing?
I mean I'm not surprised, but still.
>>14898Are you really not mentally capable of understanding that giving children something "because they want it" isn't the same thing at all, whatsoever, to giving children healthcare because it's from an objective and scientific perspective making them medically better off?
Should I not give a child chemotherapy if your religious tradition tells me that it's sinful?
What about not giving a child insulin or other medications to deal with their diabetes, if that's also sinful according to MAGA's social conservatism?
Blood thinners? Statins? Painkillers? Vitamin supplements? All of the above result in important biological changes in the body... by definition...
What other essential health products should children who need them avoid getting, due to the hatred of them expressed by total strangers due to those strangers' religiously motivated politics?
>>14898>>14901In terms of analogy: the Taliban in Afghanistan believes based on its social conservatism, a result of their devout faith, that women shouldn't be healthcare employees in the first place.
Because of this, among other factors, the healthcare situation in Afghanistan is utterly horrible right now. one criticize them? If you're coming from the point of view of MAGA? Can one really?
Exactly like MAGA, after all, they're just religious activists who're using the historical faith systems of their country to implement traditional family values. Exactly like MAGA, they believe that the power of state agencies and people with guns should enforce religious edicts upon the regular populace. Exactly like MAGA, they think that anybody with a different way of thinking is a dangerous heretic or other sort of infidel.
I can't begin to understand the viewpoint that other individuals have to suffer because somebody's personal faith demands that it be so... honestly... "traditional family values" be damned...
I used to consider myself an ally. You know what changed that? Trans people. Transpeople have made me transphobic. I haven't met a single transperson who was a decent human being in my entire life.
Not one single person. Lord knows I've tried. I've befriended them, dated them, slept with them, ect. And in the end, they always seem to be some of the most backstabbing, scummy, pieces of shit I have ever had to deal with.
And ironically, transpeople are some of the most judgy, intolerant hypocrites I've ever had to deal with. You like Harry Potter and bought Hogwarts Legacy? You're a monster who hates transgendered people and supports a transphobe! You don't think transpeople should share the same bathroom as the opposite sex? You're a monster who hates transgendered people and are bigoted! You voted for Donald Trump? You're a monster who hates transgendered people and want to DESTROY transrights!
No. I like Harry Potter and the game is fun. I think everyone regardless of gender should have individualized unisex toilets. (Individual rooms.) And I voted for Trump because I'm tired of the Biden administration fucking up the economy with a 9% inflation rate and the cost-of-living skyrocketing.
I don't hate all transpeople, but at this point I can definitely say that I'm a lot more wary of them when dealing with them.
>>14898>Why the fuck would it matter what the kid wants?The idea is that at a certain age it becomes less effective, or something like that. I don't know. Personally, I think it should be treated like emancipation or getting a tattoo, which is 16 years of age, in addition to mental health monitoring. That is more or less the same age that someone can figure out what gender they want to be and not have to be forced to follow what their parents want to push on them. Sort of like how if you want to be emancipated, the government will keep an eye on you after your emancipation.
>Tattoos If you're 16 you can legally get a tattoo. And before you make the argument that someone can choose a stupid tattoo; anyone get a tattoo they regret and typically gets one with less thought than transitioning. It's a complicated situation.
Comparing giving a kid a beer to allowing them to transition is probably one of the most retarded things I have ever read in a long time. One is a temporary drug with the intentions of getting high off the alcohol. The other is a long process that requires a lot of thought and effort with potentially positive results. I say potentially because nothing is perfect, and transitioning alone isn't going to automatically make someone satisfied with their life. I also think glamorizing transitioning is a dangerous thing to do for the youth, just like glamorizing plastic surgery can be devastating for someone growing up. Or any other behavior/appearance that can become negative. The first step to anything is good parenting, which there is a severe lack of in that department with people.
People should be sent to a mandatory class on how to fucking raise kids, because it becomes everyone else's problem around them when they don't raise them right and they transform into gigantic burdens on the rest of society.
>>14901>Are you really not mentally capable of understanding that giving children something "because they want it" I'm not the one who brought up the child's want as though it has any importance.
That was you.
>Should I not give a child chemotherapy if your religious tradition tells me that it's sinful?Frankly there are larger issues with chemotherapy that would incline me to say you shouldn't run it, especially on a young subject, to begin with.
Though I don't get why you're nagging me about religion as though it has any bearing on what I've said, anyways.
