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Some social media types are in hot water at the moment due to this independent study that alleges the coming of "a flood of ads on Facebook and Instagram that pointed users to third-party services where they could purchase prescription pills, cocaine and other recreational drugs."

< https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/mark-zuckerberg-receives-letter-lawmakers-over-illicit-drug-ads-rcna166809 >

Is this a big deal? I'm not personally sure... because my instincts say... that the U.S. government is too censorship happy... doesn't it seem to be like that?

Maybe substances such as cocaine ought to be totally legalized in the U.S. in the first place? Is this a matter of basic freedoms? Maybe? Maybe not?


I think the simple answer is to let people do what they want.  I am at no point in competition with recreational drug vendors, nor am I especially concerned about their use.  This does not affect me.

The more complex answer involves asking questions about whether this advertising is too manipulative for something so dangerous, or asking what our society as a whole might look like if too many people end up addicted to cocaine.  We're a communal species with a society that heavily relies on lot of interconnections to continue functioning, and if drug use starts to affect people other than the drug users in a meaningful way then it's worth looking at what could be done about it.

I don't think we're at that point, so far, though.


The 'war on drugs' in the U.S. should end. That I'm sure of. Yeah.



Context of:


Anyways, the video about the ways drugs get to be legalized and why it fails in portland and seems successful in Portugal / Netherlands.

It isn't sufficient to just legalize everything and let people get out with their own total freedom. Becuse that's when a drug addict takes off their pants and shits into your bowl of noodle soup.

You need to have programs in place to support addicts and encourages them to still seek recovery and helps them get a place to use drugs, gets them a place to stay and offers them therapy to deal with whatever issues they faced that enticed drug use.
You'd still need to clean up the streets to make it workable.

This is probably pretty important when you start dealing with the commercialistion of drugs.
I feel like, not only for drugs, there must still be more stringent rules on advertisement.
I still get too much ads on social media for crypto scams and shady online casinos.


My understanding is that America has almost no standards when it comes to starting a rehab process. Thus, I could personally buy an empty building and set up the 'Penis Penis Penis LOL Rehab Clinic' without a clear-cut way to deal with me. I think this controversial lack of accountability has been covered by a lot of news stories.


I don't think it's accountability.
It's responsibility, as in the USA assuming it's the addict's own responsibility to get out of their situation.
So there's no investment into social programs.


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It would eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering. I also believe the price of drugs should be lowered and that we should be making a whole lot more of them. Pharmaceutical companies prey on a lack of education while actively trying to make the drugs you buy illegal for anyone else to grow or produce for every except for their own selves. They do this and then turn around telling everyone else that it's for our safety. It isn't. It's for profit. The cost of producing those drugs is mere pennies compared to their profits.

I suspect this is why education isn't free and a scam at the end of the day. They want to put a price tag on something that isn't material and pretend it is; knowledge. I've met so many people who know more about a subject than people with a degree in that subject. It's ridiculous. The biggest thing that holds people back from getting that piece of paper is money. Then you turn around and try to justify that piece of paper by ramping up the prices on a product because 'it's super duper hard to make guize!" Which is horseshit. Making drugs is a process that requires specific details and a sterile environment sure, but that doesn't justify the sheer level of greed in the industry.

It's similar to the same reason I hate a lot of fashion. People are selling you a shoe with the exact same materials as the next and pricing it at 500 dollars for a pair. It's absolutely stupid. The actual labor doesn't translate either. Sure, companies like that have to invest in machines for mass production, but the profits have long, long paid all of that off.

A good example is the price of insulin. It is ridiculous. Or what about the fact that if you donate plasma a lot of places might pay you like 50 bucks for a pint (and that's if you weight like 175lbs minimum) and then turn around and flip that pint for $800-$1600 a pop. And they get it from desperate people all of the time. It's predatory.


Both things are problems.

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