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File: 1715601891784.png (169.55 KB, 575x444, 575:444, Smells-Like-AI-Generated-U….png) ImgOps Google

Have you ever tried to express what you think about modern politics in some kind of creative piece, no matter how silly, experimental, inconsistent, or whatever else you might've thought it seems in retrospect?

Like do you think you can represent your viewpoints in a concrete way? I guess we can try that here? Maybe?


File: 1715615826308.png (3.4 MB, 1335x1263, 445:421, zxczc.png) ImgOps Google

AI art is shit and I'm tired of seeing it.


Ive seen the "pencil is a slur" crowd be very upset recently.
It really is just the worst.


It depends. Is the OP pic supposed to be an example of something creative?


I disagree. The generic, basic bitch stuff from your typical free generator? Sure. Especially since most of that isn't even the midway decent shit, and is basically three generations behind barely functional thanks to corpo meddling.

But universally? Definitely not.
The results you can get on a home rig with proper artist mixes, models, LORAs, and a bit of inpainting on mild details is amazing. To say nothing of more advance techniques, like feeding a rough template, multiple prompts in a piece, model fusions, and the ilk. And that's assuming a typical gamers PC, not even a dedicated genning rig.

Don't let the basic bitch normie tier midwits define a medium.


Pick up a pencil loser.


How compelling.
In truth, this attitude from artists is a large part why I care little for their complaints.
Especially given they never bothered to speak up against the myriad of automation elsewhere.
A general rule, perhaps, but a bad attitude will inevitably make people applaud your downfall.


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Good for you.


>good for you
Nothing I said had anything to do with me. I spoke to the medium as a whole, without any mention of anything relating to myself, my experiences, or abilities.

If you're not going to bother reading and dismiss my post out of hat, just say nothing.
No need to be a condescending asshole.


File: 1715893673666.png (3.4 MB, 1335x1263, 445:421, zxczc.png) ImgOps Google

Good for you.


>No need to be a condescending asshole.



I've painted various things, drawn various things on paper, and also doodled various things electronically.

This clearly means that my wingo-wango is much bigger than yours.



Ai can draw better than you can


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Ai can do it in a few seconds too


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.. Is that really a bad thing?


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AI art is shit and I'm tired of seeing it.



You think it's all shit, because you're only looking at a specific set. A surface-level look, at best.
It'd be like saying all anime's shit, because your only exposure to anime is the basic-bitch slice-of-life harem shows.
Or claiming fiction as a whole is trash, because you only read some discount bin women's smut novel about gay vampires.


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In what way is it shit?


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Depends on what it's trying to copy. Generally there's a plastic sheen that's unrealistic, fucked up proportions, environments that look off, uncalley valley, I just think it looks bad. "Boomer art" has been an apt description of the medium.


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AI art is a tool for grifters to fool people into thinking effort has been put into something, while churning out trash at minimal expense.


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>Generally there's a plastic sheen that's unrealistic
Which isn't necessary at all, and is just a consequence of the style people're wanting.
It's most present in 'free' models, because, as you might expect, they're basic and designed to appeal to the average.

> fucked up proportions
Entirely dependent on the parameters, and solved with inpainting besides.
Again, it's something present in the common fare, because these don't do anything but take a prompt because they're designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, not people inclined to do anything remotely technical.

>environments that look off,
Same as above, though with the added caveat that a background isn't even necessary, and these systems are perfectly capable of making a simple background piece.

>uncalley valley,
Entirely on the model, for that one. It's the same fare. People're taking the most obvious, easy, basic-bitch fare. So they're having AI work with 'realistic' stuff, because that appeals to the common folk who lack imagination.

You're functionally pointing at fingerpainting, and saying the entire medium of paint is garbage, here.
It's woefully ignorant, with the kind of empty-headed ignorance you'd expect from some crotchety old-timer telling you how kids these days're all lazy layabouts.
Making the 'boomer art' comparison all the more ironic, I might add.