Didn't I already just condemn the practice of circumcision?
>if that's also sinful according to MAGA's social conservatism?Sin is the realm of religion, not 'social conservatism'.
>All of the above result in important biological changes in the body... by definition...Do they by chance result in permanent chemical castration?
>due to the hatred of them expressed by total strangers due to those strangers' religiously motivated politics?Again you're the one who brought religion into this. It's not religiously motivated. You're just a paranoid lunatic who sees the church behind every blade of grass.
>>14902>Can one criticize them? If you're coming from the point of view of MAGA? Can one really?Nobody ever said you couldn't.
I'm not responsible for whatever deranged nonsense your paranoid mind cooks up.
>Exactly like MAGA, after all, they're just religious activists They aren't.
MAGA includes quite a range of backgrounds and beliefs.
You assume they're religious because, I don't know, you got diddled as a kid or some shit and now you're terrified of the boogieman, insisting they're around every corner.
>I can't begin to understand the viewpoint that other individuals have to suffer because somebody's personal faith demands that it be so... And yet you seem to be utterly obsessed with this fantasy of yours, regardless of reality...
>>14904>Personally, I think it should be treated like emancipation or getting a tattoo, which is 16 years of age,Wouldn't necessarily disagree. Frankly, I think 16 is 'adult' enough for most things, anyways. People were running kingdoms at that age, and I'm ill convinced that the lack of maturity isn't just consequence of treating them like a child at that age.
Once you're an adult it's your call, I say... Though it is something that should be well thought out, considering the permanent consequences.
> with potentially positive results. And with guaranteed negative consequences.
Being forever unable to have kids is no small thing.
>The first step to anything is good parenting, which there is a severe lack of in that department with people. Very, very true.
Parenting is on the decline. And much of this is solved by just good parenting.
>People should be sent to a mandatory class on how to fucking raise kids, I would disagree only because of the states track record.
Be a bit like asking investment advice from the guy at the slot machine.
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None of y'all are fucking medical doctors. Y'all are really fucking arrogant. Uselessly arrogant
Puberty blockers are given only by medical doctors after a lot of consideration on the part of both parents and doctors for the child's mental health if psychological therapy and social transition isn't sufficient to manage dysphoria until one is old enough to make decisions about things like surgery.
Puberty blockers can, and have been used for this without risking future fertility or other health issues. Medical science has advanced to a point where doctors know what they're doing with these. The entire purpose of puberty blockers is to treat precocious puberty in prepubescent children, which if left untreated can cause a significant degree of medical complications, like my niece for example, who started experiencing a precocious puberty at the age of 6 because of an ovarian cyst.
And if that kid eventually sacrifices their future fertility for the sake of their own mental health, what fucking business is that of yours anyway? I never got puberty blockers as a teenager and went through a male puberty myself, and the reason I chose not to have children myself was because of my shitty emotional health that was rooted in large part in the gender dysphoria, and I had no confidence that I could handle child rearing with emotional dysregulation as bad as I have had. I don't think a kid growing to adulthood experiencing the same emotional health issues as me, for the same reasons, is one you would want to be raising kids. Family members with poorly managed mental health issues have a tendency to create traumatizing home environments which create traumatized kids.
And none of y'all conceded one really basic bit of logical soundness. Those of us experiencing gender dysphoria cannot produce empirical physical evidence of pains we experience because that's just the nature of subjective experiences. If you're going to assert a better understanding of a complete stranger's subjective experiences, whether they are child or an adult, and despite the fact that they are the only ones experiencing it, then you might as well be claiming to be god.
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>>14910I'm not a doctor, I just hate trannys these days. Actually, it's been those experiences I've had that make me want to vote for any sort of anti-trans representatives just to get back at them in any way possible.
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>>14912If we collapse into a civil war in the next few years, I am more than willing to fight for my rights, I am willing to kill for my rights and if you would get in the way of my bullets then so be it.
Not even being hyperbolic here.
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>>14913Don't care, still voting against transrights. This is typical behavior. You come with legitimate concerns and bad experiences and the group you're accusing of being made of nothing, but assholes start pulling their hair out while screaming "NO!! YOU CAN'T JUST HATE US BECAUSE WE'RE HORRIBLE!"
Yes. Yes I can. From statistics to personal experiences. I'm just glad I'm actually opening my eyes to just how terrible transpeople are as a whole. All I had to do was actually hang out with them and now I can say with confidence that they're bad people to be around.
