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Do you ever feel that people get too horny for certain 'Pokemon' and 'Digimon'?

Does that ever make you frustrated? At least, well, a little bit?


I don't really know how much would be too much.  That was clearly the intent of some of these designs, and it's not like it's hurting anyone in particular.


I unironically would fuck both, and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks


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>>14862 (OP)
Blame Nintendo. Their fault for making them hot.
Digimon also, though it's a bit more angled towards normies by large. I think Renamon was a bit of a fluke,.


Digimon got provocative designs.
Pokémon is far too popular and due to overexposure, it gets the appeal of proportionally more weirdos.


I don't find pokemon or digimon sexually appealing myself but I don't find others getting horny for Pokémon or Digimon frustrating cause it doesn't effect my enjoyment of either franchise.


Was it really that clear of an intent, though?


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They're pretty overt with some of them.
Granted, they probably didn't realize some others'd be quite so popular as they are.


I can buy Salazzle being a fanservice type through and through. Yeah. Still, when you look at others... like what about Lucario would make one think of "porn star" instead of just "canine warrior"?


Probably that dummy thick dumptruck of an ass


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No, but there are a myriad of others. Some of whom turned out successful, some that did not. Some more aimed towards "normies" than the wild poke-fucker, though others like Loppunny, especially the mega version, are certainly as overt as they come.

Lucario is a good example of these things never being 'guaranteed', and no amount of intent can override natural appeal.
Fellah's got 30k on E621, after all, where Vaporeon, Lopunny, and Salazzle don't manage half that. Hell, poor Salazzle doesn't even hit 10k. Though, mind you, Vaporeon is more 'meme' than intention from Nintendo.


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For certain Pokémon? Sure. For Pokémon in general? Not really. Variety is the spice of life and fifteen thousand pages of Gardevoirs taking backshots is not variety.


>fifteen thousand pages of Gardevoirs taking backshots
Wait... what?

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