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File: 1729301722538.png (376.57 KB, 626x620, 313:310, Screenshot_20241018-213320.png) ImgOps Google

Was Kamala's latest interview really so bad, or are the prediction markets overreacting?


No one is actually on the fence regarding this election and it could've been decided months ago.

Which isn't to say I know who's winning, just no one is actually going to change their mind.  

Similar stuff going on with the judge deciding to release whatever info about Trump's ongoing case.  Trump is claiming election interference, but there's nothing to interfere with.  People are locked in.


File: 1729308415758.png (238.76 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, Screenshot_20240923-231725.png) ImgOps Google

>just no one is actually going to change their mind.  
Eh, maybe 95% of people have made up their mind.  But the election is so close that just a small percentage of people can flip it.  Plus, there is the issue of turnout.  People might just stay home.


>"I'm going to be the candidate of change.. But no I would have done everything Biden did but exactly the same"

I mean she's not helped herself. Trump is probably right to just shut up and not do any more interviews


There's currently people threatening to blow up weather institutes because they're supposedly used to generate hurricanes.

The US is rapidly becoming the actualisation of idiocracy, so I totally buy it.


This is not new, it is and remains a small minority of people that get amplified because it makes people like you become entrenched in your xenophobia/self-hate of Americans.

This type of conspiracy theory is present in every single nation on earth.

Also, what does this have to do with the OP? Is it just the image, not the substance of the question? Tell me you don't understand polls and US demographics without telling me you don't understand.

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