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I could link this story but don't want to think about the circumstances any more than I already have.

I want to exercise at least a little bit of political empathy these days, since it's 2024, but I genuinely can't begin to understand why Republicans support this sort of thing and view it as just the way of tradition because of "law and order". Anybody that a police officer perceives as being in the way or otherwise a problem doesn't seem to have any freedoms in America? I guess? Maybe I should simply shut up and accept the nature of conservatism, with state power and authority being without question?

If you're in danger from criminals, should you actually call the police for assistance? Is there a point? Aren't they highly likely to hurt you, at worst, or even, at best, to refuse to actually lift a finger to defend you?

Am I being too cynical? I feel the instinct to embrace anarchism at times. Nobody will save victimized people except themselves? Perhaps? Maybe the most hardliner of the far left extremists who don't even want like, say, the ATF, CIA, FBI, etc to exist are making sense?


The most important part of this story, awful as it is, is in the image you already posted.  The cop was fired and charged with murder.  Not like, gently put on leave while he's under investigation or whatever.  He's just fired and charged with murder.  This happened earlier this month, and everyone saw the bodycam footage and zero people defended this guy, and now he's gone.

Now does this still raise the usual questions of cop training/conduct?  Yeah, absolutely.  Anytime someone is killed, we have to ask how and if that's preventable the next time.

Should we trust the cops to protect us?  Like, not exclusively, to be sure.  Be ready to defend yourself, know your neighbors, probably don't live alone in general if you can help it.  There's all sorts of precautionary measures you can take to stay so safe you will not need to call the cops.

But I think, if anything, how this case has so far been handled is a significant improvement from how we're used to these things going.  Be mad about it, it's not good, but also be at least a little glad that we're making progress.


I would like to believe in progress, but the most likely outcome seems to be that state power is a force like that of a demonic God that individual people cannot resist.

The state is the magnifying glass. We are the ants. Is that not how it just is?

Are the Republicans not just right that the core human instinct is to bow down to those with authority? To just obey? To act like herd animals?



>The state is the magnifying glass. We are the ants. Is that not how it just is?

Assuming you're in the US, that's grossly overestimating the power of the state.  Not that their power should expand any, but resistance is often as remarkably easy as ignoring people.  They don't have the surveilance or manpower to actually crack down an authoritative whip in almost any circumstance other than active shooter situations, if that (which is another reason you probably shouldn't bother calling the cops).  I don't know precisely which laws are impacting you, specifically, but I am semi-confident you can find a workaround for most of them that the state either won't or can't do anything about.


>why Republicans support this sort of thing
Do they, or do you just assume they do.


> The cop was fired and charged with murder.  Not like, gently put on leave while he's under investigation or whatever.  He's just fired and charged with murder.  This happened earlier this month, and everyone saw the bodycam footage and zero people defended this guy, and now he's gone.
This. Nobody is saying this is fine, and it's one of the rare cases of law being applied appropriately to those who work for the state, no less.

This 'evil Republicans want old ladies shot' crap is total bunk.


>Nobody is saying this is fine, and it's one of the rare cases of law being applied appropriately to those who work for the state, no less.

Yeah we'll see if he gets convicted.


policemen are subject to mental illness, too


>If You Call The Cops To Rescue You Will They Shoot You
*if you throw a pot of boiling water at them.


You mean if they imagine you throwing boiling water at them?


If you watch the video carefully, you can see her throw the water:


From the empty pot?


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Watch more carefully.  You can see the water from the pot splash on the ground.


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