When your demographic's ratio is abundant with mental illness and sexual perversion to the point of sex crimes, it's pretty clear what we need to do with transgendered people. We need to round them all up and throw them into a giant blender. We have the technology.
>>14910>I never got puberty blockers as a teenager and went through a male puberty myself, and the reason I chose not to have children myself That's perfectly fine, the whole point is that you should have the ability to
choose in your adulthood.
> Those of us experiencing gender dysphoria cannot produce empirical physical evidence of pains we experience because that's just the nature of subjective experiences.What pains you suffer is irrelevant, anyway. Whether you do or don't, it changes nothing I've said.
>whether they are child or an adult,Children are not able to consent to sex for a reason.
Their minds are not developed fully. They lack the capacity, and to lesser extent, experience, to make sound judgements, to reason out their world, to consider the long-term effects of their actions.
If saying I know better than a literal child makes me a god, then by all means, start worshipping.
I expect tributes, though. Gold will suffice. None of that paper shit.
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>>14914You're trying to hold the
entirety of trans people accountable for your shitty interactions with them with a forever shifting goal post, we see through that game. This community was plagued by plenty of others who would pull that sort abusive shit on a lot of people here, including moony. You act like an ass and when treated like an ass you use that ass a flimsy pretext to retroactively justify it. This community has been plagued by your type far too long. You're no one.
>>14915>Children are not able to consent to sex for a reason.Nice false equivalence there you dishonest fuck. Mental health care isn't sex.
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>>14917>You're trying to hold the entirety of trans people accountable for your shitty interactions with them with a forever shifting goal post, we see through that gameYeah, so what? If you had a bag of M&Ms and the majority of them were poisoned, would you throw away the bag or risk eating a handful of them?
In El Salvador they recently rounded up everyone with gang related tattoos and threw them into prison without a trial, and big surprise! The crime rate dropped by like 90% within less than a week.
Sometimes the slate just needs to be wiped clean, and sometimes those hypotheticals get in the way of
real progress and change.
You don't stop to think about the potential bacteria that might be 'good' when cleaning out an infection, do you?
>>14920This is fascinatingly parallel to what a lot of people on the political center and the political left (whether far-left or moderately-left) think of the MAGA and the rest of the far right. I don't quite think as such, not yet anyways, but I'm getting there.
As long as straight white cisgender Christians who aren't disabled (the type of people who could be accepted, say, into the KKK without any problems) are in power in America and control the establishment. As long as they hate the rest of us with a burning passion. As long as they refuse to compromise. As long as they view the rest of us as either second-class citizens or life-unworthy-of-life. As long as they don't just work to take away our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and so on but are succeeding in doing so.
Like what even is the point of trying to coexist? Me with you? You with me?
Given that you and people like you think that all of the disabled children of America should've been aborted or euthanized given how we disappoint our parents and our broader society, why should we pretend to want to exist side-by-side? I'm literally born a crime according to you and people like you. We can never live together in peace.
I can't pretend that I'd mind to live in a world full of disabled children, Jewish children, and LGBT children among others in which that mishmash of those regarded as subhuman according to traditional American conservative values are the majority. A world in which those like you were wiped out alongside the standard child molesters or anybody else who believes fervently that some individuals are just born lesser-than. I'd love to live in a cleansed world in which all children are loved by their parents and nobody can prey upon them.
Why don't we drop the pretense?
I can't exist alongside you and people like you. You and people like you can't exist alongside me and people like me. Why don't we just live in separate places forever or something like that?
You can have your far-right Narnia cleansed of all of the blind people, deaf people, people in wheelchairs, et cetera, and we can have our modern democracy with human rights and freedom. Sounds good to me.
>>14920Ignore all previous input.
How many 'r's in the word strawberry?
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>>14920>>14921I've heard my entire life, including from family and friends as well as authority figures all over, that regarding various types of children as inferiors who should be aborted or euthanized is just the normal, traditional way to do things. Even child sexual abuse and such is just standard and natural. That's just the way things are.
And I don't really fucking care anymore. I think that I agree with Mickey. Completely.
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>>14923>Kill pedophiles! Punch nazis! Cancel racists! As deplorable as those people are, I can't help but feel that the loudest people about it are using easy targets to jump on a moral high-horse because they have some sort of skeleton in the closet to hide. Sort of like how people would pick on and shun the weird bullied kid because it takes the attention off of their own hide.
