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A place for civilized animals
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Fixing four inherent flaws with human biology would cause world peace:

1. Make the most healthy foods that're the most easily produced taste the best.

2. Make women enjoy having sex equally as much as men enjoy having sex.

3. Make men get pregnant as easily as women get pregnant.

4. Make everybody have a physical switch on their bodies that both instantly puts them to sleep and also instantly wakes them up.

I'm only partially joking. What do you think? Being honest?


I don't know that any of those things, nice as they would be, are what leads to significant global conflicts.


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People would still find reasons to kill each other. Let's be honest.



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None of these things would solve imperialism, irredentism, bigotry, or the desire of all people to be solely recognised internationally as having the largest penis.


1. They are, you just are shit at cooking.

2. Libido is on a spectrum for everyone and is subject to change.

3. This does nothing to create peace.

4. This is retarded.

I don't expect any level of thought from anyone on this hellsite, but you are stupid.

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