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File: 1723021178563.jpg (152.05 KB, 1733x1080, 1733:1080, Screenshot_20240807_022035….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Is there a positive future possible for the peoples of Russia in the long term, looking years and years out past the horizon?

This music video screenshot is very related. I think.


No, they're probably fucked.


File: 1723022091598.jpg (152.5 KB, 1080x953, 1080:953, Screenshot_20240807_041422….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well. Shit.


The future for Russia is the same it's always been (bar a small little break in the early to late 2000s)

Get drunkier and poorer every day while your goverment screws you over endlessly


Probably. Last I heard, Russia isn't really doing that bad. At least, as far as the regular day-to-day stuff seems to go.


That really could be so.

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