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Is English the greatest language in the omniverse, or is there value to spreking different languages?

Ist Eaglisch dijn masgrätan täl ent dijn omnimundo, oft ist dar stok ent sprek tälän altrá?


English is great because it has a bunch of rules and you can and must ignore all of them.  Very vibes based.  Sometimes people still get upset about pronouns, but not as upset as other languages.


Gloria Romae aeterna est.


English is objectively the best language because Latin died.


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At least we aren't speaking French wonder wondering what the gender of a chair is.

Still, though, it's like English is the language of planet Earth.


Het lästen alusus ist nien sprek ent Frankisch, pondorthunken dijn sesuen van ën char.

Kurenten, hoever, ist zoek Eaglisch ist dijn talan van dijn Earf.

Are the Catholics really the only ones that are keeping the Latin language alive? Also, is Latin even as useful as English? It seems like there's gotta be some good reason behind why English became the De Facto language of first world earth countries, and not Latin.


Zijn dijn Kafoliksen dijn solo ponien retanan Latinisch vivan? Alko, ist Latinisch funktönan compará Eaglisch? Het aperas dar ist ën bonan kausa Eaglisch foarman dijn "de facto" talan van dijn mondo deveolpanaft, ent nien Latinisch.

Book sprek English is the liberal arts in its finest, and with words that make sense in sentences, we have the power to create dimensions.

I believe that here in America, we should be giving free English lessons to all of the immigrants and other people that struggle with the language. For free, paid for by taxes and other funding sources.


Novelan sprek Eaglisch ist artan van Boktalan ent dijn mas, en kon slovos das mekvalad ent slovobrakens, alesus tíen das mazischík zijn alkamitasan demensonans.

Ik thunkan das ent America, alusus requemast provadan Eaglisch scueala lekurnans vör imigratans en altrá poni das tholan met dijn talan. Vör sintransakshun, transaktanft van uis dijn taxantendor ent altrá tendor sausan.


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>It seems like there's gotta be some good reason behind why English became the De Facto language of first world earth countries, and not Latin.
The strength of the British Navy was probably the most important factor.


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I blame the Internet, truthfully. Though the Brits were pretty aggressive colonizers.

Ik akusan dijn Internät, konfactan. Mar, dijn Britisch vast musho kriegzoek kolonizjenas.


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English is the global Lingua Franca because of an extended period of time involving British global hegemony followed by American global hegemony. More people are able to speak English than any other language.

A German might not speak Hindi and an Indian might not speak German. There's a good chance they both speak English though, so they'll communicate that way. In the event a culture like China becomes the global hegemon, English is widespread enough it would be useful to just keep using it when dealing with foreigners.

The internet is just reinforcing a structure that was already in place.

English isn't intrinsically better than any other language, it's just kind of what's happened. Learning other languages has merit in that you can interact with the cultures the language is from in a more direct manner.


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>English isn't intrinsically better than any other language, it's just kind of what's happened. Learning other languages has merit in that you can interact with the cultures the language is from in a more direct manner.


English is the most useful by virtue of history, and it's the language of international trade.

Also learning more than one language is not just useful for that, but also a form of neurological exercise.


Modern English ONLY exists because of the extremely strong push of French and Latin history propping it up.

Note: 30% or so of English vocabulary is of a French origin. And 30% or so of English vocabulary has evolved from Latin.

Thus, the vast majority of intellectual communication in English comes about due to "the Romance languages' cultures". Even though, yes, structurally English is still an offspring of proto-Germanic communications.

The English are the mutant grandchildren of the French with some Greeks, some Italians, some Spaniards, and the like, in a big way, due to the influence of the Roman Empire and its melting pot nature.


English is American though



yes, or wat about ancient greek?


...that sounds kind-of like normative cultural ethical relativisism-think to me


eh, it's alright


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>...that sounds kind-of like normative cultural ethical relativisism-think to me

It's just historical linguistics. Like how a lot of European nobility spoke French regardless of their holdings or how Italian is a homonculus a bunch of cities invented to pretend to be a country.


When you think about it greek works well as a language of science because of it's highly synthetic nature.

Like. We call it a telephone, derived from Greek τῆλεφωνή. This is not the name of the device the ancient greeks used to call each other. Rather Greek words can be synthesized on the fly without an exact dictionary definition, so you can describe inventions that there is no name for succinctly without being cringe.

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