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>Turn on the tv to watch the Paris/France olympics opening ceremony
>First thing I see is this
>Turn off the tv


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Although having later watched some highlights I will say them bringing out a golden calf and then death riding a pale horse the obvious messaging was not lost on me


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The olympics are a disaster, and I'm not sure that's unique to this iteration.


>Turn on the tv to watch the Olympics

I don't believe you.


^ THIS ^


>people claiming this is mocking the last supper
>unaware that the olypics are of ancient greek origin
>dionysus was an ancient Greek god of festivities, feast and theatrical performances
>not recognizing a theatrival performance of a dionysian feast to open the Olympic festivities.


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I still have a TV. I don't really find it that unbelievable. Especially since they're in every hotel room, still.
Most you could say is most folk lack satellite or cable at this point, going with something else.
But, an antenna is still free, and that still gets you the olympics.


Are you seriously trying to claim they aren't mocking the Last Supper because people ate food before?
How on earth did you come to the conclusion this of all things would be a compelling argument?
You really think it's the presence of a feast and festivities that people have an issue with?


But it literally was supposed to be Dionysus?


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Christians have a book that twlls them they will be persecuted and mocked for believing what is true.

People being people, of course they would have a bias to see their own persecution everywhere cause how else are they gonna maintain their faith? Christian interpretations of being mocked or persecuted should never be taken on face value and recognized for the exaggeration it is given how obvious the motivation behind that reasoning.

The performance was a reference to a painting similar to the last supper called 'The Feast of Dionysus'


The guy painted blue dressed like an ancient statue of Dionysus barely wearing any clothes was supposed to be Dionysus.

Plus considering that wine is a big part of french culture, it makes perfect sense that the opening festivities of an ancient greek tradition in a country known for wine and food would make reference to the ancient greek god of wine, feasting and festivals.

Call that pagan, sure, but it's not the downfall of western civilization as the filename in the OP, as much as it is a celebration of ancient western civilization.



>Men with beards
>The morbidly obese
>All being portrayed as normal and healthy

It may not be the fall of Rome but sure is one strange circus and odd bread thats being fed to the masses


You not liking a thing doesn't make it the downfall of society you fucking snowflake.


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Counterpoint: I think fat girls are hot.


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>when your life has been largely focused on studying economics

>when you've looked into the Roman Empire academically

>when modern conservatives advocate for the U.S. to adopt the exact same economic policies in late period Rome that caused the western half to collapse, particularly ever higher inflation, ever higher government spending, ever higher government debt, ever worse currency debasement, and ever higher government regulations into financial actions that should be left up to personal entrepreneurship plus other horrible follies of the moronic

>when modern conservatives think that Rome fell due to lots of hot sex with fat women and skinny femboys coupled with lots of drinking

>my face when their stupidity burns



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>men with beards being portrayed as normal and healthy is odd




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I mean I meant women with beards but you know what fuck men with beards too


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Reminder that this is what men in American history normally looked like (and did for a living):



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>but you know what fuck men with beards too
Have fun apparently?


That's a little gay, bro.


Those women aren't exactly healthy either

>men with beards
Those aren't even humans

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