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<Women are less intelligent than men. That means that women should have jobs that require much less mentally, such as working at home. This also protects men.>

Are all of these claims coming from many American football players the past few days correct? Are they wrong? What factual evidence exists to support these young athletic men's views, if any? Do you think that they're just being silly?


IIRC, the evidence mostly points to the average IQ of men being roughly equal to the average IQ of women. But the standard deviation is greater for men than women, meaning that there are both more geniuses and more retards on the male side.


American football players are not really experts in this area, i see no reason to investigate claims made by them.

More than being just silly, i would say they're being unintelligent themselves. I know there are some smart football players out there, but many players get into their school of choice not because they have a high GPA.


Like even if there was a scientific basis for that, the idea that it makes women, or any race for that matter, unsuitable for any challenging tasks is preposterous.

> That means that women should have jobs that require much less mentally, such as working at home. This also protects men.
Anyone who comes to this conclusion is just a braindead idiot.


>the idea that it makes women, or any race for that matter, unsuitable for any challenging tasks is preposterous.


Has there ever been an academic study published that ever stated that the average female IQ is lower than the average male IQ? I'm not personally aware of this ever happening in history. At the same time, if anybody has ever seen this, out of curiosity I'd like to know.




The first link is fascinating in that the author argues against a scientific consensus that there's no difference in average intelligence but the author also seems to be taking the position that the gap is so incredibly small, to the point of being less than 3 IQ points, that it's essentially meaningless practically even if it truly exists in a biological sense. To me, it's a tiny gap that's nowhere near the gigantic variance that would support the American football players' view that women should avoid paid work and stay in kitchens. I suppose the author's take even reinforces my personal view that the means for both men and women are likely the same.

I would look at the second but 'X' works weirdly on my phone so I suppose I'll not do that (no offense to you).


If I recall correctly, women sit more in the middle of the curve of intelligence, whereas men make up the extreme ends.
So the stupidest people are oft men, as well as the smartest.


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Yeah, that IQ gap is rather small.
Only major difference is in spatial reasoning.

>I would look at the second but 'X' works weirdly on my phone
Here's a screenshot of the tweet and the link:


I could believe that.

Oh. I see.


it's not true... learned it in high school, and philosophers have been saying it for 1000s of years


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Ah yes, the macho men of the world are telling us what women are and are not and a bunch of wannabe macho losers are believing it. A tale as old as time.

IQ doesn't define intelligence though. IQ is a measure of logical reasoning. To say logical reasoning is intelligence is to say a wheel is a car.

Women would outperform men in an accurate emotional reasoning test. That doesn't mean men are dumb, just that their expertise more naturally lies elsewhere.

Some of it's nurture, too. The existence of gender roles precludes any 'fair' analysis of either sex's intelligence. Women aren't always pushed to develop logical reasoning, just as men aren't always pushed to develop emotional intelligence.

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