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For a while, people have been subject to "cancel culture" attacks for not complying with woke orthodoxy.  Now it seems that the shoe is on the other foot, and leftists are getting fired for expressing disappointment that the bullet missed.

What is the best strategy to restore a culture of free speech?  Should the right immediately refrain from attacks, or should a tit-for-tat strategy (i.e., defect followed by cooperate) be used?  


The best way to teach someone why something's wrong to do to others is for it to happen to them. Especially if explaining why it's wrong doesn't work, or results only in mocking laughter.

This aside, even if we ignore that, the fact of the matter is the left's already demonstrated if they have the power, they will do every single thing within their capacity to destroy your entire life.
If someone shoots at you, it isn't wrong to shoot back.
Ultimately 'tit for tat' seems necessary.


I don't know if it's bad to tell people not to audibly wish politicans were dead.  Particularly like a day after they almost died.


To be specific, this is how it should be legally:

>Specific and targeted threats of violence: legally punished.
"I'm going to burn down the LGBT community center," Bob wrote in a series of letters. He's now in jail.

>Direct advocacy for present or future targeted violence or direct affirmination for past targeted violence: ditto.
"That synagogue next door ought to get burned down just like all of those in Europe during WWII," Steve proclaimed all over social media online. He's now in jail.

>Indirect assertions of public support for hatred in a way that's not specifically targeted: clearly an immoral thing but not illegal.
Jack is running for Governor and recently stated in a debate that he's trying to "prevent the Jewish-homosexual cabal that controls the American media and educational establishment from brainwashing kids into becoming degenerate followers of transgender ideology and committing dangerous acts of interracial flirting." He's an idiot and shouldn't win, but being mentally impaired isn't a crime.


How it currently is in the U.S. basically amounts to anybody being able to do anything with almost, almost no justice.

Like weird losers throughout the internet will literally spread naked pictures of their former partners plus stolen credit card numbers as well as disgusting threats of sexual abuse and even more.

It's too much of a 'wild west'. Hell. Douche-bags literally getting into media of child abuse almost, almost never get in trouble with law enforcement in the U.S. Feels bad.


It is kinda funny that you have online spaces that ignore the most blatant hate speech or borderline illegal activity because "we're a platform who are all about ultimate free speech" now turning around and insta banning people for saying mean things about Trump.
But in the end, if you are part of a right wing infused community, you shouldn't be surprised you get banned over saying mean things about right wing people. Then you can just hang out with the centrists or the left wing places.

When it comes to boycots, I mean, people on the right have been boycotting which ever celebrity is openly too leftwing forever. Let's not kid about that.

If it's about getting fired, then it just shows that there need to be a good framework of worker protection laws that prevents people being fired for political affiliation outside the work hours. This may affect right as much as the left. And if that's a concern, you really shouldn't be voting for Trump.

When it comes to death threats or threats of violence, that should never be okay, not from the left, not from the right.

Which, let's not pretend that it isn't something Trump or other GOP politicians have been guilty of for a very long time.


While it bugs me that Republicans will say "fuck your freedoms" and "we will stop all woke speech", both of which if taken seriously can only happen in a totalitarianism dictatorship, I think that most normal people in America understand that Republicans only support "liberty" as an inherent idea for other Republicans, and sometimes not even then.

As a side note.

Which I guess is natural since Republicans are tribalists who base everything on identity politics instead of having universal ethics: like whether or not you can own a certain firearm or read a certain book depends on something like your religion and gender identity.



I think I would also tell them to not vocally and publicaly wish death upon people, that's still probably not ideal.  All in all we should be not killing each other, and I think that also means we should not be suggesting that people should be dead.


>Like weird losers throughout the internet will literally spread naked pictures of their former partners plus stolen credit card numbers as well as disgusting threats of sexual abuse and even more.
I'm pretty sure all of that is blatantly illegal, and pretty much universally taken down when retorted.


It's very obviously both morally wrong and illegal. It's that American law enforcement generally being so incompetent and mediocre, especially in management terms, doesn't enforce those laws anywhere near how things should be.

It's sort of like the principle that if people rarely put any clean toilet paper into a bathroom then there might as well not even be a bathroom existing there at all.


I guess I'd agree.
American law enforcement does little well. Save maybe escalating encounters.

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