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I feel like I've been doing a bad job about creating threads.  I need to create simpler and clearer debate threads.  My thoughts are sometimes confused, so let's focus less on me.

Now, I'm picking this from a list of easy debate topics: https://noisyclassroom.com/debate-topics/

Debate Assertion: It is better to live in the countryside


Probably we are all complicated people and it's impossible to explain the things that actually concern us succinctly.  You can't package that kind of stuff, and...it's often something you don't *actually* want to debate, anyway.  It's about rights and identity and stuff -- and you don't want to be told you're wrong.  I should be making middle-school type debate threads, I think.


>Debate Assertion: It is better to live in the countryside

Interesting premise, but what's your reasoning?


Currently I am providing the service of thread creation.  I have no interest in convincing anyone one lifestyle is better than another.


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> I have no interest in convincing anyone one lifestyle is better than another.
Which I guess is debating in opposition to OP's assertion, technically.  People have different needs and desires in life, so a global judgement on this kind of thing is inappropriate.  And if the city or country is bad in general, it's probably a social choice or series of social choices and those choices might be reversible.  I could talk about myself and my experiences and needs, but that is anecdotal and inappropriate for this thread.

I'm not sure that's quite a debate.  My goal was to pick a clear topic I don't care very much about.

(The image is not meant to have anything to do with the politics or military engagements of Russia.  Maybe I made another error in using it.)


Depends on what you're after, but in the modern era, it's really hard to say otherwise.
Country living seems to beat city life on every major item.


I see.  I know there are places in an urban/suburban environment where leaving your residence for non-essential reasons will be met with suspicion or incur unneeded danger, especially in times of low ambient light (even though the place is so light-polluted that it's not that hard to see).  Many outdoor activities such as going to parks, getting exercise, or astrophotography are unsafe.

But these places are nearby work and you don't need a car.

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