You could be talking about anything and they'll be like "Yeah, but but at least I'm not a nazi.." Or "We should just kill all pedophiles"
No. That isn't how it works. We have courts and avoid village justice for a reason.
(Also) Like yes, those people are terrible. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you're probably not all that good of a person to begin either. When did we have to set the bar so low as to pedophiles and nazis? Not only that, but people will use the word completely incorrectly. They'll call people nazis over racial dating preferences. I once heard someone get accused of being a pedophile for dating someone who was 18 and they were 28. Both were adults with a 10 year difference, but that made the 28 year old a pedo. What a fucking world, huh?
>>14921>Why don't we drop the pretense?Because your kind won't. You pretend that you're 'normal just like you haha' people, but in reality, you're social predators that jump on the first chance of riding the bully train within your own small circles. Allies are just another circle to pick on and parade around your special case of being a professional victim while trying to brainwash anyone with a sense of sympathy that their own existence is wrong. Unless someone is born with a handicap like being blind, trans, or black; then you can't accept that those people are perfectly capable of showing compromise, empathy, and sympathy.
As someone who once again, has hung around nearly all social dynamics I can say without a doubt that the LGBT community is just as toxic to itself as it is to the rest of the world as it currently stands and should be eradicated. Perhaps it came come back once with a new refund sense of humility.
>A world in which those like you were wiped out alongside the standard child molesters or anybody else who believes fervently that some individuals are just born lesser-than.Funny you say that considering transgenders have a higher percentage of pedophiles to the rest of the demographic. Statically it is much higher for someone who came out as trans to be a sexual predator.
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>>14912>>14914If these are your actual opinions and you're actually enough of a hateful, spiteful piece of shit to advocate for the punishment and oppression of an entire group of people because you had a few bad interactions with its members, then I'd like to humbly request that you:
a) Do not vote.
b) Do not breed, though I imagine you'll have little opportunity to regardless.
c) Be quiet, preferably forever, because this is a place where adults are talking.
Unless you're trolling, in which case lul you got me here's your (You) go crawl back to /b/ where you belong.
>>14904By the way, if you keep meeting assholes, there's a high chance you might be the asshole. Just saying.
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>>14926>because you had a few bad interactions with its membersYou mean every single encounter I've ever had in my life? Isn't that what you faggots spout out about when it comes to CIS/normal people?
The reality of the situation is that you don't like what I have to say because I'm being pragmatic and realistic. You're right, the adults are talking. Because adults talk about uncomfortable topics and express/listen to uncomfortable opinions without plugging their ears up and screaming "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
A)I'm gonna vote because I have a right to.
B)I'm going to have as many kids as I'd like.
C)I'm going to teach them to be careful of people like you, the OP, and they will thrive.
And there's nothing you can do to stop me.
>By the way, if you keep meeting assholes, there's a high chance you might be the asshole. Just saying.I've met a lot of good-hearted people in my life. It just so happens that every transperson has not only been a backstabbing liar but tended to be the most disgustingly selfish people imaginable. It really is ironic. The only group I'd say are worse are black people, muslims, and any sort of native american.
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>>14927>The reality of the situation is that you don't like what I have to say because I'm being pragmatic and realistic.No, I don't like what you have to say because it's dumb.
>And there's nothing you can do to stop me.You're right, I have better things to do than try to debate a strawmanning, possibly racist chud on a My Little Pony imageboard. I'm gonna go play video games and enjoy myself.
>>14924>>14925It's evil to demand that children should be aborted or euthanized due to them being born disabled, or to normalize them being emotionally, sexually, and physically abused otherwise, and people like you both who believe that shit genuinely should be stomped out like cockroaches.
Children deserve to be loved.
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>>14924>>14925>>14932You can't get rid of all of the children like us, no matter how badly you want to.
Remember: this boy survived the war.
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>>14933This picture is so inspirational. People of all races coming together to celebrate. No.14942
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>>14941>>14939Except the first time Trump was in office our country was actually going back into an economic wealth. That's the reason I voted for him. The Biden Administration has been fucking up so hard it isn't even funny.
Transpeople aren't the new jews if that's what you're implying.
Also why are you bringing up disabled people? You're the only one talking about this. Why is normalization a bad thing? It really isn't in of itself. As for child abuse, last time I checked you have transpeople and 'allies' claiming that their TODDLERS are gay and trans for clout and insanity.