Set up SD yourself, and see how long it'll take you to get decent results.
Don't use a guide; After all, if it's so easy, you ought be able to do it on your own, without the aid of others, right?


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>Slop AI picture


File: 1717061689403.jpg (92.45 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 8622b89ec842bb5ae9db8294b5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>"E-everything AI makes is all the same!!! Th-theyre all uncanny plastic!!! Their environments all look off!! The proportions!!!"
<Shows an example that doesn't have any of these issues


File: 1717062023018.png (3.4 MB, 1335x1263, 445:421, zxczc.png) ImgOps Google

>Background has fabric floating and in weird unnatural shapes
>Armor doesn't make sense
>Fucked up characters that aren't Japanese floating for no reason from whatever art it stolen it from
>Fur/feathers appear randomly

Bro, I'm happy you like whatever this is, but all I see is shit.


Well there's examples out of there for people doing stuff with minimal effort.

In the hands of a creative person, AI can be a valuable tool. But the common grifter will still abuse it for whatever shitty goal they set out to reach.


File: 1717091767893.jpg (73.39 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 2c65456aef1c28afc546925a30….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

The fur seems to continue about how you'd expect. I don't see at all what you mean, there.
>armor doesn't make sense
It's a simple pauldron and breastplate you'd see from most any fantasy fare.

The background cloth I'll grant you, but then the background as a whole has a tapestry-esque fabric vibe to it, so it doesn't feel particularly unnatural.

>muh stolen characters


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That's all well and good, but saying people use a tool for bad ends is very different from declaring it to be what the tool "is".

Both 'grifter' and creative can make use of it. Much as most any medium.


On phone, different name.

The fur penetrates the center of the "chest plate" and under the armpit.

The way the plates line up doesn't make sense, lack symmetry on the shoulder, and has patterns that aren't symmetrical either.

It's the first thing I saw and thought it looked bad.

Character referring to the Japanese language, not that this is some character/OC that was used.

Stolen being in reference to these AI programs notoriously scraping data from other images without the original artists permission.

Again, happy you can't see the glaring flaws in most AI. I still think it looks like shit.


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>accidentally swipe too far up
>entire post lost
Son of a bitch.

I guess it's too much to ask this place have a quick reply window like every other image board, huh...

Well to quickly recap so I don't have to write all that again; the fur around the armpit seem to be coming from what would be the gap for that arm.
I'd agree the patterning is a little rough, but, so is most 'traditional' stuff. Fantasy patterns tend to be rather nonsensical.

>Character referring to the Japanese language, not that this is some character/OC that was used.
I know. Probably should've made it more clear, but that's what added to the absurdity.

>Stolen being in reference to these AI programs notoriously scraping data from other images without the original artists permission.
Which at best relates to the dataset, and not the result.
That particular fake character doesn't belong to anyone.
It isn't taken from anything.
That's not how AI works.

I will grant you probably meant it differently but it has the same weight as the people who claim piracy is equivalent to stealing a car.
Less so really since that's a direct 1 to 1 copy.  Regardless it is effectively just using the word stealing for the emotional appeal not the actual meaning.



File: 1717095897775.png (16.33 KB, 776x229, 776:229, quick reply.PNG) ImgOps Google

> I guess it's too much to ask this place have a quick reply window like every other image board, huh...

It should be here


File: 1717097954986.jpg (184.55 KB, 1080x733, 1080:733, Screenshot_20240530_153851.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Just tapped it on, but it didn't seem to do anything, even after a refresh.
Does it not work on mobile?


File: 1717100777713.png (3.4 MB, 1335x1263, 445:421, zxczc.png) ImgOps Google

Doesn't look like it.


Could be worth notifying this on /canterlot/


File: 1717102146350.png (3.4 MB, 1335x1263, 445:421, zxczc.png) ImgOps Google

Never-mind, refreshed the page, the quick reply box doesn't appear until you scroll down the thread.

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