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It looks like Maduro was voted out by the people of Venezuela, but his government is falsifying the vote count in an attempt to keep him in power.  Other countries of Latin America are refusing to recognize the fraudulent election results, and there are massive protests in Venezuela, and some of the security forces seem to be joining the protesters.  Hopefully Maduro gets overthrown...


And thinking domestically, it would be nice if the US adopted measures for more secure and more transparent elections.


It's always questionnable when a country seems to go through a bunch of strong issues that the same people keep getting elected.

At the same time, nowadays it seems like claims of election fraud is something that the ones who lost the election will go for.

Are there good ways to ensure this?
Having proper access to the voting booths for everyone who wants to vote is probably needed.
Having security may be important, but you also risk it becoming voter intimidation.
Being able to watch votes being tallied up per municiplity / city would probably help too.

Of course, there's no guarantee they won't just pull numbers out of their rear.
Having foreign entities observe gives away soverenity and there's no guarantee they won't influence the result.


>Are there good ways to ensure this?
Require ID to vote.
Use paper ballots.
When polls close, shuffle the ballots and then show all the ballots, letting observers from major parties video-record the ballots.


I wish I could understand why the political right-wing views what just happened in Venezuela as a horrible thing... while Vladimir Putin inside of Russia and all of these tinpot dictator types across the continent of Africa can do the exact same thing only they're "based" and "owning the libs" by destroying their nation's "woke" people...

Not to mention... well... Trump being a recycled version of a South American 'caudillo' as well...


Agreed. Paper ballots in combination with electronic systems, would be my ideal. Harder to fake things when you've record of both electronic time correlation, and the physical paper that's harder to change.



On one hand, I imagine there isn't a majority of people supporting Vladimir Putin from over here.

On the other hand, you've kind of answered your own question.  People who can't achieve political victory by voting will inevitably turn to cheating, if not outright violence.  If people feel the system isn't working for them and see people circumventing the system somewhere else, they're liable to cheer.


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There actually isn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats in their favorability of Putin.  Both groups tend to view him very negatively.


I'm inclined to think that there's maybe a kind of "fallacy of composition" occurring?

Like if all one knew about those who voted for Trump in 2016 was what one saw from looking at terminally online Trump activists 4chan, Reddit, and YouTube, then one might the sense that like, say, Trump is running with the goal of putting all transgender people into concentration camps and declaring war on Mexico. And so on. All sorts of online rants occurring.

While those people did, indeed, exist, basic mathematical facts that can't be disputed state that most registered voters who marked a spot for Trump on the ballot didn't give money to his campaign. Didn't knock on any doors. Didn't make any phone calls. Didn't buy and show off new clothing to push some sort of thing. They expressed collectively a lot of nuanced opinions, ranging from disdain to Hillary Clinton to emotional loyalty to the Republicans to whatever else. An obsessive dude on Reddit with a face covered in huge tattoos and a closet filled with hoarded Confederate memorabilia DOES reflect a certain percentage of the U.S. population on the 'right', however it's defined, but has little connection to most in that bigger group. And, naturally, that specifc dude probably went from trolling about Trump in the 2010s to about Putin in the 2020s.

It's sort of like how wheels and tires are a noticeable part of a modern car, but it would be a logical fallacy to think of building a whole car as the same as putting a pile of those metal and rubber bits into a circle and just waving a magic wand.

tl; dr we should have a frogposter genocide taking care of those with like lolicon as their phone wallpapers and allow normal conservatives alongside all other normal people to live without being besides all that shit


I'd call into major question your narrative.
I don't think I know of anyone who'd call any shithole nation in Africa "based" on the right.
Most of them just don't care about such places. After all, they're on the other side of the world.

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