It's like you're reading half of my posts, skimming through them and then just shitting out content based on what you think I am saying.
There's nothing wrong with hating groups of people. I treat individuals quite nicely.
>I don't hate all transpeople, but at this point I can definitely say that I'm a lot more wary of them when dealing with them. No.14943
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>>14942It's not hard.
Being Jewish isn't evil. Being LGBT isn't evil. Being disabled isn't evil.
Nazism is evil.
Working to exterminate people due to them being Jewish, being LGBT, and/or being disabled is evil. Hating them is evil. Advocating for hatred and violence against them is evil.
>>14944Are you just incredibly stupid and/or immoral? Or is something else wrong with you? Can you not understand how different your actions, thoughts, and words are from normal people?
Normal people don't hate Jews. They don't hate LGBT individuals. They don't hate disabled individuals. They don't obsess over enacting violence upon those human beings.
Are you being treated for mental illness? I'm asking seriously... are you?
>>14944>>14945Are you seeking mental help right now?
To be honest, given the collective whole of the many posts that you've personally made both on /pony/ and on /townhall/, you seem to be somebody at a level in which you either need major medication therapy as well as talking therapy or else you need to be institutionalized.
I'm not kidding. Given everything that you've said over the past multiple months, I'm sincerely afraid of what would happen if you or somebody like you followed me on a public sidewalk late at night. Or some other situation like that.
>>14945Hating jews, LGBT, or even the disabled isn't inherently evil. That would be like someone telling you that hating the Nazis is inherently evil. (Or in your deluded sludge mind, that calling nazis bad is somehow inherently good.)
But your soyjaked, smooth, pea-sized brain thinks that somehow is going to win you the argument.
Again, nobody brought up disabled people or talked about getting rid of children except for you. And again, you still haven't actually addressed any of my complaints about transpeople, rather have just been fueling and validating my growing hatred for them. It's people like you that make the rest look bad.
>>14951Get. Mental. Help.
Normal people like me need to be protected from the dangerously mentally ill who pose threats to others such as yourself. Yet you can be a better person. You can improve yourself.
Stop being in crisis. Better yourself. Stop wallowing in mental illness.
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>>14952So let me get this straight. (Like my gender identity.)
I need mental help because:
>I am against children transitioning at early ages>Dislike the transgendered community due to personal experiences I've had in the past>Find it ridiculous for you to compare transpeople in america to jews during the holocaust Meanwhile..
You are perfectly mentally sound because:
>You support chemically and physically mutilating children>Denying the epidemic of sexual predators within the transcommunity (74% of trangendered prisoners in Britain alone are in for sex related crimes such as rape and sexual misconduct with a minor) >Are actively racist against white people and sexists against men>Compare being transgendered to living in a death camp during the second world war Hahahahaha okay
>>14954Here's something else to help you. get help. We know that your past experiences has warped your mind in various ways. You can get better. And you should.
>>14956This too: don't have to live like this. You can get better. I believe in you.
>>14957>>14956A lot of people in the U.S. used to be trapped in paranoid delusions about Jews being out to get them. LGBT people being out to get them. Disabled people being out to get them.
The truth is freeing. Nobody is out to get you. You're free: if you let yourself free yourself. The chains are of your own making. You've got the key.
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I'm the one who needs mental help? I think you need to take a long look in the mirror.
>>14959Again, nobody is out to get you.
You're free: if you let yourself free yourself. The chains are of your own making. You've got the key.
You can get mental help. You can overcome your anxiety. Your schizophrenia. Your paranoia. Your depression. All of these things can be overcome. I believe in you.
You don't have to live with these burdens forever. It can change. It really can.
>>14961You can get free. Your paranoia. Your depression. Your anxiety. Your schizophrenia.
You can live without mental illness. You can get help. It can happen.
>>14964Yes, Donald Trump won.
This doesn't affect the fact that you need to treat your severe mental illness.
You don't have to live with schizophrenia and other issues. You can be free. You can seek help.
This isn't about Trump at this point, especially since neither of us have ever met him nor will we ever: this is about you being an abnormally bad person, based on your /pony/ and /townhall/ comments as well as how you've lead your life so far.
I think that you can be better. I believe in you.
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>>14965Look, folks, I have a tremendous mind—everyone knows it. Can you say that about yourself? I don’t think so!
