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Coming across certain comics have made me wonder if I even want, truly, to have cats in my current apartment.

What do you think about pets? Or... what has happened to you lately?


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This probably will make me look like a horrible person...

But my ex has proposed some while ago that she's thinking about taking back the bearded dragon. My daughter has confided in her that she doesn't really feel like taking care of him, so in the end I am just ending up taking care of him.

And it's like "I kind of forced you to take care of him as a birthday gift, but maybe it's better if I just take him back."

Not very proud right now....
(I personally dont mind taking care of him and he does provide good company. But my daughter doesn't like me interfering as much)



It probably depends on the pet. Each pet has its own personality.


I suppose unplanned life changes are just a thing that happens a lot, like that, and there's no easy solution more or less ever. Best of luck to you.

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