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Is this the fundamental turning point? "One man, one vote, once"?


Can you elaborate your point?

Is this a discussion on whether Trump presidency would end the democratic election process?

Are these statistics refuting the thought that Trump will be president for life as it's the majority siding with an election being present in 2028?
Or is it frightening that over 1/3 people already resign themselves to not having an election ever after the 2024 one?


It's a question of whether or not Trump and the Republicans are being honest that the next election will be the last one ever should they win.

Personally, I believe them.


Some people have very short AI timelines, but personally, I don't think we will get paperclipped before 2028.


> It's a question of whether or not Trump and the Republicans are being honest that the next election will be the last one ever should they win.

I'm hoping you feel that it is a bad thing.


The fact that half of Americans or so refuse to live, work, shop, etc with people of other religions and races has tempered my faith in whether or not U.S. democracy is worth trying to save or not.

Nonetheless, I still root for a Trump loss and will work personally towards that even in a small way since I think he can be stopped from establishing himself as dictator should he clearly fail to get the vote.


>half of Americans or so refuse to live, work, shop, etc with people of other religions and races
[Citation needed]


I feel like that applies to this whole discussion, honestly.
I'm left scratching my head. Especially why I should care about a poll of twitter randos, at that.


I have to wonder what would happen if a bunch of states coming November just announce to not open any voting booths and just declare their pick (Trump or Biden) as the absolute winner?

Will the people take to the street to protest this?
Or will the average person just be very thankful they get to stay in bed and not care about the elections?


Even if the state legislature uses some method other than popular vote to select its presidential electors, a popular vote would still be required to select representatives for the House of Representatives.  "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature."

The Constitution does not require a popular vote for presidential electors: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors...".  In the early days of the republic, some state legislatures did in fact directly select the state's presidential electors.

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