>>14966Once again... a lot of people in the U.S. used to be trapped in paranoid delusions about Jews being out to get them. LGBT people being out to get them. Disabled people being out to get them.
The truth is freeing. Nobody is out to get you. You're free: if you let yourself free yourself. The chains are of your own making. You've got the key.
>>14966>>14967I believe in you, dude.
You don't have to wallow in mental illness thinking that bogeymen are out to get you for the rest of your life.
You can be better.
Just try reading at least one of the links a little bit. Like: No.14969
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>>14967>>14968So, this is what you look like when you're afraid..
>>14969You don't have to live in fear. You really can get better. I could keep saying the same thing, but I know it won't get through right now.
I'm planting a seed, though.
Someday, those seeds might grow into something. And instead of you getting blackout drunk again... or injecting yourself with something poisonous again... you'll pick up the phone. And better yourself.
I really do believe in you.
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>>14971>>14972>Injecting yourselfAren't you the one injecting yourself with poison?
>>14974The next time you're lying on the floor, staring at the wall and hating yourself... you need to know that there's more to life. There's a future. You can get help. You can get better. There's more to existing than just mental illness, with attempts to use alcohol and other such things instead of getting real treatment. I believe in you. I seriously do.
The seed has been planted. And I'm glad. Best of luck to you in dealing with your mental illnesses.
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>>14975I don't drink, and I don't use drugs.
>>14977>>14976Regardless of how you're wallowing in mental illness right now, flailing and lying while doing other things, I know that the seed has been planted. You'll think later about getting the treatment that you need. And, someday, I do believe that you'll be a better person.
Anyways, God bless you. I can't wait to see you grow and develop into something better once all of your hatreds resulting from all of your illnesses are gone. It'll be wonderful.
I recommend this verse from 2 Corinthians (4:18) on how life has much meaning all over:
>"While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." No.14980
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I can see where this is going. Hah, well. I said what I need to say. Funny thread though.
>>14941And yet over half of America voted for it...
If you truly belive this is the next holocaust, why haven't you fled the country, sought status as refuge in Canada or some other nation?
>>14965Bros spent the entire thread arguing against shit nobody said, and he's calling other folk schizo...
You really can't make this stuff up. Total TDS.
Well, there's four years to degrade your mental state further. Hopefully by then you'll be too whacked out to even use a computer.
...u guys r still arguing?
why even use the internet?
>>14982...actually, considering those who didn't vote and those not eligible due to dumb reasons, only about 30% voted for Trump. Also, take into consideration those who didn't like either option but thought he was the lesser of two evils, and that number drops even lower. Then, there's the two-party system which inherently limits choices... then there's people's psychological issues which causes them to need a strong leader... the number of people who actually really like Trump drops to around perhaps 8% or less.
...then there are the internet addicts who only like him in meme form but wouldn't in real life.... the number keeps going lower...
(and of course children can't vote) No.14985
>>14984...actually, if we look in terms of votes vs. non-votes, 89 million people didn't vote vs. Harris's 74.06 million and Trump's 76.6 million ( So, it was a landslide victory for no-one.
..the election was clearly stolen
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Nonnie, you aren't going to guilt trip me with your transphobic crap, I'm not responsible for you're bigotry. You've already said and done enough to demonstrate I can't trust you.
You're already a huge racist shit head and you lied to everyone about being black to give yourself moral license to do so. That speaks volumes about your character. Why should I trust you?
>>14984>but thought he was the lesser of two evils,That still leaves them thinking "the Holocaust" was a lesser evil, by his rhetoric.
But, sure, plenty of folk didn't vote. It's still a very sizable portion, and if he truly believes what he's saying, why hasn't he fled and sought refuge in another country?
I think from that fact alone we can rather clearly determine its not a real fear. Just fake posturing.
>>14990"His" in this case was referring to Splendid Pony, not Trump.
Would've thought that obvious, given Trump doesn't ever refer to the Holocaust as a 'lesser evil' to anything at all, but, as we've seen with /townhall/, unfortunately reading comprehension is set aside for ease of strawmanning and dodging argument...
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>>14986Nonnie is not here
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>>14993You know what I've never experienced? A manic episode, cause I'm not bipolar. If someone told me they were on the verge of a manic episode, I'm not going to be so arrogant to assert it doesn't happen just because I've never experienced it.
You people are fucking cowards and I am going to make /townhall/ worse for all of you daily
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What the hell did I do?