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A place for civilized animals
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This is a thread for opinions on transgenderism for animals who consent to view and share opinions on transgenderism.

I have the opinion that adults should be allowed to assert a gender or pronoun preference among groups of adults who consent to adults in the group asserting a gender or pronoun preference, where state power allows this to happen.  Adults should be able to prefer not to maintain contact with others who don't respect their pronouns, again where state power allows.  I have no opinions about children; I consider that other people's business.  I don't have opinions about groups of adults who do not consent to see or conform to pronoun preferences of other adults, except that they should not seek independent destruction of groups of adults who consent to adults in the group asserting a gender or pronoun preference, for the reason of those adults seeing, asserting, or respecting pronoun preferences.

You may agree or disagree with my opinion, with or without amplification, or express your own opinion, if such expression follows applicable site rules and law.

Happy discussing!


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Given some purposefully inciteful posting in townhall surrounding this topic, and the bad faith engagement i have seen, i am preemptively locking this thread, and issuing a warning that any further inciteful behavior will be met with a ban.

i think we've been generous in allowing the discussions to happen, but they've become increasingly mean spirited, shifting further and further away from the rather strict rules we have here on /townhall/.

The staff is discussing whether to permanently disallow this topic in the future, in light of the constant bad faith engagement we've seen around it.

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