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Looks like I'm going to jail!


I'm with the U.K. government. Broadly speaking. If an individual wants to do any of these things to a victim (or justify it being done by others):

>raping them
>firing them from their jobs
>kicking them out of their homes
>preventing them from voting
>sexually harassing them short of raping them
>forcibly keeping them away from access to medical care
>destroying their personal property
>physically battering them in a non-sexual way

Or such. Well. Like. Yeah. That sounds like a direct threat to social order that requires law enforcement action as well as measures by the judicial system. Modern democracies such as the one in the U.K. are under extreme threat from domestic militants committing extremist acts.

Person A's civil rights and personal liberties end the exact moment that he/she/they actively intends harm to Person B and commits actions as a result of those beliefs. This seems completely reasonable to me. This is the understanding of "rights" that one would have from looking at the intellectual traditions that go back to John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, et al and the Age of Enlightenment. The underlying purpose of government in both theory and practice is to prevent specific forces from using coercing actions to harm others. And so on.

I personally really, seriously hate the American way-of-life of having de facto quasi-anarchy when it comes to crime and punishment in the sense that, say, for example: in Chicago, Illinois (where I've a lot of personal experience), the case of a white victim of murder results in an actual arrest about 50% of the time (and, thus, were I to die in Chicago my odds of the killer getting away scot-free are horrifically high at around a coin-flip's chance). And, my God, if a victim is a Hispanic or African-American person the chances of an arrest happening are even more dire. Ugh.

My personal freedom and individual liberty doesn't feel enhanced by living in a country with a social culture that's weirdly lax on people murdering and raping each other as well as threatening seriously to murder and rape each other. No. In fact. I feel personally less "free" because my countrymen and countrywomen have these "liberties".



See ya

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