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What should be done to secure America's borders against illegal immigration?
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ChatGPT thinks that breeding dinosaurs to patrol the border is "a fictional idea more suited to a science fiction scenario".
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>>12825>Improve the channels where illegal immigrants can apply for citizenship.How do?
>>12826>>12827There are lots of issues with our immigration system, but how would fixing those problems keep out the millions of people who are trying to enter the country over the southern border?
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1) Try to work with and ally with south american countries to stabilize them politically and economically to hopefully lessen the amount of people who want to immigrate to the US specifically.
2) Just... make legal migration easier? Would need to increase funding to properly process all of the migrants properly, but I feel like that's a better use of funding than just militarizing the border.
>how would fixing those problems keep out the millions of people who are trying to enter the country over the southern border?
It wouldn't keep them out It would let them in in a way that isn't a chaotic and dangerous mess.
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>>12829>It wouldn't keep them outDon't most voters want to reduce the amount of migrants from less-developed countries?
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>>12832Well, I guess what I really meant was not "most voters" but rather how the issue would play out in electoral college.
>>12832>>1283145% think that it is a crisis, and an additional 30% think it is "very serious". No.12836
So the statement is actually:
>IF held to a vote in the electoral college, wouldn't the results of the vote to resolve to hold the opinion to want to reduce the amount of migrants from less-developed countries?Sorry I worded that awkwardly. Parsing this is hard. I can see why you said the wrong thing the first time when I try to make it sound like something a normal person would say, but I think I got the sentiment.
>>12837I'm not sure about prison. Prison in the US is often a better life than a lot of living situations in central and south American countries.
Especially for immigrants who are coming here to escape danger, poverty, and so on, prison would likely be a blessing to them.
>>12823One of the best ways is to punish people who hire those here illegally.
When there's no work, there's significantly less reason to enter a nation illegally, after all.
Else, mostly it's just making sure your boarder's got means to prevent movement. While it is difficult to do so for a large stretch of land, there are certainly ways, especially in this modern era. Drones make monitoring significant stretches easy, for example.
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>>12842Just because Trump doesn't want Biden to get credit for helping solve the crisis doesn't mean that it isn't a crisis. Trump is certainly the type of person who would inflict pain on the rest of the country if it benefits him.
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send the illegals flying back to Mexico

>>12828"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
I'm an American. I believe in the ideal to strive for. I don't want to keep these people out. I do want them to come through the proper channels. I want there to be no valid reason for people who share my ideals to be unable come in a timely manner. This doesn't have to come at the cost of no border security, which is also important. There are criminals who want to do their dirty business, but an efficient border crossing would also defang their efforts to exploit desperation.
If the people coming believe in republicanism, believe in upholding our systems, will uphold the constitution, believe in working towards the
dream, then they are people I want as my countrymen.
I think a lot of times that we just need an Israel-x-Palestine style division in America, becoming two states for two people that cannot coexist.
Let Republicans create a New Dixie whereby anybody living there (or attempting to immigrate there) who happens to be not white, not straight, not Christian, not cisgender, not productively able-bodied, and so on is quickly expelled a great distance away under the punishment of being immediately shot by the Government Action Against Vice And For Virtue Squad (the same squad that beats you up if you smoke weed, look at internet pornography, kiss a member of the same sex, or otherwise violate Christian family values in New Dixie).
And then let the rest of what is still America have a standard legal immigration process whereby anybody either reasonably skilled or willing to become skilled can become citizens through a rational application and checking process with fairly administered borders, with a lot of Border Patrol agents and temporary holding facilities all about... applying a centrist and moderate policy that we'd have had under President Mitt Romney or President John McCain.
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>>12850Nah. The Neo Dixiecrats can go to Putin's little Potemkin villages he's making for them. The Union shall not surrender an inch of soil.
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I think we should just start eating them. Think about it, immigrants come here with their juicy fat and muscle ready to commit crimes and send money back from America to their home countries. How many people would really want to come to America if they ran the risk of being tossed into a stew? We could finally have authentic Mexican Taco Bell. With the little demand of human meat and the abundance of immigrant-cattle we have at our disposal, the prices of pork, chicken, beef, lamb, ect would drop dramatically, stabilizing our economy further.
>>12823One of the simplest methods to curbing large amounts of illegal immigration is to ensure there's no work for them
Harsh punishments to employers who willfully hire them, fines and restrictions for those who do so claiming ignorance, and routine investigation into taxation and sales records for these businesses would make for a massive decrease.
It won't solve things fully, but that would significantly dampen it, and require less effort on the boarder itself.
As to that boarder; Barbed wire is probably one of the better methods. Wire isn't as troublesome as a wall, and yet is quite difficult to pass through. Even if you do, it makes for obvious entry points, and also functions to bottleneck that access to those breaches.
A cheap, but effective method.
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I think that Trump was on the right
track with building the wall.
>>12868>ensure there's no work for themThe U.S. Republican Party, the U.S. conservative movement, and the U.S. big business community all combined would rather see America die via thermonuclear civil war than have corporations prevented from hiring illegal aliens.
My God, like, even Donald Trump of all people deliberately has had his business organizations employ illegal aliens.
I personally would like to go after greedy law-breaking uber-capitalists as well, indeed, but I don't know how you could do that in modern day American short of Congress and the Presidency being overthrown by a military dictatorship imposing socialism through utter force. This legal change would be about as difficult as abolishing slavery in the 1800s in terms of extremely radical social change. I don't know how you'd even begin. At the same time, I'm not even going to pretend to argue against your idea of cracking down on illegal labor practices because it seems as clearly correct as saying that 2+2=4 to me.
>>12874Well, you've hit the nail on the head, in many respects. It's the reason this crisis exists, as you point out. Business connections to politics is disastrous. Ironically Trump is about the only one I trust that way, if only because his net worth went down.
As to solutions, I'll admit I'm biased on this but secession does seem the best solution.
Big business owns the federal government, and the aparatuses of the state enforces the will of the not of the people but instead the elite.
The will of the people is in active opposition to those wills. So, abandoning the rule by those aparati is the necessary solution.
>>12882Yes, the clear-cut solution at a conceptual level is to make big business own less and less of the government such that over time this shrinking of power becomes dramatic.
I won't say that Americans are doomed, because we really aren't, but I'll admit that personally I don't know what would be the first several steps to making this happen. As in what has to happen first to give big business less ownership of the federal government. I'd say that, at least in theory, this problem is indeed solvable.
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>>12973ChatGPT says it's still illegal.
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>>12973As far as I recall the Trump administration made it more difficult for those at the boarder seeking asylum. Basically forcing them to stay in Mexico while their case drags out. Logically speaking it makes more sense to cross the boarder illegally first, then when you're inside THEN seek asylum.
>>12976Didn't it used to be that you were only obligated asylum in the nearest boardering nation, anyways?
I don't get why people're traveling across the entire planet to get here, claiming to be fleeing some war not in the dozen countries they've crossed through.
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>>12977>>12978ChatGPT says that it is nuanced. Pic related.